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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Let me show you a trap.... A spiritual trap.

Its this...
You get saved, born again. So, now you are eternally secure.
But then, you have to learn how to perfect your discipleship....and that is not to learn how to try to be good.

So, you find some church, and the pastor is a heretic. But you dont know it, because you are a new Christian, and you think that a pastor must be telling the truth, and must be a bible scholar, as how can he not be as he has a CHURCH.
Well, sorry no. Many "ministers", are devout liars, deceived, greedy, and will ruin your faith.

So, lets say you are not trapped there....but you have been told early in your born again experience....."yes you will sin and confess, as that is how it goes".
See that?
Thats a deceived person, pretending to be a Christian who told you that, ....or may be a real Christian who just sent you on you way to a failed discipleship for life.
See, here is what the didnt tell you....because they dont know.... Its this. The Law has power.... Notice.. "The LAW is the power of SIN".
See that? It has SIN power. This means it will drive you to sin more when you try to keep it. This is why """Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law."
See that CURSE? "The Law is the POWER OF SIN".... That is a CURSE TO YOU, if you are under it.
See that? So, if you are a sinning Christian, a habitual sin confessing Christian, it can be that you are being empowered by the LAW and the Commandments, to keep doing that.

See that Spiritual Trap? The LAW... and you trying to keep those commandments and law, for the wrong reason and they are empowering you to sin more.
Why does that happen? Its very simple.. It based on why you are trying to keep the commandments and the law.
If you are trying to keep them to be saved or stay saved, or are trusting in keeping them to get you into heaven, then they will empower your sinning, and you will keep doing it.

So, what am i showing you. ??????
Im showing you that the Law and the Commandments have the power to enflame your sinful desires if you are trying to keep them as your FAITH regarding how to stay saved, or be accepted by God, or go to heaven.
This is what wrong faith produces. It will keep you in the FLESH. And when you are there, your mind is not connected to LIGHT or The Truth of the Gospel and you will be driven to sin because the LAW is the POWER OF SIN.

Reader, if Im talking to you... If you are that sinning and confessing one....then you have to get your FAITH right.
You have to let go of any type of self effort that you are trusting in to try to go to heaven and that includes water baptism.
You have to get away from that carnal self righteous mind, and change your faith so that you only and always believe that Jesus saved you, and keeps you saved, which is why you will go to heaven.
See, that TRUTH is THE TRUTH...but if you dont believe it, then you are not in THAT TRUTH in your FAITH, so your faith, is wrong, broken.
Paul teaches that this believer is "fallen from Grace". "Bewitched" and "in the flesh".
Broken Faith produces sinning and confessing and worse.
You have to exist in correct mind of FAITH, or you will exist in the wrong mind that is self righteous and is trusting in self to try go to heaven.
This is the "mind of the Flesh".
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
If you are born again....and not just a religious water baptized...

What happens when you get your faith right?
What happens when you stop trying to perform for God to be accepted by God.?
What happens when you stop trying to earn your way to heaven?
What happens when you no longer wrongly believe you can lose your salvation?

Here is what happens.

Your FAITH has become ALIVE, and You stop being THIS...
= Jesus Said. ""Apart from me you can do NOTHING"".
See that? And "doing nothing" means..... no spiritual power, because you are existing outside the LIGHT that is found only by existing REAL FAITH.

And when you get your faith right, then God's GRACE enters into your Christianity, and its there that you begin your very first day of real discipleship, even if you have been saved 40 yrs.
And once you are in that RIGHT MIND, of REAL FAITH, (the renewed mind) You will be able to REST from your "trying to" FAILURE...., and will begin to exist as "Christ always gives me the Victory".. over your flesh, the world, and the devil.