Hi there,
So a little help for my brothers and sisters in Christ, who are all struggling (bar the foolishmost). God doesn't always remove doubt. I have been in the faith and away (from the faith) and been back again (even back to the end), and I can attest that this is true. My past sins are forgotten, but my doubt remains unchanged. That does not mean it will never be removed (I have that hope!).
Look at Jesus, do you think He was without doubt? "Let this cup pass from Me" that's what He said. "Only not My Will, but Yours be done". Jesus clearly did not know what pressure He should be applying, until the time of His Resurrection had come - then, He became away that the faith of some was strong and others weak. It is meant to keep us on the narrow path - we should forgive God, for this!
"Who am I to forgive God?" you are a sinner, with genuine doubt, as are almost all of your brothers and sisters, what can you do but forgive? It is the only way. In time, your forgiveness will change to thanks, but the time of that is not yet. Don't press in and press in to have your doubts removed, that is not godly. Practice patience, love one another, redeem the time (for the days are evil - letters, from memory). Some days the doubts will be small, some days the doubts will be big - we all experience this. Be calm, be confident, be confident, be quiet. The Lord will use all our doubts to His advantage - it simply remains for us to have faith.
Who knows how long it will be, until there are no doubts left? Only have faith and show courage, we will get out of this (without harming a hair on our head - gospels, from memory). I am just trying to point to Jesus without a doubt in the world - I hope that this has been of some encouragement.
God bless.
So a little help for my brothers and sisters in Christ, who are all struggling (bar the foolishmost). God doesn't always remove doubt. I have been in the faith and away (from the faith) and been back again (even back to the end), and I can attest that this is true. My past sins are forgotten, but my doubt remains unchanged. That does not mean it will never be removed (I have that hope!).
Look at Jesus, do you think He was without doubt? "Let this cup pass from Me" that's what He said. "Only not My Will, but Yours be done". Jesus clearly did not know what pressure He should be applying, until the time of His Resurrection had come - then, He became away that the faith of some was strong and others weak. It is meant to keep us on the narrow path - we should forgive God, for this!
"Who am I to forgive God?" you are a sinner, with genuine doubt, as are almost all of your brothers and sisters, what can you do but forgive? It is the only way. In time, your forgiveness will change to thanks, but the time of that is not yet. Don't press in and press in to have your doubts removed, that is not godly. Practice patience, love one another, redeem the time (for the days are evil - letters, from memory). Some days the doubts will be small, some days the doubts will be big - we all experience this. Be calm, be confident, be confident, be quiet. The Lord will use all our doubts to His advantage - it simply remains for us to have faith.
Who knows how long it will be, until there are no doubts left? Only have faith and show courage, we will get out of this (without harming a hair on our head - gospels, from memory). I am just trying to point to Jesus without a doubt in the world - I hope that this has been of some encouragement.
God bless.