The Blood of Jesus : Is this just symbolic ?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

I Literally believe that the BLOOD of Jesus, washes away the sin of the World., as Paul Teaches, as Peter understood, = as Christ's Salvation.

God says this SACRIFICE is LITERAL.... God The Father, Literally offers Jesus as a Literal BLOOD Sacrifice. John 3:16

""""Much more then, having now been justified by His
BLOOD, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. “ (Romans 5:9)

''“In JESUS we have redemption through HIS BLOOD, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace"” (Ephesians 1:7)

""""" But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the Blood Of Christ.”"" (Ephesians 2:12-13)

Welcome to CHRISTianity... = its where God offers the SHED BLOOD and DEATH of His Precious Son,= to Eternally FORGIVE..= ""all who call on the Name of Jesus... All who will BELIEVE"....."All who will receive Christ by FAITH".

A.) Romans 3:25..

"""Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through Faith in His Blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;""""

""""whom God set forth as a propitiation through.. FAITH IN HIS BLOOD for a showing forth of His righteousness, because of the forbearance of the sins having taken place beforehand,

"""""God presented him as the mercy seat BY HIS (Jesus's) BLOOD , through faith, to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his restraint God passed over the sins previously committed.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Also Jesus fulfilled the role of the great high priest offering a much greater sacrifice.

Jesus poured out His blood on teh mercy seat in heaven!

Two events that people seem to not realize. When jesus rose on sunday , He told Mary Magdeline to not touch HIm for He hadn't ascended to teh Father yet. But He told Thomas a week later to touch HIm! Why the change?

Jesus as High priest could not be touched by anything while He was bringing the Blood of the Lamb to pour out lest He be ceremonially defiled! So sometime between seeing Mary in the garden tomb, and Thomas, Jesus ascended to heaven and poured His blood on the heavenly mercy seat.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The shed Blood of Jesus that is the "Blood Atonement" that is the "new covenant" that is the "one time eternal sacrifice for Sin", is not a "Symbol".

Jesus didnt Bleed "symbols"... . He bled Red Human Blood, that ran off his tortured Body, down The Cross, and puddled at the foot of The Cross.

That's not a symbol..

That is THE Lord as THE Bleeding Dying SACRIFICE... that is this...>>"without the shedding of Blood there is no remission, redemption, or forgiveness".

Had Jesus not shed His Blood then no Believer's sin could be dealt with eternally.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The Blood of Jesus... = It does exist now, and forever.

It exists forever, as "The one time ETERNAL Sacrifice for sin"...

Its exist like this.......= forever....."God HATH made be SIN for us"..

Reader......You just read multiple verses that said to have """"FAITH in the "BLOOD" of Jesus'"... So, if didnt exist literally, then not only would the Blood be symbolic, but the faith would also, and "without faith its impossible to please God".

So, both the BLOOD of Jesus and FAITH, are LITERAL..

See those?
Those are not "symbolic" and they both exist, as if they didn't, then there would be no Redemption "through Christ", available.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
Do you actually not know this verse?

Find your answer here..

John 3:16
I have that verse memorized. And it doesn't say anything about God the Father offering His Son as a sacrificial offering to anybody, certainly not to Himself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I have that verse memorized. And it doesn't say anything about God the Father offering His Son as a sacrificial offering to anybody, certainly not to Himself.

"Gave His Son, to whosoever will believe".

"Whosoever", = Every person

"will believe", = is who receives, from God, what Jesus has accomplished on the Cross.

What is that?


Here is how Jesus explains John's verse.

"All who believe in Me, i give unto you eternal life, and you shall never go to Hell (Perish)"...

Jesus is the """'one time eternal sacrifice for sin".. = "God hath made JESUS to BE SIN for us"....

Jesus explains this as "it is FINISHED"... when He said this from The Cross and then DIED.

That is God's Sacrifice as Jesus.. who has just shed His Blood and DIED on The Cross, for SIN.


Yours, mine, ALL of us.
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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
"Gave His Son, to whosoever will believe".

"Whosoever", = Every person

"will believe", = is who receives, from God, what Jesus has accomplished on the Cross.

What is that?


Here is how Jesus explains John's verse.

"All who believe in Me, i give unto you eternal life, and you shall never go to Hell (Perish)"...

Jesus is the """'one time eternal sacrifice for sin".. = "God hath made JESUS to BE SIN for us"....

Jesus explains this as "it is FINISHED"... when He said this from The Cross and then DIED.

That is God's Sacrifice as Jesus.. who has just shed His Blood and DIED on The Cross, for SIN.


Yours, mine, ALL of us.
We are talking past each other. That Christ died for our sins is not disputed. Whether the Father offered His Son's death TO HIMSELF is the matter in question. So let's separate the offeror and the offeree here. We may agree on who the offeror is (the Father). But who is the offeree. Is it US? Or is it the Father? Because if it is US, then offering sacrifices to humans is Divine Idolatry. And if it is THE FATHER, then offering sacrifices to Oneself is nonsensical.

See the problem?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Whether the Father offered His Son's death TO HIMSELF is the matter in question.

"without the shedding of BLOOD there is no forgiveness, no remission, no redemption, no Salvation".

So, SIN, has to be JUDGED,..

"all have sinned".

Jesus is God's sin offering, that God's Justice requires... that satisfies God's Holiness, and the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus, is what God accepts on our Behalf, to deal with all our sin.

So, its Both.

See, God has to solve this... situation............."Im Holy, you're not, so, How can I created a Salvation, that satisfies my Eternal Justice against sin, and also provides GRACE so that the Salvation i offer, is a FREE GIFT, to a SINNER">

1.) "Jesus is the ONE TIME>.. ETERNAL Sacrifice for SIN"
2.) "God hath made JESUS>... to be SIN.....for us">..

So, Virgin Born Jesus, became our sin, and took OUR Punishment for OUR sin, upon Himself, which satisfied God's Judgment against Sin, and the shedding of Jesus's blood provides the forgiveness, for our sin.. as well., which becomes for us an eternal "blood atonement", covenant.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
"without the shedding of BLOOD there is no forgiveness, no remission, no redemption, no Salvation".

So, SIN, has to be JUDGED,..

"all have sinned".

Jesus is God's sin offering, that God's Justice requires... that satisfies God's Holiness, and the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus, is what God accepts on our Behalf, to deal with all our sin.

So, its Both.

See, God has to solve this... situation............."Im Holy, you're not, so, How can I created a Salvation, that satisfies my Eternal Justice against sin, and also provides GRACE so that the Salvation i offer, is a FREE GIFT, to a SINNER">

1.) "Jesus is the ONE TIME>.. ETERNAL Sacrifice for SIN"
2.) "God hath made JESUS>... to be SIN.....for us">..

So, Virgin Born Jesus, became our sin, and took OUR Punishment for OUR sin, upon Himself, which satisfied God's Judgment against Sin, and the shedding of Jesus's blood provides the forgiveness, for our sin.. as well., which becomes for us an eternal "blood atonement", covenant.
So, let's assume we buy into Heb. 9:22's "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin," and count all other paths to forgiveness of sin mentioned in Scripture -- including Exodus 30:11-16 (paying money), Leviticus 5:11-13 (burning flour by the poor), or more generally, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 40:6, Psalm 51:16-17, Isaiah 1:11, and similar verses suggesting that the Lord does not delight in burnt offerings -- as just outright lies. In fact, while we're at it, let's call Jesus a liar too when He declared in Matt. 6:14 that “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” OK, now we're ready to proceed with your "gotta have shedding of blood" theory. Follow along:

1. Your theory is that "the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus, is what God accepts on our Behalf, to deal with all our sin." That's God is punishing A for B's sins. And this is what you call "God's justice."

2. The idea that a just God would ever accept punishment of A for B’s sin―whether or not A volunteered for the substitution―is your dilemma. A bloodthirsty God just might decide that “someone has to pay!” and accept such an offer. But a just God would never do so. It is central to our notions of justice that the guilty, not the innocent, are punished. The guilty may be forgiven as an exercise in mercy (mercy being in effect a suspension of justice), but not at the expense of the innocent. Not even if the innocent volunteered for the substitution.

3. Now that we have identified the injustice issue, your second dilemma is to explain what is it about God’s justice that disables God from forgiving the offender’s sin (whatever it was) without having His Son nailed to the cross. Christ, we are told, paid the price for our sins―but the price owed to Whom? If it was owed to the Father, what restrained Him from simply canceling the debt?

Figure all this out with me, please.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So, let's assume we buy into Heb. 9:22's "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin," and count all other paths to forgiveness of sin mentioned in Scripture -- including Exodus 30:11-16 (paying money), Leviticus 5:11-13 (burning flour by the poor), or more generally, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 40:6, Psalm 51:16-17, Isaiah 1:11, and similar verses suggesting that the Lord does not delight in burnt offerings -- as just outright lies. In fact, while we're at it, let's call Jesus a liar too when He declared in Matt. 6:14 that “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” OK, now we're ready to proceed with your "gotta have shedding of blood" theory. Follow along:

This will be 2 parts...

Here is : Pt 1

Christianity is all spiritual.
The Bible is all spiritual.
So, when a teacher is teaching theology, or scriptures.... then this is absolutely not like selling definitions.

What that means is... . if someone says.. "prove it"... and they are full of theology, then they are not going to accept any proof, as their own proof is their own theology and a Teacher like me can't cause that to go away.

See, people come to forums.......most people, to try to sell you their theology, that is typically related to their denomination, or cult.

I never do this, as my Theology is not related to a denomination... My Theology is Pauline Theology.......that is Paul's doctrine.
There is no other that is perfect., and no matter the denomination or cult.. where they perfectly agree with Paul's doctrine, they are correct, and where they disagree , they are not.

So, because the Bible is a spiritual book, it will take the Holy Spirit to reveal to a student of the word, His Truth.

Now, notice that Jesus IS THE Truth..........John 14:6.
He's not part truth, or some truth, or most truth, .. Jesus is THE Truth...
"Jesus came in the world and the world received Him not, because the world is not OF The Truth."

So, that is the same for religion, and most "christian" denominations, and of course all Cults.

What all this means to you, Reader..... is that there is no getting past your indoctrination, unless God does if for you.
And there is no getting that at all, unless you are born again..

Reader......Let me show you a couple of KEYS, so that you can apply this to any diligent study you might pursue of the Bible.

1.) Jesus came to the Jews, and what He talked about with them, was mostly related to OT, Old Covenant.

Jesus didnt come to the Gentile world......He came to the Jews...(House of Israel)... So, the very first part of beginning to understand the BIBLE, is to recognize that it has an OT and a NT. It has an old covenant and a New Covenant.
And That is utterly important to realize, as once you see those 2, then you know that they are not going to be the same, and then that is when the Holy Spirit can begin to show you have to "rightly divide" the word of God and that is why God sends a real teacher.

= "for the perfecting of the Saints"..

2.) The OT, is not the NT.. and the OT verses, are not given to Gentiles, ... so that means that the "body of Christ", was birthed by the Cross of Christ....So, you have all those Verses, that came before Jesus died on the Cross, where Jesus is talking to the "House of Israel" and not to the body of Christ, the "Church"...or the CHRISTIANS.
So, the very 2nd thing a bible student has to learn, is that we dont take verses, that are given to Jews, as if they are Doctrine for the "Body of Christ", when they are not.

The OT, is an old Covenant, that has been dissolved and a new one is now written in the Blood of Jesus...
Jesus is the New Testament and the New Covenant.
See, God is a God of BLOOD Covenant, and Jesus is the Author of the NEW Covenant, that is written in His Holy Blood.
This New Covenant, is separated from the OLD Covenant, that is the OLD Testament.... So, when we study the Bible, we have to always notice the divisions whereby the word of God, is talking to CHRISTians, and not OT Jews. As Jesus was most often talking to OT Jews, unless He was speaking prophetically, as He does in Matt 24.
Jesus began to Literally talk to CHRISTIANS, after He created CHRISTIANITY with His CROSS, as before The Cross was raised there aren't any Christians.

Now, one verse for you. @RedFan , and you posted it.

"""if you forgive, God will forgive you, and if you dont He wont""". That Is Matt 6, and a couple of others, and that is Jesus the JEW, talking to Jews under the Old Covenant.

And now, that Jesus has shed His Blood and died to become the NEW Covenant... you find this verse.. talking to CHRISTians.

"forgive them, because your Father has forgiven you".

See that complete shift from OT, to NT?

Notice that The OT covenant understanding that is based on LAW..., "forgive to be forgiven", now deleted, and the NT has created it like this...>>>>""Forgive because you have been FORGIVEN"">., as this is talking to the CHRISTians, who are "under Grace". and "not under the Law".
Christians dont forgive to be forgiven.......they forgive because they have already been forgiven.
See, if you are not forgive all your sin, then you are not a Christian., yet.

See that NT Change?
There is no more OT LAW....>>"or else"..... there is no more OT LAW more responsibility to "forgive or else"".....

Because Now, the CHRISTIAN forgives, not to be forgiven.. but because they already ARE Forgiven..

The Christian is "not under the Law, but under GRACE"...

See that Change in how the Old Covenant presents "forgiveness" under the old covenant.... and how the NT, the New Covenant, presents it completely differently regarding the CHRISTian?

And Reader...... notice once again, this fact about being full of theology, or religion.
It blocks God's Light from entering into you, if that is all you have.
Notice that God's Son, who is THE TRUTH, was nailed to The Cross, by religious people, who were filled with the TORAH.... filled with SCRIPTURES they had memorized since they were young children.
However.....They could not hear JESUS, because the truth was not in them.... so they rejected THE TRUTH.
Their THEOLOGY blinded their mind and caused them to become deaf to Truth.
Yes, they had and have till this day, religion, they had bible study, they had memorized the TORAH, the OT, but it did them no good, because all of that is just religion, when there is no TRUTH in you.

End of Pt 1.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Pt 2. @RedFan

I meet people all over this world who can quote a lot of verses, and quote church fathers, and Quote Buddha, Joseph Smith, 9th Century Popes, but they have no JESUS in them.....they only have entrenched blinding Theology up to their eyelids.
So, they have plenty of verses, memorized, but they have no TRUTH.
They are blind guides, leading the blind, and both end up in the DITCH.

Theyclaim to have all the TRUTH....they knew the OT... and yet, they rejected THE TRUTH and murdered THE TRUTH, Literally, and watched Him DIE for their SIN, and were CLUELESS...

Millions are the same, this very day, and many of them like to spend a lot of time on "christian" forums, pretending they are of the truth.

IN 2024, "religious leaders", are simply cults and denominations, for the most part.
They talk bible, they profess holiness, but they have no Truth, they are just theology puppets who are controlled by a set of Theology that blinds them to The Truth.

1. Your theory is that "the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus, is what God accepts on our Behalf, to deal with all our sin." That's God is punishing A for B's sins. And this is what you call "God's justice."

God said that there is no greater love then to lay down your life for your friend.

And for the human, that is the penultimate.... but its not God's Penultimate.

See, God's Son, died for His ENEMIES, also... , and that is defining the greatness of God's love.. in that God calls SINNERS, who are unbelievers, who are enemies of God, and Enemies of the Cross, and enemies of Jesus, to come and be forgiven and find God's Love.......... because God loves us all that much, before we even believed in His Son.
Reader,, God loves you so very much, that He sent Jesus to the Cross for your sin and mine, while we were "yet sinners".

Jesus dying on The Cross for your sin, is God's mercy being extended to you, as God's greatest sacrifice of His LOVE for you... His own Son.

God was willing to show His Love to all of us, by sending Sacrificial Love down from Heaven, Virgin born.... to die for all our sin, so that all of us can be rejoined to God, as "born again" Christians.

Hallelujah !

So, while The Cross is the place where God's Son endured the Judgement for our sin......the greater meaning of The Cross is that it defines where God offers His eternal mercy and His eternal Love, AS Jesus dying on The Cross for us all.
There is no greater love., ever found or ever offered.. then God offering Jesus on The Cross for "the world".. John 3:16

2. The idea that a just God would ever accept punishment of A for B’s sin―whether or not A volunteered for the substitution―is your dilemma.

The Cross is not where punishment happened......The Cross is where Sacrifice occurred that satisfies God's Justice with God's Mercy, on our behalf.

God from forgiving the offender’s sin (whatever it was) without having His Son nailed to the cross.

Reader.... "Life is in the Blood."

If your blood is bad, then you are sick, and if its really bad, you are going to die, soon.
The reason you'll die, is "blood related", unless you die in an accident, or are murdered.
People die from disease, and disease is blood based......because """LIFE is in the Blood"

So, God's redemption from sin, is also Blood related, because with God all things are covenant related, and its usually a blood covenant.

The Cross of Christ is God's established Blood Covenant between Himself and all who have sinned.

And you have sinned... and I have sinned.....>>>"ALL have sinned".

Jesus offered to you and me, His own Blood... (Did you ever take communion) ? "this is my blood of the new testament, poured out for you".. in that Cup...

That literally happened on THE Jesus poured out His blood, and by this Blood, God is able to forgive All your sin, and by doing this you are freed from 2nd death, that is Hell, and The Lake of Fire...
See, a CHRISTIAN is redeemed from that eternal JUDGEMENT situation because God accepts forever what Jesus has provided on The Cross as the Justification to NOT JUDGE the CHRISTian, in Eternity.
Reader, if you are born again, then that is why you only meet God as Heavenly Father and not as Eternal JUDGE... as Jesus has been Judged to DEATH Already, for your sin and mine, so that we are FREED from God's Eternal Wrath...

John 3:36

Perhaps you recall the symbolic OT version of this, when the Jews in Egypt put blood around their door, so that the Angel of DEATH would not come to their House and slay them...., when He saw THE BLOOD on their door frame. = He Passed over... = "Passover"... that is why its celebrated....
So, God sees the BLOOD of JESUS, on The CROSS being Shed..... and once we believe in Jesus, having faith in This Blood and Truth and Covenant who is JESUS....... then we are "bought with a price". And that Price is the BLOOD Atonement, that is Christ's Blood, and so the eternal Judgment of God will never HIT a Christian, in eternity, as it has already found Jesus on THE Cross, and Judged HIM.
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
The shed Blood of Jesus that is the "Blood Atonement" that is the "new covenant" that is the "one time eternal sacrifice for Sin", is not a "Symbol".

Jesus didnt Bleed "symbols"... . He bled Red Human Blood, that ran off his tortured Body, down The Cross, and puddled at the foot of The Cross.

That's not a symbol..

That is THE Lord as THE Bleeding Dying SACRIFICE... that is this...>>"without the shedding of Blood there is no remission, redemption, or forgiveness".

Had Jesus not shed His Blood then no Believer's sin could be dealt with eternally.
there could be no believers, because we would have nothing to believe in..


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
there could be no believers, because we would have nothing to believe in..

Before Jesus was nailed, He said...>>"you believe in God, believe also in Me".

However that didnt produce the "Christian".. it produced a disciple.

Jesus also said... "If you keep my words, you are my disciple indeed", and that is not a Christian.....that is a disciple.

Reader, a DISCIPLE< is a follower of you would follow a religious leader.

A CHRISTIAN, is "one with God", "born again".. "In Christ".. "seated in Heavenly places".. "having passed from darkness.. TO LIGHT.".. having passed from "death to Life">.

This is why a CHRISTIAN and not a disciple... is defined as a "CHILD of The LIGHT".. and that is because "Jesus is The Light of the World", and "God exists IN LIGHT".. and the Christian is "IN THEM">.

That Light is the KOG, and YOU have to be born again into a CHRISTian...........or you're nothing more than a disciple, even if you have the NT memorized, and were water baptized 23 times, over 82 yrs.

DISCIPLES of Christ can go to HELL.. whereas The born again Christian is already "seated in Heavenly Places" In Christ" as "ONE with God".