We got Snow

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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
We got snow here in Southern California, and not just on the mountains. That is rare! Only the third time I have seen it! That was news but it was not a testimony. However, it did remind me of one of the more incredible testimonies in my life. This time we pretty much knew we might get snow. The weather persons had told us. The second time I saw snow was probably about ten years ago, and I knew it could happen than also. It was the tail end of a very cold front and very early in the morning we got a light dusting then. The first time I saw it snow here, and not only on the mountains was about20 years ago. I had no idea.....

I to get some work done for my job. Specifically I had a project to do, and the Lord had told me that He was going to help me with it. So I had been waiting for instructions from Him, but I hadn't gotten any instructions. So I was going in on my day off to do a project. I was a retail manager and I pulled up in front of the store. While sitting in the car I started talking to the Lord, not knowing if I was going to get a response.

"Ok," I told the Lord. "You said you were going to help me with this and it has to get done and this is the time that I have left to do it. So what do you want me to do?" I told the Lord.

"Go home," came the reply from the Lord.

"I had to get this project done. I had driven all the way into the store so I could do it. And I need to get this done", I explained to Him - as if He didn't know - "And You told me that you would help me, So what do you want me to do?" I asked again.

"Go home, your quitting!" came that small but clear voice of His.

"I'M QUITTING???? This is a good job with good benefits", I exclaimed.

"Go home, your quitting," He said again.

I started to drive, but rather slow and the longer way. I needed to think about this a bit.

He is just a little voice, like a thought in my head. At that point I had known Him for a couple of years. So I knew He was weird. He never thought like I thought, but this was pretty extreme. I had gotten fired from one job for telling the employees about Him, but He was now giving me parables, so they were getting the message about Him (Jesus Christ) but since I was giving to them in parables those above them didn't have the proof I was actually talking Christianity and Jesus Christ. Oh, they knew but they could prove it, so I wasn't going to be fired from this job. Yet, He was asking me to quit.

I decided that this was important enough to put forth a test to make sure it was the Lord. So I asked the Lord if He could confirm that I should quit through my pastor. He told me that He could. He seemed to approve the idea. So I went home. It was a nice sunny day going home, and it felt kind of calm. There were a few clouds over the mountains, and the Lord commented on them, "Karl, in the mountains it's snowing and beautiful." Humm... those clouds didn't really look that serious and the day was nice.

When I got home I called the pastor's wife telling her the problem and that I wanted to talk to the pastor. I was told that he would be home in about an hour, so to come over then, which I did.

We went upstairs to his office in his house, and I told the pastor that I believed I heard the Lord tell me that I should quit my job, and that it was a good job that I liked. I expected him to go and talk me out of it, but instead he told me that he felt I could hear the Lord, so I needed to do what He told me. Then he told me how he came about opening the church. It turned out that he had a very good job as a regional manager of a company, when he too had heard the Lord tell him to quit, and that was how the Lord had gotten him to open up a church.

"Ok", I guess that confirmed what He had told me.

Then there was a quick flash of lightning and an incredible roll of deep thunder and shock the house.

Wow!! That was unexpected. Those clouds were moving off the mountains, and it was starting to get dark outside.

Then the Lord told me, "Karl, that's a sign the meeting is over. Tell pastor that he is needed downstairs.". So I did and we started to turn to go downstairs, when we both noticed that it had started coming down hard outside. So we turned to look out the windows. We both saw a little pickup drive up in front of the house and it had snow on it.

I said, "Maybe it is snowing?" And felt rather foolish the moment I said it. It doesn't snow here. I had already lived there over a dozen years and had never seen it snow here.

Yet the pastor commented, "That's my daughter, and she was just around the corner.

So we walked down and outside and indeed it was snowing.

I got in my car and drove off into the snow, which was really beautiful, when that little voice spoke again, "Karl, isn't it beautiful driving into the storm?"

I was quitting my job, not knowing what I was going to do, and some how He saw that as beautiful?

That was just the beginning of a long evening and a longer change which completely changed my life. Looking back now, some 20 plus years later, I am not sure I should have followed Him. Yet it made life interesting. Even the rest of that evening was crazy. Maybe I will cover a bit more...

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
ER day is a day to praise the glorious LORD . So let all that has breath praise and thank the LORD .
I like honestly!! So I don't like giving praise to someone, anyone, unless I can be honest about it. Honestly, knowing the Lord has been very interesting. I have learned so much from Him. And so I give testimonies because I honestly feel that people should get to know Him!! And I don't mean they need to get to know Him simply for eternal life, though that would be reason enough. I mean that He is worthwhile knowing, but knowing Him is not all sugar and roses. Indeed persecution is a promise from Him, and beyond that He has His ways of doing things, which are not your ways. His ways are not your ways, and His thoughts are not your thoughts. I am going to write a bit more on this testimony, and He deserves praise for it, but the testimony should also show you a bigger picture about Him. There are times He can have you also wanting to pull your hair out.

Thank you - it was important, especially to me, but not only for me. I haven't yet explain where it led to, but I will.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
After I left my pastor's house I drove home. I turned out that it was a very short and small snow storm. It actually seemed like one big wide cloud about ten miles wide that seemed to be the whole storm. It was just kind of freaky.

Again I heard the Lord speaking to me. He asked me to take my son out for dinner. So I did, though my son was telling me that he was not hungry. As we went for dinner I remembered a dream that I had gotten the night before. In the dream there was a big giant ball of fire heading towards the earth and it was like I was standing on earth watching this fire ball slowly coming down out of the heavens to crash into the earth. I don't know why, but I found myself telling me son about it. Then he suddenly shouts, because right then he saw a falling star. That of course wasn't much, but my son still wasn't hungry, so why else did the Lord ask me to take my son out. All it accomplished was for me to tell my son that it is important to get to know the Lord now, because we don't know what can happen.

After that the Lord spoke to me again and asked me to go spend the night at my mom's. Maybe that was a good idea. She lived about 45 minutes away, and I was thinking that talking to her about it all might be a good idea. I mean I was still committing to quitting my job and only God knew why. My mom knew the Lord, so talking to her about it sounded good. So, I called her and was on my way.

I was almost there when my car ran out of gas. Now the Lord had me get that specific car and for a reason. It turned out that car always showed a full gas tank. Because of that I had to the Lord and depend on Him to tell me when I needed to get gas for it. Let me tell you, that really stretches your faith and forces you to hear from Him daily. And He was very faithful about telling me when to get gas. I had run out of gas twice before. Once because I was angry at Him and wasn't listening to Him and once, as it turned out, so that I could talk to someone about getting to know Him. This time I was fairly upset. Why did He not tell me this time, because I had been hearing Him a lot this day?

Anyway, I had a gas can and there were a couple of gas stations not too far ahead. So I got my little gas can and started running down the side of the road. It was dark then, and I hadn't noticed that there was snow on the side of the road. There I was running through the snow on the side of the road on the way to get gas, all the while wondering what I was going to do after I quit my job.

I got to the first gas station and went to get my can filled, but the attendant told me that he was closed right then because they were changing the shift. He said he would be done in 7 minutes. Not 5 or 10, but 7 minutes!!!

There is always someone who says, "Praise God", but honestly there are times I fell more like punching Him. "Seven minutes"? I knew the Lord well enough that I knew He was behind all this. Indeed, I wouldn't have been in that situation expect for Him!! So across the street to the other gas station I went.

There I got the gas can filled and was about to head back when some lady in a van looked at me and exclaimed, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???"

Looking up at this seemingly crazy and pushy lady, I explained that I was getting my gas can filled because my car had run out of gas back down the road. So she tells me, "Get in my car!" She is going to drive me back to my car. It sounded good to me. So I get in the car and we head back to my car. On the way she starts telling me why she is taking me to my car. It turns out that she used to have problems with her car. It got so bad that one day she turned to the Lord and promised Him that if He got her car running she would help others with their car problems. She exclaimed, "That promise she made to the Lord is the reason she was helping me then!"

That figures!! So because He didn't tell me to get gas sooner, I wind up running in the snow, wind up going across the street to the other gas station because the one is close for 7 minutes, and all that to wind up getting a clear testimony about the Lord from another lady who the Lord had helped and had a promise from.

What a day!! I got to my mom's comfortable house. Explained it all to her, but I still didn't know what the Lord wanted after I quit my job. I found out the next day.

I had gotten up and left fairly early. In the way home the Lord had me drive down a main street of my town. He started telling me that He wanted me to open up a Christian bookstore in town. He told me the name. He told me some things about who it was to run. So I was quitting my job as a retail manager to be a retail manager for Him.

It was a nice day, but I had to go to work and give them two weeks notice - and that change my life style. When He took His people out of Egypt, then stopped working for others but for themselves. It didn't mean everything was perfect. But there is something nice about only have the Lord for your boss. That is what He told me - that He was taking me out of Egypt - that place where you work as a slave for others.