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Sentencing is set for July 11.Welcome to COMMUNIST USA!
Hello Civil War.Sentencing is set for July 11.
He could spend the rest of his life in jail. 4 years for each count.
I cannot believe what I heard as I listened to things for all these weeks.
Communism a certainty.
Bye bye democracy
At this point I cant support either side but I do feel bad for the Trump supporters. As Christians we should support justice being served but I don't believe its being served in a fair manner. And i also think its unfair that most of the mainstream media looks the other way for Biden and other democrats while painting Trump as the worst human to ever live. Hes made his mistakes but they exaggerate things and in the past 30 years or so I think theres stronger evidence to suggest that Biden is racistI just saw the breaking news and have to say I believe it's the right verdict. I just pray for the safety of those jurors knowing what Trump's supporters are capable of.
I know there are Trump supporters on the site but I hope he gets a long sentence.
It is what I understand..Im all for justice being served but im also all for justice being served fairly. Nancy Pelosi and her husband should also face charges for their insider trading and Biden for his business dealings with China and his son
From what I understand this isnt completely over, they said on Fox that Trump can fight the charges, a process that could take months or years. And that he may still be able to run in November. I apologize in advance if this is incorrect but thats what they said on Fox
Yes, for writing on the stub of a check Legal Expenses when paying an attorney.I just saw the breaking news and have to say I believe it's the right verdict. I just pray for the safety of those jurors knowing what Trump's supporters are capable of.
I know there are Trump supporters on the site but I hope he gets a long sentence.
At this point daughter made 250K working for the left. Wife is campaigning for someone on the left and this judge obviously told Bragg Don't worry. I make sure he loses.At this point I cant support either side but I do feel bad for the Trump supporters. As Christians we should support justice being served but I don't believe its being served in a fair manner. And i also think its unfair that most of the mainstream media looks the other way for Biden and other democrats while painting Trump as the worst human to ever live. Hes made his mistakes but they exaggerate things and in the past 30 years or so I think theres stronger evidence to suggest that Biden is racist
Living here, I believe this was and is criminal election interferance. It's a kangaroo court to try to stop President Trump from returning to office and holding the real criminals accountable.I just saw the breaking news and have to say I believe it's the right verdict. I just pray for the safety of those jurors knowing what Trump's supporters are capable of.
I know there are Trump supporters on the site but I hope he gets a long sentence.
When they don't even bother to hide the corruption! God will be the true judge!At this point daughter made 250K working for the left. Wife is campaigning for someone on the left and this judge obviously told Bragg Don't worry. I make sure he loses.
Corrupt judge, rigged disgraceful trial! Election interference on steroids.Living here, I believe this was and is criminal election interferance. It's a kangaroo court to try to stop President Trump from returning to office and holding the real criminals accountable.
Much love!
You need to be more concerned with what the Biden administration regime is capable of!I just saw the breaking news and have to say I believe it's the right verdict. I just pray for the safety of those jurors knowing what Trump's supporters are capable of.
I know there are Trump supporters on the site but I hope he gets a long sentence.
Evil unleashed!You need to be more concerned with what the Biden administration regime is capable of!
BasedWelcome to COMMUNIST USA!
We've all known this is what they are doing. I'm curious about those who think he was actually guilty of something, where they get their news.Well, he has to meet with the probation officer BEFORE the sentencing on July 11.
And July 11 sentencing day falls right before the RNC convention that starts July 15.
Ya think that was a plan??????????????????????????????????????????
BasedYou need to be more concerned with what the Biden administration regime is capable of!