I have spent several years posting online in Christian forums, desiring to share with others what the Lord has revealed to me in His Word by the Spirit. And what alarmed me was how so many people have strayed away from the original gospel message.
A message of repentance of sin, faith in the power of God to convert a sinner into a saint. A message of being made free from sin by the power of God, and walking in newness of heart, mind, and spirit. A message of walking in righteousness through a spiritual rebirth in Christ.
I was in this one forum, (not naming names); but this forum was filled with all manner of false doctrine. And when I began posting there I was immediatly attacked for speaking the Truth in God’s written words, proving all my points by scripture.
This certain “sect” or “cult” that was dominating the forum worked like a pack of wolves, trying to devour the sheep of God as they entered. Paul said that he fought with “beasts” at Ephesus, well I’ve fought with “beasts”in Christian forums.
But this certain sect did not believe in a need to repent of their past, present,or future sins, neither did they believe they needed to stop sinning at all; because they believed the grace of God is like a license to sin.
And so I tried to reason with them out of the scriptures what it truly means to be under God’s grace, and what a follower of Jesus Christ really looks like (spiritually speaking) if one truly has the imputted righteousness of Christ working in him.
But no matter how many verses of scripture I gave them to prove my points, they always had an excuse not to believe them. They would say those verses do not apply to us, or those verses are out of context, or they would try to twist God words and meanings around in order to fit their own twisted doctrine.
And so the more I posted, the more I was hated by them. They even tried twisting my words around, they tried propping up straw man arguements, they tried bringing false accusations against me, as they also called me all kinds of names.
They even said I had a devil; so then it turned into an all out attack on me personally. They even reported me to moderators on a daily basis, trying to have me banned from the site, but they could not make anything stick.
To me, their name calling and personal attacks on me was reason enough for them to be banned, but I never reported them. As up to that point I had never reported anyone on any forum no matter how ugly they got. I always believed in letting the Lord take care of those who bring false accusations, as it is written, Vengeance is the Lord’s, he will repay.
And so anyway, this went on for awhile, and then I thought; I’ll try an experiment.
I thought, what if I just make a thread with nothing but the words of God in it, all scripture, none of my own words. And so I did, just to see their reaction.
And when I posted the thread with nothing but qoutes from the Holy Bible, their reaction was the same. They cursed, they railed, they said it was not true, they called me names just like before. And this taught me something.
It was not me they really hated, it was “the Truth” in God’s Word they hated.
Jesus said something so profound about this in John 7:7 “The world “cannot hate you;” but me it hates, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.”
So those who are still “of the world”, and those who are still of the “flesh” and are “carnally minded” will hate “the Truth” in God’s Word.
This explains why they go about to change God’s words and replace them with “their own” words. This is why they try to twist God’s words around, and twist the true meaning of His words around, in order to support a false doctrine.
Like Paul said, they changed “the truth” of God into “a lie”, and worshipped and served “the creature” more than the “Creator”.
Instead of believing the power of God is able to transform them into “the righteous image” of the Son of God, they instead are trying to change the image of God into a doctrine made after “their own sinful image”.
God’s Word of Truth is “the express image” of the invisible God. Do not follow after false doctrines that are made in “the image” of sinful man.
Peace and God bless
A message of repentance of sin, faith in the power of God to convert a sinner into a saint. A message of being made free from sin by the power of God, and walking in newness of heart, mind, and spirit. A message of walking in righteousness through a spiritual rebirth in Christ.
I was in this one forum, (not naming names); but this forum was filled with all manner of false doctrine. And when I began posting there I was immediatly attacked for speaking the Truth in God’s written words, proving all my points by scripture.
This certain “sect” or “cult” that was dominating the forum worked like a pack of wolves, trying to devour the sheep of God as they entered. Paul said that he fought with “beasts” at Ephesus, well I’ve fought with “beasts”in Christian forums.
But this certain sect did not believe in a need to repent of their past, present,or future sins, neither did they believe they needed to stop sinning at all; because they believed the grace of God is like a license to sin.
And so I tried to reason with them out of the scriptures what it truly means to be under God’s grace, and what a follower of Jesus Christ really looks like (spiritually speaking) if one truly has the imputted righteousness of Christ working in him.
But no matter how many verses of scripture I gave them to prove my points, they always had an excuse not to believe them. They would say those verses do not apply to us, or those verses are out of context, or they would try to twist God words and meanings around in order to fit their own twisted doctrine.
And so the more I posted, the more I was hated by them. They even tried twisting my words around, they tried propping up straw man arguements, they tried bringing false accusations against me, as they also called me all kinds of names.
They even said I had a devil; so then it turned into an all out attack on me personally. They even reported me to moderators on a daily basis, trying to have me banned from the site, but they could not make anything stick.
To me, their name calling and personal attacks on me was reason enough for them to be banned, but I never reported them. As up to that point I had never reported anyone on any forum no matter how ugly they got. I always believed in letting the Lord take care of those who bring false accusations, as it is written, Vengeance is the Lord’s, he will repay.
And so anyway, this went on for awhile, and then I thought; I’ll try an experiment.
I thought, what if I just make a thread with nothing but the words of God in it, all scripture, none of my own words. And so I did, just to see their reaction.
And when I posted the thread with nothing but qoutes from the Holy Bible, their reaction was the same. They cursed, they railed, they said it was not true, they called me names just like before. And this taught me something.
It was not me they really hated, it was “the Truth” in God’s Word they hated.
Jesus said something so profound about this in John 7:7 “The world “cannot hate you;” but me it hates, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.”
So those who are still “of the world”, and those who are still of the “flesh” and are “carnally minded” will hate “the Truth” in God’s Word.
This explains why they go about to change God’s words and replace them with “their own” words. This is why they try to twist God’s words around, and twist the true meaning of His words around, in order to support a false doctrine.
Like Paul said, they changed “the truth” of God into “a lie”, and worshipped and served “the creature” more than the “Creator”.
Instead of believing the power of God is able to transform them into “the righteous image” of the Son of God, they instead are trying to change the image of God into a doctrine made after “their own sinful image”.
God’s Word of Truth is “the express image” of the invisible God. Do not follow after false doctrines that are made in “the image” of sinful man.
Peace and God bless