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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Romans 6:1-2
1What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase?
2May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?


Paul is showing that the born again do not have any sin to "live in".

= "How shall we (the born again)... who died to sin.......>>"live in it'.. ??????

So, when a born again person does not understand this, then they believe they can sin.., and have sin, and are in fact a sinner.

And the understanding that has to be learned, regarding what it means to have become a "new Creation in Christ"..= once learned, ... is when a person will now say......>>"How can I, who is born again, who DIED TO SIN.... still live IN IT">.?

Its impossible..... (Read 1 John 3:9) in a KJV... and believe it.

See, no one who is born again, is "IN their sin".. so, its impossible for them to "live IN IT"< when they are not "IN IT, having become a New Creation in Christ.

How to begin to see this reader? /???

First, you have to truly be born again, and not just water baptized, and religious., or you cant SEE anything about Salvation, at all.
And once we are born again, we now exist """"" IN GOD.. IN CHRIST... IN HEAVEN"""".. .IN The Kingdom of God, and there is no sin found there, because there is no law and commandments found there..

And a person says......"well, where are my sins"..

A.) "God hath made Jesus To BE Sin for us.""". = "JESUS< is the one time eternal sacrifice for SIN".... not just the first 100,000 only.

See, Jesus's sacrifice is the ETERNAL Sacrifice,= its a one time payment, a one time sacrifice for ALL sin, for ALL time.., Specifically = "to all who will believe" and be born again"..., and this OFFER is for everyone, yet its not applied unless the person Is Born again., as that is the only proof the CHRISTian, has received "THE GIFT of RIGHTEOUSNESS"... and are now "made free from sin"....

- "but behold".... "i just did it again"....... and that is the 45th time this month"...

Yes, and maybe you did commit that deed again and again, that carnal deed, however you PERFORMED IT.... "not under the Law, but under Grace", and ... = "where there is no law, there is no Transgression"..

Where there is no LAW, there is no dominion of the law that can JUDGE your deed, as a "sin"......ever again.

See, all the born again, are "in Christ" "one with God"... "seated in Heavenly places".. and there is no LAW found there..
There are no 10 Commandments found there........as GOD does not need them where He is, as all the born again are "ONE with God"..

See that yet?
Does Christ need Moses Law in Heaven? And all the born again are "in Christ"..

There is no Law of Moses or 10 Commandments in Heaven, and all the born again "are seated in Heavenly Places"... .right now and forever...

Reader, that is what you have to learn.. about your REDEMPTION that is found "IN CHRIST">..

See.....If you are truly born again, and not just water baptized and religious... then you now exist ETERNALLY connected to HOLY GOD< and He has resolved all your sin on the Cross of Christ, and now you are "made free from sin"... as a "new Creation" who has NONE.

"but behold, i just did that again".. and over there in 1 john it says....

Ok, now go back and take 5 mins and actually pay attention to what i just taught you, Reader.... so that God can give you the revelation of what it means to exist, NOT=under the law, and IN CHRIST,= forever.
I just gave you freedom, in Christ.. and God's Holy Spirit will give you the revelation of who you have now become as a "new Creation in Christ'..., if you will have it.
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Romans 6:1-2
1What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase?
2May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?
If we have made the conscious choice to embrace Christ, who died to sin for us, then how can we choose the opposite at the same time, choosing to live in that which we "died to?" In other words, we in a sense "die to sin" when we accept Christ whose death alone delivered us from the guilt and power of sin. Not only can we live in righteousness, but we cannot be expelled from the right to live in it.

I think Paul is talking about being consistent as a Christian. We need to follow through with our commitment to live in Christ's righteousness and reject the sin that would entangle us. We must view sin as the thing Christ died to remove from us. We are not out of the woods--we need to follow through with our commitment to live in righteousness.

We are not sinless. But when we choose to live in Christ's righteousness, Christ's grace overlooks our failures and accepts our place with him in the Kingdom of God.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
If we have made the conscious choice to embrace Christ, who died to sin for us, then how can we choose the opposite at the same time, choosing to live in that which we "died to?"

Its because your mind isn't born again, nor is your body.

"your body is DEAD because of sin" ...

and they are going to cremate it or bury you, Randy.
So, did "trusting in Jesus", do anything for the upcoming death of your body?


And your MIND......is a battlefield, where your desires of the flesh, and the Temptations of the Devil and the world.. all MEET and WAR.

So, that is why you have "thoughs..... that are not reflecting who you are in Christ"..

And its the power of Christ that allows you to easily overcome and put away all of that......and if you try to do it, by willpower, you cause it to increase and get worse and worse.

Here is the Holy secret to get out of that... wrong MIND>..

A.) Renew your mind... as Paul teaches, so that all have the "same mind".. and become " as many as be perfect".

See that?
That is to become a perfected Christian.........and that is 2 things...

Its learning how to live in patience and contentment, no matter the situation........

And to get there........you have to put on the "Helmet of Salvation" all the time.......and what is that? ??

Its to understand who you have become as a born again Spirit, as that is the actual Son/Daughter of God that is sinless, redeemed, and joined to God and Christ.
THAT, is the "new Creation" and its not your body or your mind..

A.) Putting on the Helmet of Salvation, is to understand God's Grace, that is to realize what it means to have become a "new Creation in Christ".. "not under the Law, but under Grace"..

This is to do what Hebrews 13:9 tells US to do with OUR HEART..

AA.) So, once the person comes to this revelation, then the walk of Faith becomes the Lord's and the person begins to rest in God's Grace, and that is the first moment that they have understood : Christianity as a Discipleship., and have entered into this... "Christ always gives me the VICTORY">. over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Its because your mind isn't born again, nor is your body.

"your body is DEAD because of sin" ...

and they are going to cremate it or bury you, Randy.
So, did "trusting in Jesus", do anything for the upcoming death of your body?


And your MIND......is a battlefield, where your desires of the flesh, and the Temptations of the Devil and the world.. all MEET and WAR.

So, that is why you have "thoughs..... that are not reflecting who you are in Christ"..

And its the power of Christ thats allows you to easily overcome and put away all of that......and if you try to do it, by willpower, you cause it to increase and get worse and worse.

Here is the Holy secret to get out of that... wrong MIND>..

A.) Renew your mind... as Paul teaches, so that all have the "same mind".. and become " as many as be perfect".

See that?
That is to become a perfected Christian.........and that is 2 things...

Its learning how to live in patience and contentment, no matter the situation........

And to get there........you have to put on the "Helmet of Salvation" all the time.......and what is that? ??

Its to understand who you have become as a born again Spirit, as that is the actual Son/Daughter of God that is sinless, redeemed, and joined to God and Christ.
THAT, is the "new Creation" and its not your body or your mind..

A.) Putting on the Helmet of Salvation, is to understand God's Grace, that is to realize what it means to have become a "new Creation in Christ".. "not under the Law, but under Grace"..

This is to do what Hebrews 13:9 tells US to do with OUR HEART..

AA.) So, once the person comes to this revelation, then the walk of Faith becomes the Lord's and the person begins to rest in God's Grace, and that is the first moment that they have understood : Christianity as a Discipleship., and have entered into this... "Christ always gives me the VICTORY">. over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
And here I thought I was agreeing with you! ;) Oh well.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
We are not sinless.

All the born again are sinless.'. = "Made free from sin".. by ""Jesus who is the One Time Eternal Sacrifice for sin"".

See that word "ETERNAL"... ??????????????????


= That's why the born again, do not have any sin.

Here are the exact reasons, ........and there are 2 reasons.

1st).. """God hath made Jesus to BE SIN... for us"... "US"" = all the born again.

So what has happened there?

Jesus has taken your sin upon Himself....... for "ETERNITY"... "Jesus is the ONE TIME.... Eternal Sacrifice... for sin".

= Not just some sins, or most sins, or """" all those i didnt forget to confess..."""""

Now, why are the born again no longer "sinners"........ its ALSO because,....

2.) "where there is no LAW, there is no SIN (transgression)..."""

What does that mean....
It means that God has placed the Saved Born again Christian, outside and beyond the reaches of the Law.....

"You are NOT under the LAW, but under GRACE"........ if you are born again.... so, as there is no LAW over you, then the Law can't define your deeds, ever again.


Read 2 Corin 5:19.. and John 3:17....and then Romans 4:8.

God will never again charge a sin to a CHRISTian.......

Why not?
Because "God hath made JESUS, to BE SIN.. for us"...... and that means that God has already judged ALL your sin ON Christ, Himself.

See that Cross?
See that Bloody Savior who died? He died for ALL YOUR SIN.....and they are ON HIM, and not on YOU, if you are born again.
Jesus became all your sin, died, and took your sins with Him to the grave, and He rose again, and your sins are GONE.
Now, If you are just water baptized and religious,... if some foolish Heretic told you that "the water washed away your sin""" then you still have your sin, and you are under the Law, right now.

Why are most Christians and non, so in the dark, regarding this issue?

Its because they can't wrap their head around the TRUTH......regarding the fact that God has dealt with your sin..forever.
And so.. they do something wrong, and then that GUILT hits them, and now they want to try to do something to be forgiven, because they don't yet understand there is no LAW that can define them as a sinner ever again... because..

"Christ is the END... of.. .THE... LAW....for Righteousness, to everyone who believes"...

"Where there is NO LAW.......there is no TRANSGRESSION"".. and the born again "are not under the Law, but under GRACE"/

"Christ has redeemed (the born again) from the curse of the Law"...

A.) "everyone who believes".. is the BELIEVER... this is the born again CHRISTian.....not the religious water baptized.

So, if you are truly a born again Christian, then Jesus (eternally) has your sin .....and the Law can't define you as a sinner, ever again.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
All the born again are sinless.'. = "Made free from sin".. by ""Jesus who is the One Time Eternal Sacrifice for sin"".
I don't wish to obscure this. We are legally freed from the guilt of sin. We are not "sinless!" We continue to have a Sin Nature, and we continue to mess up again and again. We do not have to let sin overwhelm us or control us, but since sin is in us our flaws do come out. Grace is evident in that we continue to show Christ's love and righteousness even though there is a tendency in us to be unloving and resistant to God's word.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I don't wish to obscure this. We are legally freed from the guilt of sin.

We are redeemed from all Sin, based on the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.

See, on The Cross, Jesus said...>>"IT" "is finished".. and that means that God's Judgment against ALL sin, has been delivered upon Jesus..
This is "redemption", and "the blood atonement", and "The new Covenant", whereby, The Blood, Body, and death of Jesus, has satisfied God's Justice and Judgment against ALL sin, for all time.
And because Jesus lived a perfect LIFE under the Law, He has now fulfilled also THAT Requirement.., which we could not fulfill.

So, what actually happens at The Cross, when a person gives God their Faith in Christ. ????????????????

1.) All sin is dealt with by the "eternal Sacrifice" of Jesus, the "ONE TIME, ETERNAL Sacrifice of Jesus".

2.), The Righteous life that Jesus lived is "imputed", "Charged" to the Believer, who is now born again.

The "new Creation in Christ"....( All the born again)........ is/are sinless, made righteous, and eternally so.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
We are redeemed from all Sin, based on the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.

See, on The Cross, Jesus said...>>"IT" "is finished".. and that means that God's Judgment against ALL sin, has been delivered upon Jesus..
This is "redemption", and "the blood atonement", and "The new Covenant", whereby, The Blood, Body, and death of Jesus, has satisfied God's Justice and Judgment against ALL sin, for all time.
And because Jesus lived a perfect LIFE under the Law, He has now fulfilled also THAT Requirement.., which we could not fulfill.
I agree. Only Christ could atone for our sins. We cannot "self-atone."

And atonement for our sins means that *all sin* has been mitigated. Even though sin is still part of our corrupted nature, the legal aspect of our condemnation is completely done away with. We are free to enter the gates of Heaven.
So, what actually happens at the Cross, when a person gives God their Faith in Christ.

1.) All sin is dealt with by the "eternal Sacrifice" of Jesus, the "ONE TIME, ETERNAL Sacrifice of Jesus".

2.), The Righteous life that Jesus lived is "imputed", "Charged" to the Believer, who is now born again.

The "new Creation in Christ" is sinless, righteous, and eternally so.
Yes, but the "New Creation" is not yet fully realized. Christ is that New Creation, and he has already come, and has gone to Heaven ahead of us.

We have our full inheritance guaranteed in Heaven with Christ, who has paid a deposit down on it. When we are resurrected to immortality the New Creation will be complete with respect to our own experience.

Until then we still have a Sin Nature. To infer otherwise goes beyond the simple formula of redemption, which was completely dealt with by Christ's atonement for our sins.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Even though sin is still part of our corrupted nature,

"The old man of sin is crucified with Christ"

Its dead, and that is why Paul says to "reckon it dead".

Instead you keep talking about yours.. as if it owns you, and that is because you believe it does, or you would not keep talking about being a sinner.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
"The old man of sin is crucified with Christ"

Its dead, and that is why Paul says to "reckon it dead".

Instead you keep talking about yours.. as if it owns you, and that is because you believe it does, or you would not keep talking about being a sinner.
Don't be ridiculous. I don't "own sin!" Are you denying you have Sin in you?

To "reckon" Sin dead is to cast something that is living in you upon the corpse of Christ as an indication it has been *legally* dealt with, in terms of guilt and in terms of our attitude, turning against it to live in righteousness.

To look upon the snake hanging on the tree is to confess our rejection of the sin of rebellion and in so doing demonstrate our commitment to righteousness in Christ.

Paul spent his time writing letters to Christians to convince them to turn away from sins, which obviously still upset them. Assuming a position that sin was rejected by Christ is aligning ourselves with Christ, but not *being Christ* or being "sinless" like Christ was!

Saying "sin had died with Christ" is an acknowledgment of what Christ did. We are not able to self-atone or put sin to death as sinless persons. But we can align our choices to be with Christ. And that's what Paul indicated we should do.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Romans 6:1-2
1What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase?
2May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?


Paul is showing that the born again do not have any sin to "live in".

= "How shall we (the born again)... who died to sin.......>>"live in it'.. ??????

So, when a born again person does not understand this, then they believe they can sin.., and have sin, and are in fact a sinner.

And the understanding that has to be learned, regarding what it means to have become a "new Creation in Christ"..= once learned, ... is when a person will now say......>>"How can I, who is born again, who DIED TO SIN.... still live IN IT">.?

Its impossible..... (Read 1 John 3:9) in a KJV... and believe it.

See, no one who is born again, is "IN their sin".. so, its impossible for them to "live IN IT"< when they are not "IN IT, having become a New Creation in Christ.

How to begin to see this reader? /???

First, you have to truly be born again, and not just water baptized, and religious., or you cant SEE anything about Salvation, at all.
And once we are born again, we now exist """"" IN GOD.. IN CHRIST... IN HEAVEN"""".. .IN The Kingdom of God, and there is no sin found there, because there is no law and commandments found there..

And a person says......"well, where are my sins"..

A.) "God hath made Jesus To BE Sin for us.""". = "JESUS< is the one time eternal sacrifice for SIN".... not just the first 100,000 only.

See, Jesus's sacrifice is the ETERNAL Sacrifice,= its a one time payment, a one time sacrifice for ALL sin, for ALL time.., Specifically = "to all who will believe" and be born again"..., and this OFFER is for everyone, yet its not applied unless the person Is Born again., as that is the only proof the CHRISTian, has received "THE GIFT of RIGHTEOUSNESS"... and are now "made free from sin"....

- "but behold".... "i just did it again"....... and that is the 45th time this month"...

Yes, and maybe you did commit that deed again and again, that carnal deed, however you PERFORMED IT.... "not under the Law, but under Grace", and ... = "where there is no law, there is no Transgression"..

Where there is no LAW, there is no dominion of the law that can JUDGE your deed, as a "sin"......ever again.

See, all the born again, are "in Christ" "one with God"... "seated in Heavenly places".. and there is no LAW found there..
There are no 10 Commandments found there........as GOD does not need them where He is, as all the born again are "ONE with God"..

See that yet?
Does Christ need Moses Law in Heaven? And all the born again are "in Christ"..

There is no Law of Moses or 10 Commandments in Heaven, and all the born again "are seated in Heavenly Places"... .right now and forever...

Reader, that is what you have to learn.. about your REDEMPTION that is found "IN CHRIST">..

See.....If you are truly born again, and not just water baptized and religious... then you now exist ETERNALLY connected to HOLY GOD< and He has resolved all your sin on the Cross of Christ, and now you are "made free from sin"... as a "new Creation" who has NONE.

"but behold, i just did that again".. and over there in 1 john it says....

Ok, now go back and take 5 mins and actually pay attention to what i just taught you, Reader.... so that God can give you the revelation of what it means to exist, NOT=under the law, and IN CHRIST,= forever.
I just gave you freedom, in Christ.. and God's Holy Spirit will give you the revelation of who you have now become as a "new Creation in Christ'..., if you will have it.
Whaty you need to learn is the difference between "living" in sin and failing from time to time due to human weakness. That is why gods mercy is always there for HIs children.

You have declared that if a person sins they are not born again, and that is sad.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Don't be ridiculous. I don't "own sin!" Are you denying you have Sin in you?


Jesus has my sin, because """ God hath made Jesus to BE SIN for US".

See that "US"?.. Im that one.... for eternity., as is every born again CHRISTian.

I dont have sin, as if i had sin, i would not be born again "in Christ", as "one with God".

Perhaps you recall what Happened to ADAM when he 'had sin"?

So, The Cross of Christ has dealt with all our sin, (if you are born again), as otherwise, your sin that you say is "in you" would again separate you from God, and you'd die that way, as you can't be saves or born again 2x, little fella.

So, if you have sin in you, on you, or if you are a sinner, then you are not a Christian, you are a sinner, as you are wanting and needing to continue to define yourself.

Im not that one.

So, you decide which you are... ... , but as for me, God has decided that im "made free from sin", "old things are passed away", and that is because im a "new creation in Christ", a SAINT and never again a "sinner".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You have declared that if a person sins they are not born again, and that is sad.

You dont understand salvation, because Calvin owns your mind., and that is sad, and that is not going to change.
So, that is why you have nothing to offer except Calvinism, or your typical attitude problem.

Here is the thing..

A person can be born again, and not understand their Salvation..
An example would be a Calvinist.

So, let me be clear.... a person who has sin, is a sinner, and no sinner is found "in Christ."
Only the BORN AGAIN, who are "made free from sin" are found "in Christ".

A person who is trying to confess sin, that Christ has paid for and has resolved 2000 yrs ago on The Cros..., is a Hebrews 6:1.

That's you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Don't be ridiculous. I don't "own sin!"

Sure you do.
You keep telling us you are a sinner, so you are "owing it".

Now notice this carefully..

"sinners" are "in adam"

Believers, are "made free from sin", are 'not under the law", and are "in Christ".

See those 2? They are not the same.
So, if you "have sin", you are not FORGIVEN YET, and you are "in Adam".

Don't "own that"... @Randy Kluth

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
You dont understand salvation, because Calvin owns your mind., and that is sad, and that is not going to change.
So, that is why you have nothing to offer except Calvinism, or your typical attitude problem.

Here is the thing..

A person can be born again, and not understand their Salvation..
An example would be a Calvinist.

So, let me be clear.... a person who has sin, is a sinner, and no sinner is found "in Christ."
Only the BORN AGAIN, who are "made free from sin" are found "in Christ".

A person who is trying to confess sin, that Christ has paid for and has resolved 2000 yrs ago on The Cros..., is a Hebrews 6:1.

That's you.
And you for all your bluster and acerbic rantings have yet to brin gone Scripture to defend your position that the five points of Calvin are not biblical. You are a phony. Unless you wish to practicew som ehonor and integrity and back up your slander with truth.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And you for all your bluster and acerbic rantings have yet to brin gone Scripture

I dont have to defend the NT against Calvinism., tho ive done it, many times, on this forum, using Scriptures.

I use people like you, to reveal to Christians who are not infected with Calvinism and TULIP, why to avoid it.

So, you are useful, but not in the way you planned @Ronald Nolette .

One of these Days, you are going to find out that Jesus is not a Calvinist, and didnt create this doctrine of Devils.

See, you were not one of those, until that doctrine of Devils entered your mind and deceived it, and now you are exactly that issue.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I dont have to defend the NT against Calvinism., tho ive done it, many times, on this forum, using Scriptures.

I use people like you, to reveal to Christians who are not infected with Calvinism and TULIP, why to avoid it.

So, you are useful, but not in the way you planned @Ronald Nolette .

One of these Days, you are going to find out that Jesus is not a Calvinist, and didnt create this doctrine of Devils.

See, you were not one of those, until that doctrine of Devils entered your mind and deceived it, and now you are exactly that issue.
But you never defended you rposition on the multiple threads you have attacked me on. that makes you a phony.

And the faqct you do not use Scriptures to warn people against Calvinsim when you use me shows you are a shallow believer.

Calvin is a Jesusist! Jesus inspired teh numerous verses found in Scripture that Calvin used and then his followers created what we call the five points.

You have yet to refute any of the verses I brought on th emany threads you have slandered me. You have no defense.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
But you never defended you rposition on the multiple threads you have attacked me on. that makes you a phony.

Ive posted the deceptions, regarding Calvinism, for you... probably 30 times.
Ive posted 4 Threads about this doctrine of Devils, and you've been on them all.
You could never respond so that anything this Devil teaches could be considered to be of God...., so, you simply started denying what ive done.
This makes you dishonest, and you'll do it again... and that isn't going to solve your Calvinism obsession.
Calvinism owns your mind, and that is why you can't post anything about Jesus, because you are too busy talking about your Calvinism.
You're not alone, as millions of Calvinists are doing exactly the same as that is the MIND ROT that is caused by becoming infected by John Calvinism.

See you there soon., @Ronald Nolette


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
Whaty you need to learn is the difference between "living" in sin and failing from time to time due to human weakness. That is why gods mercy is always there for HIs children.

You have declared that if a person sins they are not born again, and that is sad.
What is really sad is that Behold must think that he doesn't sin. That has to be some humongous ego to think that.

1Jn 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.
1Jn 1:8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What is really sad is that Behold must think that he doesn't sin.

"behold's" sin, are 2000 yrs ago paid for (redeemed) by Jesus on The Cross.
One day, you might actually understand God's Gift of Salvation, whereby the born again, is "made free from sin".
But till that day, you'll deny the Cross, and continue to try to prove that Jesus's Sacrifice isn't ETERNAL. @JBO

Welcome to your "ministry".