1. Build the Third Temple in the Judean Desert, 30 km south of Jerusalem, in exact accordance with the description in the book of the prophet Ezekiel in chapters 40-43.

2. Allow the messengers of Christ from all nations, elect from the four winds, to come to Israel and enter the eastern gate of the Temple from the 1st to the 10th day of the 7th month of Tishrei. On these same days, bring the sacrifices indicated in the prophecy of Ezekiel for the consecration of the altar of the Temple. Ezekiel chapter 43.
3. Allocate to Israel the territory indicated in the prophecy of Ezekiel: from the bed of the El-Arish Wadi in the south, to the cities of Khan Shaykhun, Hama, Sadad, Al-Qaryatayn in the north, return to Israel the entire Gaza Strip, Judea, Samaria, Lebanon. Let Israel give Egypt the southern "wedge" together with Eilat, draw the border in a straight line from the source of the Wadi El-Arish to the moshav Ein-Yahav (the waters of strife in Kadesh). Israel must return the Golan Heights to Syria or give it to the Druze state. Peoples hostile to Israel must be forcibly removed from all territories transferred to Israel (remember that Jews were forcibly expelled from many Arab countries, do the same with the Arab population that ended up on Israeli territory). Ezekiel chapter 47.

4. After the construction of the Third Temple, Israel must allow the elect from the four winds to assimilate in Israel, and after the official recognition by the state of Israel of the Temple built in the Judean Desert as the Temple of God, the recognition of the people who entered the eastern gate of the Temple as the incarnation of the Messiah, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, allow those whose names are called by the people who entered the eastern gate of the Third Temple to repatriate to Israel. Ezekiel chapter 44:2.
5. Allocate a territory within Israel for the city of Yahweh Shammah according to the dimensions specified in the prophecy of Ezekiel. Allocate plots of land for the Levites and for the Kohanim within the sacred lot. Divide the entire territory of Israel among the tribes of Israel, each tribe should have an equal share of land corresponding to the area of the territory of the tribe of Levi (Levites and Kohanim), 4151 sq. km. Ezekiel chapters 45,48.
The voluntary acceptance of this plan of God by Israel and the nations will help us avoid wars and great bloodshed in the Holy Land and throughout the world.

2. Allow the messengers of Christ from all nations, elect from the four winds, to come to Israel and enter the eastern gate of the Temple from the 1st to the 10th day of the 7th month of Tishrei. On these same days, bring the sacrifices indicated in the prophecy of Ezekiel for the consecration of the altar of the Temple. Ezekiel chapter 43.
3. Allocate to Israel the territory indicated in the prophecy of Ezekiel: from the bed of the El-Arish Wadi in the south, to the cities of Khan Shaykhun, Hama, Sadad, Al-Qaryatayn in the north, return to Israel the entire Gaza Strip, Judea, Samaria, Lebanon. Let Israel give Egypt the southern "wedge" together with Eilat, draw the border in a straight line from the source of the Wadi El-Arish to the moshav Ein-Yahav (the waters of strife in Kadesh). Israel must return the Golan Heights to Syria or give it to the Druze state. Peoples hostile to Israel must be forcibly removed from all territories transferred to Israel (remember that Jews were forcibly expelled from many Arab countries, do the same with the Arab population that ended up on Israeli territory). Ezekiel chapter 47.

4. After the construction of the Third Temple, Israel must allow the elect from the four winds to assimilate in Israel, and after the official recognition by the state of Israel of the Temple built in the Judean Desert as the Temple of God, the recognition of the people who entered the eastern gate of the Temple as the incarnation of the Messiah, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, allow those whose names are called by the people who entered the eastern gate of the Third Temple to repatriate to Israel. Ezekiel chapter 44:2.
5. Allocate a territory within Israel for the city of Yahweh Shammah according to the dimensions specified in the prophecy of Ezekiel. Allocate plots of land for the Levites and for the Kohanim within the sacred lot. Divide the entire territory of Israel among the tribes of Israel, each tribe should have an equal share of land corresponding to the area of the territory of the tribe of Levi (Levites and Kohanim), 4151 sq. km. Ezekiel chapters 45,48.
The voluntary acceptance of this plan of God by Israel and the nations will help us avoid wars and great bloodshed in the Holy Land and throughout the world.