The Pagan and the Christian who didn't listen to God

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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
This is actually a pair of true stories. The Lord asked me to relate them. The point of the stories is how it is not only the Pagan but often also the Christian who does not listen to Him.

It happened shortly after I came to know the Lord. I was a retail manage in a big box store. The just means it was a big store. I was the front-end manager as opposed to the sales floor manager or the warehouse manager. One of my jobs was to hire the employees for the store, and again I needed a couple of employees. So I picked up a stack of about 100 applications. We would get lots of applications.

Normally I would quickly sift through them. I needed part-time employees with good availability, so that quickly cut out at least a third of the applications. Then I would take a closer look and narrowed it down based on work history so that I would have about five applications to interview for the 2 jobs.

Yet since I was now hearing the Lord I decided to ask Him who to hire. I took the 100 applications and without looking I simply asked Jesus Christ if I should hire that person. I had gone through about 70 applications before He told me to hire that person. There were about 10 left when He told me to hire that person also. It was then that I looked at the applications He picked. They looked great! Both requested part-time and neither had times they couldn't work. Also both of them had decent work experience. Both would probably have been people I interviewed anyway, which was about a 5% change for either of them. Which would make the chance of that happening with both being less than 1 in 100. God is amazing.

Anyway, I asked the Lord if I should just hire them or bring them in for interviews. He told me that it was my job to interview them. So I brought these 2 in for interviews. That's when I got my surprise. To make this story a bit shorter, it turned out that both those people were into demonic things. The was had on her application that she made and sold jewelry. It turned out that jewelry were spiritual store that she sold to magic and new age shops.

I asked Jesus Christ and He told me that He wanted me to hire her anyway. I am pretty sure He was going to have me tell her about Him. So I tried to hire her, and she did really want the job. Yet she called back and told me that she couldn't take the job. I had told the Lord that those demons of her would figure out what He was up to.

But I did hire the other person. She interviewed great. She had even worked for a church helping run a summer program with kids. It turned out that she was a pagan, who casts spells and read tarot cards. - I will continue - hope it is not too long

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
The cashier that I had hired was doing a great job! She was fast, friendly, and accurate. She had been there a couple of weeks and I was walking behind the check stand when sudden the Lord spoke to me with that small voice of His and wanted me to ask her where she was from. I told Him that she was obviously from around the area, but I asked. She told me that she was from Russia.

"From Russia?" my jaw dropped. She continued and explained that she was Jewish. "Well", she explained, her family moved her from Russia. Her Father was Jewish, her sister was Christian, and she was Pagan. I asked her what she meant by "Pagan" and she explained that she cast spells and read tarot cards. That was when I figured out that both those applications the Lord asked me to hire were pagans.

I wound up talking to her about Jesus. She talked to me about her Christian sister who never saw anything incredible happen, while she had seen all sorts of incredible spiritual things happen. Well I hadn't been with the Lord long at that time, but I could tell her about lots of things. I had already seen the Lord do a number of miracles around my life. That didn't prove to her that her spirits were not better than my Lord. So I asked the Lord to hide her tarot cards. And He did hide her tarot cards!! But I didn't know if He did or not. Why can't I just believe He does things?

Anyway, I waited a couple of weeks and then ask her about those tarot cards. It turned out that she wasn't able to find them for a while! The thing is that God wants people to have the desires of their life. So even if a person goes looking and desiring tarot cards, God is going to let them find them. God puts before us both good and evil and we are to choose good, but we still have the choice. She choose evil.

So I asked the Lord what I could do. He told me to have her read the tarot card that night, and tell her that He was going to take over the cards.That should prove that He is greater! She agreed to read the cards. I saw her a couple of days later. She was coming to work as I was heading home for the day. I asked her and she told me what happened. She first asked if she should read the cards and the cards told her she should. Then she asked about me and the cards told her to keep talking to me.

She didn't do that. In fact, the very last words she told me were that she was supposed to keep talking to me. Our schedules didn't match up for a couple of days, and then I had a weeks' vacation. When I came back, I found out that she had quit. I don't know what happened to her, but I felt she clearly knew that Jesus Christ had taken over her cards. Either way, she didn't do what she had been asked. She didn't listen.

Yet that left me with the same problem of needing to hire 2 employees. This time I was going to ask the Lord for "Christian" employees. It worked very similar, but this time I indeed got "Christian" employees. I'm telling you - that didn't work out like I thought either!!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
So now, having asked the Lord for Christian employees, I was about to learn a new lesson from the Lord. It turns out that being Christian doesn't mean you are a better employee. It doesn't even mean you listen to the Lord very well either! And it certainly doesn't mean you have your life together. It just means you have some level of faith.

Neither of the 2 Christian employees the Lord gave me were as ambitious as the girl making and selling spiritual stone to magic and new age shops. Neither of the 2 Christian employees worked a fast, friendly, and accurately as the Jewish girl from Russia who cast spells and read tarot cards. I did like both the Christian employees, but as their manager, frankly they were kind of a pain in the ...!

The first one I hired felt that as a Christian she should always be fighting with demons! She had made her lift about trying to defeat demons. So while I really liked her, she was an emotional wreck! She always wanted to work but often was calling out sick. She could be the nicest person in the world, then later the same day be depressed, angry, and upset. I just want to say that as Christians we are not called to make our lives about battling demons, we are to make our lives about following Jesus Christ. Yes, we all have our battles with the dark spiritual forces of this world, but the battle is not the objective. Following Jesus Christ is the objective. You don't want to be the emotional wreck she was. Still, the Lord had His purposes for having me hire her. But honestly, it was nicer and easier working with the Jewish Pagan girl from Russia who cast spells and read tarot cards.

And He also had me hire a Christian man. He too was very nice. He was into name it and claim it. That is to say that He believe that God would just get Him what He wanted. He felt he was doing pretty good with that belief, and I could kind of see why. He had gotten a pretty girl for his wife, and He was not that handsome of a man. He even had a cute child. Still, what he really like to talk about was how God had got him this nice big white truck. He would tell people how he could not afford it and could have never gotten it except for the Lord Jesus Christ - and he was right. God had indeed given him that truck, which he could not afford, and simply because he asked for it! However, it was obvious that he was missing the point, which is that knowing the Lord our God is a lot more than just getting what you want! The wisdom of God comes from listening to what He tells you!!

All I had was a part-time job. So he worked part-time in a low paying job while being responsible for a wife, a child, and the payments on a big white truck. So it was that his pretty wife made most of the money by working full-time, and even then they had very little money and thus a very small place, according to what he told me. His main concern was his truck and the payments for it, and I was aware of that! Because the two weeks before his truck payment was due he was begging me for more hours. Then the two weeks after the truck payments he was begging me to give him more time off. So he was a managerial nightmare, trying to work his schedule, and he didn't work very hear either!! He was mostly just a nice talker. I felt sorry for his wife.

The point is that God loves people, but we need to actually seek Him and His voice for advice, wisdom, counsel, understanding, and knowledge!! We don't want to be reject Him and going after evil spirits, but neither do we want to be rejecting him by trying to just fight demons, or reject him by simply trying to get what we want from him. He is the Lord! He is the King of kings and Lord or lords! He is God, so be you a Pagan or a Christian we need making it about listening to Him and doing what He wants and advises!!

Looking back on it - the better prayer I made was just asking for His help hiring employees. By limiting to my prayer to Christians, I actually got worse employees. I wish I could say different, but Christians really don't listen to the Lord much better that Pagans, we still for the most part just lean on their own understanding.

Not me

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2019
California, Ca.
United States
So now, having asked the Lord for Christian employees, I was about to learn a new lesson from the Lord. It turns out that being Christian doesn't mean you are a better employee. It doesn't even mean you listen to the Lord very well either! And it certainly doesn't mean you have your life together. It just means you have some level of faith.

Neither of the 2 Christian employees the Lord gave me were as ambitious as the girl making and selling spiritual stone to magic and new age shops. Neither of the 2 Christian employees worked a fast, friendly, and accurately as the Jewish girl from Russia who cast spells and read tarot cards. I did like both the Christian employees, but as their manager, frankly they were kind of a pain in the ...!

The first one I hired felt that as a Christian she should always be fighting with demons! She had made her lift about trying to defeat demons. So while I really liked her, she was an emotional wreck! She always wanted to work but often was calling out sick. She could be the nicest person in the world, then later the same day be depressed, angry, and upset. I just want to say that as Christians we are not called to make our lives about battling demons, we are to make our lives about following Jesus Christ. Yes, we all have our battles with the dark spiritual forces of this world, but the battle is not the objective. Following Jesus Christ is the objective. You don't want to be the emotional wreck she was. Still, the Lord had His purposes for having me hire her. But honestly, it was nicer and easier working with the Jewish Pagan girl from Russia who cast spells and read tarot cards.

And He also had me hire a Christian man. He too was very nice. He was into name it and claim it. That is to say that He believe that God would just get Him what He wanted. He felt he was doing pretty good with that belief, and I could kind of see why. He had gotten a pretty girl for his wife, and He was not that handsome of a man. He even had a cute child. Still, what he really like to talk about was how God had got him this nice big white truck. He would tell people how he could not afford it and could have never gotten it except for the Lord Jesus Christ - and he was right. God had indeed given him that truck, which he could not afford, and simply because he asked for it! However, it was obvious that he was missing the point, which is that knowing the Lord our God is a lot more than just getting what you want! The wisdom of God comes from listening to what He tells you!!

All I had was a part-time job. So he worked part-time in a low paying job while being responsible for a wife, a child, and the payments on a big white truck. So it was that his pretty wife made most of the money by working full-time, and even then they had very little money and thus a very small place, according to what he told me. His main concern was his truck and the payments for it, and I was aware of that! Because the two weeks before his truck payment was due he was begging me for more hours. Then the two weeks after the truck payments he was begging me to give him more time off. So he was a managerial nightmare, trying to work his schedule, and he didn't work very hear either!! He was mostly just a nice talker. I felt sorry for his wife.

The point is that God loves people, but we need to actually seek Him and His voice for advice, wisdom, counsel, understanding, and knowledge!! We don't want to be reject Him and going after evil spirits, but neither do we want to be rejecting him by trying to just fight demons, or reject him by simply trying to get what we want from him. He is the Lord! He is the King of kings and Lord or lords! He is God, so be you a Pagan or a Christian we need making it about listening to Him and doing what He wants and advises!!

Looking back on it - the better prayer I made was just asking for His help hiring employees. By limiting to my prayer to Christians, I actually got worse employees. I wish I could say different, but Christians really don't listen to the Lord much better that Pagans, we still for the most part just lean on their own understanding.

Blessings, thanks for the testimony of His goodness as your relationship with Him is seen… So as the Lord leads do we grow as you know…

Blessings in that growing, Not me