What's behind the Most Holy Name of God?

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Ben Abraham

Active Member
Dec 13, 2020
United States

There are at least 35 Bible references that speak about the "Name of God." One is Romans 10:13; "Everyone who calls upon the Name of the LORD shall be saved." The Apostol Paul is referring back to the book of Joel, Chapter 2:32;

"And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the Lord has said, even among the survivors whom the Lord calls."

So, what is it to call upon the "Name of the LORD?" I would like to refer back to Exodus 3:13; when Moses was attending to Jethro's sheep on the back side of Mt. Horeb. God appeared to him in a burning bush. He came to commission him to return to Egypt and "take out" His people from Egypt and bring them back to that same mountain. Of course, Moses asked his name. Remember in Egypt, there were hundreds of gods, and each one had a name. It was only normal to ask the name of "God who was speaking to him" The answer Moses got was not the answer he expected;

"Ehye Asher Ehye" was the answer that God gave him. Translated in English it reads: I AM that I AM, or in some translations, it could read; "I WILL BE who I WILL BE". The God of the universe is outside of time and space and is "beyond naming", yet He DOES give a name. It would be like you asking me for my name. "Hey, what's your name?" and I reply; "Who me? Well, I'm the same person I was yesterday, I'm the same person today and now, and I'll be the same tomorrow." That wouldn't answer your question. You were expecting "Bob" or "Mike" or "Jimmie" So what did God tell Moshe (Moses)?

"Ehye Asher Ehye" can come from the Hebrew word "Haya" or "Havayah" meaning "to exist" or the "essence of existence." So, "Haya" would also be the past, "Hoveh" would be the present, and "Yiyah" would be the future. In these words, the same letters are repeated; Y H V H. (we don't count the vowels). In verse 15, God says;

"Thus you are to say to the children of Israel, YHVH Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Yitzchak, the Elohim of Yaakov has sent me to you. "THIS IS MY NAME FOREVER".

"Elohim" is the Plural spelling of our ONE GOD (Echad) the Unity of ONE. and then we have the letters YHVH. So how were these letters pronounced? How did Moshe pronounce God's most Holy Name? and Aaron? and the High Priests? No one really knows for sure. How can one pronounce a name with only consonants? How would "Michael" be pronounced if you only had "Mchl?" or "Nancy" if you only had "Nncy" It would be hard. Yet from YHVH, translators put it in vowels to arrive at the name "YeHoVaH." in Rome, the "Y" was changed to "J" to make it "JeHoVaH."

That name is popular in churches and some Bibles. Wherever the name LORD is used, the Hebrew rendition is YHVH. Out of respect for not knowing the original pronunciation, the name YHVH is pronounced "Yod Hey Vav Hey" (the names of those Hebrew letters) or "HaShem" (the name) or "Adonai." So, back to the question;
"How do we call upon the NAME of the LORD?" or YHVH?

Our God of the universe, creator of all that exists, who is merciful, and full of grace will never say; "You didn't get my name right, I'm sending you to Hell!" No, No, Never. know that our God has many names. "El Shaddai" "El Elyon" "Adonai-Elohim" and best of all "Yeshua HaMashiach" Yeshua/Jesus our Messiah. God who became flesh. There are many more. We could make a few studies on the names and how they describe our Creator and LORD. Yet He says His most HOLY name is YHVH, which describes Him as "The One who existed, the one who exists, and the one who will exist. He is our God forever. He is from eternity past, He is present with us and will continue into eternity future.

In Hebrew gematria, each letter is equal to a number. God has put His name in our DNA. Our DNA chromosomes are put together with, one could say, "bridges". There are 10 chromosomes, then a connecting bridge, then 5 chromosomes, then a connecting bridge, then 6 chromosomes, and a connecting bridge, then 5 chromosomes, and then they are repeated. in God's Holy Name, the "Y" = 10, the "H" = 5, the "V" = 6, and the "H" = 5. Does it surprise you that God said; "Let us make man in our image" So man was made as a physical representative of a perfect, Holy God. Our DNA shows it/

YHVH is equal to "26" in Hebraic gematria. "2" symbolizes "unity" and "division" and "6" is the number of man. We have been "united" to God through Yeshua, who also became a man, yet still God. We have been "separated" or "divided" from the lost world through salvation.



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
It’s amazing that Elohim is plural, it definitely shows how Yeshua and Yahavah are One. Especially once he over came the flesh, and sat with his Father on his throne.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States

What's behind the Most Holy Name of God?​

Behind the NAME…?

HE who IS.
He who IS; He (I, My, Mine)
SAME….us, our
EQUAL..us, our
EVEN…..us, our

Yahweh, Elohim, Jehovah, JAH, Yeshua, Yehusha, JESUS (etc.)

Behind the NAME?
Lord God Almighty

Perfect, Supreme; Spirit, Power, Authority, Light, Truth, Grace, Creator, Maker, Life, Giver, Taker.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
God's name is important. To some it just doesn't really matter. In the end Yahavah will look at all of our hearts.

Ben Abraham

Active Member
Dec 13, 2020
United States
Amen, He knows our hearts and our inner conflicts, He knows who searches to know Him more deeply


Jul 17, 2024
New South Wales / Lake Macquarie
Greetings Ben Avraham,
"Ehye Asher Ehye" was the answer that God gave him. Translated in English it reads: I AM that I AM, or in some translations, it could read; "I WILL BE who I WILL BE".
I consider "I Will Be who I Will Be" is the correct translation and "I AM" is erroneous.
"Ehye Asher Ehye" can come from the Hebrew word "Haya" or "Havayah" meaning "to exist" or the "essence of existence." So, "Haya" would also be the past, "Hoveh" would be the present, and "Yiyah" would be the future.
Yes, but Exodus 3:14 is in the future tense.

Kind regards


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2020
United Kingdom
God's name YHVH is pronounced Yahavah. See the YouTube videos The Hidden Beauty of the Holy Name of God - YHVH and The Name of God | Christian Ultra Libertarians for Truth.

Here's a short extract from the first video:

If you were looking at the ancient scroll and you just said the consonant sound without any vowels, which is beautiful because God tells us to not add to it or subtract from it, so how much more His Holy Name, if you just said the consonants, you would say "yah hah vah", and it's just like breath coming off. Even that root of 'hava', which Yahavah comes from, you have multiple words that come out of that, because 'av' is 'father', you hear "av" in that, and "hava" means 'self-existent', the 'self-existent breath of life', and 'ahava' in the hebrew is 'love'. So literally when you say it that way it comes off your tongue like breath, and you are hearing in the Hebrew tongue "self-existent father of love". So we know that a name reflects a character.​
John 17:26 (WEB):​
(26) I made known to them your name, and will make it known; that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and I in them.”​
Now here's the key indicator. So what he's telling the Father, I've made your name known to my disciples, and John is one of his disciples, and Yeshua says the reason I've made your name known is so that the love which you have loved me with can be in them. So his name, His holy name, has a direct correlation with love.​