Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
So, Now It’s Sudden Adult Death Syndrome · Caldron Pool

A strange new medical anomaly that has doctors baffled is sweeping across the country. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is on the rise, and it’s tragically claiming the lives of healthy young adults, sometimes in their sleep. Is the cause of this phenomenon a mystery, like spontaneous combustion, or is there another explanation?

Reports of SADS have been increasing in recent weeks. A web piece explains that “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome… is an umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people, usually under 40, when a post-mortem can find no obvious cause of death… Melbourne’s Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute is developing the country’s first SADS registry, which it hopes to roll out across the country.” Apparently, SADS is now so common that the medical authorities must quickly develop a national registry to track cases.

A Health Desk article published on June 7 notes that “most scientists think SADS is caused by a heart condition that interferes with the heart’s electrical system.” Ah, so it’s a heart condition. Interesting.

It’s unfortunate that no sooner than we’ve just got through a pandemic that a condition synonymous with “people dying of heart conditions for no apparent reason” is on the rise. Is it simply terrible luck for the human species, or did something happen between the beginning of Covid and the emergence of “SADS” that might explain it? In other words, what changed between then and now that might be affecting people’s hearts? Surely, any rational, objective, and truth-seeking person would ask this question.

Here’s a thought: could the deaths, due to heart problems, of otherwise healthy young adults have anything to do with the Covid “vaccines” that were deployed on the population? Or are we simply not allowed to ask?

You know, the “vaccines” that are not traditional vaccines but treatments that utilize novel mRNA or viral vector technology, which had no long-term safety data whatsoever before their mass deployment on human beings.

The vaccines that have been linked to over 1200 deaths during a three-month trial period conducted by Pfizer from December 2020 through February 2021, as disclosed in confidential documents revealed via a court order (which Pfizer sought to suppress for 75 years, a request denied by the judge).

The vaccines that are known to cause cardiac problems such as myocarditis and pericarditis, along with a range of other health issues including neurological disorders and sometimes death.

The vaccines that Australian healthcare professionals were forbidden by AHPRA from criticizing or undermining in any way lest they lose their medical licenses.

The vaccines that were mandated to people en masse despite the minuscule risk posed by the disease they were supposed to inoculate against – not just once but up to three or four times, and that medical professionals such as the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology himself, Dr Robert Malone, and eminent cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, warned people against taking.

Is it possible that these injections might have something to do with the sudden spike in young adult deaths? As Rebecca Weiser recently wrote for The Spectator Australia, there is a dramatic increase in overall deaths in the Australian population over the past year, and it isn’t explainable by pithily saying it’s “because of Covid.”

If we were going about this objectively and scientifically, this would certainly be a question that would require serious consideration, even if it were only to rule out that possibility. However, this obvious possibility isn’t being explored by our health and scientific authorities such as the TGA or by the mainstream media which, let’s be honest, have financial and reputational interests in sweeping any possible connection between Covid injections and excess death rates under the rug.

Instead, we are being told to accept the existence of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and to not even think about the obvious connection between injections that are proven to cause heart damage and people suddenly dying of heart conditions. After all, no one wants to be called a conspiracy theorist or an anti-vaxxer.

The Health Desk article mentioned above anticipates the questions of the “conspiracy theorists” and explains:

"Vaccines have not been associated or linked to sudden death in adults or children in general. Myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, has been associated in extremely rare cases following some vaccination efforts but cardiac issues following a COVID-19 diagnosis are common.
The incidence of COVID-19 in communities is closely linked with higher numbers of sudden cardiac arrest incidence and lower survival rates. In fact, the Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes Foundation recommends that all SADS patients receive a COVID-19 vaccination."

If this is meant to inspire confidence in the Covid vaccines, it does a poor job. Presumably, a “SADS patient” is someone who’s already died, so why they would need to get vaccinated is unclear. Perhaps the enlightened “fact-checkers” can explain that.

Myocarditis is not “extremely rare” after a Covid vaccination. Even if the TGA’s figures related to Covid vaccines and heart conditions are to be trusted (which they aren’t, given they make a lot of money from pharmaceutical companies, and doctors can literally lose their jobs just for reporting vaccine-related adverse events), it’s clear that developing heart-related conditions after receiving a Covid vaccine is common enough not to be “extremely rare.” Few people had even heard of myocarditis two years ago, now it’s a household term.

The article suggests a connection between having had Covid and dying from SADS. However, that hardly exempts the vaccines from blame, as they don’t prevent people from catching Covid. What we need to know is: How many people dying of “SADS” were also vaccinated? That statistic is notably missing.

People don’t die without any cause at all (unless perhaps they’re victims of spontaneous combustion), yet the past year or so has seen a lot of people “die suddenly.” There are countless examples, I’m sure you’ve seen the headlines, and I suspect there are many others that never made headlines. A lot of people are dying of heart attacks lately, have you noticed? I don’t recall seeing so many articles with the headlines “died suddenly” yet containing no further explanation being so common prior to 2021, do you?

If there is a connection between the Covid vaccines and so-called SADS, this is a scandal of the highest degree, deserving of a royal commission and jail terms. Anyone with eyes, ears, and basic cognitive abilities can tell that this is a post-Covid “vaccine” phenomenon. If we care about truth at all, this must be investigated.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
You can show them, but you can't make them see.

This reminds me of lyrics to a song which I forget the name, it goes like this: My eyes are blind but I can see, the snowflakes glistening on the trees.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
There are matters that all the exposure in the world will not change. This agenda is engraved upon the minds of this generation, along with woke ideology, socialism, and a shared hatred for conservative Christianity. The present agenda cannot be stopped. The only thing we can do is share the gospel with those individuals open to salvation. To finish that... To take the everlasting gospel to every kindred, tribe, tongue, and nation, Revelation14:6, is to surrender self to Jesus, pray constantly, obey Him in all things, be filled with the true latter rain (yes, there's a false one) and place your confidence and reliance upon Jesus and Jesus alone.
"Without Me ye can do nothing".


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
A strange new medical anomaly that has doctors baffled is sweeping across the country. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is on the rise, and it’s tragically claiming the lives of healthy young adults, sometimes in their sleep...

Just a thought, but maybe mobile phones (aka cell phones) held close to the ear have someting to do with it, perhaps the high energy electromagnetic waves are scrambling their brains?

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Just a thought, but maybe mobile phones (aka cell phones) held close to the ear have someting to do with it, perhaps the high energy electromagnetic waves are scrambling their brains?

It maybe 5G but they won't consider rather either cos it's too profitable
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
In 1993-94 a woman I knew went for an afternoon nap and did not wake up again. She died in her sleep. She snored a lot and probably suffered from Sleep Apnoea but at that time this was not a recognised aliment/condition. It is something that I have lived with since 1996. Sleep Apnoea, because of disrupted breathing issues can cause the oxygen levels in the blood to drop to dangerous levels which leads to heart damage. My sleep apnoea is hereditary in that both of my grandfathers snored heavily and often had obstructive breathing issues.

Breathing difficulties if not recognised in young children can lead to heart damage and death at some later time in the child's life. It is sometimes seen on the playing flied where a player unexpectedly collapse and dies on the field.

Blood clots if undetected and not treated can also lead to a person collapsing unexpectedly and dying.

The above two examples of unexpected deaths in supposedly "healthy" individuals, have been around for many years, long before Covid-19 or 5G mobile phones.

My brother in-law died in his mid seventies from tumours growing in his brain. The removal of these tumours surgically may have prolonged his life for an extra couple of years, but the surgery also had high risks associated with it. Many people who have had brain tumours have chosen to have no treatment knowing that they will soon die. He was a Vietnam War veteran.

The issue we have here is that anecdotal evidence, if any, is being interpreted, as being a fact, where the conclusions being reached are not necessarily accurate or justifiable.

We all need to be careful with the conclusions that we reach and post about.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
So, Now It’s Sudden Adult Death Syndrome · Caldron Pool

A strange new medical anomaly that has doctors baffled is sweeping across the country. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is on the rise, and it’s tragically claiming the lives of healthy young adults, sometimes in their sleep. Is the cause of this phenomenon a mystery, like spontaneous combustion, or is there another explanation?

Reports of SADS have been increasing in recent weeks. A web piece explains that “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome… is an umbrella term to describe unexpected deaths in young people, usually under 40, when a post-mortem can find no obvious cause of death… Melbourne’s Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute is developing the country’s first SADS registry, which it hopes to roll out across the country.” Apparently, SADS is now so common that the medical authorities must quickly develop a national registry to track cases.

A Health Desk article published on June 7 notes that “most scientists think SADS is caused by a heart condition that interferes with the heart’s electrical system.” Ah, so it’s a heart condition. Interesting.

It’s unfortunate that no sooner than we’ve just got through a pandemic that a condition synonymous with “people dying of heart conditions for no apparent reason” is on the rise. Is it simply terrible luck for the human species, or did something happen between the beginning of Covid and the emergence of “SADS” that might explain it? In other words, what changed between then and now that might be affecting people’s hearts? Surely, any rational, objective, and truth-seeking person would ask this question.

Here’s a thought: could the deaths, due to heart problems, of otherwise healthy young adults have anything to do with the Covid “vaccines” that were deployed on the population? Or are we simply not allowed to ask?

You know, the “vaccines” that are not traditional vaccines but treatments that utilize novel mRNA or viral vector technology, which had no long-term safety data whatsoever before their mass deployment on human beings.

The vaccines that have been linked to over 1200 deaths during a three-month trial period conducted by Pfizer from December 2020 through February 2021, as disclosed in confidential documents revealed via a court order (which Pfizer sought to suppress for 75 years, a request denied by the judge).

The vaccines that are known to cause cardiac problems such as myocarditis and pericarditis, along with a range of other health issues including neurological disorders and sometimes death.

The vaccines that Australian healthcare professionals were forbidden by AHPRA from criticizing or undermining in any way lest they lose their medical licenses.

The vaccines that were mandated to people en masse despite the minuscule risk posed by the disease they were supposed to inoculate against – not just once but up to three or four times, and that medical professionals such as the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology himself, Dr Robert Malone, and eminent cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, warned people against taking.

Is it possible that these injections might have something to do with the sudden spike in young adult deaths? As Rebecca Weiser recently wrote for The Spectator Australia, there is a dramatic increase in overall deaths in the Australian population over the past year, and it isn’t explainable by pithily saying it’s “because of Covid.”

If we were going about this objectively and scientifically, this would certainly be a question that would require serious consideration, even if it were only to rule out that possibility. However, this obvious possibility isn’t being explored by our health and scientific authorities such as the TGA or by the mainstream media which, let’s be honest, have financial and reputational interests in sweeping any possible connection between Covid injections and excess death rates under the rug.

Instead, we are being told to accept the existence of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and to not even think about the obvious connection between injections that are proven to cause heart damage and people suddenly dying of heart conditions. After all, no one wants to be called a conspiracy theorist or an anti-vaxxer.

The Health Desk article mentioned above anticipates the questions of the “conspiracy theorists” and explains:

"Vaccines have not been associated or linked to sudden death in adults or children in general. Myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, has been associated in extremely rare cases following some vaccination efforts but cardiac issues following a COVID-19 diagnosis are common.
The incidence of COVID-19 in communities is closely linked with higher numbers of sudden cardiac arrest incidence and lower survival rates. In fact, the Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes Foundation recommends that all SADS patients receive a COVID-19 vaccination."

If this is meant to inspire confidence in the Covid vaccines, it does a poor job. Presumably, a “SADS patient” is someone who’s already died, so why they would need to get vaccinated is unclear. Perhaps the enlightened “fact-checkers” can explain that.

Myocarditis is not “extremely rare” after a Covid vaccination. Even if the TGA’s figures related to Covid vaccines and heart conditions are to be trusted (which they aren’t, given they make a lot of money from pharmaceutical companies, and doctors can literally lose their jobs just for reporting vaccine-related adverse events), it’s clear that developing heart-related conditions after receiving a Covid vaccine is common enough not to be “extremely rare.” Few people had even heard of myocarditis two years ago, now it’s a household term.

The article suggests a connection between having had Covid and dying from SADS. However, that hardly exempts the vaccines from blame, as they don’t prevent people from catching Covid. What we need to know is: How many people dying of “SADS” were also vaccinated? That statistic is notably missing.

People don’t die without any cause at all (unless perhaps they’re victims of spontaneous combustion), yet the past year or so has seen a lot of people “die suddenly.” There are countless examples, I’m sure you’ve seen the headlines, and I suspect there are many others that never made headlines. A lot of people are dying of heart attacks lately, have you noticed? I don’t recall seeing so many articles with the headlines “died suddenly” yet containing no further explanation being so common prior to 2021, do you?

If there is a connection between the Covid vaccines and so-called SADS, this is a scandal of the highest degree, deserving of a royal commission and jail terms. Anyone with eyes, ears, and basic cognitive abilities can tell that this is a post-Covid “vaccine” phenomenon. If we care about truth at all, this must be investigated.
It's really no big surprise since having COVID can damage the heart which could easily explain SADS.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Here’s a thought: could the deaths, due to heart problems, of otherwise healthy young adults have anything to do with the Covid “vaccines” that were deployed on the population? Or are we simply not allowed to ask?
Denial, denial, denial. There is no more integrity and honesty in the medical establishment. The plain truth should have been stated thus:"These bogus vaccines are lethal (killers) and now we have the actual evidence. Why were they not TOTALLY BANNED and why have the people promoting them not been arrested and prosecuted for mass murders?"

Genocide used to be an international crime. Now it is simply a medical anomaly.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Denial, denial, denial. There is no more integrity and honesty in the medical establishment. The plain truth should have been stated thus:"These bogus vaccines are lethal (killers) and now we have the actual evidence. Why were they not TOTALLY BANNED and why have the people promoting them not been arrested and prosecuted for mass murders?"

Genocide used to be an international crime. Now it is simply a medical anomaly.
LOL, you always push for arresting people, like the voter fraud idea. Very aggressive stance.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
It's really no big surprise since having COVID can damage the heart which could easily explain SADS.

Don't look here, right... LoL:rolleyes: You have the answer... Ye sure.

Covid is nothing, it produces no such symptoms. It's just a cover for vaccine deaths just like SIDS. Besides, it doesn't explain why vaxed people that didn't have covid are dying, like all these athletes.

I know no one who was harmed by covid but many people I know have been harmed by these stupid lethal injections including my father.

So it is much more probable that the toxic needles are to blame

The point being made is that it should be investigated but no one is even allowed to ask such a question cos they're so heavily invested. Doctors have been threatened not to go against the vax...

This is pure evil and many foolish people are abetting it
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Don't look here, right... LoL:rolleyes: You have the answer... Ye sure.

Covid is nothing, it produces no such symptoms. It's just a cover for vaccine deaths just like SIDS. Besides, it doesn't explain why vaxed people that didn't have covid are dying, like all these athletes.

I know no one who was harmed by covid but many people I know have been harmed by these stupid lethal injections including my father.

So it is much more probable that the toxic needles are to blame

The point being made is that it should be investigated but no one is even allowed to ask such a question cos their so heavily invested. Doctors have been threatened not to go against the vax...

This is pure evil and many foolish people are abetting it
Yes it could also be the vaccine boosters, but that's not what the Dr on the news said, they said it needs to be investigated to determine the cause.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Denial, denial, denial. There is no more integrity and honesty in the medical establishment. The plain truth should have been stated thus:"These bogus vaccines are lethal (killers) and now we have the actual evidence. Why were they not TOTALLY BANNED and why have the people promoting them not been arrested and prosecuted for mass murders?"

Genocide used to be an international crime. Now it is simply a medical anomaly.

I know... I don't usually support capital punishment but I'd be pleased if all involved were burnt at the stake

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
At the very least these toxic syringes should not be forced upon us and the discrimination against the unvaxed must end
But like i said, many foolish people are in support of this evil
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
LOL, you always push for arresting people, like the voter fraud idea. Very aggressive stance.
Do you prefer coddling criminals who are murderers? The death penalty applied to murderers everywhere at one time. It still applies in many part of the world, and in many states. Also voter fraud is essentially treason, and the death penalty also applied to treason at one time.

"On June 19, 1953, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were convicted of conspiring to pass U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, [were] executed at Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, New York."