Leaving the Law.. : By GRACE

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

If you are not born again and you use profanity.. then because you are still "under the Law".. then The LAW defines your profanity, as : "sin."

Whereas.....When a person becomes born again.. then ..."you are NOT under the Law.....but under GRACE"..

1.) This means that the LAW and Commandments, can't define you as a SINNER., or your deeds as Sin... because .. you are "under GRACE"...

GRACE.. redefines your wrong behavior as "works of the flesh"..........vs "sin".


= """Jesus has redeemed (the born again) from the CURSE........of The Law""".

What is that "curse". ?

The Law's curse is 2 things..

A.) "The Law is the power of sin.. the power of sin is the Law.."

B.) The Dominion of the Law, is what defines you before God......as a SINNER, until the LAW is removed and you are born again : "NOT UNDER THE LAW.. but under GRACE".'.

2.) So, when the person is born again then the CURSE of the Law, is gone... because the LAW's Dominion is gone....= ""not under the LAW, but under GRACE"".

Grace : is God's eternal forgiveness and justification that has become yours, based on The Finished Work of JESUS on the CROSS.

Welcome to : SALVATION.......>"its THE GIFT of Salvation".

This is what Paul is referring to, as "The Gift of Righteousness".. when from The Cross.. Jesus said... """IT, .. .is finished"".

Now where is the confusion found, that confuses most Christians about this fact of Eternal Salvation as found ""in Christ"""???

Well....When you show them this.....their natural mind, says....>"but i still sometimes want to use profanity and do"....."Just like before".... "I struggle to be good, at times"...

= Right.....and that is your flesh.... but what is different, is.. once you are born again.. you exist here.....

=>: "Where there is NO LAW.. there is no TRANSGRESSION".. = "not under the LAW.. but under Grace'""..

Reader.......That means that carnal behavior is no longer judged by THE Dominion of The LAW.....but instead its realized by GOD as being always : "under GRACE".

God never sees the born again, as "under the Law".....but ONLY as "UNDER GRACE" and there is no Moses Law and Commandments found there.

A.) This REVELATION... is = "who you have become IN CHRIST". as "one with GOD"".... and once you get this "renewed mind" understanding as your REAL FAITH.. then your canal behavior will fade, because there is no LAW that empowers it anymore, as "the law is the power of sin".

And THAT is how you "work out your Salvation".....and become over time..>>"as many as be PERFECT".

See, Salvation is yours, if you are born again, but you have to understand what it has done for you, beyond forgiving your sin and giving you eternal life..

once you truly get the revelation of who you have become as "born again" "IN CHRIST">.. "not under the LAW.. but under GRACE">...Not perfect always in your behavior,...= but perfect always in your UNDERSTANDING of the REVELATiON regarding what it means to be "under GRACE" "no longer under the Law"... = existing in "The Kingdom of God".... then you have "worked out your Salvation".


Active Member
Mar 25, 2012
United States

If you are not born again and you use profanity.. then because you are still "under the Law".. then The LAW defines your profanity, as : "sin."

Whereas.....When a person becomes born again.. then ..."you are NOT under the Law.....but under GRACE"..

1.) This means that the LAW and Commandments, can't define you as a SINNER., or your deeds as Sin... because .. you are "under GRACE"...

GRACE.. redefines your wrong behavior as "works of the flesh"..........vs "sin".


= """Jesus has redeemed (the born again) from the CURSE........of The Law""".

What is that "curse". ?

The Law's curse is 2 things..

A.) "The Law is the power of sin.. the power of sin is the Law.."

B.) The Dominion of the Law, is what defines you before God......as a SINNER, until the LAW is removed and you are born again : "NOT UNDER THE LAW.. but under GRACE".'.

2.) So, when the person is born again then the CURSE of the Law, is gone... because the LAW's Dominion is gone....= ""not under the LAW, but under GRACE"".

Grace : is God's eternal forgiveness and justification that has become yours, based on The Finished Work of JESUS on the CROSS.

Welcome to : SALVATION.......>"its THE GIFT of Salvation".

This is what Paul is referring to, as "The Gift of Righteousness".. when from The Cross.. Jesus said... """IT, .. .is finished"".

Now where is the confusion found, that confuses most Christians about this fact of Eternal Salvation as found ""in Christ"""???

Well....When you show them this.....their natural mind, says....>"but i still sometimes want to use profanity and do"....."Just like before".... "I struggle to be good, at times"...

= Right.....and that is your flesh.... but what is different, is.. once you are born again.. you exist here.....

=>: "Where there is NO LAW.. there is no TRANSGRESSION".. = "not under the LAW.. but under Grace'""..

Reader.......That means that carnal behavior is no longer judged by THE Dominion of The LAW.....but instead its realized by GOD as being always : "under GRACE".

God never sees the born again, as "under the Law".....but ONLY as "UNDER GRACE" and there is no Moses Law and Commandments found there.

A.) This REVELATION... is = "who you have become IN CHRIST". as "one with GOD"".... and once you get this "renewed mind" understanding as your REAL FAITH.. then your canal behavior will fade, because there is no LAW that empowers it anymore, as "the law is the power of sin".

And THAT is how you "work out your Salvation".....and become over time..>>"as many as be PERFECT".

See, Salvation is yours, if you are born again, but you have to understand what it has done for you, beyond forgiving your sin and giving you eternal life..

once you truly get the revelation of who you have become as "born again" "IN CHRIST">.. "not under the LAW.. but under GRACE">...Not perfect always in your behavior,...= but perfect always in your UNDERSTANDING of the REVELATiON regarding what it means to be "under GRACE" "no longer under the Law"... = existing in "The Kingdom of God".... then you have "worked out your Salvation".

The law of Moses was abolished, in which it was taken out of the way, and nailed to the cross having been only temporary.

Grace is the God given ability to do what we can not do without it; ie obey God.

IOW, Grace enables us to walk according to the Spirit rather than living according to the flesh.

Grace is the Holy Spirit; the Spirit of grace.

Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? Hebrews 10:28-29


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot,

Notice the verse is asking a question, its not stating a doctrine.

So, to stomp on the blood of Jesus, as you find also in Hebrews 6, is to "crucify Christ afresh" and you do that by willfully refusing to trust in Christ.

So, Heb 10,............ is Acts 28:28.

Written to Jews, who are willfully rejecting their Messiah., yet, in the "time of the Gentiles" this same unpardonable Sin, is true for anyone who has never been born again, and dies a Christ Rejector.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2012
United States
So, to stomp on the blood of Jesus, as you find also in Hebrews 6, is to "crucify Christ afresh" and you do that by willfully refusing to trust in Christ.

For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame. Hebrews 6:4-6

  • have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance

Those who fallen away after being saved and filled with the Holy Spirit can never be saved again.

Fall away is specific language that refers to renouncing Jesus Christ as Messiah and returning to Judaism, (context Hebrews).

Judaism is an antichrist religion that denies Jesus as Messiah.



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift,

Those are Hebrews.....(Jews) who were not born again.

If you own a bible, then go to Acts 28:28, as its the same group of CHRIST REJECTING Hebrews.. (Jews).

Ernest T. Bass

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
out in the woods

The Bible makes a contrast between the OT (the law) and NT (grace).

John 1:17 shows a contrast between the OT and NT:
"For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ."

"The law" here is a reference to the law of Moses and 'grace' refers to the NT law of Christ. Jeremiah prophesied in Jer 31:
"Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD

Jeremiah showing the two different covenants, the OT law given to the Jews fathers when they came out of Egypt called the law of Moses which was only given to the Jews and this new covenant that comes from Christ that is for all men.

The distinction between the two covenants was the old law required a system of perfect flawless law keeping to be justified by it. The Jews were unable to keep that OT law sinlessly perfect, hence that old law left the Jew just as unjustified as the Gentile (Rom 3:9) who was not given their own law. The new covenant that is for all, Jew and Gentile, teaches a system of justification based upon grace. Christ dying on the cross provided a means to complete justification, something the old law could not do. Therefore the new law provides for a plan of salvation that does justify and that plan was not a result of any human work of merit but a result of God's grace (Eph 2:8-9). Hence the NT law, as a synecdoche, is referred to as "grace". Therefore a contrast between to OT (the law) and NT (grace).

Grace does not exclude law. Paul said he was under law to Christ (1 Cor 1:21). The "law" Paul was under was not the OT law but the NT law of Christ (Gal 2:6; James 1:25, 2:12). Paul was not perfectly sinless but he had an OBEDIENT faith. Hence the grace found in the Bible is not a "cheap grace" that excludes obedience to God's will. There was God's grace before the law of Moses for Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord for his faithful obedience to God (Gen 6:22, Heb 11:7).

John said sin is transgression of the law. Paul said if there were no law there would be no sin. If man is not under law then there would be NO SIN AT ALL today and no one would be in need of grace!! But that is not the case for Christians do sin as Peter who denied Christ, the Christians at Corinth. John said if the Christian says he has no sin he is a liar, 1 Jn 1:8. Hence law MUST exist and it exists in the form of the NT law of Christ.

Paul's point in Rom 6 is because Christians are saved by grace that does not give Christians a license to sin. Christians are those who have died to sin. Since sin is transgression to law, then the only solution for sin is obedience to law. Hence salvation is by God's grace and man's faithful obedience to Christ's law.

Each person is either obeying Christ or disobeying Christ by living in rebellion and defiance to His will...there is no middle ground, no third alternative. Therefore the disobedient are outlaws and outlaws hate law. If one is not living an OBEDIENT life to Christ then one is "serving sin unto death" rather than serving "obedience UNTO righteousness" (Rom 6:16).



Grace cannot be separated from law:
a) God's grace saves men from sin, (Tts 2:11ff)
b) sin is transgression of law, 1 Jn 3:4
c) but if there were no law, there would be no sin, Rom 5:13
d) if there were no sin to save men from, then there would be no need for grace (return to point 'a' above)

The idea of "grace only" is derived from the old faith onlyism teachings that falsely claims men "do nothing" to be saved. They simply do not understand the Bible. On one hand they claim there is NOTHING for you to do to be saved but then turn around and say you must believe or must say a sinner's prayer.

Faith onlyists refuse to see that obedience to God and works of human merit are two totally, completely different things. Nowhere ever in the Bible is obedience to God called a work of human merit, obedience is never called a work of self-righteousness. Grace is for those who CONDITIONALLY obey Christ (Heb 5:9).

Rom 6:14
"For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under law, but under grace."
This is a not-but ellipsis that shows you are not just under law but also under grace. Such is true or Paul lied when he said he was under law, 1 Cor 9:21.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Grace does not exclude law.

"The power of SIN, is the LAW ... the LAW is the power of SIN"

"Jesus came to redeem us from the CURSE of the Law"..

Deceivers like you @Ernest T. Bass .. would have this CURSE back on the born again.


Grace cannot be separated from law:

The Born again are "NOT under the LAW........but Under GRACE"

So, if you are under the Law, that means that Jesus has not delivered you from it by His Cross........Yet.

Ernest T. Bass

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
out in the woods
In Galatians Chapter 3, "the law" refers to the OT law of Moses. Only the Jews were given the OT law of Moses and to be justified by that OT law required the work of sinless, flawless perfect law keeping, something the Jew could not do. Therefore that OT law left the Jew as unjustified as the Gentile, Rom 3:9. The 'curse' that was of that OT law of Moses was that required work of sinless, perfect, flawless law keeping to be justified. Just one sin by the Jew then that OT law condemned the Jew and it showed no mercy.

The context of Galatians 3, Judaizing teachers had convinced some Christians in Galatia that they could not be saved by the NT gospel of Christ alone, but they must be circumcized and keep the whole OT law of Moses to be saved, (Acts 15:1,5). Paul's point in the context in Galatians 3 was how foolish were those Galatains to leave the NT that can justify by a simple obedient faith, to go to the OT law that cannot justify. They foolishly put themselves under that OT curse of perfect, flawless law keeping, something those Galatians could not do as the Jews could not do.

When Christ died on the cross, He took that OT law out of the way, along with its curse of perfect, sinless law keeping neither Jew nor Gentile could do, (Eph 2:14-16; Col 2:14). Christ's NT does not require sinless, flawless law keeping but a simple obedient faith, (Heb 5:9). When the Christian does sin violating Christ's NT law, then the Christian has been given a second avenue of pardon by repenting of his sins whereby God forgives.

The idea one can be saved yet does not even have to obey God, that is, be saved while living in defiance and rebellion to God's will yet God will still UNconditionally save anyway is the epitome of cheap grace.

If men today are not under any law as some may falsely claim, then why are millions of people within thousands of man-made denominations that teach the falsehood of 'grace only' so adament about getting the 10 commandments of the OT law posted in courthouses, schools and other public venues? What are the 10 commandments? They are LAW. So they on one hand claim men are not under law then on the other hand want to post law all over the place. Contradictions created by false teachers. If one is not under law then there is no sin and no need for grace. One can live anyway they choose if there is no law, one can murder, lie, steal, fornicate and God would still UNconditionally save them. Yet God's grace is not cheap like this, it cost the life of His Son on a cross.

Salvation is by grace through faith, Eph 2, not by grace alone.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The 'curse' that was of that OT law of Moses was that required work of sinless, perfect

See this verse..

"Jesus came to deliver us from the Curse of the Law".

This verse is given by Paul, who is the "Apostle to the Gentiles'". "in the Time of the Gentiles".. after Jesus is back in Heaven.

And see this verse.... "Not under the Law, but under GRACE"..

That is ever CHRISTIAN, that Paul is defining by HIS VERSE.

Ernest T. Bass

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
out in the woods
Again, curse of the law refers to the OT law of Moses which required flawless sinless law keeping that neither Jew nor Gentile could do.

On the cross Christ did take that OT law out of the way with its curse of perfect law keeping replacing it with His NT law that requires faithful OBDIENCE not perfect law keeping to be justified. God has always required obedience from man, both OT and NT, and God will punish the disobedient in flaming fire, 2 Thess 1:8.

1 Cor 9:21 Paul said he was 'under law' so Paul is a liar??


Again, why post the 10 commandments in public venues if man today is not under any law at all?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Again, curse of the law refers to the OT law

The Curse of the Law........is that the Law requires righteousness of a SINNER.

Understand? @Ernest T. Bass ?
So, that can't happen.

The Law DEMANDS righteousness, and we have NONE... So, we go to God through Christ, and are forgiven our sin, and then God gives us..
the "imputed righteousness of Christ" that is "the GIFT of Righteousness"....

And then... now that the born again, has become ""THE righteousness of GOD....IN CHRIST"....

God has removed the LAW from the born again Christian....., which takes away its "DOMINION">....so that it can't define a born again as a sinner...ever again.

And that is because...The born again.. "are NOT UNDER THE LAW.....but under Grace".

Ernest T. Bass

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
out in the woods
You read things into verses that are simply not in them. The verse in Gal 3 does NOT say Christ did away with obedience, it says He did away with the curse of the law which He did when He died on the cross, He took away that OT law with its curse of sinless, flawless law keeping Jew nor Gentile were able to do,

Christ NT requires obedience, Heb 5:9, hence Paul was UNDER LAW to Christ 1 Cor 9:21.

Rom 6:14
"For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under law, but under grace."
This is a not-but ellipsis that shows you are not just under law but also under grace. Such is true or Paul lied when he said he was under law, 1 Cor 9:21.

As I explained in my post #7, "grace" refers to Christ's NT law that teaches a system of justification by grace THROUGH faith not ny grace alone. Christ's NT does contain law, again Paul said he was UNDER LAW to Christ.

The Bible makes a contrast between the OT (the law) and NT (grace).

John 1:17 shows a contrast between the OT and NT:
"For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ."

"Grace" refers to Christ's NT that does contain law thereby Paul said he was under law. Your argument dies here with Paul for Paul was not a liar.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
"Grace" refers to Christ's NT that does contain law thereby Paul said he was under law. Your argument dies here with Paul for Paul was not a liar.

The Liar, is the person who tries to put the Christian, who is "made free from the Law"< "Not under the law, but under Grace"....by The Cross of Christ... back under it.

So, never do that, as you are insulting God's Grace and defining yourself as "anti-Cross".

That is not a good place to be.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You read things into verses that are simply not in them. The verse in Gal 3 does NOT say Christ did away with obedience,

Jesus told us that He gave us a "new" commandment..

You might want to research that, as Moses Law does not understand it, at all.


"The law came by Moses.....but GRACE AND TRUTH, came by JESUS".. like this...

= its JESUS's Cross that has delivered ALL the born again from the "CURSE of the LAW"... because ""Jesus has redeemed (the born again... from the Cruse of The Law".

So, if you teach a heresy that is designed to TRY to put the Born again, back under the Law and commandments, you are trying to put the curse of the law back on them, that Christ has died on the Cross to provide them with the ESCAPE from... "the Curse of the Law".. @Ernest T. Bass

You are a devout Legalist, who does not understand the Grace of God, that has "redeemed (the born again) from""" the curse of the Law".

Listen, Jesus didnt go to THE CROSS... to put you under bondage to try to keep the law and commandments so that you can try to go to heaven by doing it., as you believe and are teaching as some serious heresy.

Instead, JESUS came to end the dominion of the Law....by installing "GOD's GRACE".. like this..

THe born again are "NOT UNDER THE LAW.. but under (God's) Grace"...

So...Are you thinking yet?
Time to start... so.. think on this.

There is NO Moses Law or 10 commandment, in HEAVEN.........
There is no Moses Law, or 10 Commandments, in the Kingdom of God.
There is no Moses Law or 10 Commandments, "IN Christ"
There is no Moses Law or 10 commandments, "IN GOD".


Then understand this.. Mr Law Keeping Legalist. @Ernest T. Bass

The born again CHRISTian.. is.

"In Christ"
"One with God"
"seated in heavenly places" in the "KOG"..

There is no LAW or 10 Commandments found there, and that is where the BORN AGAIN Exist.... forever... already.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Paul said he was under law.

Paul teaches that all the born again are "not under the Law, but under Grace".

So, @Ernest T. Bass ...

A question for you.

Are you one of those carnal legalists, who teaches this..... doctrine of devils?

""""""The reason that Jesus saved us, is so that we can now go and keep THE Law perfectly (and the Statutes)>""""""".

Is that your Ministry? To teach that Cross denying heresy?

Let me show you how that sounds to the Holy Spirit when a LEGALIST teaches that Cross-Less Theology to the body of Christ ono a "christian forum" or from a Local Church Pulpit.

Here is what the Holy Spirit hears, ....

""The reason that Jesus died to give us a NEW Covenant........... is so that the born again can now = go back into the Old Testament, and under the old covenant, and keep MOSES LAW and the OT Statues, : as that is REAL Christianity"".

See that?
Dont be that one, as that one is a HERETIC......a thoroughbred carnal heretic who has no understanding of the "Blood Atonement" that is the "Cross of Christ".,. that is the "Grace of God"... that is the NEW Covenant and NEW Testament.
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Ernest T. Bass

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
out in the woods
Again...... Paul, a born again Christian, said he was under law to Christ, 1 Cor 9:21. Your argument continues to die right here.

The OT law is NOT to be kept by Christians, that would be sinful (Rom 7:1-5) furthermore that OT law of Moses cannot justify (Rom 3; Gal 3). But NT Christians are to keep the NT law of Christ that does justify by obedience (Rom 6:17-18) .....Jesus is Lord of those who do (obey) the things He says, (Lk 6:46). The ones who enter the kingdom are the ones who doeth (obey) the will of God, (Mt 7:21).


The Bible calls those who are obedient to God's word "righteous" Rom 6:16 not legalists. The term legalist is defined differently by different people and is usually used by those who refuse to accept the Bible's teaching that salvation is impossible apart from obedience to God.

If we substitute the word legalist/legalism for 'obey' then we get from Heb 5:8-9 showing the absurdity of it:

"Though he were a Son, yet learned he legalism by the things which he suffered;
And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that are legalists;"

Are you a legalist Behold?
Do you file your tax forms and pay your taxes to the IRS as the law requires? Then you're a legalist.
Do you follow the laws of the road and stop at red lights, have the required driver's license and auto insurance? Then you're a legalist.
If your employer says your work must meet certain specs else will fail inspection, do you follow what your employer says? Then you're a legalist.
Do you follow your doctors instructions, take certain dose of medicines? Then your a legalist.

Legalism in the world is a good thing, it's a great thing for it keeps from having social disorder and chaos, it keeps you out of jail, it lets you keep your job, it helps maintain your health following doctors orders. It is those who are not legalist but who are ILLegalists that are the law breakers, the criminals, those who cause the problems.

Yet when it comes to the BIble and Christianity, the word 'obedience', which is a good, honest, clean word, is taken by some and dirtied up simply because it does not follow their man-made teachings.

Was Noah a legalists when he built the ark to God's specs? His obedience to God is why God saved him from destruction in the flood
Was Naaman a legalist when he obeyed God by dipping in the specified river the specified number of times? His obedience to God is why God cured his disease.
Were those in Acts 2 legalist when they repented and were baptized? There obedience to God is why God remitted their sins
Was Paul a legalist when he was baptized? His obedience to God is why God washed away his sins

Jesus would be the biggest "legalist" of all time;
If you love Me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS, Jn 14:15
If you KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love" Jn 15:10

And nowhere ever in the BIble is obedience called a work of merit or 'legalism" Lk 17:7-10

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States

If you are not born again and you use profanity.. then because you are still "under the Law".. then The LAW defines your profanity, as : "sin."

Whereas.....When a person becomes born again.. then ..."you are NOT under the Law.....but under GRACE"..

1.) This means that the LAW and Commandments, can't define you as a SINNER., or your deeds as Sin... because .. you are "under GRACE"...

GRACE.. redefines your wrong behavior as "works of the flesh"..........vs "sin".


= """Jesus has redeemed (the born again) from the CURSE........of The Law""".

What is that "curse". ?

The Law's curse is 2 things..

A.) "The Law is the power of sin.. the power of sin is the Law.."

B.) The Dominion of the Law, is what defines you before God......as a SINNER, until the LAW is removed and you are born again : "NOT UNDER THE LAW.. but under GRACE".'.

2.) So, when the person is born again then the CURSE of the Law, is gone... because the LAW's Dominion is gone....= ""not under the LAW, but under GRACE"".

Grace : is God's eternal forgiveness and justification that has become yours, based on The Finished Work of JESUS on the CROSS.

Welcome to : SALVATION.......>"its THE GIFT of Salvation".

This is what Paul is referring to, as "The Gift of Righteousness".. when from The Cross.. Jesus said... """IT, .. .is finished"".

Now where is the confusion found, that confuses most Christians about this fact of Eternal Salvation as found ""in Christ"""???

Well....When you show them this.....their natural mind, says....>"but i still sometimes want to use profanity and do"....."Just like before".... "I struggle to be good, at times"...

= Right.....and that is your flesh.... but what is different, is.. once you are born again.. you exist here.....

=>: "Where there is NO LAW.. there is no TRANSGRESSION".. = "not under the LAW.. but under Grace'""..

Reader.......That means that carnal behavior is no longer judged by THE Dominion of The LAW.....but instead its realized by GOD as being always : "under GRACE".

God never sees the born again, as "under the Law".....but ONLY as "UNDER GRACE" and there is no Moses Law and Commandments found there.

A.) This REVELATION... is = "who you have become IN CHRIST". as "one with GOD"".... and once you get this "renewed mind" understanding as your REAL FAITH.. then your canal behavior will fade, because there is no LAW that empowers it anymore, as "the law is the power of sin".

And THAT is how you "work out your Salvation".....and become over time..>>"as many as be PERFECT".

See, Salvation is yours, if you are born again, but you have to understand what it has done for you, beyond forgiving your sin and giving you eternal life..

once you truly get the revelation of who you have become as "born again" "IN CHRIST">.. "not under the LAW.. but under GRACE">...Not perfect always in your behavior,...= but perfect always in your UNDERSTANDING of the REVELATiON regarding what it means to be "under GRACE" "no longer under the Law"... = existing in "The Kingdom of God".... then you have "worked out your Salvation".

the word sin is hamarte

it literally means to fall shortt or to miss the mark.

If I do somethign n the flesh, it is still sin, i still miss the mark. I am not perfect.

I am however, if I am born again, still forgiven.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Again...... Paul, a born again Christian, said he was under law to Christ, 1 Cor 9:21.

That is not Paul denying what He taught in Phil 3, that you've never studied.
Study that..

Paul is teaching that when we are trying to reach an unbeliever, .. they need to trust us, as we are dealing with their eternal soul.
So, we are to RELATE to them.>>"become like them".... so that we are bonding with them, as a friend, as someone they can trust......so that we can win them to Christ.
That is what you verse is explaining.

So, you are a Legalist, and all of those obsess on LAW Keeping, because they do not understand THE CROSS, which has done this..

'""you (the born again) are not under the LAW..........but under Grace".

Jesus gave you ONE Commandment.
And its not Moses Law, or the other 10.

Read a NT.
There is a lot in there you will discover......possibly... @Ernest T. Bass

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Again...... Paul, a born again Christian, said he was under law to Christ, 1 Cor 9:21. Your argument continues to die right here.

The OT law is NOT to be kept by Christians, that would be sinful (Rom 7:1-5) furthermore that OT law of Moses cannot justify (Rom 3; Gal 3). But NT Christians are to keep the NT law of Christ that does justify by obedience (Rom 6:17-18) .....Jesus is Lord of those who do (obey) the things He says, (Lk 6:46). The ones who enter the kingdom are the ones who doeth (obey) the will of God, (Mt 7:21).


The Bible calls those who are obedient to God's word "righteous" Rom 6:16 not legalists. The term legalist is defined differently by different people and is usually used by those who refuse to accept the Bible's teaching that salvation is impossible apart from obedience to God.

If we substitute the word legalist/legalism for 'obey' then we get from Heb 5:8-9 showing the absurdity of it:

"Though he were a Son, yet learned he legalism by the things which he suffered;
And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that are legalists;"

Are you a legalist Behold?
Do you file your tax forms and pay your taxes to the IRS as the law requires? Then you're a legalist.
Do you follow the laws of the road and stop at red lights, have the required driver's license and auto insurance? Then you're a legalist.
If your employer says your work must meet certain specs else will fail inspection, do you follow what your employer says? Then you're a legalist.
Do you follow your doctors instructions, take certain dose of medicines? Then your a legalist.

Legalism in the world is a good thing, it's a great thing for it keeps from having social disorder and chaos, it keeps you out of jail, it lets you keep your job, it helps maintain your health following doctors orders. It is those who are not legalist but who are ILLegalists that are the law breakers, the criminals, those who cause the problems.

Yet when it comes to the BIble and Christianity, the word 'obedience', which is a good, honest, clean word, is taken by some and dirtied up simply because it does not follow their man-made teachings.

Was Noah a legalists when he built the ark to God's specs? His obedience to God is why God saved him from destruction in the flood
Was Naaman a legalist when he obeyed God by dipping in the specified river the specified number of times? His obedience to God is why God cured his disease.
Were those in Acts 2 legalist when they repented and were baptized? There obedience to God is why God remitted their sins
Was Paul a legalist when he was baptized? His obedience to God is why God washed away his sins

Jesus would be the biggest "legalist" of all time;
If you love Me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS, Jn 14:15
If you KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love" Jn 15:10

And nowhere ever in the BIble is obedience called a work of merit or 'legalism" Lk 17:7-10
If paul was under the law. He was cursed. And he had no hope.

The law could not save anyone. So they are judged guilty and cursed.

If you kept the whole law. Yet stumbled in one point, your guilty of the whole law.

think about that for a minute

a person who willingly commits millions of sin is guilty under the law

a person who by mistake commits one sin is just as guilty of the law

both are guilty.

all have sinned and fall short.