Christian Entertainment

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What do you think of Christian entertainment?

  • It's awesome!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christian entertainment, for the most part, is poorly executed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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New Member
Feb 16, 2011
What are all of your thoughts on Christian entertainment? :) Christian books, music, games, etc. I'm interested in seeing what everybody thinks. :)

As much as I'd like to say that all or most of my entertainment is Christian, it isn't at all. The only thing that's Christian that I fairly consistently like is music. Fiction books are usually bland and very cliched. I've read lots of non-fiction Christian books, though, that were very well-written and very interesting. There are some Christian TV programs I like too...the only movie that comes to mind right now, though, is Fireproof. And Christian games...>.> Well, Christian games usually aren't ranking very high on my personal likes list, if you know what I mean. XD If anyone knows of a good Christian game please, let me know. :)

Anyhow, this is just my opinion on the matter. :) The reason that I even ask the question is because I would really like to know what kinds of Christian mediums are interesting to you guys. :) I like to write and stuff, so the info means a lot to me, ya know? Lemme know what parts you normally like or dislike about Christian entertainment, too. ^^


Disciple of Jesus Christ
Mar 14, 2011
United States
In the game Stronghold 2 you build a castle and can get a church, make candles and hold mass. Kinda like the game (farmville) but way better. I don't know if I would call it a Christian game but that aspect of the game is really cool I think.

To vote I think the idea of Christian entertainment is awesome. Like you the music I can easily gravitate to, but much more else is difficult. Sadly I think the problem is not the lack of talent or imagination in the Christian community, but the lack of funding.
I guess I can find solace that reading the bible is entertaining to me.


New Member
Feb 16, 2011
>>Sadly I think the problem is not the lack of talent or imagination in the Christian community, but the lack of funding.

Totally agree on this point. Also, a lot of people who create Christian works settle for least, because they feel like as long as they get it out there, the rest doesn't matter. As long as it's "God-glorifying" (Not to say that God-glorifying should be last on the list, of course; that's not what I mean by this at all), undercutting on the visual aspects and uniqueness and interest all seem to be all right. Unfortunately, in this day and age, simply being for God isn't going to grab anyone's attention. And it might have to grab attention with something cool and unique and flashy before people will see the spiritual value in it (sad, but true in many cases). Christians should be looking at the quality, not the quantity; after all, if these were the Old Testament days, would anyone lay down a poor sacrifice, rather than one that has a lot of value? Not if they really meant their love for God.

I'd love to see some great, interesting, fun Christian games come out. I'd love to read a good, solid, Christian story, without feeling like someone's bashing me over the head with a Bible, or that are so obscure that I couldn't see the spiritual aspect at all. And maybe some Christian cartoons for the kids that aren't inane. XD


New Member
Mar 29, 2009
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I chose "other". I don't believe it's lack of funding, (maybe lacking of some talent) let's face it, Christianity has a smaller pool and stricter protocols of behavior than Hollywood.

I can't stand most Christian Entertainment because most of it seems forced.

Christian music for example, IMHO, alot of it just seems like someone writing something they think they should rather than what they feel. Oddly, when it comes to art, this problem doesn't seem to exist. There's many very inspired paintings and drawings out there. Christian movies, meh, I won't even bother reading the title. On top of that there is a type of Christian Hollywood built with the brand name TBN.

Alot of the music, and shows, or movies seem to have a very cultesque feel to them.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
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I chose "other". I don't believe it's lack of funding, (maybe lacking of some talent) let's face it, Christianity has a smaller pool and stricter protocols of behavior than Hollywood.

I can't stand most Christian Entertainment because most of it seems forced.

Christian music for example, IMHO, alot of it just seems like someone writing something they think they should rather than what they feel. Oddly, when it comes to art, this problem doesn't seem to exist. There's many very inspired paintings and drawings out there. Christian movies, meh, I won't even bother reading the title. On top of that there is a type of Christian Hollywood built with the brand name TBN.

Alot of the music, and shows, or movies seem to have a very cultesque feel to them.

I rank most Christian entertainment in the same category of "wholesome family fun" - very low. Words like 'corny' (which is appalling in it's own right),'Branson', and 'The Osmans' come to mind.......

I cannot stand it because the content is designed for the most sensitive Christian sensibility; insuring that it will never challenge anyone. It is almost as if, the response Christian Entertainment tries to invoke from the mainstream Christian audience is a 'nice big sigh of relief' that all the bases were covered, and nothing was offensive. This is one reason I have never laughed with a Christian comedian - a category of the Christian Entertainment industry that is especially wretched.

Then there are the books, I used to go into Christian stores like Berean Books and cringe - the fiction was so horrible it made me wince - I remember a series of books by Frank Peretti - 'This Present Darkness' - toted as the best fiction of its time, which provided a 'powerful Christian message'. Actually, the subject matter was Dualism, not Chrstianity, but no one seemed to notice because it seemed to promote the power of prayer. Unfortunately, the power was all in the hands of the people praying, not God, but no one seem to notice that right away either. Then there was the nonfiction like 'The Late, Great Planet Earth' and 'The Satan Seller', which turned out to be fiction after all. Admittedly, Christian authors have improved, probably more than most areas of the Christian industry.

Christian movies have taken the place for me, which used to be reserved for Christian authors - 'Left Behind'? I rest my case.

As a Catholic, I think there is so much more to choose from as far as literature is concerned - I think contemporary Catholicism gets in trouble when it tries the same tactics to reach the people as Protestantism - instead they should focus on the classics like "The Imitation of Christ" and "The Story of a Soul"

I think the biggest problem is that the Christian Industry is an industry first. The heads of the industry know that Christians are not interested in being challenged as much as they want to be assured.

Warmed over, Christian assurance provided by the Christian Industry is about as intellectually satisfying as nationalism in the 1940s and 1950s. Memorization over perspective taking skills zzzzzzzzzzz
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