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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Its is a sad fact that a person can be born again, and not actually understand anything about how and why, and be saved 40 yrs.

Listen Saint... We live in an era where time is speeding up, info technology is off the rails, and Reality is becoming "virtual". So, the effect of all this on our minds, is to almost create a detachment from the real Truth, which is the Bible, and Who is heading our way from Heaven, soon. Also....Satan is alive. He is not a myth. He wants you in the dark, out of touch with God, and not really concerned about what really matters.

So, let me talk more about heretics.

I often ask one of these Forum heretics to post about Grace, and they never do.
As a matter of fact, they usually become really really quiet. After all, a heretic obviously doesn't understand Grace, or they have rejected the Grace of God in favor of only existing on a Christian Forum to obsessively try to ruin a REAL believer's peace of heart and soundness of Mind. They try to do this by trying to Theologically con-job them into the Lake of Fire if they don't qualify for Heaven regarding the heretic's particular LIST of all the works they will teach that you must DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO to >stay saved<.
Notice that the heretic is always trying to keep Jesus from keeping you saved?
Do you hear that, justbyfaith, wrangler, ferris bueller ???
The Heretic is always trying to give you a Salvation Substitute that keeps you saved. That's their calling-card. That's their Heretic ID Badge. They want Jesus off the Cross and you On it , saving yourself by whatever list they want you to keep.
Maybe the list is "enduring to the end", or maybe the list is "Commandment keeping" or not "willfully sinning", or doing "works of Obedience", or "abiding"....or the Legalist's favorite, "well if you turn your back on God, or lose your faith, or renounce your faith". = HELL.

So, all of that is just works, its all YOUR EFFORT that they say you have to DO so that you dont "lose it", as according to them, you and NOT God thru Christ keeps you saved. = "HERESY". = Legalism = HERETIC.

The question arises..... regarding all they say and teach...IS....how could they know anything about The Grace of God, to begin with,????? And if they ever did, they have long ago rejected it.
See, you can't be a True believer in the Free Gift of Salvation and teach that you can lose your salvation. These 2 positions cancel each other out. This is "double minded" and self deceived.

God's Grace and "lose your salvation" do not exist within the same Blood Atonement, or Redemption, that is only found in the "gift of Righteousness".
Its not by our WORKS but according to God's MERCY" that we are saved and stay saved.
See that?
You have to want to not see that, if you can't see it. "not by WORKS"< And what is "works'.??????.. Its everything that you can DO, Saint. Its your LIFESTYLE, your THINKING,...BEHAVIOR.. its all the parts that make up your DOING SOMETHING.
Its all YOU YOU YOU......and that is NOT JESUS Saving you. And that is not having FAITH in Christ........at all.

Something that is interesting is that if a person believes they can "lose it", its because they are trusting in themselves to keep it.
So, that means they are not trusting in Christ to keep them saved, but only acknowledge that He began their Salvation. So, if anyone could lose their salvation because they have lost their faith, its the people who think and believe that they can lose their salvation. This is because the reason they believe this is because they are no longer trusting in Christ to keep them saved.

And its also a truth that as soon as a person becomes born again, they almost always have a desire to know more about the Bible...and the cults, and the Devil, both know this, so they are always looking for the new Christian to ruin, many New Believers just get trapped and ruined for life their very first year. And 40 yrs later, they are found on a Christian Forum trying to convince all born again believers that being born again isn't permanent, and that "Christ in You" is only as certain as the last time you confessed all your sins... (that you can recall).

Ive shared Paul's doctrine of God's Grace with thousands of hyper religious people who want to just beat their heads against a wall because i told them that " the Same God who saved you, will keep you saved"... Philippians 1:6.
Ive had the same legalistic type try to use that same wall against their heads when i tell them that "your Faith is not what saved you".. as this comment just stings self righteous flesh. But then if i remind this self righteous type that God SAVED them using the blood of Jesus, and that their Faith is what God accepted TO SAVE THEM, = to administer the Grace, to impute the redemption, their SALVATION<.

A Heretic, believes that "working out your salvation with fear and trembling" means...."Save yourself, because Christ isn't going to do it unless you are good enough, obedient enough, etc"... AFTER you are already SAVED.
Do you see what this really means?
It means the heretic is discounting and denying The Blood of Jesus as being capable of keeping you saved. It means that the Heretic is not giving full credit to the finished work of Jesus on the Cross as what SAVES and Keeps you Saved And they are instead taking credit for it, by what they believe they must DO"... (Self Saving).... And they'd have you believe this also, if possible. They'd have you up on that Cross right now if you'll just be self righteousness enough to go.
Don't ever do that.
Instead give all the praise, honor, glory, and CREDIT, to the SAVIOR GOD as Jesus The Christ, who saved you, and keeps you saved the same WAY He saved you. = God made you RIGHTEOUS and The Blood of Jesus Keeps you Righteous. (Keeps you SAVED).

Faith isn't the Redeemer.
Jesus is the Redeemer, and God saves us through HIM because we did what God told us to do, so that He DOES. = we BELIEVED. Therefore, "faith is counted as righteousness", but its the RIGHTEOUSNESS that is Imputed, that is charged to us, given freely as the "gift of Righteousness"... that makes us accepted by God, = Born Again. = SAVED.
Can you do all that for yourself?
Heretics think you can, and want you to try for the rest of your LIFE. And that is why they try to fearmonger you into thinking you can LOSE YOUR SALVATION< .

So, are you wondering about this word FAITH?
Kinda unsure about how to understand FAITH? Well, Think of Salvation like this... You are sitting in a dark room. There is a ceiling fan light above your head. There is a light switch on the Wall. So, you turn on the Switch, and the Light comes on. Right? So, is the switch the LIGHT? Is the SWITCH the LIGHT? ? ? ? or is the Switch what causes the Light to come on? So, Faith is the SWITCH< but its not the Light. Jesus is the Light. Salvation is the LIGHT.. Grace is the Light. Redemption is the LIGHT.. .And God has this Light and wants to give it to "all who will" (flip the switch)...., and so you RECEIVE it ALL when you turn on the Switch. The switch is Faith. But...Faith is only the switch. Eternal Redemption is the LIGHT. So, dont confuse them as one, as they are not. Faith activates the HOLY ONE WHO SAVES YOU. Faith is the switch, while Salvation, who is JESUS, is the LIGHT.

Most Born again Christians don't begin with the idea that "Jesus started my Salvation, and now its my responsibility to keep myself out of hell for the rest of my life by being good enough". This is taught to them by heretics.
However, Thank GOD Thru Christ that the fact is, our Salvation is not dependent on our BEHAVIOR or our THINKING, but its solely dependent on our Father God who SAVED US. Philippians 1:6.

A Christian Forum Heretic is always found twisting their favorite epistle (Hebrews).. and usually one specific verse that says,.."if we sin willfully". The heretic proudly proclaims.."".so if you do THAT you'll go to hell ".
However the final answer is... Romans 4:8.
Its Says that God does not charge your sin to you in eternity If you are born again. There is no Judgement for sin waiting for you there if you are born again. So, willful, unwillful, kinda willful, 12% willful, 73% willful, or 110% willful,.... this Hebrew verse isn't talking to anyone who is Born again, because ..
A.) Every born again person has sinned willfully since they were saved.
B.) Romans 4:8.
Heretics actually never read the verse.
And notice... this verse is showing you the end result of being born again.
ITs explaining that God can't esteem sin to you after you are born again, because all your sin has been resolved by the blood, death, and resurrection of Jesus, already.
God can't judge Jesus for your sin on Earth, and then judge you for it in Eternity.
And that is GOOD NEWS.
Believe it.
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