There are 4 "mindsets".
1st.) There is the natural mind.. the carnal mind that is in the unbeliever, and this mind is blinded by the devil "lest the light of the glorious Gospel Of Jesus Christ should shine into them"..
="Shine into them" = enlighten them and bring them to the "knowledge of the Truth" so that they can BELIEVE it.
2nd Mind.) .. "is the carnal mind" in the CHRISTian, and that is the same as you find in the unbeliever.
Paul says the born again have to renew their minds or they keep that same (Natural) mind.... and that will produce a lot of unrest and anxiety because they have the Spirit in them,= "at war" with their natural mind.... and you get...>>>"that which i want to do, i can't , and that which i hate, i do""
3rd Mind.).. Paul says this mind is "as many as be perfect"... who are the "fullness of the Stature of Christ"...
And that is a person, born again, who has learned sound doctrine so well, so thoroughly... starting with Hebrews 13:9... and Romans 3:21-28... and 2 Corin 5:19.. and Romans 4:8..... that they can never be deceived...and they have = "worked our their salvation"..
4th Mind.).... "Fallen from Grace"... And that is a born again Christian, who has left a higher position regarding understanding NT Truth, especially regarding SALVATION, and now they are in a lower "fallen" place, in their understanding... = a carnal mind... and "in the flesh".
This one has been deceived by a Heretic, and has become a part of a Cult Theology. "ISMs"..........Like a Calvinism, or a Mormonism.\\
Paul teaches that this one is "Bewitched" by a MAN's Theology... and that is explained also in : Hebrews 13:9
So, Reader..
Which one are you?
1st.) There is the natural mind.. the carnal mind that is in the unbeliever, and this mind is blinded by the devil "lest the light of the glorious Gospel Of Jesus Christ should shine into them"..
="Shine into them" = enlighten them and bring them to the "knowledge of the Truth" so that they can BELIEVE it.
2nd Mind.) .. "is the carnal mind" in the CHRISTian, and that is the same as you find in the unbeliever.
Paul says the born again have to renew their minds or they keep that same (Natural) mind.... and that will produce a lot of unrest and anxiety because they have the Spirit in them,= "at war" with their natural mind.... and you get...>>>"that which i want to do, i can't , and that which i hate, i do""
3rd Mind.).. Paul says this mind is "as many as be perfect"... who are the "fullness of the Stature of Christ"...
And that is a person, born again, who has learned sound doctrine so well, so thoroughly... starting with Hebrews 13:9... and Romans 3:21-28... and 2 Corin 5:19.. and Romans 4:8..... that they can never be deceived...and they have = "worked our their salvation"..
4th Mind.).... "Fallen from Grace"... And that is a born again Christian, who has left a higher position regarding understanding NT Truth, especially regarding SALVATION, and now they are in a lower "fallen" place, in their understanding... = a carnal mind... and "in the flesh".
This one has been deceived by a Heretic, and has become a part of a Cult Theology. "ISMs"..........Like a Calvinism, or a Mormonism.\\
Paul teaches that this one is "Bewitched" by a MAN's Theology... and that is explained also in : Hebrews 13:9
So, Reader..
Which one are you?