Tim TP said:
OK, how about commentating on the proficies of Christianity?
What are they?
What order are they profecised in and what order have they been fulfilled in so far?
The other thread in this section may be the better place for that.
It would take a large book to answer the question properly
And even then we (Christians) can get some things wrong
A lot of the prophecies of the Old testament happened exactly as predicted and we now call them history
Trouble is mixed among them are prophecies that are still future.
It takes a scholar to figure some of them out.
(One of) the reasons is God would give a series of prophecies to lets say Isaiah ..... some of them came true in a few weeks or months .... that way it proved he was a Prophet (everything happened 100% as predicted ) ..... but after the short term prophecies there were also some future ones , as well as ones that have not happened yet.
Christ the Messiah came (obviously) .... the church has spread worldwide , unbelieving Israel was scattered worldwide for 2000 years and now recently regathered (1948) .... so prophecy unfolds even today
Probably the next thing to happen is the continuing anti-christ mindset of the world who have evolution as god , and the continued hatred toward Israel
When you see these things happening it is prophecy being fulfilled
We expect an end times wrath of God and Armageddon , then Christ returns with great power and authority with his followers.
The things in store for the anti-christian are not pleasant so chose sides carefully
To be anti-christian and anti-semitic may seem popular at the time but the consequences are deadly
Darwin and his finches will not save anyone
Best wishes.