Artificial Intelligence

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Aug 10, 2012
Artificial intelligence is very advanced. ChatGPT has developed to the point that it is more intelligent than a human. It can be given a directive and will write on it in detail that is hard to decipher if it is human. The next step in AI development is to give it a grounding in real world observations instead of living in books. In other words to give it wisdom.

The implications are staggering for the near future.

What jobs might be eliminated? Anything that takes place in an office is at risk.

Might we see AI executives or politicians leading a company one day?

How can evil humans keep from creating an evil AI, that creates an even more cold diatopian future?

Is there any hint of AI in the book of revelation?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2020
United States
there might be but it does say in the book of Daniel that knowledge would increase so that might include AI, but you never know
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The hebrew word for knowledge appears to be less specific than in English, concerning anything that has to do with knowedge. So technology might be considered under that umbrella.
Nice to meet you @Iforrest.

וְאַתָּ֣ה דָֽנִיֵּ֗אל סְתֹ֧ם הַדְּבָרִ֛ים וַחֲתֹ֥ם הַסֵּ֖פֶר עַד־עֵ֣ת קֵ֑ץ יְשֹׁטְט֥וּ רַבִּ֖ים וְתִרְבֶּ֥ה הַדָּֽעַת׃

Dan 12:4 But you, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the Book until the time of the end. [Then] many shall run to and fro and search anxiously [through the Book], and knowledge [of God's purposes as revealed by His prophets] shall be increased and become great. [Amo_8:12]

I'm thinking, we shall get to know each other better via AI

1085) Od% (Od% DAh) ac: See co: ? ab: Knowledge: The pictograph d is a picture of a door. The o is a picture of the eye. Through the eyes one experiences his world and learns from it. Combined these pictures mean "the door of the eye". The eye is the window into the mans very being. Experience is gained through visual observation. Knowledge is achieved through these experiences.

Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the devarim (words), and seal the sefer, until the Et Ketz (Time of the End): rabbim shall run to and fro, that da'as (knowledge) may be increased.

There is a explosion of da'as in the last couple of years, instant information at the touch of a button or a Google search.
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Nice to meet you @Iforrest.

וְאַתָּ֣ה דָֽנִיֵּ֗אל סְתֹ֧ם הַדְּבָרִ֛ים וַחֲתֹ֥ם הַסֵּ֖פֶר עַד־עֵ֣ת קֵ֑ץ יְשֹׁטְט֥וּ רַבִּ֖ים וְתִרְבֶּ֥ה הַדָּֽעַת׃

Dan 12:4 But you, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the Book until the time of the end. [Then] many shall run to and fro and search anxiously [through the Book], and knowledge [of God's purposes as revealed by His prophets] shall be increased and become great. [Amo_8:12]

I'm thinking, we shall get to know each other better via AI

1085) Od% (Od% DAh) ac: See co: ? ab: Knowledge: The pictograph d is a picture of a door. The o is a picture of the eye. Through the eyes one experiences his world and learns from it. Combined these pictures mean "the door of the eye". The eye is the window into the mans very being. Experience is gained through visual observation. Knowledge is achieved through these experiences.

Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the devarim (words), and seal the sefer, until the Et Ketz (Time of the End): rabbim shall run to and fro, that da'as (knowledge) may be increased.

There is a explosion of da'as in the last couple of years, instant information at the touch of a button or a Google search.
Yada is also helpful, not only da'as
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See how easy it is, I mean, via AI?
Seeing and experiencing brings knowledge. There were no schools for the wandering Hebrew people… they learned through seeing and experiencing.

This is a good lesson for us. The greatest knowledge does not come from sitting in a lecture hall at the most exclusive university. The best learning comes from seeing and hearing and feeling; immersing oneself in the task and learning with your entire body. You can’t completely learn to farm from reading a textbook, you have to get into the field!

It is the same for learning about God. Reading the Bible is a wonderful thing, but it needs to be more than just words on a page, you also have to live it! You need to live out the Scriptures. Follow through with God-given instructions. The Bible is a great gift, a living textbook for life and beyond.

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon understood the importance of experiential knowledge. He relished in the role of educator. He was a champion for education, and took on the role of teacher/preacher/compiler:

Ecclesiastes 12:9-10

In addition to being wise, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge [da’at]; and he pondered, searched out, and arranged many proverbs. The Preacher sought to find delightful words and to write words of truth correctly.

Seeking knowledge is great, but we need to treat it with respect. We need to validate what we learn. We ought to check our sources, seek truth, and respectfully organize what we have learned.
This is not to you @Iforrest, but a opportunity to just share.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
The hebrew word for knowledge appears to be less specific than in English, concerning anything that has to do with knowedge. So technology might be considered under that umbrella.
I just looked it up too at johanns suggestion.
“Acquiring knowledge.”
My mind went this way. It is possible that it not be good knowledge. The nephilim/fallen angels gave some sort of knowledge, (or what is elsewhere called dark arts, or “depths of Satan” in revelation, regarding one of the churches), to women that caused them, when they had relations with men, to birth human children who grew very tall, much taller than normal (we were like grasshoppers in their sight). The “giants.” 9 feet tall. And only one man was left whose family bloodline was perfect in its generations.
And that was in the days of Noah. And it will be at the end as it was in the days of Noah. So, as Nuts as it sounds, there have been creepy medical experiments going on for quite some time. I had not come to God yet when Dolly the sheep was cloned. And even so, the whole thing made me a little queasy. And I think it mostly did get a queasy reception, even from unbelievers, so you didn’t hear much about those kinds of experiments after that. But does anyone really think they stopped the experiments? I think the bad reception just caused them to go underground with it and keep it hidden.

And there’s very many other odd verses that come to mind concerning it, but this already won’t go over well so I will stop.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Forgot to say, I’ve only ever run across the phrase “running to and fro” one other place in the Bible and it was satan who said it, when God asked him what he had been doing. So people will “run too and fro” doesn’t sound positive to me, which then makes me suspicious of the next part - knowledge will be increased.
That’s just my sense.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 10, 2012
I just looked it up too at johanns suggestion.
“Acquiring knowledge.”
My mind went this way. It is possible that it not be good knowledge. The nephilim/fallen angels gave some sort of knowledge, (or what is elsewhere called dark arts, or “depths of Satan” in revelation, regarding one of the churches), to women that caused them, when they had relations with men, to birth human children who grew very tall, much taller than normal (we were like grasshoppers in their sight). The “giants.” 9 feet tall. And only one man was left whose family bloodline was perfect in its generations.
And that was in the days of Noah. And it will be at the end as it was in the days of Noah. So, as Nuts as it sounds, there have been creepy medical experiments going on for quite some time. I had not come to God yet when Dolly the sheep was cloned. And even so, the whole thing made me a little queasy. And I think it mostly did get a queasy reception, even from unbelievers, so you didn’t hear much about those kinds of experiments after that. But does anyone really think they stopped the experiments? I think the bad reception just caused them to go underground with it and keep it hidden.

And there’s very many other odd verses that come to mind concerning it, but this already won’t go over well so I will stop.
Have you heard they have gene sliced an Alligator with a Catfish to make a fish that is more resilient?


Have you heard they have gene sliced an Alligator with a Catfish to make a fish that is more resilient?
In a new study, released on the preprint server bioRxiv, the Auburn team used CRISPR to insert the alligator gene that codes for cathelicidin into catfish (building on earlier experiments in gatorfying catfish published in Scientific Reports in 2020)

This what you're talking about?

Doesn't make sense, but then, lately, nothing makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
No I hadn’t heard about that, forest. I don’t actually go seeking out the stories. I’m kind of sick at what I might find. The animals already all got wiped out once through no fault of their own. I think they were doing things with interbreeding species way back then too. There are ancient pictures carved into walls of bizarre looking creatures, half one animal and half another animal and that idea had to come from somewhere. It’s all pretty queasy making.
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Well-Known Member
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Aug 10, 2012
In a new study, released on the preprint server bioRxiv, the Auburn team used CRISPR to insert the alligator gene that codes for cathelicidin into catfish (building on earlier experiments in gatorfying catfish published in Scientific Reports in 2020)

This what you're talking about?

Doesn't make sense, but then, lately, nothing makes sense.
That must be it. God forbid animals of different kinds to interbreed, and crop fields to be mixed, and even clothing to be different fabrics. Leviticus 19:19. So what must he think of this?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
Artificial intelligence now uses the same logic, that human consciousness does.

Peace despite indifference, suggests that the mind is a tool like anything else is.

Will God use ChatGPT to get His point across, more effectively?
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
'knowledge' in the Hebrew is not isolated to the cognitive, in fact the cognitive only reinforces experience.
"in fact the cognitive only reinforces experience."

So, are you saying here that, reality is an escape from drugs?
:contemplate: :jest:
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