- "Doctrine of Devils". = Hyper-Calvinism -The "5 points"

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Calvin and the Hyper-Calvinist, teach that Paul is a 5-point Hyper Calvinist, as they teach that a few verses that Paul wrote, that they SEE as meaning what Calvin teaches and others who evolved Calvins theology in Hyper-Calvinism.., proves that Paul is a Calvinist, and a Hyper Calvinist.

They believe that a few of Paul's verses teach the 5-points of Hyper- Calvinism as well as Calvinism.

So, both the Calvinist and the Hyper, have been led to believe that Paul the Apostle is a Calvinist. a 5 Point Hyper Calvinist.
And that is what they TEACH and BELIEVE.

So, First, lets understand why a person goes to hell and not to heaven..
Its simply because they "died in their sin, never forgiven", and were never born again. So, they died separated from God, by their Sin..
So, that situation, does not allow you to go to Heaven, because you were not forgiven all your sin.... born 'In Christ" as "one with God", before you died.
This is why Jesus told us.....>"YOU, MUST, be born again", and if you are not you are not a Son/Daughter of God when you died, and so your eternity is spent, where those who are not born again Sons/Daughters of God, end up... and that is not in Heaven......
There is only one other option. : HELL.

Calvin and the Hyper-Calvinist, teach that Paul is a 5-point Hyper Calvinist, as they teach that a few verses that Paul wrote, that they SEE as meaning what Calvin teaches and others who evolved Calvins theology in Hyper-Calvinism.., proves that Paul is a Calvinist, and a Hyper Calvinist.
They believe that a few of Paul's verses teach the 5-points of Hyper- Calvinism as well as Calvinism.

So, listen now.... as you have to see this... in your understanding.

If Paul is a Calvinist, then Jesus is a Calvinist....... as Paul RECEIVED all His Theology "not from any man, but from the LORD", Himself.
So, If Paul is a Calvinist, then Jesus is a Calvinist., according to Calvinism and Hyper Calvinism that is "the 5 Points"..(TULIP).

Therefore, if Paul and The Lord Jesus The Christ are both Calvinists, then they will understand "pre-destined" to believe."
They will understand "pre-chosen" to believe"
They will understand "God causes you to believe or you can't".
And they will teach that always.

Now, lets look at some Verses..

1.) "their remainth no more sacrifice for your sin" because you have "willfully sinned", the sin of UNBELIEF... "just as your Father's did".

So, those verses are Hebrews 6 & 10.. .and this one..

“'"You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You ALWAYS RESIST the HOLY Spirit.!""""

So, Hyper Calvinism, teaches that this isn't possible, as you have no free will..
Yet if the Forum member can read, you Just read PAUL tell Christ rejectors, that "THEY...ALWAYS resist the Holy Spirit."
This means that Paul is one confused Calvinist, Hyper Calvinist, or that Calvinism and the "5-points" (TULIP) is a "doctrine of Devils"., as Paul just blamed them for their "resisting the Holy Spirit" that the '5-points" of Hyper Calvinism, says isn't possible.

Now when you read that "you always RESIST THE HOLY SPIRIT", then that is "you are resisting the Truth, that is the Gospel being revealed to you".., and that is also Hebrews 10".. ."If you willfully sin"...(will not believe in Jesus, willfully) there remainth no more JESUS FOR YOU... "there remaineth no more SACRIFICE for your SIN." because of your Willful decision to reject the Sacrifice who is JESUS ON THE CROSS.

So, then If Paul is the "5-point" Hyper Calvinist, who teaches that "you can't choose Christ unless you are caused to believe by the HS"............. then Paul just lied when He taught us that = THEY Resisted the Holy Spirit = Willfully........as does every Christ Rejector.

Notice that Paul didnt say..>>"well, dont worry about it, because you were just not chosen to believe".

Look now at Acts 28:28... as this is actually Hebrews 10... in the Book of the "ACTS of the Apostles."
Paul said to UNBELIEVING JEWS........>>"I will take the Gospel to the Gentiles, and they will Believe it".
So, if these JEWS were "pre-chosen" to not be the "5-Point, Hyper-Calvin" "chosen to believe" .. then you notice that Paul didnt say... "no worries, you can't believe because you are not of the chosen to believe"..

Reader, why did Paul forget all his Hyper-Calvinism, and "TULIP"< "5-points" in these Verses?

A.) Its because Paul is not a Calvinst.. Paul is not a "5-Point " TULIP... = Deceiver.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Notice in these verses.... that a person can willfully refuse the Holy Spirit, and 5- Point Calvinism Denies this...
“You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always RESIST the HOLY SPIRIT!

"if you sin Willfully, there remainith no more JESUS (Sacrifice for your sin"

New Living Translation
“You stubborn people! You are heathen at heart and deaf to the truth. Must you forever RESIST the Holy Spirit? Thats what your ancestors did, and so do you!

"""""if you sin Willfully, there remainith no more JESUS (Sacrifice for your sin"'"""

English Standard Version
“You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, You always RESIST the Holy Spirit. As your Father's did, so do you.

"if you sin Willfully, there remainith no more JESUS (Sacrifice for your sin"

Berean Standard Bible
You stiff-necked people with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You always RESIST the HOLY SPIRIT, as your FATHER's did..

"if you sin Willfully, there remainith no more JESUS (Sacrifice for your sin"

Berean Literal Bible
You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears Always resist the Holy Spirit as your father's did, so do YOU.

"if you sin Willfully, there remainith no more JESUS (Sacrifice for your sin"

King James Bible
Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.

New King James Version
You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your father's did, so do YOU.

"if you sin Willfully, there remainith no more JESUS (Sacrifice for your sin"


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Lets look now at JESUS ............who is supposed to be the original Calvinist, and 5-point TULIP author.... who taught Paul to be the same, according to Calvinists and Hyper-Calvinist who are of the "5 points".. (TULIP). (Hyper-Calvinism).

Notice Reader,

You have Thomas the Apostle, who said.. "I WILL NOT BELIEVE, unless I see the proof.. i have to see the nail prints, the wound in the side.... feel them".

So, Thomas is an UNBELIEVER, and just told you so, and He is an APOSTLE, whom Jesus Chose.
Now.. Jesus is resurrected and appears to all the Apostles.
He goes directly to Thomas the Unbeliever.. and says....

"LOOK< Touch... BELIEVE>...

And Thomas then does, BELIEVE..... and says. while kneeling.. "MY LORD< and my GOD". (KJV).

And Jesus says, """"blessed are those who BELIEVE without SEEING..""""

Now do you see that Reader?
Jesus just stated that Thomas BELIEVED, because HE SAW... with His EYES.

And So, apparently, Jesus forgot to say..."Well, you didnt believe because you saw me,.... you only believed because you were pre-destined to believe.".

So... Jesus forgot to be a 5-Point Hyper Calvinist in this verse..


A.) Because JESUS is not a CALVINIST and Jesus is not a Hyper-Calvinist, "TULIP"> "5-point" : Deceiver.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

"Defending Calvinism" on a pubic Christian Forum, is the same as teaching it, which is to SELL IT.

So, that is what you are doing, if you are defending it.... and that is what you will continue to do, as that is what a Disciple of Calvin, is mentally designed to Do, by Calvinism.

No one is Called by GOD to be a Calvinist.
No one is led by the Holy Spirit to teach Calvinism as Truth.

God is not a Calvinist.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
It is a fact that anyone CAN resist the HS, is because their God Given Free Will, is allowed to Choose.

Jesus said....>"You REFUSE to come to Me, that i might give you life"..

So, while the Cross of Christ, is given to the world of humanity..John 3:16 = (everyone... all... whosoever)... as God's Free Gift of Salvation......not all will choose to believe, and become a Christian, based on God accepting THEIR Faith in Christ, = to then forgiven all their sin, and then give them the "new birth in Christ".

One of the ways that you know that Calvinism is a False Gospel, that proves its Satanic, is because its the Gospel , backwards.

See, Calvin has the born again... happening first.... and then the faith, at the end.

Whereas Paul's Gospel has the 1.) Message of the Cross preached, and 2.) the person hears it, and 3.) then the Holy Spirit reveals it,....
= 4.) so that they can Believe.

So, Calvin's Satanic Gospel is "backwards".. .it has the born again, happening before the Faith in Christ.. has been given to God.

And if you study Satanism, you'll find that its backwards truth.. its backwards language.... its Truth that is subverted... and that is Calvin's Gospel.

So, that is a SATANIC Gospel........its "cursed".. .its a subversive denial of Paul's Gospel. and that makes Calvin's Gospel...

Galatians 1:8


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Predestination According to Demonic John Calvin​

According to John Calvin, predestination is God’s unchangeable decree from before the creation of the world that God would freely save some people (the elect), foreordaining them to eternal life, while the others would be “barred from access to” salvation and sentenced to “eternal death."., (Just for being born).

So, according to Calvin's theology, some of your family were "pre-chosen" by God to burn in the Lake of Fire, before they were even born.


See that Reader? ??

That is the Demonic John Calvin teaching that before some are born, God has "decreed" that they are born only to burn in the Lake of FIRE. = pre-destined.

"Pre-destined by GOD, to go to Hell, then the Lake of Fire"...

See,..... the issue with this doctrine of devil's is MANY.... as this hellish doctrine is (T.U.L.I.P) LEGION... and what you have to SEE.. .Reader... is that all of us are EQUAL, regarding originally being a SINNER.

Why? "Because ALL HAVE SINNED".

This is why "Jesus came into the world TO SAVE SINNERS"< not the "elect only" as Demonic "TULIP" & Calvinism Teaches.

Calvinism Abuses God, willfully..= by falsely accusing Him of causing people to NOT BELIEVE... As they are not "chosen" to believe.
They are "pre-destined into ..(FORCED BY GOD))...= Unbelief".., .is what this DEVIL Teaches people to Believe.

So, here is how THEOLOGICALLY INSANE John Calvinism is... ultimately.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Reader the thing that become apparent about John Calvin, is that His God, is not the Father of Jesus.

Calvin's God is an angry evil sadistic Deity, who wont allow some people to : Trust in Jesus.

Now can you imagine the Lord Himself, hanging on the Cross......looking down from the Cross, and telling you.... "Sorry, but im not dying for you". "Your not pre-chosen by Hyper-Calvinism Theology"..

"See you in hell"...

Can you imagine a THEOLOGY that has Jesus on the Cross, refusing to offer Himself to some of you....

See that teaching?
That is CALVINISM, as HYper-Calvism.. "the 5 Points".. .= T.U.L.I.P"....

This Theology is a Cross Denying, Grace Insulting, "Doctrine of Devils".... Hebrews 13:9


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
1.) Everyone has faith, as we are born with it. Romans 12:3

What Holy God requires is that we take OUR faith and place it in Christ, before we die, or we die "in our sins" and will go to Hell, as to die unforgiven, having never trusted in Christ, never born again, is to commit the unpardonable sin.. .. that is the Hebrews 10 sin, of "willful sinning".
Thousands died today, having committed it..., and many were water baptized and were taught that "the water washed away your sin".
It didnt, and Hell showed them it didnt.

So, when we take OUR faith, and place our faith in Christ......... then God's GRACE, accepts OUR FAITH in Christ... and He justifies us, by accepting our Faith as righteousness.

Brain dead Calvinism, and its bastard step child TULIP, were created by people who are Cross denying Heretics who deny John 3:16, and Deny God's Grace, and reject the Truth regarding The Cross of Christ as God Designed it to be freely given. to "all who will come" "whosoever will believe".

2.) How to die early : by Calvinism + TULIP

Calvinism and TULIP will get you killed, also.... Reader/.
How..????...= Because once you are brain locked by this "doctrine of devils" and your mind is completely blinded by this obsession with "pre-destined" everything.. then when Satan gives you cancer, or something worse.. you are so CALVINISED and so TULIP'd that you will falsely believe that God gave it to you. And now you can't pray to God for a healing because you BELIEVE that God is causing your Cancer, or your blood disease, or your Kidney Failure, or your blindness.
So you will die.

See that?
Satan is laughing at you... on your way to the grave.
Why? Because He killed you with the disease + Calvinism + TULIP>...by having you believe that God caused it.. "pre-destined" it.

A.) Calvin and TULIP just KILLED you...., and the Devil did it to you, and you went to the grave early....= falsely believing that GOD "Pre-destined" your death by disease, that sent you to the grave, early.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Hyper Calvinism.. "the 5 points"... T.U.L.I.P......... teaches that The Cross is "Limited Atonement"...= God only chooses some.
See that?
THat is not NT... That is Calvinism. "Hyper".

So....Its Calvinism that tries to Do this to the CROSS......as According to Hyper Calvinism....Jesus said...>>>"NO, i wont save you"... "i wont have you"... ...to some people.

See that?
That is SATANIC Teaching., as JESUS wants everyone to be saved. "For God so loved the WORLD.. (everyone) that He Gave Jesus to us ALL"..

So, the OFFER of Salvation.. the OFFER of JESUS.. is for "the World"... John 3:16.

Whereas Calvinism, teaches..."No Jesus... you are wrong... And God you are wrong.. as I SAID, I TEACH that Jesus is only for SOME people".

Now....Imagine if you had some terminal illness, and Jesus said....>>"Sorry , can't help you, as you are not one i will choose"

What Jesus is that?
That is not JESUS.

And Calvinism, has God doing that to some ... "now i wont choose you."..... "too bad"... "Off to Hell".
Its crazy.

Calvinism says.>>"No !!..., The CROSS is not for some of your family... so, ... too bad". "you can think about them being in Hell, once you are up here in Heaven"...
Calvinism is so Satanic, but it sounds like its true....as that is How it deceives you..... It mixes up lies and truth.. and that sounds "good"...but its deception.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Calvin and the Hyper-Calvinist, teach that Paul is a 5-point Hyper Calvinist, as they teach that a few verses that Paul wrote, that they SEE as meaning what Calvin teaches and others who evolved Calvins theology in Hyper-Calvinism.., proves that Paul is a Calvinist, and a Hyper Calvinist.

They believe that a few of Paul's verses teach the 5-points of Hyper- Calvinism as well as Calvinism.

So, both the Calvinist and the Hyper, have been led to believe that Paul the Apostle is a Calvinist. a 5 Point Hyper Calvinist.
And that is what they TEACH and BELIEVE.

So, First, lets understand why a person goes to hell and not to heaven..
Its simply because they "died in their sin, never forgiven", and were never born again. So, they died separated from God, by their Sin..
So, that situation, does not allow you to go to Heaven, because you were not forgiven all your sin.... born 'In Christ" as "one with God", before you died.
This is why Jesus told us.....>"YOU, MUST, be born again", and if you are not you are not a Son/Daughter of God when you died, and so your eternity is spent, where those who are not born again Sons/Daughters of God, end up... and that is not in Heaven......
There is only one other option. : HELL.

Calvin and the Hyper-Calvinist, teach that Paul is a 5-point Hyper Calvinist, as they teach that a few verses that Paul wrote, that they SEE as meaning what Calvin teaches and others who evolved Calvins theology in Hyper-Calvinism.., proves that Paul is a Calvinist, and a Hyper Calvinist.
They believe that a few of Paul's verses teach the 5-points of Hyper- Calvinism as well as Calvinism.

So, listen now.... as you have to see this... in your understanding.

If Paul is a Calvinist, then Jesus is a Calvinist....... as Paul RECEIVED all His Theology "not from any man, but from the LORD", Himself.
So, If Paul is a Calvinist, then Jesus is a Calvinist., according to Calvinism and Hyper Calvinism that is "the 5 Points"..(TULIP).

Therefore, if Paul and The Lord Jesus The Christ are both Calvinists, then they will understand "pre-destined" to believe."
They will understand "pre-chosen" to believe"
They will understand "God causes you to believe or you can't".
And they will teach that always.

Now, lets look at some Verses..

1.) "their remainth no more sacrifice for your sin" because you have "willfully sinned", the sin of UNBELIEF... "just as your Father's did".

So, those verses are Hebrews 6 & 10.. .and this one..

“'"You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You ALWAYS RESIST the HOLY Spirit.!""""

So, Hyper Calvinism, teaches that this isn't possible, as you have no free will..
Yet if the Forum member can read, you Just read PAUL tell Christ rejectors, that "THEY...ALWAYS resist the Holy Spirit."
This means that Paul is one confused Calvinist, Hyper Calvinist, or that Calvinism and the "5-points" (TULIP) is a "doctrine of Devils"., as Paul just blamed them for their "resisting the Holy Spirit" that the '5-points" of Hyper Calvinism, says isn't possible.

Now when you read that "you always RESIST THE HOLY SPIRIT", then that is "you are resisting the Truth, that is the Gospel being revealed to you".., and that is also Hebrews 10".. ."If you willfully sin"...(will not believe in Jesus, willfully) there remainth no more JESUS FOR YOU... "there remaineth no more SACRIFICE for your SIN." because of your Willful decision to reject the Sacrifice who is JESUS ON THE CROSS.

So, then If Paul is the "5-point" Hyper Calvinist, who teaches that "you can't choose Christ unless you are caused to believe by the HS"............. then Paul just lied when He taught us that = THEY Resisted the Holy Spirit = Willfully........as does every Christ Rejector.

Notice that Paul didnt say..>>"well, dont worry about it, because you were just not chosen to believe".

Look now at Acts 28:28... as this is actually Hebrews 10... in the Book of the "ACTS of the Apostles."
Paul said to UNBELIEVING JEWS........>>"I will take the Gospel to the Gentiles, and they will Believe it".
So, if these JEWS were "pre-chosen" to not be the "5-Point, Hyper-Calvin" "chosen to believe" .. then you notice that Paul didnt say... "no worries, you can't believe because you are not of the chosen to believe"..

Reader, why did Paul forget all his Hyper-Calvinism, and "TULIP"< "5-points" in these Verses?

A.) Its because Paul is not a Calvinst.. Paul is not a "5-Point " TULIP... = Deceiver.
And all this vitriol and acerbic vile condemnation coming from a person who by definition is a four point Calvinist! I guess that makes you only an 80% demonic patsy. :jest: :jest: :jest: :jest: :jest: :jest: :jest: :jest: :jest:


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And all this vitriol and acerbic vile condemnation coming from a person who by definition is a four point Calvinist!

Tulip- Hyper Calvinism, is a theology that denies The Cross.
That makes this teaching.... this theology, Satanic.
Paul teaches that its : Galatians 1:8

God makes Christians.
Calvin makes Calvinists.

They are not the same thing, as one is of the Devil.... "Hebrews 13:9".

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Tulip- Hyper Calvinism, is a theology that denies The Cross.
That makes this teaching.... this theology, Satanic.
Paul teaches that its : Galatians 1:8

God makes Christians.
Calvin makes Calvinists.

They are not the same thing, as one is of the Devil.... "Hebrews 13:9".
And this coming from a four point Calvinist! Makes you an 80% devil.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And this coming from a four point Calvinist! Makes you an 80% devil.

Eternal Life in Christ, was around before Calvin and the ultra-deceived Hyper Calvinists tried to rebrand it as the "P" in TuliP.

The rest of TULIP< is not related at all, to Truth,.... because its Satan's Lies.

God hates Calvinism, Hyper Calvinism, (TULIP)... because it denies The Cross...

Calvinism is : Galatians 1:8
Last edited:

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Eternal Life in Christ, was around before Calvin and the ultra-deceived Hyper Calvinists tried to rebrand it as the "P" in TuliP.

The rest of TULIP< is not related at all, to Truth,.... because its Satan's Lies.

God hates Calvinism, Hyper Calvinism, (TULIP)... because it denies The Cross...

Calvinism is : Galatians 1:8
And yet you believe and hold to four of the five points of TULIP. That makes you 80% demonic and deceived by you reckoning.

Of course teh points of TULIP were around long before Calvin. All he did was pull them out of the Bible and make a cutesy anagram of it.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Eternal Life in Christ, was around before Calvin and the ultra-deceived Hyper Calvinists tried to rebrand it as the "P" in TuliP.

The rest of TULIP< is not related at all, to Truth,.... because its Satan's Lies.

God hates Calvinism, Hyper Calvinism, (TULIP)... because it denies The Cross...

Calvinism is : Galatians 1:8
And this showsw the twisted warped way of thinking you view Calvin.

Even though you berlieve and adhere to four of the five points of TULUP you cannot erven admit it for the deep hate in your heart.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And yet you believe and hold to four of the five points of TULIP.

When you say that, you sound crazy.

The issue is... God is not a Calvinist, and God never called a CHRISTIAN a "Calvinist', and now you have spent a lot of your adult Life pursuing what God would never want any Christian to pursue, believe and teach.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Even though you berlieve and adhere to four of the five points of TULUP you cannot erven admit it for the deep hate in your heart.

Do i hate Calvinism, and TULIP ?

How much can i agree with you?

You have no idea how much i deeply deeply despise this mental trap, this demonic net, this ungodly theology, that has captured your mind, and has ruined the faith of billions of believers, in the last 500 yrs obo.

Catholicism, Calvinism, and Islam, are the Trophy Doctrines of Satan's Religions.

Calvinism is the worst, regarding pretending to be "christian" as it insults The Cross and has its Disciples doing the same.

Catholics insult "Justification by Faith", and add WATER to the "Gospel".... but their theology does not LIMIT Jesus to "only saving some".....

So...TULIP Hyper-Calvinism is a supreme blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, against Jesus, and against The Cross.

Imagine if Jesus appeared to you, @Ronald Nolette , and you said..>>>"OH LORD.. save me".. and Jesus said..>>>"well, TULIP wont let me"..>>"see you in Hell".

That's the GARBAGE Theology... the Satanic vomit that you are teaching...

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
When you say that, you sound crazy.

The issue is... God is not a Calvinist, and God never called a CHRISTIAN a "Calvinist', and now you have spent a lot of your adult Life pursuing what God would never want any Christian to pursue, believe and teach.
And yet you still hold to four of the five points of TULIP. YOu have written you hold to the T,U,Land P_. Deny it now

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Do i hate Calvinism, and TULIP ?

How much can i agree with you?

You have no idea how much i deeply deeply despise this mental trap, this demonic net, this ungodly theology, that has captured your mind, and has ruined the faith of billions of believers, in the last 500 yrs obo.

Catholicism, Calvinism, and Islam, are the Trophy Doctrines of Satan's Religions.

Calvinism is the worst, regarding pretending to be "christian" as it insults The Cross and has its Disciples doing the same.

Catholics insult "Justification by Faith", and add WATER to the "Gospel".... but their theology does not LIMIT Jesus to "only saving some".....

So...TULIP Hyper-Calvinism is a supreme blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, against Jesus, and against The Cross.

Imagine if Jesus appeared to you, @Ronald Nolette , and you said..>>>"OH LORD.. save me".. and Jesus said..>>>"well, TULIP wont let me"..>>"see you in Hell".

That's the GARBAGE Theology... the Satanic vomit that you are teaching...
Well to be clear again, I cannot speak for Calvinism. that is an entire systematic theology. I have for over a dozen threads been talking about TULIP only. Of the which you believe in teh TULP of TULIP, so according to your mouth and fingers you are an insult to teh cross.

And your last two lines are so unbiblical and filled with juvenilte aninity as to show your prepubescent understanding of Doctrine.