Why does God have to judge and hurt me?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Your prayer is answered in what is now provided to you. Don't you realize that in that answer is God's love? Please, don't reject the answer, study what God shared with you in that study. I will help you where I am able.
John 3.16 is full of the love of God for sinners.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
@Mink57 Well, I keep thinking of Anne Steele, who wrote, in the 18th century, about diligent Bible reading:

"O may these hallowed pages be
My ever dear delight!
And still new beauties may I see,
And still increasing light!

Divine instructor, gracious Lord,
Be Thou for ever near:
Teach me to love Thy sacred Word,
And view my Saviour there."
Thanks for that!

Again, I TRY. Not always succeeding.

One thing that bothers me...between you, me and the fencepost...is in what I've read so far.

God has said in the OT on several occasions, is that He's "concerned" about how He can grant us what we pray for...and how we 'forget' about Him, as soon as we get what we pray for.

I know I'm guilty of having done this before. I don't want to do it again.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Thanks for that!

Again, I TRY. Not always succeeding.

One thing that bothers me...between you, me and the fencepost...is in what I've read so far.

God has said in the OT on several occasions, is that He's "concerned" about how He can grant us what we pray for...and how we 'forget' about Him, as soon as we get what we pray for.

I know I'm guilty of having done this before. I don't want to do it again.
@Mink57: Well, receiving by faith the promises of God fulfilled in Christ and His finished work at the Cross, is, I think, the key...

2 Corinthians 1.20 says:

" For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us."


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Yes, absolutely!

I started a journey to read the Bible...cover to cover...back in January. Figured it would take me "about" a year to do so. I did this once before, and almost every time I read now, I think, "Wow! How did I miss 'that' the FIRST time? (lol)"

God has so much to say to us...IF, we'd only listen. And if we 'hear' something that's contrary to God's word, well...it isn't coming from GOD!
@Mink57 God bless your daily Bible reading!

Its central theme is indeed the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus.......


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Don't try to blame God for the price of sin and for people allowing satan to deceive them the wages of sin is death and hell but the gift of God is blessings, protection and life!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Nobody likes to be judged for their private conduct, especially when there isn't any victim and the activity in question doesn't concern anyone else.

I like to have a drink of wine here and there. Pretty tame stuff, right? And come to think of it, the Bible approves of drinking in moderation. The Gospels say that Jesus performed a miracle by turning water into wine, and he also drank wine during the Last Supper. Scriptures suggest that drinking a little bit here and there is no harm no foul.

Unfortunately, God has been treating me very poorly when I drink wine, a completely harmless activity. He tells me I'm committing a horrible sin, which is a lie given what the Bible says about drinking alcohol in moderation.

When I ask God why he thinks drinking alcohol is so horribly sinful, even when consumed in small, moderate amounts, his response is always the same: He thinks that because a very tiny amount of people drink irresponsibly and kill others in car accidents that no one can therefore be allowed to drink alcohol, not even people who drink responsibly, in moderation, and from time to time sparingly.

This logic is extremely unfair. It's every bit as "astute" as people with politcally left-wing views who want to ban guns. They dislike how some bad people get guns and kill others in school shootings, so they figure no one can be allowed to own guns, including all the good gun-owners who want weapons for self-defense only. This is extremely unfair to all the responsible Second Amendment supporters who never kill anyone.

When God gives me this doubtful response, I ask him why does the Bible approve of drinking in the scriptures I quoted? God never answers. He instead chooses to ignore me.

When I went to church last Sunday, I had leave early feeling extremely bad. Towards the end of the religious service, we drink actual wine and eat bread to celebrate becoming one with Christ. But God told me to leave church because apparently he thinks I would commit some horrible sin by participating.

Because of how God treated me recently at church, he made me feel humiliated, rejected, inferior, unwanted and like a worthless piece of garbage.

Before anyone feels the need to write to me and say, "Well, it's just one sip of wine..." Hold on just a minute...

At the grocery store I frequent, they have wine tasting samples once or twice a week to sell brands they are promoting. I know for sure that if I were to have a sip of sample wine at the grocery store that God would be infuriated with me, acting as if I committed the worst crime in the world for participating in something so harmless.

So yeah, God does is excluding me from drinking wine and eating bread at religious services, saying I can't partake in the ceremony where Christians become one with Christ!

Again, I feel so horrible by the way God is treating me here. It hurts even more that the Bible approves of drinking wine in moderation or even a little bit of it, but God feels the need to treat me like a terrible criminal for doing something so harmless.

I want an answer from God, but he never gives me an answer. He keeps lying to me, telling me that because a tiny amount of people drink wine too irresponsibly and kill others in car accidents that no one, not even responsible drinkers or light drinkers, can even be allowed to drink wine ever again.

I debunked his childish, deceptive logic many times. He knows I debunked it, and he knows he is lying to me. But he continues to lie to my face.

So really, what going on, God? I want to know what his problem is. Why is he judging me for something so harmless that isn't any of his conern? It's maddening.
How exactly do you mean, "he continues to lie to my face."

Can you describe that experience in detail? Because it is hard to follow when you also say "he never gives me an answer."

I mean...is God talking to you, is He not talking to you--which is it?

Please explain.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Why does God have to judge and hurt me?
You might be surprised what God's judgement is .....and that it has not to do with hurt for you.
Check out this podcast and be encouraged.

106 The Nature of Free Choice


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
@Moonstone Eterni I'm going to take an entirely different tack here. There are many here who are suggesting you are hearing a demon or devil, which may or may not be correct. Let us hypothetically take the case its a devil. Would the devil be convicting you to change a habit and thereby improve your heath? I seriously doubt it. If it were God speaking to you, would a God of love challenge you to divest yourself of a habit that would result in better well-being? Yes, He would. It has been mentioned that God never lies, and that is true. That being the case, and if it were indeed God speaking to you, and knowing that scripture would never contradict the holy Spirit's convictions, then perhaps you need to reassess your opinion on the scripture's references to wine; perhaps you, and others here have that all wrong?