Have humour?
I don’t see much on the forum to be honest..apart from
@Lambano ..I think he’s French though LOL.
Then there’s
@St. SteVen ... who I believe is Irish LOL.
How about you
@David in NJ ..do you have fun humour, childlike humour?
My humour is out, and it’s taking over..can you actually laugh at yourself?
I think I have a good sense of humour. I think when one loses their sense of humour things go downhill fast for them. I think I see what you're saying though because many Americans seem to have lost their sense of humour. ALways snapping at each other for the most part. I think the difference between men & women is when men lose their sense of humour they usually clam up and become quiet, whereas most American women, when they lose their sense of humour, they lash out at people, and boy do American women like to talk. They have taken to (most of them, not all of them) getting offended about every little thing. Oh, woe are they! He attacked me with his humour, lol!
That's the funny thing about humour. Take any joke, any joke you have ever heard. If you examine the humour, within the humour, these is a wrongness or a hurt to someone on some level.
Did you see my friend fall in the mud puddle?! Classic! Lol! Good one friend! Except, he is insulted and embarrassed and I call attention to it making him a focus of the butt end of the joke. That's not nice.
But it was funny before I made the joke when he first slipped and fell down. It's some sort of natural reaction that happens that makes us laugh. But if my friend had slipped and fell into a wood chipper there is no laughter then so the reaction is one of horror and compassion because they guy got hurt. So why is one funny and not the other? Well because they (Used to! Lol) teach little boys to be a man and stand up and fight in a heartbeat! Shake it off boy, no you dont show compassion for your friend wo fell down in the puddle, you laugh! And if someone tries to help you up, you push them away, Oh I'm ok leave me alone....and they may laugh thru the embarrassment.
And doesn't that sound weird to you? We're learning as Brothers &Sisters in Christ that love and compassion are admirable traits, even Godly traits. Love is the most powerful force in the universe and they taught us all backwards how to react, fight, kill, hate, destroy, take that! And now that man has been introduced to death and hatred first, no wonder we have to become as little children again to learn Love & Compassion.
But some stuff just makes us bust out laughing. They aint hurt that bad and that was funny! Why is that a natural reaction? Is it our sin nature at the heart of it? Or could it be some sort of (Godly) safety valve that stops us from going insane while living in an insane world?
I am not of this world but I am in this world, so it could be either one and I just havent figured it out yet. Is humour good or bad at it's core? It seems bad, but it also seems good in a way because it might be that humour is a spiritual safety valve that kicks in to allow us to detach from the wrongness in a light hearted way...I can see a lot of good in humour. (Jesus has a great sense of humour!) If life had no ability to see the lighter side and laugh, it would be 100% sorrow, and how can one learn to love and about love when they are constantly grieving?! There has to be a balance I think. So I vote that humour is good.