No unbeliever has """eyes to hear or ears to hear"" until this is changed by the Holy Spirit.. .but all have faith., as "every person is given the measure of faith".
This is why 3 Billion believe that Muhammed is their Prophet.. they ALL have placed THEIR FAITH in Him.
This is why Tom Cruise is a L. Ron Hubbard, disciple.. its because Tom placed his FAITH, in Scientology., and he will share this Faith, with you, while you share your faith in Christ, with Tom.
What God is looking for, is for us ALL..... to place our faith, we all have.....In His Son..."All who will believe, shall be saved"/
Now How does God cause that?.....
Well, its not by looking for HIS Faith that He forced inside you, by, He's not going to put faith in you, as that would be His, he was accepting.........not YOURS.
God is not looking for His faith... Reader.. He's looking for YOUR FAITH in Christ.. and He'll take it every single time., per unbeliever who just Trusted in Christ by FAITH.... = THEIRS.
God is looking for YOUR Faith, or Tom Cruise's Faith.....and what The Holy Spirit does.. is He reveals to the heart of a hearer... when they hear the truth about some way... that its TRUE.. That its TRUTH they are Hearing.
The best Christian i have ever known, is a 78 yr old woman, a former Catholic since childhood... who gave HER FAITH in Christ to GOD, when she first watched "Jesus of Nazareth" the movie.
She was a hell bound sinner...water baptized and confirmed.......and watched this movie, and TRUSTED IN CHRIST....= that is HER FAITH.... and it was the HS using that MOVIE.. to lead her to see the TRUTH and Then SHE placed HER FAITH... In Yeshua.....In JESUS.
That is one method.... that is "drawing all people to Christ" that Jesus this.... "If i be lifted up (on THE Cross) I will DRAW ALL People to ME"..
She watched Jesus in that Movie, being Crucified .. being LIFTED UP on the Cross... .. and when we preach the Gospel, we are Lifting up Jesus on the that unbelievers can place their faith in Christ = as the HS reveals that Jesus is TRUE.. that this Gospel is TRUTH.
This is the "hearing of Faith"..
This is "Faith (in Christ) comes by Hearing"......about Jesus, (The Gospel) and the HS reveals to the listener's HEART, that its TRUE...
And then, THEY will put THEIR FAITH in CHRIST.......or they wont at that time.
They will have more chances, until they die, or until they develop a "seared conscience", and can no longer HEAR The Truth, anymore.
No unbeliever has """eyes to hear or ears to hear"" until this is changed by the Holy Spirit.. .but all have faith., as "every person is given the measure of faith".
This is why 3 Billion believe that Muhammed is their Prophet.. they ALL have placed THEIR FAITH in Him.
This is why Tom Cruise is a L. Ron Hubbard, disciple.. its because Tom placed his FAITH, in Scientology., and he will share this Faith, with you, while you share your faith in Christ, with Tom.
What God is looking for, is for us ALL..... to place our faith, we all have.....In His Son..."All who will believe, shall be saved"/
Now How does God cause that?.....
Well, its not by looking for HIS Faith that He forced inside you, by, He's not going to put faith in you, as that would be His, he was accepting.........not YOURS.
God is not looking for His faith... Reader.. He's looking for YOUR FAITH in Christ.. and He'll take it every single time., per unbeliever who just Trusted in Christ by FAITH.... = THEIRS.
God is looking for YOUR Faith, or Tom Cruise's Faith.....and what The Holy Spirit does.. is He reveals to the heart of a hearer... when they hear the truth about some way... that its TRUE.. That its TRUTH they are Hearing.
The best Christian i have ever known, is a 78 yr old woman, a former Catholic since childhood... who gave HER FAITH in Christ to GOD, when she first watched "Jesus of Nazareth" the movie.
She was a hell bound sinner...water baptized and confirmed.......and watched this movie, and TRUSTED IN CHRIST....= that is HER FAITH.... and it was the HS using that MOVIE.. to lead her to see the TRUTH and Then SHE placed HER FAITH... In Yeshua.....In JESUS.
That is one method.... that is "drawing all people to Christ" that Jesus this.... "If i be lifted up (on THE Cross) I will DRAW ALL People to ME"..
She watched Jesus in that Movie, being Crucified .. being LIFTED UP on the Cross... .. and when we preach the Gospel, we are Lifting up Jesus on the that unbelievers can place their faith in Christ = as the HS reveals that Jesus is TRUE.. that this Gospel is TRUTH.
This is the "hearing of Faith"..
This is "Faith (in Christ) comes by Hearing"......about Jesus, (The Gospel) and the HS reveals to the listener's HEART, that its TRUE...
And then, THEY will put THEIR FAITH in CHRIST.......or they wont at that time.
They will have more chances, until they die, or until they develop a "seared conscience", and can no longer HEAR The Truth, anymore.