Real Faith.. vs.. .False Faith

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Jude says the believer is to contend for the "real Faith".


Because there is so much false faith theology, that is not related to "justification BY faith". or John 14:6

Paul says that we are to make certain we are in "THE faith"....

Notice that both Paul and Jude limit Faith" to "THE"... and that is because there is """""One LORD... ONE FAITH, and ONE Baptism""""related strictly to being born again.

So, what is THAT "one" faith".

Paul says that if you teach any other GOSPEL then His, then "accursed" is your issue... Galatians 1:8

So, the one true faith is OUR = ""faith, is counted by GOD... as (Christ's) Righteousness.""""

See that Cause and Effect, of the one true Faith? ????????????????

The one True faith, is FAITH IN THE Gospel of the Grace of God,....= that is"" THE Preaching of The Cross.""

What does that ONE Faith, exclude?

Everything else., that you can possibly believe in, to try to be accepted by God.


1.) Water baptism
2.) Commandment keeping
3.) Law keeping
4.) Self effort
5.) Trying to be like Christ
6.) Joining a specific Church

And Reader, here is the one you have to careful not to fall into, if you have managed to not be trapped by a cult that has you trusting in those other 6 in the list.

A.) Be careful that you are not trusting in FAITH..
See it can be that a person is trusting in FAITH, and they are deceived and believe that this is to trust in Christ.

Let me show you how that works...

This person would think and believe....

"well, as long as i dont lose my FAITH, i stay saved".

"As long as i hold unto my FAITH, i will not go to hell"

See that?
That is FAITH in FAITH, vs, Faith in Christ, and that is a very subtle false belief system, whereby the person has completely shifted from Trust in Christ...... to Trust in Faith... to try to keep themselves saved.

Reader, "FAITH" didnt hang on THE Cross for you.
Faith didnt die on The Cross for you.
FAITH is not the Savior.
Do not trust in Faith......Trust only in CHRIST.
Be sure you see that perfectly, and many do not realize what has happened to their Faith.

So....Be wary of that broken faith, if you have managed not to fall victim of one of the other 6, on that list.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Everyone has real faith.

We are ALL born with Free will and real faith.

This is why when an Atheist says......>"i dont BELIEVE in God'... they are showing you that they have no FAITH in God's Existence.
Their REAL FAITH, is that God does not Exist.
They are not proving they have no faith.......They are proving that they have faith, but Not in we all have "the measure of faith".. that is a part of our soul realm, our : "mind, will , and emotions".

Reader, every religion, is based on the FAITH that people put in it.
That is their REAL FAITH, shown.
So, that is not faith in CHRIST, but its still REAL FAITH....

Tom Cruise, BELIEVES, in Scientology.....and his FAITH in Scientology is as REAL as yours is, in Christ., ... Reader.

So, what God is looking for, is for us to take OUR Faith, that is in ALL humans, and place it in CHRIST, and not it Buddha, or Mary Baker Eddy, or The Pope.. or in "the big bang theory".

See it?

You, me .. all of us, have REAL FAITH... and God wants us to take Our Real FAITH, and place it in JESUS, and once we do, then OUR "Faith (in Christ) is counted by GOD, as (Christ's) Righteousness". , and we are justified by OUR FAITH.... In Christ., according to God's promise.


Active Member
Sep 23, 2023
Tucson, AZ
United States
Thank you for posting.

A few questions about your view of the culture in Israel:

Is Love Thy Neighbor actively practiced?

Is the norm merely considered to be Good citizens paying taxes to the government, which eventually takes care of some of those who have difficulty taking care of themselves, OR Are there active charities to care for people?

Is there a subculture of violence that is tolerated, OR is gentleness and peace between citizens actively promoted. Are those that are violent allowed pathetic excuses for their behavior, OR are people held to be responsible for their uncivilized behavior?

Is the nuclear family neglected as the foundation for the best society, and Do people see no issue with sex outside of marriage, OR is the norm a life-long, faithful marriage between a man and a woman?

Hope you are doing well. Our prayers are with you and the people of your nation during this crucial time of struggle.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Thank you for posting.

A few questions about your view of the culture in Israel:

Is Love Thy Neighbor actively practiced?

Kindness and Tolerance and compassion Is practiced more by the Messianic Jews, then by the secular Jews or the "traditional religious" Jews.

Same as in any the Christians found in any Country are going to be the Kind ones, if they are Real.

Is the norm merely considered to be Good citizens paying taxes to the government, which eventually takes care of some of those who have difficulty taking care of themselves, OR Are there active charities to care for people?


Healthcare is "State", but its paid for by the Citizens, in various ways, so that everyone has to pay their share, and that is a very reasonable amount.
There are various "pay ins", that fund the Universal Healthcare.
For example.. everyone who owns a car in Israel, has to have it inspected for "issues" once per year.
This is about $300 per driver, and this is paid into the Health care fund..
There are other situations like that, where the Israeli pays....... but overall, for Healtcare Coverage that includes unlimited Doc visits, and so forth, the cost per Israeli, is so well worth it.

Also, the "state" pays for "elderly care" that they send nurses or aid workers to the elderly, depending on their needs, and this can be 2-3x a week to help them anyway they need it...
Cleaning their house, or buying their Groceries, or taking them to see their Doc.... ect, ect.
Its all a part of the universal healthcare coverage.

Is there a subculture of violence that is tolerated, OR is gentleness and peace between citizens actively promoted. Are those that are violent allowed pathetic excuses for their behavior, OR are people held to be responsible for their uncivilized behavior?

There is not a lot of Crime within the general population of Jews, in Israel.
Jews are usually focused on Family, Work, Culture, but always the one constant is trying to survive another day.
Most of the Crime comes from the Arabs who live in Israel, or invade Israel.

See, when your country is surrounded by Murdering Religious Nuts, this tends to "bond the population" so that they are careful of each other and feel connected to each other.

Is the nuclear family neglected as the foundation for the best society, and Do people see no issue with sex outside of marriage, OR is the norm a life-long, faithful marriage between a man and a woman?

Secular Jews are like Secular Americans or Secular Italians...... They live for self, and that means they live for SELF.

Their is a "gay culture" that is tolerated within the Nation of Israel, but its not promoted, exactly as you find in Russia.
Iran will murder you for being "Gay"... Israel will allow you to live your life, as you would, same as you find in the USA, or most Democratic societies.

Hope you are doing well. Our prayers are with you and the people of your nation during this crucial time of struggle.

Pray for Israel.
Pray that Jesus will come for Us, His Bride, TODAY.............would be good.

Thank you for your questions.


Active Member
Sep 23, 2023
Tucson, AZ
United States
Thanks for sharing.

In many respects your culture mirrors our own. You are correct: self-centered people tend to drift away from God, and may not be aware of the damage they inflict slowly but surely on their society.

You are also correct that an existential crisis can focus people’s attention on what is most meaningful in maintaining a society, especially cooperation and helping one another. But there will always be vandals among us, those that will sabotage; their motivations are likely various.

Although I believe having a government increasingly take over social welfare programs is also detrimental, self-centered people with just a touch of conscience have convinced themselves that is the best approach. (I would rather see government financially support existing charities, and leave the proven implementations to the charities themselves.)

Many of us here support you completely in your valiant stand against the MRNs. May God confuse the counsels of the wicked.