Leftist virtue signaling on “political violence”

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The Demoncrats love to virtue signal as though they really care about anyone, and as though they have any morality within themselves. The most recent virtue signaling is about “political violence”.

Well guess who started and encouraged political violence over the last decade? And who has kept up the rhetoric which has led to political violence? It is the Leftists/Communist/Marxist/Leninist/Fascist/Anarchist Democratic party of the USA. Which has been allowed o call itself the Democratic party even though it is against freedom and democracy.

Any society has only two options in order to function and survive: (1) the rule of law or (2) lawlessness and anarchy. Since one of the tenets of Marxism/Leninism is the use of violence and anarchy to shut down dissidents, the Democrats have used this strategy to undermine the Constitution and the rule of law, and destroy the country.

There was a time when the law enforcement and justice systems were actually serious and sincere about making sure that criminals and thugs would not be allowed free rein on the streets and in the cities. There was a time when political parties would present their agendas without attacking their opponents physically. There was a time when the main political parties did not deliberately try to destroy the country, destroy freedom of speech, and all other rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution.

All that changed when Communist Barack Obama was allowed to become the president of the United States. Not once but twice. He made sure that he would use the race card to foster and encourage racial tensions in America. That eventually led to the vandalism and violence that caused the toppling of statues and memorials, the destruction of properties, lives, and cities by BLM and Antifa, and the release of hardened criminals onto the streets of America, to go on repeating the same crimes for which they were arrested. This encouraged illegal migrants to also engage in murder, rape, pillaging, and "smash and grab" against high end stores.

The bogus COVID pandemic. and the lethal and toxic vaccines and vaccine mandates destroyed children, individuals, businesses, economies, and societies overnight, when there was absolutely no science behind the lockdowns, masking, distancing, and vaccinations. At the same time cheap and effective drugs against coronavirus, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were sabotaged, suppressed, attacked, and slandered. Doctors, nurses, and frontline workers were fired for refusing the jab or speaking out against it.

This was a major form of political violence in which governments, public heath agencies, and the media all participated. Mass murders and mass vaccine injuries for absolutely no reason were in fact political violence against the general public. Yet there has not been a single arrest, prosecution, incarceration, or execution. Nuremberg 2.0 never took place, and people like Anthony Fauci and his associates were never executed.

But when there was massive election fraud in 2020, and the rightful president Donald Trump was replaced by the illegitimate imposter Joseph Biden, then the Constitution and the rule of law were finally crushed underfoot. Peaceful protesters and protective parents were called “domestic terrorists”, while terrorists and criminals were rewarded and praised. The entire justice system was perverted and the courts began to favor criminals over victims, while the Department of Justice and the FBI became criminal organizations just like the mafia, and disregarded the laws of the land. The southern border was handed over to the Mexican drug cartels and coyotes, and human trafficking and hard drug trafficking became legal and “normal”. Fentanyl (which is a killer drug) poured into the USA (along with other hard illegal drugs) and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands. But there was no major attempt to stop all this crime and lawlessness.

As a result law-abiding citizens, conservatives, Christians and Republicans were targeted for SWAT raids and the gulag in DC. The homes of well-known Republicans were raided by the FBI on a mere pretext. Innocent protesters were locked up and given lengthy prison terms. America became a police state overnight, and Big Tech, Mainstream Media, and the Department of Homeland Security jointly perpetrated a campaign of spying and censorship in order to shut down dissent. This too was political violence.

So what else should one expect other than an increase in political violence? It is actually surprising that none of the evildoers has been assassinated by a sniper’s bullet. Yet there were assassination threats against Trump. Justice Scalia was assassinated, and Representative Scalise escaped by the skin of his teeth. In fact all the conservative Supreme Court judges have been targeted for assassination because of the demise of Roe v Wade, and ever since Charles "Chuck" Schumer threatened them publicly. “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price... “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” ”


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
The claim by the window lickers, is 54 Courts said NO! I counter with the reality ...54 sets of lawyers need to be fired ...

Not one challenge presented in the paperwork was against the State Legislation and the state Governor or courts ...

The states violated thier own Constitutions in the 2020 election. Nothing within their Constitution gives the Governor or the local courts the right to ignore state law and Constitution .....Every state that simply ignored the laws should have had their votes thrown in the trash. Mail in voting is not a part of a state Constitution, especially those that participated in the fraud. Since the election ...Georgia changed their voting laws entirely ....They have drop boxes, however, every drop box is located at a Government facility and all activity is taped and recorded. Some states went a little further. You may drop one ballot. One ballot only. If you come back to drop another ....that ballot is removed and held as an exmple of fraud ....My wife voted absentee and we sent her ballot in on the way to a Doctor's appointment for her ....Alabama is so strict your signature must be winessed by the receiving authority. We used a UPS Store ...he had to watch her sign and sign in receipt of the ballot ...

Alabama was ahead of the curve .....Immediately, all challenges for drive by voting were struck down .....Violated the State Consitution. Immediately all drop box demands were struck down. Violated the state Constitution. Immediately all "mail in" ballots struck down .....Violated the State Constitution. To vote in Alabama, you could use an absentee ballot, you could stand in line. I had suffered a stroke three weeks before and had a stress fracture in my right foot. I stood in line and wore the boot the entire time. When people around me realized or learned about my stroke, the ladies running the lines constantly tried to talk me to the front of the line. I refused to move to the front of the line .....I wasn't handicapped and at one point ...wrote that any claim that I was is an insult to people that actually are hanidcapped ...In fact, I enjoyedthe people I was around ....I was still writing most of my conversations at that time. Sorry, I'm nowhere near what Fetterman is ..... I lost speech for two months ....not my mind ..
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
..Well guess who started and encouraged political violence over the last decade? And who has kept up the rhetoric which has led to political violence? It is the Leftists/Communist/Marxist/Leninist/Fascist/Anarchist Democratic party of the USA..

Yes, every country has got its sick lefties, these verses sum them up nicely..:)-
"To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled" (Titus 1:15)
"Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come" (1 John 2:18 )
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
..vandalism and violence that caused the toppling of statues and memorials, the destruction of properties, lives, and cities by BLM and Antifa, and the release of hardened criminals onto the streets of America,This encouraged illegal migrants to also engage in murder, rape, pillaging, and "smash and grab" against high end stores...

Yup, reminds me of the topsy-turvy 'Bizarro World' in the old Superman comics..:)-

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