Antichrist - Pope

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2020
United Kingdom
I've recently read a chapter of a book titled King Of The Ark, "A study on the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant", by Rebecca Tourniaire (KING OF THE ARK - % %). It covers the subject of the antichrist. I thought I'd share it here, as I find it very interesting:

In the Bible there is a prophecy about an antichrist, and both Jews and Christians share this belief in an antichrist. In fact some Jews think that Yeshua/Jesus was the antichrist. Although the Jews find the roots for their belief in the Old Testament, Christians gain their belief from both the Old and the New Testament.

First let’s look at the prophecy concerning antichrist in the New Testament, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” (2 Thess. 2:3-4).

It is these verses that lead many to think that perhaps a new temple in Jerusalem will be built and antichrist will sit in that temple, and that this would be the fulfillment of this prophecy. However notice this verse from the New Testament, and written by Paul, the very same author from whom we learn that the antichrist sits in the temple of God. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16).

To sit in the temple as God means to make himself the leader of God’s people, showing himself as God. So we are talking about a counterfeit, which is exactly what the term “antichrist” literally means, “anti” here means “in place of”. Seeing as “Christ” is just a Latin word for Messiah, an antichrist is by definition an anti-Messiah; and what is the Messiah? He is the King and High Priest.

If you remember, the Lord dwelt in His temple in the sanctuary on Earth between the two cherubims of the Ark and above His law. So this is exactly what the antichrist will do, either symbolically or physically. We will look more into this a little later, but as you see, this is the first link between the antichrist and God’s Ark. God sat between the two cherubims to lead His people.

If we go to the book of Daniel we learn a little more about this power that will arrive in world history and grow in power until it stands as the antichrist, “…the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.” (Daniel 9:26).

Then in Daniel there is a mention of “the abomination of desolation” (Mark 13:14 & Daniel 12:11), and then a change happens and the “abomination of desolation” becomes the “the transgression of desolation” (Daniel 8:13). We learn that a power will come and distort the truth and the sanctuary shall be trodden under foot. Daniel explains that this antichrist would do this for 1260 days.

So from Daniel we learn that this enemy of God will:

* Destroy the temple
* Trample on the sanctuary
* Be a persecuting power (towards God’s people) for 1260 days/years

Then from Paul we learn:

* The power will undergo a change
* After the change he will copy God and show himself as a leader of God’s people.

Many think that perhaps the prophecy of Daniel was referring to Antiochus Epiphanes, a man who dishonoured the sanctuary during the time of the Maccabees. However God’s timeline in Daniel goes all the way to the time God will end the kingdoms on Earth as illustrated in the rock destroying the statue in Daniel chapter 2. For the Christian it is impossible to interpret the abomination of desolation as Antiochus, because when Yeshua was walking on this Earth He said “when ye shall see”. He was saying the “abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet” was future to Him, but Antiochus was before Christ’s time. So in fact, Christ was talking about the destruction of the Jewish temple and the city of Jerusalem by the Roman army in 70A.D. as “the abomination of desolation”. So the Roman army is identified here, but did the Roman power undergo a change and fulfil all the rest of this prophecy. Did it transfer into “the transgression of desolation”? Did it continue to tread under foot the truth?

The man behind the destruction of Jerusalem and God’s very sanctuary on Earth, was the emperor of Rome. He was both a political leader and a high priest. His titles were, “Father of the People” and “Pontifex Maximus” which means, “The High Priest”. Now remember what Yeshua claimed to be? Our High Priest. Obviously you can only have one supreme priest, and that is the High Priest. So the Roman emperor had a title declaring himself a high priest, but for a pagan religion. History then proves that there was indeed a change and the Roman Empire divided exactly as Daniel prophesied, yet the title Pontifex Maximus (the high priest) did not just disappear with the Emperor. These titles were passed on and adopted by the emperor’s successors who now led the state religion; the Roman popes.

The problem now was that Pontifex Maximus was no longer the title of the high priest of a pagan religion (abomination of desolation). The change of religion now made Pontifex Maximus the alleged high priest of the Messianic movement, namely Christianity mixed with paganism (transgression of desolation). The moment this happened, the pope became Christ’s enemy, by claiming Christ’s titles for himself. The papacy had not only taken over the titles, but also the religious authority of the Roman emperor, and was therefore the
successor of the very power who destroyed Jerusalem and whose soldiers burned down the temple.

So in summary:

* Pontifex Maximus’ army destroys God’s temple.
* Pontifex Maximus undergoes a change transferring with him the title of high priest.
* Pontifex Maximus now represents himself as the leader of God’s people.
* Pontifex Maximus tramples on God’s truth.

Remember Isaiah 37:16, “O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, that dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth: thou hast made heaven and earth”. Pontifex Maximus just happens to sit here (see picture below) on a throne with two cherubims on either side. Dwelling between two cherubims is very directly “showing himself that he is God”. “Showing himself” means that he has convinced others that he has the right to rule over “the temple of God”, His church.


In Daniel 7 we are told four beasts will arrive in world history; the lion which represents Babylon, then the bear which symbolises Medio Persia, followed by the leopard which is the Greek Empire, and then there is a beast that is much more terrible than the others, and who will first undergo a change, and then disintegrate into autonomous regions, symbolised by horns. One of those horns is paid special attention to in the prophecy. This horn matches all the other prophetic descriptions of the antichrist in the Bible, and is described as living during the same time period as the other ancient kingdoms, but will survive until Jesus comes and destroys it and
all it’s evil work.

Now consider closely; if the pope is the power Christians are warned will counterfeit Christ, how else can he sit in a temple and show himself to be as God? Remember, God did not only dwell between two cherubims but also above His law and seal. What the pagan Pontifex did literally (namely destroy Jerusalem and the temple), his successor continued symbolically, by destroying God’s people (2 Corinthians 6:16). While claiming to be a high priest on Earth and the spokesman of Christ, the pope has actually misrepresented God and changed parts of His law.

God is in His temple in heaven, enthroned above His Ark with the law underneath, which shows His jurisdiction and Kingship. Why could He judge Jericho and the other nations? Because as it was written in the fourth commandment, He is King and Lawgiver, because He “had created the heavens and the earth”. So the fourth commandment of the law sealed God’s right as the Lawmaker, and His right to judge the Earth, and when His blood fell on the Mercy Seat on Earth He restored His power once again, by being able, through the blood, to forgive the lawbreakers and restore them into His kingdom. If you are a king without a law in reality you are no king because youhave no authority. When you take away the law from God’s throne you also symbolically remove His right as King. This is a serious thing to do.

(Cotinued in next post.)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2020
United Kingdom
So how can the pope change God’s law? Did He create the heavens and the Earth? Obviously not, so it is not surprising that the forth commandment is the commandment he changed, as God said the Sabbath is the seal of His authority as our Maker and Lawgiver; a sign between Him and us that we are children of His kingdom; a seal of His Kingship and His right to rule. So the pope removed this important part of the commandments and tried to transfer “Keep the Sabbath holy” to Sunday, which is the first day of the week. God warned us of this power and told us specifically that this is what this power would try to do: “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” (Daniel 7:25). So it is clear that anyone trying to change His law, and the times God has set in His law, is an ‘opponent’ speaking “great words” by his own authority. It also says that this power will try and force God’s people into remission, and this is actually what happened. All those who refused to obey the papal right as the sole religious authority and supreme judge in all religious matters were persecuted. Some were converted by force, while others continued to worship God in hiding.

Regarding the changing of God’s “times and laws”, the pope claims this change to Sunday is the MARK of his authority. If you are authorised to change the law, then you are by definition the lawmaker. Changing a law is the same as making a new law. So by this act, the pope was claiming to be the lawmaker on Earth. Read it in their own statement:

“Sunday is our mark of authority... The church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact.”
“The Catholic Record”, London, Ontario, September 1, 1923.

“Perhaps the boldest thing, the most revolutionary change the Church ever did, happened in the first century. The holy day, the Sabbath, was changed from Saturday to Sunday. ‘The Day of the Lord’ [dies domini] was chosen, not from any direction noted in the Scriptures, but from the Church’s sense of its own power... People who think that the Scriptures should be the sole authority, should logically become [Seventh-day] Adventists, and keep Saturday holy.”
“Saint Catherine’s Catholic Church Sentinel”, Algonac, Michigan, May 21, 1995.

In fact during the Middle Ages, the papacy punished people for keeping God’s original Sabbath, because refusal to keep Sunday was viewed as rejecting the pope’s power. In the act of not keeping Sunday which they had sanctified, they saw defiance, and this attitude continues to this day. To reject Sunday is to reject the pope’s authority.

In this way the pope has counterfeited God, as God made the Sabbath the sign of His authority as Lawmaker and resided above this sign written on the tables of His law. The pope claims to keep God’s law, but on the contrary has actually changed God’s law, changing the seal of God to the seal of the papacy. The sign of God’s authority has been changed to the sign of papal authority; and all this was done in the name of God!

Just like the kiss of Judas, they have double-crossed their Saviour. Whilst claiming to be the representative of Christ on Earth wherewith they should be leading people to Christ in His sanctuary, the papacy are actually leading people to their own temple, their own law and their own authority. They have trampled on the truth and cast it down. They have been blasphemous, taking for themselves titles and honors belonging only to Christ, and they have persecuted those who sought to be loyal to God’s authority.

The prophecy of the 1260 years began in the year A.D.538 and continued until 1798 when the pope was taken captive. From that time
and onward the reformation would continue with great speed and the Bible prophesies a restoration of the truth and a true understanding of the true sanctuary in heaven, after 2300 prophetic days (or literal years). (Dan.8:14) These two prophetic times end within a timeframe of only about 50 years.

In Daniel 12 we learn of 1290 days: “And from the time that the daily shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate
set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.” (Daniel 12:11-12). So here we learn that when the time of papal supremacy end’s those who will be “blessed”. These are the last verses in the book of Daniel and are referencing to the two longest time prophecies in the same book, the one of the little horn (1260 years) and the end of the 2300 years, both ending near to each other.

“Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” (Daniel 8:13-14).

History confirms that from when the French army under General Berthier delivered the papacy it’s deadly wound in 1798, until the end of these 2300 years in the mid-19th century, the Reformation finally suceeded in breaking away from the teachings of the papacy and their pretended authority, and returned to God’s true law. Thus at the end of this time period God’s original Sabbath, revealing Him as the rightful Lawgiver, was restored and preached across the Christian world. Although there had been churches keeping the Sabbath up until this time, the widespread proclaimation of the true Sabbath came later. Furthermore, many of the Sabbath keeping churches had not fully given up all the doctrines of the papacy.

Some were martyred while others were fined. Until this very day forces, even non-religious, work to preserve Sunday sacredness in USA and Europe.

Christianity divided into two groups after the 2300 year prophecy ended. One group clung to the law which had been changed by man, yet still claimed they worshipped Christ by doing so. The other group continued the spirit of the Reformation, refusing to accept any other lawgiver than God; refusing any other sanctified day than the day God had sanctified. Their studies led to the rediscovery of the true Sanctuary in heaven and the truth of Christ as our High Priest. They rejected Pontifex Maximus and everything happened exactly as prophesied - but it wasn’t over yet.

We learn more about the antichrist power in Revelation chapter 13, but so far we have seen from other scriptures, the antichrist follows on from the Roman Empire, inheriting it’s religious power and peresecuting God’s people for 1260 years whilest also subduing them.

However, then we learn one of the heads of this beast would be wounded “and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” (Revelation 13:3). The papacy would recover from its deadly wound. Not surprisingly this is just what happened. After being weakened terribly since 1798, Vatican state was re-established as a political power in 1929 and has since grown enormously in both political and spiritual influence.

When Pope John Paul II travelled the world performing good deeds and gathering people all over the world, he restored the papacy even more. He allied himself with all the world leaders and cooperated with them. Even Protestant countries which had undergone a partial reformation were now praising the pope and uniting with the papacy. In fact in 1999 Lutheren protestants and the papacy signed a paper agreeing on the primary subject which once divided them. I personally attended one of the many meetings focusing on reuniting protestants with Catholics. The theme was the prodigal son returning home, portraying the Protestants as the prodigal son. When my friend and I addressed the meeting with important questions regarding what issues initially caused the separation we were met with laughter rather than reflection. Even at the pope’s funeral, three presidents of the USA knelt in front of his casket.

Yet still the papacy, with her millions of followers worldwide, and her strong connection with the kings, presidents and religious leaders of the world, does not have the power to persecute the Sabbath-keepers as she once did.

But in the book of Revelation the end scenario is revealed to us. It is not the papacy that will actually carry out the final persecution against God’s faithful, it is another power that will do what the papacy once did; and this is where the Ark comes back into the picture.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
Wheww!! Dude, you’re gonna have every catholic on here sending you hate mail. And i thought i sent them off the deep end talking about the Reformation…
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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2012
United Kingdom
Wheww!! Dude, you’re gonna have every catholic on here sending you hate mail. And i thought i sent them off the deep end talking about the Reformation…

It's so pathetic I can't be bothered.
keith is not bright enough to produce that himself. It's just a cut and paste, probably from a JW site. They are always banging on about the Pope, changing God's laws, and quoting from sites like “The Catholic Record” and “Saint Catherine’s Catholic Church Sentinel” as though they were official statements by the Catholic Church.
He's sore because he lost the argument in the "Christians are not under the New Covenant" thread. :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
This is ridiculous. The bible is clear on what the anti-christ is. It proclaims that the savior hasn't came in the flesh yet and denies Jesus. Nothing more and nothing less.

Moriah's Song

Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2021
United States
and this is where the Ark comes back into the picture.
The literal Ark of the Covenant has never been found.

Rev. 11:19 says, “Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his covenant. And there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a severe hailstorm.”

The ark on earth was only a copy of the original which is in Heaven. When giving Moses the instructions for building the tabernacle furnishings, God told Moses, “See that you make them according to the pattern shown you on the mountain” (Exodus 25:40). In other words they would be replicas, not originals.

Therefore, the ark of the covenant in view in Rev. 11:19 is not the man made copy from Earth, but the heavenly original.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
I don't consider the Pope a representation of Christ as all the Popes have claimed to be, but I also don't believe that the Pope is the Antichrist, I do believe he is trying to change many of the rules the Catholic Church follows according to the bible as not accepting Homosexuality and same sex marriage, as many Protestant Churches have begun to accept, I believe the Church put him there to pave the way for that acceptance of Homosexuality, and same sex marriages, as they are losing money because of it, and that Pope Benedict either voluntarily stepped down because he would not accept or do it, or they forced Pope Benedict to step down because he wouldn't accept it or allow it.

Those are my thoughts on the matter.
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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2012
United Kingdom
I don't consider the Pope a representation of Christ as the all the Popes have claimed to be, but I also don't believe that the Pope is the Antichrist, I do believe he is trying to change many of the rules the Catholic Church follows according to the bible as not accepting Homosexuality and same sex marriage, as many Protestant Churches have begun to accept, I believe the Church put him there to pave the way for that acceptance of Homosexuality, and same sex marriages, as they are losing money because of it, and that Pope Benedict either voluntarily stepped down because he would not accept or do it, or they forced Pope Benedict to step down because he wouldn't accept it or allow it.

Those are my thoughts on the matter.

Well I think you are wrong and promoting conspiracy theories.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The thing is this. The prophecies regarding the little horn of Daniel 7, and the first beast of Revelation 13, and the man of sin in Thessalonians, are all about the same entity. And the characteristics of that entity that are detailed in the prophecies, amount to at least 10 specific detailed characteristics that history has unfolded, and which perfectly match the life and times of the papal church. In fact, because of the historical nature of those details, such as the little horn growing out of pagan Rome after the establishment of 10 other Kings, no other entity since or in the future can possibly meet the criteria. The evidence is there for all to see if you have ears to hear and eyes to see.

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
I've recently read a chapter of a book titled King Of The Ark, "A study on the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant", by Rebecca Tourniaire (KING OF THE ARK - % %). It covers the subject of the antichrist. I thought I'd share it here, as I find it very intersting:

In the Bible there is a prophecy about an antichrist, and both Jews and Christians share this belief in an antichrist. In fact some Jews think that Yeshua/Jesus was the antichrist. Although the Jews find the roots for their belief in the Old Testament, Christians gain their belief from both the Old and the New Testament.

First let’s look at the prophecy concerning antichrist in the New Testament, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” (2 Thess. 2:3-4).

It is these verses that lead many to think that perhaps a new temple in Jerusalem will be built and antichrist will sit in that temple, and that this would be the fulfillment of this prophecy. However notice this verse from the New Testament, and written by Paul, the very same author from whom we learn that the antichrist sits in the temple of God. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16).

To sit in the temple as God means to make himself the leader of God’s people, showing himself as God. So we are talking about a counterfeit, which is exactly what the term “antichrist” literally means, “anti” here means “in place of”. Seeing as “Christ” is just a Latin word for Messiah, an antichrist is by definition an anti-Messiah; and what is the Messiah? He is the King and High Priest.

If you remember, the Lord dwelt in His temple in the sanctuary on Earth between the two cherubims of the Ark and above His law. So this is exactly what the antichrist will do, either symbolically or physically. We will look more into this a little later, but as you see, this is the first link between the antichrist and God’s Ark. God sat between the two cherubims to lead His people.

If we go to the book of Daniel we learn a little more about this power that will arrive in world history and grow in power until it stands as the antichrist, “…the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.” (Daniel 9:26).

Then in Daniel there is a mention of “the abomination of desolation” (Mark 13:14 & Daniel 12:11), and then a change happens and the “abomination of desolation” becomes the “the transgression of desolation” (Daniel 8:13). We learn that a power will come and distort the truth and the sanctuary shall be trodden under foot. Daniel explains that this antichrist would do this for 1260 days.

So from Daniel we learn that this enemy of God will:

* Destroy the temple
* Trample on the sanctuary
* Be a persecuting power (towards God’s people) for 1260 days/years

Then from Paul we learn:

* The power will undergo a change
* After the change he will copy God and show himself as a leader of God’s people.

Many think that perhaps the prophecy of Daniel was referring to Antiochus Epiphanes, a man who dishonoured the sanctuary during the time of the Maccabees. However God’s timeline in Daniel goes all the way to the time God will end the kingdoms on Earth as illustrated in the rock destroying the statue in Daniel chapter 2. For the Christian it is impossible to interpret the abomination of desolation as Antiochus, because when Yeshua was walking on this Earth He said “when ye shall see”. He was saying the “abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet” was future to Him, but Antiochus was before Christ’s time. So in fact, Christ was talking about the destruction of the Jewish temple and the city of Jerusalem by the Roman army in 70A.D. as “the abomination of desolation”. So the Roman army is identified here, but did the Roman power undergo a change and fulfil all the rest of this prophecy. Did it transfer into “the transgression of desolation”? Did it continue to tread under foot the truth?

The man behind the destruction of Jerusalem and God’s very sanctuary on Earth, was the emperor of Rome. He was both a political leader and a high priest. His titles were, “Father of the People” and “Pontifex Maximus” which means, “The High Priest”. Now remember what Yeshua claimed to be? Our High Priest. Obviously you can only have one supreme priest, and that is the High Priest. So the Roman emperor had a title declaring himself a high priest, but for a pagan religion. History then proves that there was indeed a change and the Roman Empire divided exactly as Daniel prophesied, yet the title Pontifex Maximus (the high priest) did not just disappear with the Emperor. These titles were passed on and adopted by the emperor’s successors who now led the state religion; the Roman popes.

The problem now was that Pontifex Maximus was no longer the title of the high priest of a pagan religion (abomination of desolation). The change of religion now made Pontifex Maximus the alleged high priest of the Messianic movement, namely Christianity mixed with paganism (transgression of desolation). The moment this happened, the pope became Christ’s enemy, by claiming Christ’s titles for himself. The papacy had not only taken over the titles, but also the religious authority of the Roman emperor, and was therefore the
successor of the very power who destroyed Jerusalem and whose soldiers burned down the temple.

So in summary:

* Pontifex Maximus’ army destroys God’s temple.
* Pontifex Maximus undergoes a change transferring with him the title of high priest.
* Pontifex Maximus now represents himself as the leader of God’s people.
* Pontifex Maximus tramples on God’s truth.

Remember Isaiah 37:16, “O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, that dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth: thou hast made heaven and earth”. Pontifex Maximus just happens to sit here (see picture below) on a throne with two cherubims on either side. Dwelling between two cherubims is very directly “showing himself that he is God”. “Showing himself” means that he has convinced others that he has the right to rule over “the temple of God”, His church.

View attachment 18458

In Daniel 7 we are told four beasts will arrive in world history; the lion which represents Babylon, then the bear which symbolises Medio Persia, followed by the leopard which is the Greek Empire, and then there is a beast that is much more terrible than the others, and who will first undergo a change, and then disintegrate into autonomous regions, symbolised by horns. One of those horns is paid special attention to in the prophecy. This horn matches all the other prophetic descriptions of the antichrist in the Bible, and is described as living during the same time period as the other ancient kingdoms, but will survive until Jesus comes and destroys it and
all it’s evil work.

Now consider closely; if the pope is the power Christians are warned will counterfeit Christ, how else can he sit in a temple and show himself to be as God? Remember, God did not only dwell between two cherubims but also above His law and seal. What the pagan Pontifex did literally (namely destroy Jerusalem and the temple), his successor continued symbolically, by destroying God’s people (2 Corinthians 6:16). While claiming to be a high priest on Earth and the spokesman of Christ, the pope has actually misrepresented God and changed parts of His law.

God is in His temple in heaven, enthroned above His Ark with the law underneath, which shows His jurisdiction and Kingship. Why could He judge Jericho and the other nations? Because as it was written in the fourth commandment, He is King and Lawgiver, because He “had created the heavens and the earth”. So the fourth commandment of the law sealed God’s right as the Lawmaker, and His right to judge the Earth, and when His blood fell on the Mercy Seat on Earth He restored His power once again, by being able, through the blood, to forgive the lawbreakers and restore them into His kingdom. If you are a king without a law in reality you are no king because youhave no authority. When you take away the law from God’s throne you also symbolically remove His right as King. This is a serious thing to do.

(Cotinued in next post.)

There is not a singular antichrist, the word only occurs a few times in the Bible and there were many of them in John's day. There are many more now.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
There is not a singular antichrist, the word only occurs a few times in the Bible and there were many of them in John's day. There are many more now.
The only way the prophecies could be fulfilled and all the criteria be met, is through a succession of antichrists. Single successive rulers over the one power straddling over more than a 1000 years.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2012
United Kingdom
He said it wasn't his own. He quoted and gave reference to the original. Are you bright enough to refute it?
2 full pages of cut and paste rubbish.
Wow that took a lot of thought and fact checking.
I gave my refutation - "pathetic"


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
2 full pages of cut and paste rubbish.
Wow that took a lot of thought and fact checking.
I gave my refutation - "pathetic"
Your casual off hand dismissal of the most powerful stimulus for the last 400 years of reformation... That the Papacy is the Antichrist... Belies the immense efforts over that period of the Jesuits and others like them to destroy that idea among Protestants. Of you want that idea to go away you will have to rewrite the Bible. Oh. Wait. The Jesuits tried that by inventing futurism and preterism. Change the hermeneutic and hide 1500 years of apostate Christianity. Okay, good try because many Protestants have bought into that. But unfortunately for your church history isn't going away. The Vatican may deny it, cover it up, rewrite the history books, blame the state, but God knows. He remembers.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2012
United Kingdom
Your casual off hand dismissal of the most powerful stimulus for the last 400 years of reformation... That the Papacy is the Antichrist... Belies the immense efforts over that period of the Jesuits and others like them to destroy that idea among Protestants. Of you want that idea to go away you will have to rewrite the Bible. Oh. Wait. The Jesuits tried that by inventing futurism and preterism. Change the hermeneutic and hide 1500 years of apostate Christianity. Okay, good try because many Protestants have bought into that. But unfortunately for your church history isn't going away. The Vatican may deny it, cover it up, rewrite the history books, blame the state, but God knows. He remembers.



Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Your casual off hand dismissal of the most powerful stimulus for the last 400 years of reformation... That the Papacy is the Antichrist... Belies the immense efforts over that period of the Jesuits and others like them to destroy that idea among Protestants. Of you want that idea to go away you will have to rewrite the Bible. Oh. Wait. The Jesuits tried that by inventing futurism and preterism. Change the hermeneutic and hide 1500 years of apostate Christianity. Okay, good try because many Protestants have bought into that. But unfortunately for your church history isn't going away. The Vatican may deny it, cover it up, rewrite the history books, blame the state, but God knows. He remembers.
At least for the moment the Catholic Church’s stance on homosexuality and same sex marriage stands firm no acceptance at all, except what bothers me is when he said who is he to judge, that’s what makes me believe he’s trying to pave the way for acceptance, it still doesn’t lead me to believe he’s the Antichrist, though he’s the first Jesuit Priest to become a Pope. Don’t be so hard on the Catholics they’re our Christian brothers as are the Mormons and Jehova’s witnesses, I believe they’ll eventually find the way.