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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

No unbeliever has """eyes to hear or ears to hear"" until this is changed by the Holy Spirit.. .but all have faith., as "every person is given the measure of faith".

This is why 3 Billion believe that Muhammed is their Prophet.. they ALL have placed THEIR FAITH in Him.

This is why Tom Cruise is a L. Ron Hubbard, disciple.. its because Tom placed his FAITH, in Scientology., and he will share this Faith, with you, while you share your faith in Christ, with Tom.

What God is looking for, is for us ALL..... to place our faith, we all have.....In His Son..."All who will believe, shall be saved"/

Now How does God cause that?.....
Well, its not by looking for HIS Faith that He forced inside you, by predestination........so, He's not going to put faith in you, as that would be His, he was accepting.........not YOURS.
God is not looking for His faith... Reader.. He's looking for YOUR FAITH in Christ.. and He'll take it every single time., per unbeliever who just Trusted in Christ by FAITH.... = THEIRS.

God is looking for YOUR Faith, or Tom Cruise's Faith.....and what The Holy Spirit does.. is He reveals to the heart of a hearer... when they hear the truth about Jesus..in some way... that its TRUE.. That its TRUTH they are Hearing.

The best Christian i have ever known, is a 78 yr old woman, a former Catholic since childhood... who gave HER FAITH in Christ to GOD, when she first watched "Jesus of Nazareth" the movie.
She was a hell bound sinner...water baptized and confirmed.......and watched this movie, and TRUSTED IN CHRIST....= that is HER FAITH.... and it was the HS using that MOVIE.. to lead her to see the TRUTH and Then SHE placed HER FAITH... In Yeshua.....In JESUS.
That is one method.... that is "drawing all people to Christ" that Jesus said...like this.... "If i be lifted up (on THE Cross) I will DRAW ALL People to ME"..
She watched Jesus in that Movie, being Crucified .. being LIFTED UP on the Cross... .. and when we preach the Gospel, we are Lifting up Jesus on the Cross.....so that unbelievers can place their faith in Christ = as the HS reveals that Jesus is TRUE.. that this Gospel is TRUTH.

This is the "hearing of Faith"..
This is "Faith (in Christ) comes by Hearing"......about Jesus, (The Gospel) and the HS reveals to the listener's HEART, that its TRUE...

And then, THEY will put THEIR FAITH in CHRIST.......or they wont at that time.
They will have more chances, until they die, or until they develop a "seared conscience", and can no longer HEAR The Truth, anymore.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
No one can have supernatural faith in their heart/ spirit, not unless God gifts us it.by becoming Born Again..

You can have your own faith, of course, but you must be given the gift of supernatural faith to know God in your spirit.

Faith does come by hearing, but you can’t hear unless you are Born Again, Faith is a supernatural gift that comes by Gods Living Witness His Living Holy Spirit...when he births our spirit into his.

You also receive spiritual eyes and ears once God has birthed our spirit into his...all by divine heart revelation.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
This is the "hearing of Faith"..
This is "Faith (in Christ) comes by Hearing".....
Not for me it never, I was brought to initially believe in Jesus by God, then after my sins were forgiven , I was gifted faith to know God in my heart/ spirit...I was birthed by the Holy Spirit, only he can witness Gods truth, once he permanently indwells our spirit after the spirit rebirth, his Spirit is in my spirit, I have a new heart/ spirit within....the Holy Spirit is at work in his children the moment they are birthed by divine heart revelation.
.about Jesus, (The Gospel) and the HS reveals to the listener's HEART, that its TRUE...
That is not everyone’s understanding of faith, that is your understanding of faith/ scripture...mine is the opposite of what you believe to be faith...as I posted below.

Our spirit must be birthed..hearing the gospel does not birth your spirit, only the Holy Spirit can do that.

We are Born Again Gods way, not your way....The Spirit must penetrate the spirit take up residence in the heart/ spirit, the seed must take root as the soil represents the heart/ spirit, many hear, but, their spirit must be birthed , then we have the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Only Gods Living seed, can permanently indwell the heart/ spirit...by supernatural divine heart revelation.

The Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are Gods children.......

We must be Born Again to see the Kingdom Of Go.

Faith comes by hearing...you may have heard , but, we must be Born Again, he doesn’t say Faith comes by hearing, then when we hear we are Born Again....that’s your belief, which imo you have added your own understanding of faith comes by hearing, which you believe makes our spirit Born Again, I 100% disagree with that, as it’s not in the written word.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
No one can have supernatural faith in their heart/ spirit

Supernatural faith, given to an unbeliever..... is your imagination.

You've taken a Gift of the Spirit, that is only given to a Christian, and you've changed this into your bizarre fantasy theology.

Its what you do.
Its what you'll continue to do, as some forums will allow it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Supernatural faith, given to an unbeliever..... is your imagination.

You've taken a Gift of the Spirit, that is only given to a Christian, and you've changed this into your bizarre fantasy theology.
In your opinion, I disagree.its fantasy to you, because you don’t understand supernatural faith that is Alive and Active in our spirit..you should know that the spiritual rebirth @Behold is an Alive and Active rebirth..the Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are Gods children...he witnesses Gods truth to our spirit, that’s how I know I’m Born Of The Spirit...no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.

He communicates Gods truth to our spirit as he’s indwelling us, he takes up residence in our spirit permanently, when Spirit gives birth to spirit.
Its what you do.
Its what you'll continue to do, as some forums will allow it.
I never said supernatural faith is gifted by God to a non believer.after he has brought us to repent, believe in Jesus as God also brings us to believe in his Son, then we are birthed in the Spirit ,then we have the supernatural faith to walk by the Spirit.

You have no understanding of what supernatural faith is, that’s why you keep saying that God won’t force our will, who said he forces our will?
You teach that if you hear faith you are Born Again, that is not Gods word on how one is Born Again.

Flesh gives birth to flesh = you have no say in the matter.

Spirit gives birth to spirit = you have no say in the matter.

Chosen and predestined to become a child of God, my belief system is different to yours.

I don’t believe as you do.your belief and my belief are no more valid than anyone else’s belief.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
In your opinion, I disagree.

I never said supernatural faith is gifted by God to a non believer.after he has brought us to repent, believe in Jesus as God also brings us to believe in his Son, then we are birthed in the Spirit ,then we have the supernatural faith to walk by the Spirit.

A few of use were telling you for the last 4 months that the Gift of Faith, is a spiritual gift, only given to Christians.

There is no "supernatural faith to walk in the spirit"......

No verse.
No Bible


You teach that if you hear faith you are Born Again, that is not Gods word on how one is Born Again.

I do not teach that if you "hear faith, you are born again".

Why do you make things up?
You should try to be honest.

Listen......here is how it works..

A person hears the Gospel.........or sees it.............so that is by someone sharing it, or from a song, .... TV show...

And THEN, the Holy Spirit REVEALS that this, is TRUE..........

THEN, as they now understand that the Gospel is True, that Jesus is their savior......and died for their sin........THEN can THEN choose to believe........or they can choose to not.

If they choose to Believe, then this FAITH, that is THEIRS, as they are the BELIEVER..........is accepted by God, and THEN, He forgives their sin with The Cross of Christ, and THEN.......Gives them the New Birth = Born again.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
A few of use were telling you for the last 4 months that the Gift of Faith, is a spiritual gift, only given to Christians.

There is no "supernatural faith to walk in the spirit"......
Yes, there is we are Born Of The Spirit, that is supernatural faith....divine heart revelation, what’s that if it’s not supernatural faith.
No verse.
No Bible

Addressed above..no fantasy, only the Living Holy Spirit can witness Gods truth to our heart/ spirit.
I do not teach that if you "hear faith, you are born again".

Why do you make things up?
You should try to be honest.

Listen......here is how it works..

A person hears the Gospel.........or sees it.............so that is by someone sharing it, or from a song, .... TV show...

And THEN, the Holy Spirit REVEALS that this, is TRUE..........
That is not how we are Born Of The Spirit, plus you post non biblical truth, you post your opinion.
THEN, as they now understand that the Gospel is True, that Jesus is their savior......and died for their sin........THEN can THEN choose to believe........or they can choose to not.
Not Gods truth on how we become Born Of The Spirit...your own opinion.
If they choose to Believe, then this FAITH, that is THEIRS, as they are the BELIEVER..........is accepted by God, and THEN, He forgives their sin with The Cross of Christ, and THEN.......Gives then the New Birth = Born again.
Again, nothing there that shows any of Gods truth...you cannot believe in one’s spirit that Jesus is who he says he is, unless it comes by divine heart revelation.and become Born Of The Spirit.

You post opinions, nothing that even comes near the truth of how we are Born Again.

We become Born Of The Spirit the exact way his word says we are..that’s why I rebuke your post, because they are your words, and will continue to rebuke your words.as nothing you post is Biblical.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
No unbeliever has """eyes to hear or ears to hear"" until this is changed by the Holy Spirit.. .but all have faith., as "every person is given the measure of faith".

This is why 3 Billion believe that Muhammed is their Prophet.. they ALL have placed THEIR FAITH in Him.

This is why Tom Cruise is a L. Ron Hubbard, disciple.. its because Tom placed his FAITH, in Scientology., and he will share this Faith, with you, while you share your faith in Christ, with Tom.

What God is looking for, is for us ALL..... to place our faith, we all have.....In His Son..."All who will believe, shall be saved"/

Now How does God cause that?.....
Well, its not by looking for HIS Faith that He forced inside you, by predestination........so, He's not going to put faith in you, as that would be His, he was accepting.........not YOURS.
God is not looking for His faith... Reader.. He's looking for YOUR FAITH in Christ.. and He'll take it every single time., per unbeliever who just Trusted in Christ by FAITH.... = THEIRS.

God is looking for YOUR Faith, or Tom Cruise's Faith.....and what The Holy Spirit does.. is He reveals to the heart of a hearer... when they hear the truth about Jesus..in some way... that its TRUE.. That its TRUTH they are Hearing.

The best Christian i have ever known, is a 78 yr old woman, a former Catholic since childhood... who gave HER FAITH in Christ to GOD, when she first watched "Jesus of Nazareth" the movie.
She was a hell bound sinner...water baptized and confirmed.......and watched this movie, and TRUSTED IN CHRIST....= that is HER FAITH.... and it was the HS using that MOVIE.. to lead her to see the TRUTH and Then SHE placed HER FAITH... In Yeshua.....In JESUS.
That is one method.... that is "drawing all people to Christ" that Jesus said...like this.... "If i be lifted up (on THE Cross) I will DRAW ALL People to ME"..
She watched Jesus in that Movie, being Crucified .. being LIFTED UP on the Cross... .. and when we preach the Gospel, we are Lifting up Jesus on the Cross.....so that unbelievers can place their faith in Christ = as the HS reveals that Jesus is TRUE.. that this Gospel is TRUTH.

This is the "hearing of Faith"..
This is "Faith (in Christ) comes by Hearing"......about Jesus, (The Gospel) and the HS reveals to the listener's HEART, that its TRUE...

And then, THEY will put THEIR FAITH in CHRIST.......or they wont at that time.
They will have more chances, until they die, or until they develop a "seared conscience", and can no longer HEAR The Truth, anymore.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
No unbeliever has """eyes to hear or ears to hear"" until this is changed by the Holy Spirit.. .but all have faith., as "every person is given the measure of faith".

This is why 3 Billion believe that Muhammed is their Prophet.. they ALL have placed THEIR FAITH in Him.

This is why Tom Cruise is a L. Ron Hubbard, disciple.. its because Tom placed his FAITH, in Scientology., and he will share this Faith, with you, while you share your faith in Christ, with Tom.

What God is looking for, is for us ALL..... to place our faith, we all have.....In His Son..."All who will believe, shall be saved"/

Now How does God cause that?.....
Well, its not by looking for HIS Faith that He forced inside you, by predestination........so, He's not going to put faith in you, as that would be His, he was accepting.........not YOURS.
God is not looking for His faith... Reader.. He's looking for YOUR FAITH in Christ.. and He'll take it every single time., per unbeliever who just Trusted in Christ by FAITH.... = THEIRS.

God is looking for YOUR Faith, or Tom Cruise's Faith.....and what The Holy Spirit does.. is He reveals to the heart of a hearer... when they hear the truth about Jesus..in some way... that its TRUE.. That its TRUTH they are Hearing.

The best Christian i have ever known, is a 78 yr old woman, a former Catholic since childhood... who gave HER FAITH in Christ to GOD, when she first watched "Jesus of Nazareth" the movie.
She was a hell bound sinner...water baptized and confirmed.......and watched this movie, and TRUSTED IN CHRIST....= that is HER FAITH.... and it was the HS using that MOVIE.. to lead her to see the TRUTH and Then SHE placed HER FAITH... In Yeshua.....In JESUS.
That is one method.... that is "drawing all people to Christ" that Jesus said...like this.... "If i be lifted up (on THE Cross) I will DRAW ALL People to ME"..
She watched Jesus in that Movie, being Crucified .. being LIFTED UP on the Cross... .. and when we preach the Gospel, we are Lifting up Jesus on the Cross.....so that unbelievers can place their faith in Christ = as the HS reveals that Jesus is TRUE.. that this Gospel is TRUTH.

This is the "hearing of Faith"..
This is "Faith (in Christ) comes by Hearing"......about Jesus, (The Gospel) and the HS reveals to the listener's HEART, that its TRUE...

And then, THEY will put THEIR FAITH in CHRIST.......or they wont at that time.
They will have more chances, until they die, or until they develop a "seared conscience", and can no longer HEAR The Truth, anymore.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
No un believer has spiritual eyes to see with or to hear with, not until God decides to birth them in the Spirit, then can they see and hear.

Teaching someone how to become Born Again is work based.

Jesus taught us, you never know the time or place that you will become Born Of The Spirit.

The Bible informs us of Gods truth, the Holy Spirit witnesses Gods truth to our heart/ spirit....we don’t work to be saved from eternal damnation....if you try and believe in Jesus ,its work based, only God can bring you to believe in Jesus.

You don’t have to read any bible to become Born Of The Spirit, it comes out of the blue, by supernatural divine heart revelation.

Man is Born Again by Gods will, not by mans will...as his word says.

Members of Christ

9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who submit to or perform homosexual acts, 10nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor verbal abusers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

12“Everything is permissible for me,” but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible for me,” but I will not be mastered by anything. 13“Food for the stomach and the stomach for food,” but God will destroy them both. The body is not intended for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.14By His power God raised the Lord from the dead, and He will raise us also.

15Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! 16Or don’t you know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.”b 17But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in spirit.
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