Coming from the wilderness a voice can be heard prepare the way for the Lord, bring forth the fruits of your labor for his reward is indeed great.
Marvel at his majesty take in awe his wonderful presence and glory for even the earth itself trembles in fear of the mighty one
Watch as he breaks through the sky shattering the realm of division between heaven and earth. All hail the one who comes bear witness his promise. He comes in a mighty wind a sudden blast the fire lights up in his childrens hearts resurrection and regeneration shall bring the life for the weary and worn
The golden scroll with a crimson red seal a final warning to the unbelieving and doubtful for all who have strayed and forgotten their first love this is the scroll that he alone is worthy to open for if this scroll unseals the world shall be plunged in despair and darkness beings of horrible existance will come from the pit and no mere flesh will be able to withstand.
Therefor remember your first love return from sleep be not the lazy drunkered and remember well the oath made in blood and faith for the crimson seal is his blood and the golden scroll is the faith but if he sgould search the world for the remnants of these things and find none the seal shall be opened and utter horror comes in his righteous judgement.
But fear not for he calls even now and those who hear and respond will be granted a reward that cannot be spoken for the words cannot be spoken in the human tongue. Enter into a glorious hope and you will be rewarded, fill yourselves to the brim with the wine of his love and wash your feet in his living water for unclean feet cannot walk where he walks.
Bind your doubt and throw it into the fire capture your thoughts and release them into the void for a clean slate is like a perfect clay for the master potter remember in your youth as a child how innocent the world seemed innocence is the purity he loves and he with the deepest love and affection treasures and adores such children. Be healed inside taking in his presence bask in his golden fog that is his presence as he surrounds you fills your body and soul with himself he seeks to enter but not without permission he is intense and you will be nervious but take a step of faith let him in and abide and the God you have served the one you have known will be one with you no longer shall you be two beings man and God but united no longer able to tell the difference.
Where you go the atmosphere will change where you walk your feet will be his own as you speak fire shall come forth burning all corruption in those who hear leaving only a pure heart.
A golden fire that consumes evil and heals the good it comes forth brining power and rises from him who you now abide with. I see a lovely land where where his goodness lives the land produces of it's own accord the air is so pure it fills your lungs with a clean and pure feeling you cannot get enough of it and your body can feel it as you breath it in. The surrounding boarders are endless as you run free as a child running through a feild of flowers the sky is always light up with his glory shining even in the night he sits on his throne smiling his heart filled with warmth as he loves to watch his children enjoy the things he has made for them for it was their inheritence
Many go here and there greeting each other and telling their stories giving praise to him after every story. He is as a father with many many children and he adores them as they come into his lap and laughs as they see something and become excited jumping out of his lap to seek it.
His laughter rings all throughout heaven such a deep warm and heart piercing laugh hearty and strong oh how I could listen to it forever the most wonderful sweetest laugh my soul years for it
But then I come to him and he smiles just smiles and it alone melted my heart that smile brings tears it is a reward greater than anything else his smile is the reard I seek oh my soul jumps inside thinking of it how my body cannot sit still in eagerness to see his smile I try to hold in my cry for his smile.
But upon this day it will be fulfilling of his hearts desire for his creation and it will bring him much joy. Let the name of the Lord be praised for we see only in part but feed your souls and ponder of these things for the riches that awaited cannot be fathomed or imagined look up for your redemtion draws near.
Marvel at his majesty take in awe his wonderful presence and glory for even the earth itself trembles in fear of the mighty one
Watch as he breaks through the sky shattering the realm of division between heaven and earth. All hail the one who comes bear witness his promise. He comes in a mighty wind a sudden blast the fire lights up in his childrens hearts resurrection and regeneration shall bring the life for the weary and worn
The golden scroll with a crimson red seal a final warning to the unbelieving and doubtful for all who have strayed and forgotten their first love this is the scroll that he alone is worthy to open for if this scroll unseals the world shall be plunged in despair and darkness beings of horrible existance will come from the pit and no mere flesh will be able to withstand.
Therefor remember your first love return from sleep be not the lazy drunkered and remember well the oath made in blood and faith for the crimson seal is his blood and the golden scroll is the faith but if he sgould search the world for the remnants of these things and find none the seal shall be opened and utter horror comes in his righteous judgement.
But fear not for he calls even now and those who hear and respond will be granted a reward that cannot be spoken for the words cannot be spoken in the human tongue. Enter into a glorious hope and you will be rewarded, fill yourselves to the brim with the wine of his love and wash your feet in his living water for unclean feet cannot walk where he walks.
Bind your doubt and throw it into the fire capture your thoughts and release them into the void for a clean slate is like a perfect clay for the master potter remember in your youth as a child how innocent the world seemed innocence is the purity he loves and he with the deepest love and affection treasures and adores such children. Be healed inside taking in his presence bask in his golden fog that is his presence as he surrounds you fills your body and soul with himself he seeks to enter but not without permission he is intense and you will be nervious but take a step of faith let him in and abide and the God you have served the one you have known will be one with you no longer shall you be two beings man and God but united no longer able to tell the difference.
Where you go the atmosphere will change where you walk your feet will be his own as you speak fire shall come forth burning all corruption in those who hear leaving only a pure heart.
A golden fire that consumes evil and heals the good it comes forth brining power and rises from him who you now abide with. I see a lovely land where where his goodness lives the land produces of it's own accord the air is so pure it fills your lungs with a clean and pure feeling you cannot get enough of it and your body can feel it as you breath it in. The surrounding boarders are endless as you run free as a child running through a feild of flowers the sky is always light up with his glory shining even in the night he sits on his throne smiling his heart filled with warmth as he loves to watch his children enjoy the things he has made for them for it was their inheritence
Many go here and there greeting each other and telling their stories giving praise to him after every story. He is as a father with many many children and he adores them as they come into his lap and laughs as they see something and become excited jumping out of his lap to seek it.
His laughter rings all throughout heaven such a deep warm and heart piercing laugh hearty and strong oh how I could listen to it forever the most wonderful sweetest laugh my soul years for it
But then I come to him and he smiles just smiles and it alone melted my heart that smile brings tears it is a reward greater than anything else his smile is the reard I seek oh my soul jumps inside thinking of it how my body cannot sit still in eagerness to see his smile I try to hold in my cry for his smile.
But upon this day it will be fulfilling of his hearts desire for his creation and it will bring him much joy. Let the name of the Lord be praised for we see only in part but feed your souls and ponder of these things for the riches that awaited cannot be fathomed or imagined look up for your redemtion draws near.