2300 evenings and mornings will end on 1st Nisan 2027

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Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?
And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

(Daniel 8:13,14)

First, this prophecy was never fulfilled, because it is written that it refers to distant times:

And the vision of the evenings and mornings Which has been told is true; But as for you, keep the vision secret, Because it pertains to many days in the future. (Daniel 8:26 - NASB)

Second, this is a complex prophecy, the sum of 2300 evenings and mornings is formed by adding together the unequal parts for evenings and mornings. 1010 evenings and 1290 mornings together give 2300. But it is necessary to explain correctly what is the "abomination of desolation" for each evening, and what is the "abomination of desolation" for each morning.

It should be said right away that this prophecy cannot in any way relate to the Third Temple described in Ezekiel, chapters 40-48. Because there will be no daily evening sacrifices in Ezekiel's Temple.

"The evening sacrifice" is Jesus Christ, who died on the cross in the evening. The denial of this Sacrifice by Judaism is a sign of the "abomination of desolation" for each day of such denial.

The Day of the Lord, the Millennial Kingdom, begins in the "morning", with the entrance into the eastern gate of the Third Temple of the chosen saints, in whom Jesus Christ will be incarnated at the Second Coming. These saints from the nations are the "morning sacrifice" to God. The denial of this Sacrifice of the saints will be the "abomination of desolation" for each day of such denial. Only Judaism denies the "evening sacrifice" of Jesus Christ, but both Judaism and Christianity will deny the "morning sacrifice" of the saints.

"the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot" - "the sanctuary" is God in Jesus Christ, "the host" is the saints.

From what moment should the counting of the evenings and mornings of such denial of Christ and the saints begin?

There is a God-appointed time for the construction of the Third Temple. It was set in Daniel's prophecy of the weeks.

Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. (Daniel 9:25)

of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem -
- "the commandment" - is spoken of as an oral command, in no way as a written decree!
- "to restore and to build Jerusalem" - it is said about the heavenly Jerusalem, not about the earthly one!

What is the heavenly Jerusalem? The definition of the heavenly (new) Jerusalem is given in the prophecy of Isaiah:

For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.
But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.

(Isaiah 65:17,18)

This is also written in Revelation:

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

(Revelation 21:1,2)

In both cases, it is not a literal heaven, nor a physical earth, nor a material Jerusalem. All of these things are located INSIDE the human heart: our ideas about heavenly things, our ideas about carnal things, our joy about the works of God in this world.

The New Jerusalem is a heavenly, spiritual city. It is located in another dimension, the dimension of the spirit. This "city" appears when our hearts are filled with the joy of the Lord.

Now that we know that the 69 weeks were to be initiated by a verbal command, not a written decree, and that the result of that command was to be joy in the hearts of believers, we solve the riddle of the 7 and 62 weeks.

The starting point for the period of 7 and 62 weeks is the oral command of King Artaxerxes, which he spoke to Esther and Mordecai on Nisan 16, 452 BCE. King Artaxerxes said:

Write ye also for the Jews, as it liketh you, in the king's name, and seal it with the king's ring: for the writing which is written in the king's name, and sealed with the king's ring, may no man reverse. (Esther 8:8)

And the result of this ORAL command was the resurrection of Jesus Christ, on the 16th of Nisan, 32 AD, exactly 7+62=69 weeks (483 years) after this command of the king.

Here we must also explain about the 7 weeks. The 7 ordinary weeks are counted from the First Sheaf, brought on the 16th of Nisan, until the holiday of Shavuot (Pentecost). This is a hint at the period after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples.

The 70th week was not after the 7+62 weeks, but before that! This week began from the time of Esther's acceptance as a candidate for queen, when she was taken to the house under the supervision of the royal eunuchs.

So, all 70 weeks were fully fulfilled on 16 Nisan 32 A.D., in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. When on this day the disciples learned of the resurrection of their Teacher, their hearts were filled with joy, Jerusalem was restored in their hearts.

Therefore, the last verse of Daniel's prophecy speaks of a completely different week:

And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. (Daniel 9:27)

But first we must correct the mistranslation of this verse.

The Masoretic text does not contain the word "he" here. The correct translation could be:

And one week shall confirm the covenant for many, in the middle of the week the sacrifice and offering will cease, and on the surface of the sanctuary there will be an abomination of desolation, and the final, predestined destruction will befall the desolator. (Daniel 9:27 - my translation)

This "one week" is completely different from the usual 7-year cycles. It is a super-week, where the number of days in 7 standard lunar years is replaced by the number of years: 7 x 354 = 2,478 years. The counting starts from the same time as the 70 weeks: from Esther's admission into the house under the care of the king's eunuchs, from 459 BCE.

This super week ended in Nisan (March) 2020. The end of this period was marked by an exceptional event in world history: the global lockdown due to the Covid epidemic.
Then the usual, next seven-year week began, and the second half of this week began in the fall of 2023. Thus, the time was determined by which God expected the Jews and Christians to fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel and build the Third Temple in accordance with His will.

It should be noted that the entire period of the super-week is divided into two parts: before the resurrection of Jesus Christ and after. Before the resurrection, 70 weeks passed. After the resurrection, 284 weeks passed. This is (70+1)x4. According to the law of Moses, a stolen sheep is paid four times (Exodus 22:1).

It turns out that the Jews have already paid four times, and another week has been overpaid as an advance payment. That is, Israel has acquired the right to dispose of the rest of the world at its own discretion. This gives the Jews the opportunity to build the Third Temple in accordance with the prophecy of Ezekiel.
The autumn holidays of the Lord begin on 1 Tishrei, with Yom Teruah (the feast of trumpets). On this day, the eastern gates of the Third Temple should open and the entrance of the chosen ones from the four winds into these gates should begin.

The Third Temple was not built by this date.

The saints were to enter the eastern gate of the Third Temple from Yom Teruah to Yom Kippur, 10 days. After the eastern gate was closed on Yom Kippur, the 7th trumpet would sound and it would be announced that the Lord God had entered that gate:

Then said the Lord unto me; This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter in by it; because the Lord, the God of Israel, hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut. (Ezekiel 44:2)

From this moment, from the 11th day of the 7th month of Tishrei, the countdown of the evenings and mornings of the “abomination of desolation” on the facade of the two religions that deny the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in this Temple was to begin.


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
The Temple was not built, the saints did not enter the eastern gate, but the term appointed by God in the Scripture cannot be cancelled, and the countdown of 2300 evenings and mornings of the abomination of desolation began. At the same time, there is an additional detail about this term: for Christianity this term will be 1290 days.

Christianity does not deny Jesus Christ (the evening Sacrifice). Christianity de facto denies only the Third Temple and the appearance of the saints in this Temple, that is, the "morning sacrifice".

This allows us to establish the term when Judaism will repent: 2300 evenings and mornings - 1290 mornings = 1010 evenings.

Counting forward 1010 evenings, from 11 Tishrei 2023 we get the date of 17 Tammuz 2026, this is the day of fasting in Judaism. Around this date, Judaism must mature to accept Jesus Christ, the Third Temple and the saints who came to this Temple.

Then it turns out that the Third Temple must be built before this date. But the only day of the year when the eastern gate of the Temple can be opened is the 1st day of the 7th month, Yom Teruah (the Feast of Trumpets). That is, we must have time to build the Third Temple by the fall of 2025.

Then, after the Temple is built by September 23, 2025, from that day on Yom Teruah, the messengers of Christ, the saints from all nations, must begin to enter the eastern gate of the Temple. The eastern gate must be closed on Yom Kippur, October 2, 2025. And after that, the bowls of wrath against Judaism and Christianity will begin, which will continue to deny the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which was realized in this Temple.

Judaism will repent by July 2, 2026, the fast of the 17th of Tammuz. In Revelation, Judaism is shown as the "great river Euphrates" that will dry up to open the way for the "kings of the east," for the "lost tribes of Israel" that were resurrected in the people who entered the eastern gate of the Temple. This recognition by the Jews of the saints who came to Israel from the nations will allow the remaining part of the believers in the nations, the "five wise virgins," to make aliyah to Israel to the Lord. This aliyah will last for 3 months:

At that time shall friends fight one against another like enemies, and the earth shall stand in fear with those that dwell therein, the springs of the fountains shall stand still, and in three hours they shall not run. (2 Esdras 6:24)

This is the period between the 6th and 7th vials of wrath. The 7th vial of wrath will be the construction of the city of Yahweh Shammah in Israel. The appearance of the city of Yahweh Shammah should occur on Simchat Torah, on the 8th day of Sukkot, October 3, 2026.

When the city of Yahweh Shammah appears in Israel, then a hail of talented words (Revelation 16:21), emanating from the heavenly Jerusalem, which appeared in three places - in historical Jerusalem, in the Temple in the Judean desert and in the city of Yahweh Shammah - will destroy the prodigal denominations of the Babylon of the Christian religion.

It can be assumed that the end of the abomination of desolation on the facade of Christianity will be the official transition of Christianity to the Jewish calendar of the Lord's feasts. According to the count of 2300 evenings and mornings, this should happen by 1 Nisan 2027.
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Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
Based on this interpretation of the prophecy of 2300 evenings and mornings, we can assume that we are already on the verge of the events of the opening of the first seal of Revelation. Since according to the received scheme the Third Temple should be built by September 23, 2025, the 5th trumpet should be 5 months before that, approximately at the end of April 2025 (the appearance of false evangelists, "locusts").

The most suitable day for the beginning of the opening of the seals seems to be the day of 24 Kislev, that is, December 25, 2024. About this day it is written in the Bible:

And again the word of the Lord came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying,
Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth;
And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.
In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the Lord, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the Lord of hosts.

(Haggai 2:20-23)

This day is the "zero" day of Hanukkah. On the holiday of Hanukkah, Jews light a special lamp, the Hanukkiah, every evening. First, they light a special candle, the "shamash", which stands on the lamp above the other candles. From this "shamash" candle, on the first evening, they light another candle, on the second evening - another 2 candles, and so on, until on the 8th day of Hanukkah, all the other 8 candles of the Hanukkiah are lit from the "shamash" candle. That is, this custom symbolizes the Awakening.

If at the very beginning the Jews lit only one "shamash" candle, without lighting other candles from it, then this should have been the "zero" day of Hanukkah. Since Hanukkah is celebrated from the 25th of Kislev, the “zero” day of Hanukkah will be exactly the 24th of Kislev, it was on this day that the prophet Haggai received the word of the Lord that God would shake heaven and earth, overthrowing the thrones and power of the pagan kingdoms.

Then we have the right to expect the beginning of the removal of seals from the evening of December 25, 2024.

The topic of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is very complex, and for reference I will provide here links to related topics on this forum, where I have tried to show the most important points that have been missed by Christian theologians:

The Third (Ezekiel's) Temple of Israel, Project 1534

Solution 1335 Days to Blessing

The Rapture of the Church is not to Heaven

The Voices of the Seven Thunders and the Death of the Two Witnesses

The Seven Churches of Revelation Now

The day begins in the morning, for Jesus was born on the 8th day of Tishrei

Hesus kadosh la-Yahweh, The White Horse of Revelation

42 months of the beast is Kil'ayim
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
The most suitable day for the beginning of the opening of the seals seems to be the day of 24 Kislev, that is, December 25, 2024. About this day it is written in the Bible:
As December 25th is only 15 days away, I do not believe that Kislev 24 this year, will be the Day the Lord will arise to destroy His enemies.
Some Prophesies must take place first, such as Judah losing their leaders; Isaiah 3:1-7, Micah 5:1, etc. [ Hanukkah actually will be celebrated on Dec 26th 2024] [[so don't blame the Grinch!]]

We do not and cannot know the Day of the Lords vengeance and wrath, a forthcoming worldwide disaster of a similar magnitude as Noahs Flood.


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
As December 25th is only 15 days away, I do not believe that Kislev 24 this year, will be the Day the Lord will arise to destroy His enemies.
Some Prophesies must take place first, such as Judah losing their leaders; Isaiah 3:1-7, Micah 5:1, etc. [ Hanukkah actually will be celebrated on Dec 26th 2024] [[so don't blame the Grinch!]]

We do not and cannot know the Day of the Lords vengeance and wrath, a forthcoming worldwide disaster of a similar magnitude as Noahs Flood.
The beginning of the general collapse of religion can be from a rather inconspicuous event. Well, for example, if Benjamin Netanyahu suddenly announced that they were going to build the Third Temple. This could cause a violent reaction among Christians, Muslims and Jews within a few days, and then unpredictable consequences in the world. I don’t think the Prime Minister will announce anything like that, but there are other options.

The event of “shamash” occurs on the “zero” day of Hanukkah, it is like the Lamb who takes the book from the hand of the One sitting on the throne somewhere in heaven. And immediately after this “zero” day, from the 25th of Kislev, the Awakening begins on earth, which immediately sends the entire Christian religion into disarray. These are the “seals”. And the “trumpets” will begin later, when the wars begin and the Great Crisis breaks out.


Nov 11, 2024
United States
The beginning of the general collapse of religion can be from a rather inconspicuous event. Well, for example, if Benjamin Netanyahu suddenly announced that they were going to build the Third Temple. This could cause a violent reaction among Christians, Muslims and Jews within a few days, and then unpredictable consequences in the world. I don’t think the Prime Minister will announce anything like that, but there are other options.

The event of “shamash” occurs on the “zero” day of Hanukkah, it is like the Lamb who takes the book from the hand of the One sitting on the throne somewhere in heaven. And immediately after this “zero” day, from the 25th of Kislev, the Awakening begins on earth, which immediately sends the entire Christian religion into disarray. These are the “seals”. And the “trumpets” will begin later, when the wars begin and the Great Crisis breaks out.
The reborn RCC is at hand, it’s coming and quickly. this board seems to be so entranced with doctrinal arguments that most people can’t see the forest for the trees.


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
The reborn RCC is at hand, it’s coming and quickly. this board seems to be so entranced with doctrinal arguments that most people can’t see the forest for the trees.
Yes, it is important for us to imagine a logically connected picture of God's Judgment. There are analogies with the First Coming, when the Word of God was rejected by Judaism, because the real embodiment of the Word turned out to be contrary to their expectations. We must remember the sad experience of Judaism, and not create unnecessary illusions for ourselves based on the allegorical images of Scripture. The future for the righteous will indeed be wonderful, and the Bible does not deceive in this. But it deceives those who illegally use Scripture. The Bible is Judith, who cut off the head of a pagan military leader when he wanted to use her for his personal lusts.

I corrected the diagram in the second message. I got the following dates for the construction of the Temple and for the appearance of the city of Yahweh Shammah:



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Yes, it is important for us to imagine a logically connected picture of God's Judgment.
Your diagram is illogical.
The Holy Land must be cleared and cleansed before any city or Temple are built, As many prophesies tell us; there is coming a worldwide disaster, which will virtually depopulate the Middle East and will allow the Christian peoples to go there and live as God always wanted His people to be.
God WILL destroy all the ungodly peoples in all of the area of the holy Land. It is really the only permanent solution to the intractable situation there now.


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
Your diagram is illogical.
The Holy Land must be cleared and cleansed before any city or Temple are built, As many prophesies tell us; there is coming a worldwide disaster, which will virtually depopulate the Middle East and will allow the Christian peoples to go there and live as God always wanted His people to be.
God WILL destroy all the ungodly peoples in all of the area of the holy Land. It is really the only permanent solution to the intractable situation there now.
If the land of Israel had been purified before the Temple was built, there would have been no need to wait for the 6th vial of wrath to repatriate the "lost tribes of Israel", the "kings from the east of the sun", aka the 5 wise virgins. This 9-month delay means that after the entrance of the elect from the four winds into the eastern gate of the Temple, the Jewish people must mature like a fetus in the womb. The human pregnancy period is 9 months. The same period is from Yom Kippur to the fast of 17 Tammuz, when, according to theory, there should be the 6th vial, which will dry up the "great Euphrates River" of Judaism.

Therefore, a struggle is expected for the construction of the Temple in Israel, and among the Jews, as in Christianity, there will be both opponents and supporters of the Temple.


Nov 11, 2024
United States
Yes, it is important for us to imagine a logically connected picture of God's Judgment. There are analogies with the First Coming, when the Word of God was rejected by Judaism, because the real embodiment of the Word turned out to be contrary to their expectations. We must remember the sad experience of Judaism, and not create unnecessary illusions for ourselves based on the allegorical images of Scripture. The future for the righteous will indeed be wonderful, and the Bible does not deceive in this. But it deceives those who illegally use Scripture. The Bible is Judith, who cut off the head of a pagan military leader when he wanted to use her for his personal lusts.

I corrected the diagram in the second message. I got the following dates for the construction of the Temple and for the appearance of the city of Yahweh Shammah:

You still believe in the false moon calender. Yet say that the day begins in the morning? Which is it? Ezekiel plainly calls out the Zadok priests, the Zadokite calender, used in the first temple and will be used in the third temple.


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
You still believe in the false moon calender. Yet say that the day begins in the morning? Which is it? Ezekiel plainly calls out the Zadok priests, the Zadokite calender, used in the first temple and will be used in the third temple.
The calendar of "Sadok" does not exist in nature. There is a Jewish calendar, which the Jews have always used. The beginning of the month was determined by the appearance in the sky of a visible crescent moon. Then they began to use tables.

"Sons of Zadok" is translated as "sons of Justice". This means that the kohanim in the Third Temple will not simply belong to the family of Aaron, but will be righteous. By the way, the Kohanim in the Temple can be taken not by earthly genealogies, but from among the "lost tribes of Israel", who will enter as "the full number of the Gentiles" through the eastern gate of the Temple.


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
Ezekiel plainly calls out the Zadok priests, the Zadokite calender, used in the first temple and will be used in the third temple.
There is much evidence that the Jews used the Jewish calendar with 12/13 months, and not the fictitious "Zadok calendar".

The number of fruits of the spirit in the New Testament is 13, and the 13th fruit is wisdom, and it is not explicitly named as a "fruit". These fruits of the spirit correspond to the earthly trees that will grow near the Temple, and the ripening of the fruits of these trees is associated with the number of months of the year. The 13th month, the Second Adar in a leap year, does not occur every year, and it, like wisdom, is rarer than other fruits of the spirit and months of the year.

The number of tribes of Israel is 12/13, you can notice constant inconsistencies, when for some reason the tribe of Levi is not considered a tribe when dividing the land in the future Israel (Ezekiel 47), or when the tribe of Dan is absent from those who received the seal of the Holy Spirit, but then still appears in the name of one of the gates of the city of Yahweh Shammah.

If we use another calendar, with a number of days in a year not equal to 354, but a solar one, with a number of about 365 days, then the "one week" from the prophecy of Daniel 9:27 is not resolved in Nisan 2020. 365x7=2555, this is 77 more, and then the date of construction of the Third Temple will not fall on the 70th jubilee year of Israel at all (see The Voices of the Seven Thunders and the Death of the Two Witnesses ).

The date of Moses bringing the tablets is calculated according to the lunar calendar, on this basis the date of Jesus Christ's birth is obtained: in the fall, on the 8th day of the 7th month. Counting back according to the lunar calendar to 1-2 Tevet (7-8 days of Hanukkah), we get the date of Jesus' conception by Mary, corresponding to the date of Esther's taking on the bed of King Artaxerxes, and the entire period, 271 days, is quite consistent with the normal period of pregnancy.

The lunar calendar exactly corresponds to Scripture, and references to the date of the flood do not say anything, except that the Jews knew the length of the solar year.

The lunar calendar was much more convenient than the solar one, because everyone could see it in the sky. And discrepancies with the length of the solar year were easily eliminated by adding an additional month. This was much more convenient than a fixed solar calendar, because the celebration of the First Sheaf on the 16th of Nisan required the barley harvest to be ripe by that time, and if spring was delayed, then another month, Second Adar, was simply added. With a solar calendar, this would have been impossible, and in the event of a prolonged winter, the entire religious system would have collapsed: the First Sheaf was not brought - the subsequent Harvest was not sanctified - the tithe from the unsanctified harvest is the tithe of Cain, God will not accept it, and God's people will not receive a blessing.


Nov 11, 2024
United States
The calendar of "Sadok" does not exist in nature. There is a Jewish calendar, which the Jews have always used. The beginning of the month was determined by the appearance in the sky of a visible crescent moon. Then they began to use tables.

"Sons of Zadok" is translated as "sons of Justice". This means that the kohanim in the Third Temple will not simply belong to the family of Aaron, but will be righteous. By the way, the Kohanim in the Temple can be taken not by earthly genealogies, but from among the "lost tribes of Israel", who will enter as "the full number of the Gentiles" through the eastern gate of the Temple.
You didn’t answer the question. If the day starts in the morning how do you suppose a lunar calender?



Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
You didn’t answer the question. If the day starts in the morning how do you suppose a lunar calender?

And how are these connected - the beginning of the day and the lunar month? If in the afternoon someone can see the sharp crescent of the new moon, then these are new moons. In this case, it is necessary to bring the appropriate sacrifices. If the sun is already setting behind the horizon, and there is no longer enough time for sacrifices, then the next day will be declared the first day of the month, and immediately after the morning sacrifice, sacrifices for the new moon will be brought.

Whether the visible disk of the moon will be used to determine the beginning of the month or the tables of new moons will be used - the Kohanim will decide.


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
As December 25th is only 15 days away, I do not believe that Kislev 24 this year, will be the Day the Lord will arise to destroy His enemies.
Some Prophesies must take place first, such as Judah losing their leaders; Isaiah 3:1-7, Micah 5:1, etc. [ Hanukkah actually will be celebrated on Dec 26th 2024] [[so don't blame the Grinch!]]

We do not and cannot know the Day of the Lords vengeance and wrath, a forthcoming worldwide disaster of a similar magnitude as Noahs Flood.
Today, 23 Kislev, a few hours before the Jewish day begins, December 24, 2024 at 11:53 UTC, the NASA space probe made its closest approach to the Sun. Day "zero" of Hanukkah, the shamash candle - "servant", and the sun in Hebrew is shemesh.

God marked this day with a sign connected with Scripture: Hanukkah, Haggai's prophecy about 24 Kislev, the sun as an image of the Messiah-king, and the mediator to the Messiah - "servant" to ignite everyone with the fire of Hanukkah.

Parker Solar Probe

"We are 149 million kilometers from the Sun. And if the Sun and Earth were placed one meter apart, Parker Solar Probe would be four centimeters from the Sun. So that's very close."


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
I just realized about the 1260 days of the woman who fled into the desert.


The 6th bowl of wrath, according to the prophecy of 2300 evenings and mornings, and according to the 1290 days of the abomination of desolation in Christianity, will be in the fast of 17 Tammuz, July 2, 2026. From this day on, the "rapture of the Church" will begin, the aliyah to Israel of the "five wise virgins". This is the return of the woman clothed with the sun. Counting back 1260 days from July 2, 2026, we get February 19, 2023, when there was a sign in the sky: a cloud in the form of a place below the womb of a woman, as it looks a few minutes before the exit of the fetus's head.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Today, 23 Kislev, a few hours before the Jewish day begins, December 24, 2024 at 11:53 UTC, the NASA space probe made its closest approach to the Sun. Day "zero" of Hanukkah, the shamash candle - "servant", and the sun in Hebrew is shemesh.

God marked this day with a sign connected with Scripture: Hanukkah, Haggai's prophecy about 24 Kislev, the sun as an image of the Messiah-king, and the mediator to the Messiah - "servant" to ignite everyone with the fire of Hanukkah.
Now it's December 27th, so Kislev 24 this year is another non-event.
But we must remain on high alert as things are very volatile in the Middle East and in the Ukraine. Iran is also extremely dangerous, as their leadership faces internal opposition and huge losses to their proxy entities. Their Spiritual power, their Allah, will drive them to attempt to nuke Israel. Psalms 7:12-16, will be the result. Isaiah 63:1-6 describes it: The sudden and disastrous Day of the Lords fiery wrath. Rev 6:12-17, +


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
Now it's December 27th, so Kislev 24 this year is another non-event.
But we must remain on high alert as things are very volatile in the Middle East and in the Ukraine. Iran is also extremely dangerous, as their leadership faces internal opposition and huge losses to their proxy entities. Their Spiritual power, their Allah, will drive them to attempt to nuke Israel. Psalms 7:12-16, will be the result. Isaiah 63:1-6 describes it: The sudden and disastrous Day of the Lords fiery wrath. Rev 6:12-17, +
Since there was a sign in the sky, the closest approach of a NASA satellite to the Sun, we cannot say that the event did not happen. This satellite was prepared by people, and God organized the events so that they formed a meaningful connection with the holiday of Hanukkah and especially with the "zero" day of 24 Kislev. Signs are given to us so that we can distinguish the time in which we live.

It happens that events that seem insignificant now later cause major tectonic shifts. Hanukkah is not over yet. Trump has not yet ascended the throne. It is not for nothing that it is written:

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the Trump of God ...


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Since there was a sign in the sky, the closest approach of a NASA satellite to the Sun, we cannot say that the event did not happen
What man, or NASA does, has nothing to do with Bible Prophecy.
We will surely know when the real Prophesied event happens.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the Trump of God ...
1 Thessalonians 4:16, is a Prophecy about the glorious Return of Jesus. At least 10 years after the Lords Day of fiery wrath.


Nov 20, 2024
North Caucasus
Russian Federation
What man, or NASA does, has nothing to do with Bible Prophecy.
We will surely know when the real Prophesied event happens.
God measures out the time by giving us signs. These milestones are conditional, because the process of the Judgment itself is eternal. The conditional death of the "two witnesses", because the "two witnesses" are two world religions. The conditional birth of the "male child" by the "woman clothed with the sun", because this "woman" is the Church, and people faithful to God have always been and are. The conditional flight of the woman into the desert, because there have always been flights into the desert: Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus. God through a cloud in Turkey, through a NASA satellite, through earthquakes in Sumatra, simply gave us milestones so that we could see and prepare.
1 Thessalonians 4:16, is a Prophecy about the glorious Return of Jesus. At least 10 years after the Lords Day of fiery wrath.
On October 2, 2025, the Lord will descend from heaven. The dead will be raised before July 2, 2026. Then there will be a rapture of the Church for three months, until October 3, 2026. The signs show this sequence. The temple must be built by September 23, 2025.