I had a discussion about this with a friend of mine years ago.
His reasoning goes like this.
"You body is a temple. A church is a temple. What do people do with a church? They decorate it!"
I have tattoos and plan to get more in the future. Although, I do think tattos are stooooopid. Not a single one of us has kept the same style of clothing or even hair our entire lives. We change things all the time and will continue. It's funny to me that some of us will look back on all the "phases" and still decide to get a permanant mark on our skin. That said, with me I have a few rules for tattoos I get.
Firstly, and oddly, nothing "religious". Reason being, If tattoos are indeed "sin" I feel it's more disgracefull to God if I attempt to glorify him with ink. (Although, as with all things, this view is changing.)
Nothing vulgar.
Even if tattoos are damaging the body, and IF that's part of the "Temple issue", I still don't see a problem. You damage your skin, which in turn heals. In the process of tattoo care vital nutrients and lotions are applied, which, in turn, makes the skin healthier than before.
Now, damaging the skin sounds silly. We don't view body builders or athletes as silly. Exercise damages the muscle fibers and in turn, makes them stronger. Either way we look at it, damage often times leads to a healthier or stronger result.