Law passed to stop banks from freezing bank accounts based on personal beliefs...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
This is very interesting and also the reaction from the administration...

"Ron DeSantis signs anti-woke law to stop banks from freezing Floridians? bank accounts based on their politics but Treasury says the law puts 'America's national security at risk'.
The Treasury Department has taken aim at Florida's new anti-woke banking law ? warning it could open the floodgates for criminals to use and manipulate the U.S. financial system.

The new state law (HB 989), signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in May, declares it would be 'unsafe and unsound' for banks to consider non-financial factors like politics, religion or environmental, social and corporate-governance (ESG) when doing business.

'We reject a global elite trying to force their ideology on us by capturing major institutions,' DeSantis, who has led an aggressive campaign against so-called ?woke? ideology in the Sunshine State, said when signing HB 989 into law.

'We are not going to allow big banks to discriminate based on someone?s political or religious beliefs.'

But while DeSantis claims he's fighting discrimination, the U.S. Treasury has labeled the Florida law, 'and other similar laws under consideration in mostly conservative states like Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana and South Dakota' as a potential threat to national security.

Here's why policymakers are butting heads over so-called debanking, and what it means for Americans.

Florida deters debanking
DeSantis? goal with HB 989 was to ?strengthen Florida's protections for consumers ? from being forced to adopt ideologies or reflect a preferred political behavior.?

Per an Associated Press report, DeSantis said the law will protect the access that conservative groups and the firearms industry have to the financial sector ? and stop them from having their accounts frozen or closed.

The law makes it illegal for banks to 'deny or cancel, suspend, or terminate its services to a person, or to otherwise discriminate against a person in making available such services' on the basis of several factors, including (but not limited to):

The person's political opinions, speech, or affiliations

Any factor if it is not a quantitative, impartial, and risk-based standard, including any such factor related to the person?s business sector

The person?s engagement in the lawful manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, or use of firearms or ammunition

The person's engagement in the exploration, production, utilization, transportation, sale, or manufacture of fossil fuel-based energy, timber, mining, or agriculture" .......
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Imagine that. You could lose your access to your money due to your personal opinions and beliefs.

Then again this bill could be setting up a scenario that doesn't actually exist now in order to set a conflict scenario that will arise now.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
This is very interesting and also the reaction from the administration...

"Ron DeSantis signs anti-woke law to stop banks from freezing Floridians? bank accounts based on their politics but Treasury says the law puts 'America's national security at risk'.
The Treasury Department has taken aim at Florida's new anti-woke banking law ? warning it could open the floodgates for criminals to use and manipulate the U.S. financial system.

The new state law (HB 989), signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in May, declares it would be 'unsafe and unsound' for banks to consider non-financial factors like politics, religion or environmental, social and corporate-governance (ESG) when doing business.

'We reject a global elite trying to force their ideology on us by capturing major institutions,' DeSantis, who has led an aggressive campaign against so-called ?woke? ideology in the Sunshine State, said when signing HB 989 into law.

'We are not going to allow big banks to discriminate based on someone?s political or religious beliefs.'

But while DeSantis claims he's fighting discrimination, the U.S. Treasury has labeled the Florida law, 'and other similar laws under consideration in mostly conservative states like Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana and South Dakota' as a potential threat to national security.

Here's why policymakers are butting heads over so-called debanking, and what it means for Americans.

Florida deters debanking
DeSantis? goal with HB 989 was to ?strengthen Florida's protections for consumers ? from being forced to adopt ideologies or reflect a preferred political behavior.?

Per an Associated Press report, DeSantis said the law will protect the access that conservative groups and the firearms industry have to the financial sector ? and stop them from having their accounts frozen or closed.

The law makes it illegal for banks to 'deny or cancel, suspend, or terminate its services to a person, or to otherwise discriminate against a person in making available such services' on the basis of several factors, including (but not limited to):

The person's political opinions, speech, or affiliations

Any factor if it is not a quantitative, impartial, and risk-based standard, including any such factor related to the person?s business sector

The person?s engagement in the lawful manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, or use of firearms or ammunition

The person's engagement in the exploration, production, utilization, transportation, sale, or manufacture of fossil fuel-based energy, timber, mining, or agriculture".........
Sounds like somthing that Hitler would of loved to do !


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2024
Eastern Shore
United States
Imagine that. You could lose your access to your money due to your personal opinions and beliefs.

Then again this bill could be setting up a scenario that doesn't actually exist now in order to set a conflict scenario that will arise now.
Ohh it exists, that began under o- bama. -- it was mostly against retailers- they froze accts. or threatened to, if they didnt obey.
Good for Desantis. --he is protecting against the left's commie china tactics

But.. the Feds warn us of a...
national security risk cost for our freedoms... ? ahh yes
(we may see another shooting in florida soon.. wooops did I say that?)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
Imagine that. You could lose your access to your money due to your personal opinions and beliefs.

Then again this bill could be setting up a scenario that doesn't actually exist now in order to set a conflict scenario that will arise now.
The Nazis and Facists did it, to say nothing of the Communists, so what's to stop these 'Woke' idealoges today..
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