Fallacy of the Jews Dead Theories of Ecclesiastes 9

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
The traditional belief taught in many Churches today that at flesh death, we sleep in a hole in the ground, in a casket, until the resurrection, is actually an old belief of the Jews. That belief comes from their understanding of God creating Adam as a "living soul" when His Breath was put into Adam. They believe our 'soul' is actually materially part of our flesh body.

One of the Bible Scriptures the 'dead asleep in the ground' folks love to use is Ecclesiastes 9. Their favorite quote is 'the dead know nothing'. I'll show you how they don't know how to properly interpret that Bible Chapter, and how they do not really understand the Biblical concept of 'the dead'.

The New Testament corrects that error of thinking though, by what Jesus taught in Matthew 10:28, and by Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 and 2 Corinthians 5. Our soul with spirit continues on to the heavenly after our flesh body dies. To be absent from the body is to be present with The Lord, is what Apostle Paul taught. And Apostle Peter taught that at Jesus' resurrection, He went and preached The Gospel to the "spirits in prison" (1 Peter 3 and 4). Even in Luke 16, Lord Jesus taught about the "rich man" and the poor beggar Lazarus both died, and they were taken to Paradise, the rich man on one side in hell, and Lazarus on the side with Abraham. Thus our soul with spirit is NOT... part of our flesh body. It is NOT... literally asleep in the casket out in the backyard family grave plot.

So do not... go out to your loved one's grave and start talking to him/her like many of the false Hollywood movies like to show. Let the orthodox unbelieving Jews do that, those movies are mostly made by them and for their own deceived brethren.

Eccl 9:1-6
1 For all this I considered in my heart even to declare all this, that the righteous, and the wise, and their works, are in the hand of God: no man knoweth either love or hatred by all that is before them.

Solomon speaking there. And he had just finished a tirade that man has no better thing to do under the sun than to eat, drink, and be merry. He no doubt did a lot of that with his many wives and concubines, so that philosophy of life today will get one in trouble. It got him in trouble with God, because Solomon allowed his many pagan wives to bring their idol worship in among Israel, and God rent the kingdom because of it (1 Kings 11).

2 All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked; to the good and to the clean, and to the unclean; to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner; and he that sweareth, as he that feareth an oath.

It seems like Solomon is putting both the righteous and the wicked in the same pot here. He indeed is correct with the 'idea' regarding flesh death happens to both, but that's about all. Both the Just and the unjust experience the same death of their flesh.

3 This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.
4 For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.

This is where what he is pointing to starts having a distinction between the Just and the unjust. We naturally assume he is pointing to the difference between those still walking on earth in the flesh vs. those who's flesh has died, and thus they aren't walking the earth anymore. He even uses the idea of animals with that, like that "living dog" and "dead lion" as comparisons. But wake up, this comparison is going to change quickly here.

5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.

OK, there's the famous 'dead in the ground' theory quote, "but the dead know not any thing". But the question should be, WHICH DEAD? And look at the attributes Solomon then gives...

1. the dead "neither have they any more a reward"?
What about our rewards in Christ Jesus, because Revelation 14 says our righteous works follow us to Heaven? Are we really to think this applies in the absolute sense to those who have died in Christ Jesus?

2. "for the memory of them is forgotten"?
Have you forgotten your loved ones in Christ that have passed on to be with Jesus? I hope not. Neither has He forgotten them, because Apostle Paul said Jesus will bring those saints with Him when He comes (1 Thessalonians 4).

3. is that really true about our dead loved ones in Christ, that "neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun"???

Did Solomon forget about the resurrection there, or did he not know about it? And didn't Solomon in Ecclesiastes 12:5-7 teach that at flesh death our flesh goes back to the earth elements where it came from, but our 'spirit' goes back to God Who gave it? What do you think your 'spirit' inside your flesh body is? Your 'soul' is attached to your 'spirit'. Your soul with spirit is not just some electrical magnetic force either. It is about your 'person', what makes up 'you', your individual person.

What about the 'unjust', how would that above apply to them?

Well, didn't Peter say Jesus at His resurrection went and preached to the "spirits in prison", those who had died back to Noah? (1 Peter 3:18-20)

And in 1 Peter 4:5-6, he also said for this cause was The Gospel preached also to the 'dead', that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. If they were literally... asleep in the casket, then how did Jesus preach The Gospel to those? It really doesn't take much brain power to figure out the baloney doctrines pushed by the devil's servants that as wolves have crept in among Christ's sheep.

But truly, just who... are "the dead", in the absolute sense? And wouldn't those things like, neither having any more a reward, all memory of them having perished, and have no more any future, forever, in any thing that is done under the sun, apply to the truly UNSAVED dead that perish in the future "lake of fire"? Yet there is still ANOTHER group classified as "the dead" in God's Word, and it is these...

Isa 26:14
14 They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise: therefore hast Thou visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish.


That word in the Hebrew for "deceased" (rapha) is about the Rephaim, one of the names for the giant hybrids produced from the Genesis 6 mating of the angels with flesh woman (see also 2 Samuel 5:18-22).

Notice that says those 'dead', "they shall not rise".

That means those are giant hybrids, God did not create those, and they will not be resurrected. Yet the wicked dead born of woman's womb that are not of those hybrids, will be resurrected to the "resurrection of damnation" (John 5:28-29). That Isaiah 26:14 is one of two verse in the KJV Bible where the translators failed to bring that proper name Rephaim into English. The fact that those will not be resurrected is proof those were literally a hybrid race of giants produced from the mating of Genesis 6.

Thusly, those... are truly the strongest example of "the dead" idea here in Ecclesiastes 9 also. Truly, all their memory has perished, and God visited them and had them destroyed. And THAT is the ultimate... wicked 'dead' that Solomon is pointing to here, NOT to our loved ones in Christ that have already died.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.

OK, there's the famous 'dead in the ground' theory quote, "but the dead know not any thing". But the question should be, WHICH DEAD? And look at the attributes Solomon then gives...
The key here is "under the sun".

The living - here - know their lives - here - will end. The dead know nothing, they have no more love, no more hatred, envy, all gone, no more portion of anything at all - under the sun.

The memory of them is forgotten, all who have died.

Ecclesiastes 2:16 KJV
16) For there is no remembrance of the wise more than of the fool for ever; seeing that which now is in the days to come shall all be forgotten. And how dieth the wise man? as the fool.

Ecclesiastes 1:11 KJV
11) There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.

From the NLT:

9 History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new. 10 Sometimes people say, “Here is something new!” But actually it is old; nothing is ever truly new. 11 We don’t remember what happened in the past, and in future generations, no one will remember what we are doing now.

We only remember the people we've personally known, and when we die, that memory goes with us. And those who knew us, will remember us, but when they die, all living memory of us is gone. Maybe something written, some artworks, letters, but no memories.

Solomon writes of "under the sun", and without keeping that in mind, these passages are terribly misunderstood, as you've shown.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Isa 26:14
14 They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise: therefore hast Thou visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish.


That word in the Hebrew for "deceased" (rapha) is about the Rephaim, one of the names for the giant hybrids produced from the Genesis 6 mating of the angels with flesh woman (see also 2 Samuel 5:18-22).

Notice that says those 'dead', "they shall not rise".
Kudos on this!

There is a passage in Job also, I think, He causes the rapha to writhe beneath the waters, I think a reference to destroying them in the flood, these dead-undead.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
The key here is "under the sun".

The living - here - know their lives - here - will end. The dead know nothing, they have no more love, no more hatred, envy, all gone, no more portion of anything at all - under the sun.

The memory of them is forgotten, all who have died.

The 'key' actually is that Solomon was not pointing just to the idea of a flesh body being buried in the ground.

The Isaiah 26:14 verse is the real sense of 'the memory of them is forgotten', not for our loved ones in Christ that have died, because those are still remembered today. And those will... still have things to do under the sun, just not in flesh but in their resurrection bodies on the future new heavens and a new earth (see Isaiah 65:17-25). And those in Christ that have died also still... have a reward coming by Christ when He returns.

Also, the idea of the 'living' is not only used in God's Word about someone alive in a flesh body walking the earth. The idea of the 'living' can also be applied to those who can never die (Luke 20:35-38).

Therefore... one can 'choose'... to see the Eccl.9 Chapter in the sense of dead flesh in the ground, or they can think beyond that with another level of "the dead" that Solomon was pointing to, and understand that the ultimate-dead mean the hybrid giant race which God had destroyed, and that also is to be the fate of the wicked and Satan, but not those in Christ Jesus.