Israel Blasts UN on "The Truth" About Palestinian Refugees

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New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Blasts UN Agency on ‘The Truth’ About Palestinian Refugees

In a new YouTube video called “The Truth About the Refugees,” Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon takes a sharp look at the Palestinian refugee problem, and blasts the UN agency tasked with aiding them and their descendants. Ayalon asks:

Why after more than 60 years are the Arab-Palestinian refugees still not welcomed and absorbed among their own brethren? And how could their numbers have grown from 500,000 to 4.7 million? The sad reality is that Palestinian refugees never had a chance. Attempts at resettlement were blocked by a variety of discriminatory laws enacted in Arab countries such as: a ban on receiving citizenship – with the exception of Jordan; blocking them from entering many professions; restrictions on owning land; restrictions on movement…​
From Israel’s perspective, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, or UNRWA, with the encouragement of Arab states, has engaged in a highly political mission to perpetuate the refugee problem rather than finding a dignified solution for those living 63 years in substandard housing that is clearly no longer “temporary.” Ayalon quotes a former UNRWA director in Jordan Sir Alexander Galloway who said:

…the Arab nations do not want to solve the Arab refugee problem. They want to keep it as an open sore…as a weapon against Israel.”​
He also asks why the UN formed an entirely separate bureaucracy to aid Palestinian refugees, when all other refugees are handled by the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR):

The answer is, because while the United Nations’ central refugee agency helps refugees resettle, the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency helps perpetuate their status by applying unique criteria…Refugees lose their status after receiving citizenship from a recognized country – Palestinians do not. Refugees cannot transmit their status from generation to generation. Palestinian refugees can.
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Arab states are all too willing to obstruct any livable arrangement for these mostly impoverished Palestinians by withholding citizenship, preventing moves to more adequate dwellings, and feeding the dream of their future “return” to their purported homes in Israel. Homes, it should be added, that many never actually saw since they were born years after the 1948 and 1967 Arab-Israeli wars.
Now, even their grandchildren and great-grandchildren are granted refugee status by UNRWA and are daily fed the myth Israelis will eventually, after a violent struggle, vacate their homes leading to a so-called “return” of those who weren’t even born in 1948.
Instead of encouraging the refugees to move forward with their lives constructively, UNRWA – ceding to Arab state policies – has set up a massive bureaucracy predicated on handouts to the poor and perpetuating the problem, rather than acknowledging reality and allowing them to attempt financially-independent lives.
Ayalon explains in his video that there were more Jewish refugees – 850,000 – forced from Arab states than the estimated 500,000 Arabs who fled their homes in 1948. Also by contrast, the Jews were allowed to build free lives in Israel and were never granted refugee status. Ayalon is himself the son of a Jew who was forced to leave Algeria.
Ayalon’s first two videos on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and the West Bank went viral. The Israeli Foreign Ministry hopes this one will also be widely viewed, offering the public a perspective not widely disseminated by the mainstream media, which like UNRWA tends to report on the issue without pointing to the basic logical complication – how can someone who was born decades after an armed conflict be considered a refugee?


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Great video - thanks for posting.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
You know, I've looked at writings, debates, arguments, etc on both sides of the equation. I'll make it known that I've looked at what Patrick Buchanan, Ron Paul, and others have said (including from the left though I am admittedly less familiar with names there) and if you really (objectively) look at the situation, it becomes clear:

Palestine wasn't even Palestine until the earlier 1900's when the British Mandate for Palestine was in effect. It's a western-created name and a concoction of politics. Essentially they're Arab(ians) not at all unlike the countries that surround Israel. These surrounding countries, won't aid them and won't accept them. When Israel become a nation, as the video and post states, Jews were kicked out of the other nations in the area and lost everything as well, yet their bretheren accepted them.

The Arabs/Muslims are very good with manipulating media. They've done their homework on that. The Palestinians present the ultimate appearance of great injustice so they essentially keep 'em poor and unhappy, refuse to accept them, but then berate Israel for simply existing.


New Member
Mar 30, 2011
Does it mater if it was called Palestine or not, really if people lived their for generations then how can one kick them out, people are people and i think they may have rights.
Maybe if Christians came and ran the show it would be better for all. the seeds of hate go no where.
All the problems starts with people being dictatorial swines. when will they all grow up and stop pushing people around.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
It is definitely a complicated issue. I think both sides have manipulated their people to fight each other for political gain.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
It's about the Islamic cleric's ancient jealousy tradition. It's written in God's Word, doesn't anyone know about it? It's about their claim that Israel stole the birthright that rightly belonged to Ishmael, since Ishmael was the firstborn of Abraham.

Why have the western nations like Britain been involved? It's because Judah in the West well knows the land is rightly Israel's inheritance from Abraham given to Israel through Isaac whom God continued the Promise through. Christian leaders in the West of Israelite heritage also know this. You will find Muslim websites denying that God made the Promise through Isaac, but to Ishmael instead.

So, what's really left to discover of why this is going on, what's it's purpose? To stir up the radical Arab nations and their allies like Russia, to gather around Jerusalem so God can pour out His cup of wrath upon them...

Zeph 3:8-9
8 Therefore wait ye upon Me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for My determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them Mine indignation, even all My fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy.
9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve Him with one consent.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2010
SE Texas
Does it mater if it was called Palestine or not, really if people lived their for generations then how can one kick them out, people are people and i think they may have rights.
Maybe if Christians came and ran the show it would be better for all. the seeds of hate go no where.
All the problems starts with people being dictatorial swines. when will they all grow up and stop pushing people around.

Well, I can see you´re not Joel, the author, he´s a good deal more informed and agendaless in his writtings. Did you bother to look at the video or to research the problem? There has never been a Palestine as a nation! And most of the Arabs that chose to remain in Israel have everything available to them they can want. Of course they do not send their wives and childern into crowds of Israelie people with bombs full of nails dipped in rat poison, as do the violent Arabs still remaining there. Their homes are not guarded and walled in because they do not rake the streets with machine gun and auotmatic wepons fire every time a Jew walks past.

I am not Jewish! I am an American with just enough native blood I can live off the rest of you but being a man and an American Vet. I choose not to but I do stand with Israel!

It is definitely a complicated issue. I think both sides have manipulated their people to fight each other for political gain.
You need to go live there for a year or two.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Hammerstone, Veteran and Taylor make excellent points.

"Palestine" was never a country. The people living there were Arabs and Jews.
The nation of Israel HAS been there twice before, both times with Jerusalem as its capital.
What the Palestinians are claiming was done to them actually WAS done to the Israelis: Physically forced from the last that was legally and historically theirs.
If you want to use the Palestinian standard of who should possess the land then they should acknowledge Israeli right to it.

When the UN partitioned the area called "Palestine" Israel promised to accept the borders (this even though Jerusalem was declared an 'open city' well inside a palestinian area and would not be allowed to be their capital).

They petitioned for statehood and were recognized by the UN. Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and the "Palestinians" didn't like that and all attacked Israel with the stated goal of wiping the nation off the face of the earth.

Although the attack failed, Jordan gained the area between its border and East Jerusalem and Egypt gained Gaza,
BOTH of those areas had originally been given to the Palestinians by the UN.

How did Egypt and Jordan react to this conquered territory?
Did they give it back to their Palestinian brothers?
Nope. Then annexed the land for themselves.

Jordan even annexed Eastern Jerusalem and at the same time complained about the Israeli occupation of West Jerusalem stating - comically - that Israel had no right to it because the UN declared it an 'open city.'

Israel was again attacked in 1967 and 1973.

That does not include the thousands of suicide bombings and rocket attacks directed at Israel's civilian population.
What kind of animals do this?

Peace negotiations have always proven fruitless and Israel is always given the blame, even though the peole negotating never renounce their refusal to recognize Israel and still promise their fight to destroy them.

Why is Israel criticized for not negotiation with entities that maintain their stated goal is the destruction of Israel?
Why aren't those countries required to renounce that if they want help from the International Community?

The last treaty had Israel giving up land for peace.
They did their part, even forcibly removing Israeli citizens from Gaza to give it to the Palestinians.

The result of Israel doing what they promised?
Fresh suicide bombings and rocket attacks from the recently transferred Gaza.

Israel reaction? Build a wall to protect it's population.
Stop suicide bombers from freely coming into the the country.
Ensure that all items entering Gaza from Israel could not be used for bombs or rockets.

Arab (and thus the world's) reaction?
Screams of Gaza now being a 'concentration camp.'
This, although the Israeli wall was only on two sides, the other two facing the ocean or bordering Egypt.
This although food can freely travel into Gaza from Israel and unarmed Palestinians can enter Israel to work.
The ONLY TIME this isn't allowed is if another attack comes out of Gaza.
This is a self-inflicted wound on the people in Gaza.

There was even a thread on this board talking about the horrible squalor, starvation, and concentration camp living conditions in Gaza....

......right up until pictures and articles were found showing new shopping malls, luxury car dealerships, an amusement park, stocked grocery store shelves, etc. etc. etc.

Those that tried to 'run the blockade' did so even though Israel said they would gladly check and allow ALL FOOD ITEMS at the port of Haifa, and help transport into Gaza if the people delivering the food wished.

Israel has never "stirred up their people for political gain."

They have over 50 years of history telling them that even when they fight to defend themselves, they are still going to be portrayed as the aggressor.
There is never a benefit in it.

Generations Palestinians are still being kept in camps in neighboring Arab nations, their rights restricted, citizenship denied.

Why are they not in the spotlight for their poor treatment of the Palestinians, their Arab brothers?



New Member
Mar 30, 2011
The Jews have created the mess they live in by looking down their nose at others and they are not Israel at all and that is a fact.

Not all the Jews in the State of Israel are trash that support the criminal Zionists dictators and they are not Zion at all. ( they just bastardising the truth of the word)

Remember when all were getting on in the State of Israel, it could become good again. (in God)

I could see that the worldly works of the Zionist Jews would come to this situation they now find them self's in, they were stupid idiots pushing people around like Nazis. it's a sick joke and no decent Christian should support the worldly filthy practices.
They are a disgrace to Jesus Christ and all who love Christ !


New Member
Mar 30, 2011
Well, I can see you´re not Joel, the author, he´s a good deal more informed and agendaless in his writtings. Did you bother to look at the video or to research the problem? There has never been a Palestine as a nation! And most of the Arabs that chose to remain in Israel have everything available to them they can want. Of course they do not send their wives and childern into crowds of Israelie people with bombs full of nails dipped in rat poison, as do the violent Arabs still remaining there. Their homes are not guarded and walled in because they do not rake the streets with machine gun and auotmatic wepons fire every time a Jew walks past.

I am not Jewish! I am an American with just enough native blood I can live off the rest of you but being a man and an American Vet. I choose not to but I do stand with Israel!

You need to go live there for a year or two.
Why don't you stand with Christ, he is the true Israel. Not some worldly mob lost just chasing it's tail..


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
The Jews have created the mess they live in by looking down their nose at others and they are not Israel at all and that is a fact.

Apparently, defending yourself against people who launch rockets and suicide bombers at your civilian population and state their main goal is your very desruction simply because you exist is "looking down your nose at them."

Who knew?


New Member
Mar 30, 2011
Everything was going fine some years ago and the media and our gov were reporting how wonderful it all was, then the sh1t started because the fools got them wound up did they not. now we have the problems we have now. and this all could of been avoided could it not ?
The media only report on a simpletons level of understanding never in depth.
On both sides there were people wanting a healthy out come but cunning morons destroyed all that now.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
It is difficult to sort out this issue because there is so much active hatred against the Jewish people.......

In any case, the Palestinian people are a complete mess - many of them are programmed to hate from a very young age. Illiteracy and poverty is rampant. Something has to be done to improve their lot.


New Member
Mar 30, 2011
It is difficult to sort out this issue because there is so much active hatred against the Jewish people.......

In any case, the Palestinian people are a complete mess - many of them are programmed to hate from a very young age. Illiteracy and poverty is rampant. Something has to be done to improve their lot.
Is it against the Jewish people ? or is it more to it than just that, i think so, as both can get along and that has been proven but Satan is running loose.
If only all came to Christ, problem solved.