Returning To A 19th Century Standard Of Living Soon?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
A couple of months ago I was seriously contemplating buying a motor bike. I can afford the repayments queen readily on my current income, but the Lord very clearly said, no. Not now. Too late. Stay debt free. Be prepared to just up and leave without ties. Let there be nothing to bind you to the financial systems of the world.
I have no mortgage... But I don't own a house together. I can leave the city at any time without having to settle contracts and deals. And that time won't be far away. When those food shortages do come , and the general populace becomes aware that it isn't temporary, there will be riots protests and violence everywhere. Armed gangs will roam house to house to pillage whatever they can find. And we've already witnessed how ineffective law enforcement bodies will be in such a situation. For our own safety, it will be necessary to find homes in the country and grow our own food. And if you own a piece of land out in the country, even better.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
A couple of months ago I was seriously contemplating buying a motor bike. I can afford the repayments queen readily on my current income, but the Lord very clearly said, no. Not now. Too late. Stay debt free. Be prepared to just up and leave without ties. Let there be nothing to bind you to the financial systems of the world.
I have no mortgage... But I don't own a house together. I can leave the city at any time without having to settle contracts and deals. And that time won't be far away. When those food shortages do come , and the general populace becomes aware that it isn't temporary, there will be riots protests and violence everywhere. Armed gangs will roam house to house to pillage whatever they can find. And we've already witnessed how ineffective law enforcement bodies will be in such a situation. For our own safety, it will be necessary to find homes in the country and grow our own food. And if you own a piece of land out in the country, even better.

Well, I agree things could get really bad, and how bad will depend on the region, the level of social unrest, and the severity of the problem.

But now, as far as how to deal with it, I tend to fall on the side of what you were saying earlier about simply making sure we are walking close to the Lord. He has promised numerous times in His word that He will provide, and to take no thought for our lives but to just keep seeking the kingdom of God, and refuse to be anxious about tomorrow for sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. To me that is the primary thing. If we succumb to fears and start focusing on the cares of this world at the expense of continuing to grow in Christ and in our relationship with Him, even should we have "barns full of grain," things could eventually go bad and then where will we be.

Now let me say this: I'm not deeply involved with any church right now, but we are still connected to friends who belong to a couple different churches, and I think Christian hospitality and generosity is REALLY going to come into play again in a big way; giving and receiving, taking friends and relatives in if they lose their place to stay, etc. And I think that will actually be really good for the church again in some ways. The wealth of our modern lifestyles has made us distant from one another, and we find it much harder to relate to the New Testament Christianity we read about in the epistles. Returning to a 19th century lifestyle will mean going back to a time when people helped one another out a lot more, which I think will be a good thing for the church, and the scripture will be fulfilled where He said, "by your love for one another they shall know you." It's something the world will desire, so it may also become an aide to evangelism. People want to be cared for, and feel like they have a family that cares about them more than in word or religion only.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
What WILL happen:

The enemies of the Lord gather - Micah 4:11-12, Ezekiel 36:2

They conspire to attack Israel - Psalms 83:1-8, Isaiah 21:2

They prepare their weapons - Psalms 7:12, Ezekiel 7:14

This is the situation today.

At the moment of attack, God will use His Creation, the sun to send fire - Deuteronomy 32:22 & 34-43, Isaiah 30:26 & 30, Psalms 11:4-6, Isaiah 66:15-17, 2 Peter 3:7, Amos 1:1-15 & 2:1-5 , Psalms 50:1-3, Zephaniah 3:8, Revelation 6:12-17

The sun will explode with an extremely bright flash and the moon will reflect bright red - Isaiah 30:26, Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, Habakkuk 3:4-5

The Lord will make their weapons recoil upon themselves, the Electro-Magnetic Pulse hit will cause them to explode - Psalms 7:13-16, Joel 3:4, Obadiah 15

Then the sun, moon and stars will be obscured by the approaching Coronal Mass Ejection - Psalms 18:11-12, Isaiah 13:9-13, Ezekiel 32:7-8, Amos 8:9

A huge superhot mass of hydrogen plasma approaches the earth – Joel 1:15-20, Malachi 4:1, Zephaniah 1:14-18

Everyone on earth will be shocked and terrified - Jeremiah 6:24-26, Ezekiel 21:5-7a, Isaiah 13:6-8, Revelation 6:15-17

The atmosphere will be pushed aside – Revelation 6:14, 2 Peter 3:10, Isaiah 34:4

The whole earth will be enveloped by fire - Isaiah 66:15, Zeph. 3:8, 2 Peter 3:7

In the Holy Land, only a remnant will survive - Zechariah 13:8-9, Isaiah 6:11-13

He will punish His enemies, the attackers of Israel- Psalms 83, Isaiah 63:1-6, Habakkuk 3:12, Revelation 14 18-20, Isaiah 66:17, Isaiah 29:20-21, Hebrews 10:27

His enemies will become ashes - Malachi 4:3, Ezekiel 30:1-5, Jeremiah 49:2, Matthew 3:12b

Millions will die around the world - Psalms 97:3-5, Jeremiah 25:33, Isaiah 13:12

The Lord will protect those who call to Him - Isaiah 43:2, Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21

But most people will take shelter until it passes. Isaiah 2:19, Revelation 6:15

The survivors will form a One World Govt. - Daniel 7:23-24, Revelation 17:12

The Holy Land will be regenerated - Ezekiel 36:8, Joel 2:21-24, Isaiah 35:1-10, Amos 9:13-15, Jeremiah 33:12-14

And the Lord's faithful Christian people will gather there. - Psalms 107, Isaiah 35:1-10, Ezekiel 34:11-16, Isaiah 66:18b-21, Revelation 7:9-14

They will become the new nation of Beulah - Isaiah 62:1-5, Ezekiel 36:3-38, Jeremiah 31

They will build a new Temple – Zechariah 6:15, Haggai 2:9, Ezekiel 40 to 48

The attack by a Northern army will be won by the Lord – Ezekiel 38:22, Joel 2:20

The leaders of Beulah will break the Covenant with the Lord and sign a 7 year peace treaty with the leader of the O.W.G. Daniel 9:27, Isaiah 28:14-15

At the midpoint he will break the treaty and conquer Beulah-Daniel 9:27, Zechariah 14:1-2

This commences the 7 Trumpets and 7 Bowls of the Great Tribulation - Rev 8:2 onward.

Those who kept their faith in God will be taken to a safe place on earth. Daniel 11:32b, Revelation 12:14

3.5 years later, Jesus will Return in His glory, for His Millennial reign - Revelation 19:11-21, Matthew 24:30-31, Zechariah 14:3-4

The Lord has told us His plans and He will not relent or change them - Jeremiah 4:28

There are plenty more prophecies and scriptures to prove this scenario.

Believe it or not it’s up to everyone to decide! Psalms 19:11-12, Isaiah 48:6


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
The Next Prophesied Event:

Isaiah 61:1-2a The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me. He has sent me to announce good news to the humble, to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and to proclaim a year of the Lords favor,

Isaiah 61:2b-3...and a Day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, to give then garlands instead of ashes, oil of gladness, instead of mourners tears and a garment of splendour for the distressed. They will be called trees of righteousness, planted by the Lord for His adornment.

Isaiah 61:4-11 Buildings long in ruin and desolate will be restored and rebuilt. Foreigners will serve you, caring for your flocks and vines, but you will be called priests of the Lord and the wealth of the nations will be yours. Because My people have received insults and shame in double measure, they will receive in their own Land, wealth in double measure.
For I, the Lord love justice and hate injustice, I shall give My people a sure reward and make an everlasting Covenant with them. Their posterity will be renowned among the nations, they will be seen as a people blessed by the Lord.

Let us rejoice in the Lord with all our hearts. From Him has come victory and deliverance. His people, robed in beauty are like a garden full of flowers. The Lord will make His victory and renown known to the nations.
Reference: REB, NIV, KJV. Some verses abridged.

Isaiah 61:1-2a, was quoted by Jesus at the commencement of His ministry;.... a year of the Lord’s favor’. He stopped in mid sentence and then said: Today, in your hearing, this prophecy has come true.
Therefore, the rest of this chapter is unfulfilled prophecy. So, we look for the sequence of events to unfold as written, commencing with:

a Day of vengeance of our God’ - The next prophesied event. Not the Return of Jesus in His glory, but His punishment to the nations, triggered by an attack on Israel. This is prophesied and described comprehensively throughout the Bible as a terrible disaster by fire from the sun, that will affect the whole world. Isaiah 63:1-6, Isaiah 30:26

comfort all who mourn’ - All who love the Lord and follow in His Laws, those who mourn His death on the cross. Zechariah 12:9-10

trees of righteousness, planted in their own Land’ - His people: all faithful Christians, Jew and Gentile are gathered and settled in His holy Land, into all of that area promised to the Patriarchs, to their descendants by faith, Galatians 3:26-29, in the new country of Beulah. Isaiah 62:1-5, Ezekiel 20:34-36, Isaiah 26:15

buildings rebuilt and the land restored’ - After the devastation caused by a CME sunstrike, The Lord will regenerate the Land, Ezekiel 36:8 but buildings must be rebuilt, including the new Temple. Isaiah 65:21, Zechariah 6:15

foreigners will serve you’ - Isaiah 60:10...foreigners will rebuild your walls...

wealth of the nations will be yours’ - Zechariah 14:14 The same as what happened at the first Exodus. Exodus 11:2

‘make a Covenant with them’ - Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel 34:25, Isaiah 54:10

‘from Him has come victory and deliverance’ - Psalms 91:14-16, Psalms 44:4-7

‘known to the nations’ - Ezekiel 39:21, Isaiah 40:5

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
The phrase "not in water" is what keyed me off in reading this dream. The expression being "underwater" is a financial term sometimes used regarding owing more on one's home than what it is worth. One article puts it this way:

"Underwater" is the term for a financial contract or asset that is worth less than its notional value... More commonly, the term is used in relation to a house or another substantial asset which has an outstanding mortgage or loan on the asset that is a larger amount than what the asset is worth. "Underwater" is sometimes also referred to as "upside-down." A homeowner is underwater if their mortgage is larger than what the home is worth.
What Does Underwater Mean in Finance?

Hundreds of thousands - possibly millions - of Americans being financially underwater on their homes does indeed appear to be on the horizon now, as this article from the Boston Herald of a few weeks ago contends:

Moore: Warning signs flash on housing bubble’s impending burst


By STEPHEN MOORE | May 13, 2022 at 12:04 a.m.

Does anyone remember 2008?... Millions of people lost their jobs. Hundreds of thousands defaulted on their mortgages and lost their homes... The calamity resulted from government policies that intentionally inflated a housing bubble year after year. Few saw the bursting of the bubble coming. When it popped, the carnage was everywhere and felt from coast to coast.

Now there are many of the same flashing signs of a housing bubble — and again, no one is paying attention... The average mortgage payment is now $1,800 a month... The only other time home payments were as high as they are today was in 2007. Yes, on the eve of the Great Financial Crisis... Loan-to-income levels are also rising, which makes defaults more likely. If housing prices fall, borrowers will start to be pushed underwater with unpaid loans more outstanding than the house’s value. They will walk away as millions of borrowers did in 2008 and 2009.

Moore: Warning signs flash on housing bubble's impending burst

Others feel the same way. 6:20 - 8:36 below highlights some of the problems the US housing market is facing now. Home values are falling even in environments where there's low inventory, and when foreclosures held up by the US government from the Covid epidemic finally hit the market, home values will start tanking and cause things to accelerate even faster.

Below is another well-produced video, despite the sensationalist cover image. Discusses the likelihood of a housing crash at 2:50, and another factor that will likely speed things up at 6:26: The rise in credit card debt. The primary factor leading to housing market devaluations is foreclosures, and two of the primary factors leading to foreclosures are

1. loss of household income (or devaluation of that income, such as happens with severe inflation), and
2. debt, particularly credit card debt. Both take away the ability of homeowners to maintain payments on their mortgages.


amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Hundreds of thousands - possibly millions - of Americans being financially underwater on their homes does indeed appear to be on the horizon now, as this article from the Boston Herald of a few weeks ago contends:

Moore: Warning signs flash on housing bubble’s impending burst


By STEPHEN MOORE | May 13, 2022 at 12:04 a.m.

Does anyone remember 2008?... Millions of people lost their jobs. Hundreds of thousands defaulted on their mortgages and lost their homes... The calamity resulted from government policies that intentionally inflated a housing bubble year after year. Few saw the bursting of the bubble coming. When it popped, the carnage was everywhere and felt from coast to coast.

Now there are many of the same flashing signs of a housing bubble — and again, no one is paying attention... The average mortgage payment is now $1,800 a month... The only other time home payments were as high as they are today was in 2007. Yes, on the eve of the Great Financial Crisis... Loan-to-income levels are also rising, which makes defaults more likely. If housing prices fall, borrowers will start to be pushed underwater with unpaid loans more outstanding than the house’s value. They will walk away as millions of borrowers did in 2008 and 2009.

Moore: Warning signs flash on housing bubble's impending burst

Others feel the same way. 6:20 - 8:36 below highlights some of the problems the US housing market is facing now. Home values are falling even in environments where there's low inventory, and when foreclosures held up by the US government from the Covid epidemic finally hit the market, home values will start tanking and cause things to accelerate even faster.

Below is another well-produced video, despite the sensationalist cover image. Discusses the likelihood of a housing crash at 2:50, and another factor that will likely speed things up at 6:26: The rise in credit card debt. The primary factor leading to housing market devaluations is foreclosures, and two of the primary factors leading to foreclosures are

1. loss of household income (or devaluation of that income, such as happens with severe inflation), and
2. debt, particularly credit card debt. Both take away the ability of homeowners to maintain payments on their mortgages.

My house price increased about a third just like that . Means more taxes come january .
Something ABOUT TO BLOW my friend . How can the price of my house just jump like that .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I sold a little box of raisins today for $8.

.... $8 ....
Bon appetite dear sister . Prices is GOING UP . And i dont think its the reason the news is trying to say .
The more i watch this whole event , the more it is beginning to seem planned out .
I know that seems odd , but something aint right at all about any of this .
They gonna fear monger everyone into their coming solution . Its almost like , or at least it seems
like they are strategically doing this . AND its all adding up to a MAJOR WORLD POWER GRAB and for a major world DIGITAL SYSTEM
for all power and control .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
That's ridiculous! Was this sale made at your place of employment?
Folks gonna have to start eating the bran without the raisons . I thought the same thing dear sister .
Eight dollars . Do you ever get the feeling that this is all working to possibly destroy what is left of the middle class
and to fear monger the people into freely surrendering unto a totaliterain world empire who will seem to be the savoir with the solutions .
It all seems to be working as one to head right into it .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
The WHO is ready to make an all out power grab and unleash the digital system . AND THEN Suddenly MONKEY POX appears .
Food prices going up , shortages , which we had About the time of covid .
FORCES are at work my friends . And the beast system cannot be stopped . THIS will run its course .
From climate change , to food shortages , to viruses , it seems all they do is fear monger
and yet you can see the false solution rising in the back ground .
Guess some folks learned well from history . EVEN THOUGH the same folks have done all to erase history .
PROBABLY , perhaps so as no one can recoginize THEM and that Things like this have been done before .
Viruses and phoney climate change can only work so much , BUT MESS with the belly of peoples , AND MANY WILL
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
That's ridiculous! Was this sale made at your place of employment?
Yes, we were all shocked. It wasn't in the system.

I'm working behind the till for hours.

When I was running her up, the coworker told me to start typing "8-3-4" (or something) and I said "but that will charge her $8.."

She said "That's how much they are! That's inflation for you."


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Yes, we were all shocked. It wasn't in the system.

I'm working behind the till for hours.

When I was running her up, the coworker told me to start typing "8-3-4" (or something) and I said "but that will charge her $8.."

She said "That's how much they are! That's inflation for you."
They'd have to be crazy or careless, or both to pay that. What size boxes were they?

I can get 32ozs of organic raisins for $8.50.