Not talking about eternal salvation. The longer my walk with Christ goes, the more keenly I am aware that God did not save me once. The more keenly aware of how often I find myself on the edge of destruction and rely on the Almighty to guide me toward his glory and away from disaster. Over and over again he saves me, always faithful he is. What is your experience?
God Offered Jesus’ prepared Body ONCE.
That Offering was Offered to the whole World of ManKIND of Earthly beings.
Jesus was/Is ManKINDS example.
Do what Jesus DID ONCE…To Receive what Jesus Received.
Willingly, Freely Choose, what you Believe, ONCE Confess
TO Gods Intercessor What you Heartfully Truly Believe.
Are you Sorry, Regretful for having been naturally born Not believing IN God?
Confess that ONCE.
Are you IN Belief God Sent His Word forth out of His mouth, in A Body God Prepared IN the Likeness AS a man to Be an Example to manKind of HOW to BE WITH God forever and God forever BE with you?
Confess that ONCE.
(Do you recall the ancient teachings…men with God, God with men….Men afraid, men stubborn to Do what God directed them to do?
And…God was no longer WITH them? And they struggled all the While God was NOT with them…correct?)
A new…. ONE Time Offering….that Keeps a man Forever WITH God and God Forever WITH that man.
New ONCE Offering…
* Repent…for having had NOT Believed.
* Confess willingness to GIVE your WORD of Truth
*your most precious POSSESSION to GOD …
(Ever received an Offering From a Bank…??
For a LOAN??
Did you ever tell them of you interest, intent to Accept their Offer?
Did they require Your word to repay?
Did they require Your signature to verify your name?
Did they require a number / list of your most prized possessions be given them?
Could they take your possessions and discard them (not Keep them….iF you defaulted on your ONE Time Promise?)
Gods ONE Time Offering comes with …
a NO Default Clause.
-Your Confessed repentance…of having HAD unbelief.
***Has a promise of Forgiveness.
-Your Confessed Willingness to Give your True Word of Belief…
***God verifies (test everything clause)
-Your Signature?
***Not required…God knows who you are.
-Your willingness to give your prized possession? House, car, boat, Tv??…
*** No…. Your bodily Life?….Yes
- God Verifies?
*** Yes…Searches your natural spirit truth in your heart…that your Confession BE TRUE.
The Man …. Knows WHO he called on, what he repented of, what belief he confessed and what prized possession of his he Offered unto God.
God Symbolically or Literally …Takes that mans PRIZED POSSESSION….AND WHAT??
Kills that Bodily LIFE (the flesh OF the Body, And the Blood Life of that Body…)
* Symbolically…if the mans body shall continue Living. (Called Crucified with Jesus)
( And Claimed by God) …following that mans Physical Death.
* Literally… the mans bodily death…occurs then , failing health, old age, and (typically during coming horrific world tribulations / wars/ and willing martyrdom.)
The Fact is
A bank will require your authorize your most prized possessions to be given them, if you default on your promise to repay.
And the Bank will dispose of such possession they Gain through a default)
The KEY Is…
What does God Do WITH a mans Dead BODY …promised TO God?
If…the Body DIES (under any circumstance) While that Body Died….In True Belief….
God shall raise up that Body In a new Glorious Body.
First (mass)Resurrection.( it’s soul will be restored and it’s spirit born again)
IF… the Body DIES ( under any circumstance)…In UN Belief…
No new body, no saved soul, no quickened spirit.
Life of Body(blood dead)
Life of soul (Gods breath returns to God)
Life of natural spirit (truth), dead in body.
Lifeless body, Lifeless soul districted in fire (not kept by God)
2nd resurrection and judging and sentencing.
IF….….A CONFESSED CONVERTED Believer DIES (under any circumstances)…
He is Already Prepared …
Body buried
Saved soul departs goes to Heaven
Born Again Spirit departs goes to Heaven
These prepared ARE Lifted Up IN their Glorified Bodies BEFORE…
God Second and Last Great tribulationS Sent down from Heaven upon the whole Earth and it’s inhabitants. This great lifting up of the prepared Converted…is called the Rapture
Pre Warned…Gods INTENT TO Send GREAT Tribulations Down from Heaven UPON the Whole World and it’s inhabitants
God began IN the beginning…. Dividing
Forewarned…IN the Ending…Separating
Every human man…
(From the beginning of mankind)…
Will be “categorized” IN ONE of the 3
IF’s …AND their Final Destination, Dependent upon When and What Belief THEY Chose, Confessed or Rejected.
I personally Elected to accept and Take Gods ONE Time Offering of promising my Body To Him, Receive soul Salvation while Alive and Receive spirit quIckening while Alive and Gods Spirit IN me for the duration of time my body is Alive.
Glory to God,