Heroes Of The Faith

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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I think we can learn from the example of Christ's sanctification in the hearts of Christians who are living today and who lived in the past. I am hoping that this thread will be a place where we can discuss the people who inspire us. Whether they are Biblical authors, prophets, disciples, Apostles, preachers, contemporary authors, or simply people who have shown us Christ's love in their life work.


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
In my house
I think we can learn from the example of Christ's sanctification in the hearts of Christians who are living today and who lived in the past. I am hoping that this thread will be a place where we can discuss the people who inspire us. Whether they are Biblical authors, prophets, disciples, Apostles, preachers, contemporary authors, or simply people who have shown us Christ's love in their life work.

Hi Aspen,

As I was saying in another thread, I was very impressed with Hawaii's new saint who was canonized. Father Damian is an inspiration, and our seminarians even went to Hawaii to learn about him. Many years ago, those who had leprosy were isolated away from society because leprosy was a highly contagious disease. These people were rejected by society and separated from their families and relatives. Father Damian went to live among them to administer to their needs. Of course, he contracted leprosy and died from it. How many people are willing to dedicate their lives to helping the lepers, knowing that they themselves will contract the disease? This is a selfless act in which the person thinks only of others instead of themselves. This is indeed an amazing act. It is truely the work of the Holy Spirit and not any human good works.

Then there was the Amish community. In 2007, a gunman named Charles Roberts shot 10 young girls in an Amish school, killing 5 of them. Charles Roberts then shot himself dead. The amazing thing happened when the Amish community including the parents of those little girls who were killed forgave Charles Roberts and his family. The Amish community even donated some money to the killer's wife and children. If a person's child was murdered, how many parents can actually forgive the killer for murdering their own child? Again this is truely the work of the Holy Spirit and not any human good works.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Thanks Selene - I am going to do some research on Father Damian - he sounds really inspiring. Yeah, the Amish decision to forgive is spectacular.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Most everyone here has heard of an ex football star brag about their glorius touchdown...

ever wonder why none of the Heroes of the faith ever did a bit of bragging? I mean if we were to call down fire (even a matchsticks worth) and act like an ex football star the conversation might start off with, "Remember that day I called down fire from heaven...it was right there baby...right there....yeah"

Lets look at one such hero...Elijah
He was one of the most passionate men for God in the Bible...and recognized as such for these centuries past. He faced down kings alone...with no one to offer support...such a task takes a heavy personal toll on a person...especially with so much at stake.

Finally the day came that he was going to have to face down Ahab and the prophets of Baal. Elijah is the guy....he is the only guy.

Everyone is on King Ahab's side on this one...like usual.

God has still been seemingly absent and silent....like usual.

The small prayer and resulting fire was such a relief. Maybe now the Israelites will follow God once again...they are supposed to be his special chosen people even if they don't act like it. Since the miracle of the fire and the execution of all of those prophets of Baal maybe now things can start to go back to normal and holy here in this holy land.

BUT WAIT...all of a sudden Queen Jezebel now wants his head in spite of the miracle (King Ahab is such a weinie)...Elijah is disapointed, mad and frustrated...after all of this and now she wants to kill him. So since there is little Elijah can do at this point he sets out for the Judean wilderness/desert in order to dehydrate, starve, and die. His apprentice leaves him (or escapes...we ain't sure). Elijah will not be killed by the likes of her...he begs God to take his life so she won't...if he dies from exposure/dehydration then it will be God that kills him and not her.

An angel comes and brings him water and food...he falls asleep. Then an angel again wakes him up with water, food and a message...the resulting meaning being that he has more work to accomplish for God . This is when Elijah snaps...he has had enough. "Haven't I done enough?, I have failed at every turn. I coulda had a wife and kids and a farm...I should be living the good life but Nooooooo....I have to be a servant of God's. I am through with this and I am outta here. (that is what the "40 days and nights means...righteous, hot anger)

We/I think that he went down to Egypt...it was the most fun place in the vicinity and he does reappear at Horeb.

Elijah does know after his willful disobedience that he deserves his punishment. He was and is the only one standing up for God in Israel at the moment...and he is the prophet of God...he has to go back. So he goes back reluctantly to Mt Horeb and waits for God. God is definately gonna be mad about his behavior(abandoning his post)...remember all of those disobedient Israelites in the desert? He doesn't expect to live through this one...but he will have his say in the meantime.

All of a sudden God calls and says for him to stand by...He is coming.

The wind really starts howling...rocks start breaking....then an earthquake....then raging fire. (sounds like God is really upset and angry)

but then a gentle whisper...and Elijah recognizes God in that whisper...so he goes out to meet God.

The second he is in front of God he begins his rant...Something akin to, "I have tried with all of my might and failed...I can't do this any more!"

God then gives Elijah the equivalent of a hug...a friend (who incidentally stays with him to the very end) and tasks that will be performed by this new loyal friend. And God tells him that he hasn't failed...there are many in Israel who have remained faithful who have been watching and remained faithful for their watching of him.

For that kind of really good God...I can and will freely give my life.