Hi there,
So there is a simple proverb which comes to me every so often, which is this:
The point is, we hold on to things in this life, but sometimes we do it to our detriment - you have heard of hoarders, and such - this is only truer, in Heaven! In Heaven, we are limited by what we can enjoy, because of the things of this world that we hold on to. Remember that the Devil lays claim to these things as well, some justly, some injustly. The Devil realises that he can't win, while God claims the victory. And God will claim the victory! In other words we have to let go, before holding on destroys us!
If everything we have earned - sin or righteous - has been claimed, then we are free in Heaven, to enjoy what was done for God or obliged in Hell, to make Hell of that which we never had faith for. We will see God in Hell, for a time, that's what makes it Hell, it is no mystery to us that we are not God and never will be. These are the things that no one wants to claim. In other words, the time is coming when we will beg for that which we have earned to be taken by someone who deserves it. The Bible is clear, the Devil is thrown into the Lake of Fire, which burns for eternity: having the Devil claim our sins, does not save us - if it did, Hell would have no effect.
What is clear, on the other hand, is that it is a joy for others in Heaven, to claim our Heavenly works! If we are an inspiration, surely our lot is with God - who was the Greatest Inspiration. If those in Heaven can see what is being claimed as righteous, they will have every chance to rejoice. That's what makes Heaven, Heaven - we rejoice at God coming back to His Throne to rule for eternity. Everything that celebrates this, is claimed by those in Heaven. The power of this, is immense. We can be confident if we endure to the end, that we will not be expected to repeat what is evil, but only that which is good.
Praise God! I hope this has been of some encouragement.
God bless.
So there is a simple proverb which comes to me every so often, which is this:
What does this mean? It means everything we do from beginning to end, has to be weighed, set apart and valued. Everything we have done has been recorded in a book (see Revelation), so it is entirely possible that we will have to give an account for what is there. The point is, it is not merely the reading that should concern us: it is that Heaven strips us, of everything we might otherwise doubt God with. God does not create robots, but He does expect a Bride for Christ that is without blemish - well, the blemishes have to go somewhere!Gottservant said:You are not allowed to leave [this life] until everything you have earned, has been claimed
The point is, we hold on to things in this life, but sometimes we do it to our detriment - you have heard of hoarders, and such - this is only truer, in Heaven! In Heaven, we are limited by what we can enjoy, because of the things of this world that we hold on to. Remember that the Devil lays claim to these things as well, some justly, some injustly. The Devil realises that he can't win, while God claims the victory. And God will claim the victory! In other words we have to let go, before holding on destroys us!
If everything we have earned - sin or righteous - has been claimed, then we are free in Heaven, to enjoy what was done for God or obliged in Hell, to make Hell of that which we never had faith for. We will see God in Hell, for a time, that's what makes it Hell, it is no mystery to us that we are not God and never will be. These are the things that no one wants to claim. In other words, the time is coming when we will beg for that which we have earned to be taken by someone who deserves it. The Bible is clear, the Devil is thrown into the Lake of Fire, which burns for eternity: having the Devil claim our sins, does not save us - if it did, Hell would have no effect.
What is clear, on the other hand, is that it is a joy for others in Heaven, to claim our Heavenly works! If we are an inspiration, surely our lot is with God - who was the Greatest Inspiration. If those in Heaven can see what is being claimed as righteous, they will have every chance to rejoice. That's what makes Heaven, Heaven - we rejoice at God coming back to His Throne to rule for eternity. Everything that celebrates this, is claimed by those in Heaven. The power of this, is immense. We can be confident if we endure to the end, that we will not be expected to repeat what is evil, but only that which is good.
Praise God! I hope this has been of some encouragement.
God bless.