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Do you think there is anything positive about the Democratic Party?

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Mar 3, 2021
United States
The Democratic Party is run by the vilest, most evil people in the world. They are of the world, Godless, and worship their own power and have an unquenchable thirst for money while impoverishing countless millions of people that God entrusted them to help. In the life to come, they will pay a very HIGH price for their many abominations.

View attachment 27921

I don't deny they have lots of problems, even online...the amount of intense, toxic hatred for example, they spewed against Tulsi Gabbard or Glenn Greenwald for daring to challenge their pro-war policies...it was disgusting frankly. And they aren't even Republicans, and lots of Democrats still hated them like crazy!

Still, I do think BOTH parties were more "balanced" and moderate and friendlier with each other even 30 years. What has happened to America that has divided and fractured this entire society so deeply? We are in a spiritual crisis, my friends. And things do NOT seem to be "getting better" any time soon, unfortunately. :(
May 29, 2021
United States

Thank you republicons.

The Republican party is a vital contribution to political debate, discourse.

They represent the dark side. The self-centered egotistical me, me mentality that creates a great contrast to democratic moral centered values.

Without their ilk this political discourse would be boring.

Again, thank you mega-republicons.
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick

Thank you republicons.

The Republican party is a vital contribution to political debate, discourse.

They represent the dark side. The self-centered egotistical me, me mentality that creates a great contrast to democratic moral centered values.

Without their ilk this political discourse would be boring.

Again, thank you mega-republicons.
You call Putin insane yet your more insane than Putin.

Your democrat masters approve of this, and since you highly value them, you must also.
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Dec 19, 2022
United States

Appearing whenever the Spirit moves me, please contact my agent; God's Spirit for further pop-ins !♥️
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Nov 16, 2022
United States
Christians standing with the abortionists. Amazing.

Mt 7:21-23 21 21“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 sOn that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons vin your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Why are all Democrats today hypocrites, and liars, and false accusers, bearing nothing but false witness against their enemies, and all things godly, and promoting all thing demonic?

Isa 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Democrats are pure evil, and call, and frame everyone else as evil instead.

Pray that God may shorten these days. modern Democrats are nothing but pure evil.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
Democrats have always been nothing but pure evil. But what do Republicans by comparison have to do with that? These are the near end of the end times, so one would naturally expect a good deal of evil Republicans to exist as well. So if together they play good-cop to bad-cop for their side, while the other side does the same in reverse, why does than not mean there could have been more good Republicans than good Democrats on average, over time, because Democrats are far more evil on average?

And universal healthcare, etc.., were originally Republican ideas anyway. You take what sounds like a good idea, and use it to hide an evil agenda. It was originally the New Age Republican RINO Teddy Roosevelt who created progressivism within the Republican party who wanted these things, including a one world governing / ruling body, before we even had or tried a League Of Nations,, to fail and be replaced by the equally failing United Nations.

And energy and industrial maintenance and engineering has always been my field, as well as contractor work in everything from electromechanical engineering management, to telecom and data instillation and management, to high speed food production line mechanic work - as well as while being an operating engineer at facilities where I performed said industrial maintenance to energy management work as well, ( not to be confused with the idiots in their fields who try and claim at times that housekeeping is industrial maintenance as well, to confuse titles and definitions as such, ) - and can tell you that a lot of so called green solutions are nothing but a joke.

And I have always known that alternate current electrical generation, has always been produced thru synchronous generation - Which means that AC current has always been generated in three phases, or three hot-legs within the generator itself. The generator is divided into thirds, meaning three 120 degree legs within their 360 degree circular generator shape. And as a generating turbine runs, all three power phases are offset from each other by the same amount every time, based on the very mechanical design of where the magnets and coils physically exist mechanically within their respective stator and rotor design positions. And so the three phases do not interfere with each other, as their separate distances are mechanically separated / fixed.

The rotation of the turbine generator, in AC generation however produces a sine-wave of power, which on an oscilloscope in relation to it's baseline, looks like a sideways S showing it's growing and declining positive peak values on the top side of the sideways S to it's negative peak values on their bottom side of it's sideways S. - I have always known about the S Shape Sinewave power generation of AC power production.

And therein lies the problem. When generating AC power with any generator, the Sine-Wave of each and every generator cut online, ro generate power in any given grid, have to align each and every sine wave generated power 100% exactly in sync with every other sine wave on the same grid, or the peaks and troughs of each sine wave do not align with each other, and peak and trough voltage and current are out of sync, and add to and subtract from each other, and you will have spikes and deficits voltage and current peaks and troughs. And instead of constantly generated currents and voltages, you would have a bit of a wild mess of variations instead.

The average nominal voltage generated is calculated as the RMS root mean square of .707 of the actual high point of the sine wave, or actual peak voltage. And calculating the actual .707 RMS is easy, but the voltage / current generated is only useful if consistently generated in sync, or the voltage and current spikes, and deficits, will not only make power production and transmission much less efficient, but will also blow equipment all over the place.

And so, since AC power carried / supplied all over the country has to be in sync, green power generated and stored in batteries near the source, have to be induced back into the main power grid, induced by the overall load already in synch, and already generated as the main power in the supply line, and therefore can only be cleverly induced back in, at 20 percent at best - meaning that 80 percent of a main line power supply has to be generated and synced by traditional means.

Generator synchronization is the process of matching parameters such as voltage, frequency, phase angle, phase sequence, and waveform of alternator (generator) or other source with a healthy or running power system. This is done before the generator is reconnected to the power system.

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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I know and understand that over 90% of the Christians on this forum seem to be conservative-leaning and strongly favor the Republicans in lots of different issues and stances.

And yet, even so, do you guys not think there is ANYTHING positive for example, about the other side, about the Democrats? I disagree with Democrats on certain things such as abortions and drugs, which I believe are against Christian values and principles. And I also find their constant culture war obsessions and identity politics over race and gender and outer apperance, to be very immature and tiresome from a higher perspective.

I personally think that universal healthcare is something admirable, the Bible does seem to have any real stance on things like this. And for example, other democratic Western countries, including Canada, Israel, Australia, and most of Europe, seem to have such a system, and they seem to be functionally fairly well. Not saying that America should adopt this system immediately, but perhaps America should at least try to experiment with this in the future.

What about you guys? Are there any "redeeming" values, so to speak, that you might respect and admire from the Democrats?
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Nov 16, 2022
United States
What an absolute 100% Clown Car response. Thanks for the laughs though, lol. I've said all along the vast majority of most all of our politicians, and beyond, are New Age Bohemian Grove, and Antichrists. However the vast majority, who are the worst are mainly the DemonKrats who brought you the KKK, amongst other things. And as Pastor John MacArthur, and others like him have pointed out, the USA is so evil, that God has already abandoned us as a country, and we are under the wrath of God already. And that wrath, includes allowing the vast majority of DemonKrats, to have done so, to create the Deep State, and to use that to persecute Republicans, including Donald Trump. Trump who is so guilty, that after special councils have spent over $40 million dollars alone, that they still couldn't get him. Trump was very sloppy in some of his actions, and many of the things he said, and yet they could not get him, over anything of substance to date. But who cares if he is guilty, or not, because it's the DemonKrats who suck.

Bill Clinton, who I heard a Christian witness on Christian talk radio a couple of decades ago, report who in the Spirit how Clinton said he was going to build his kingdom on the skulls of women ( codewords for the new age gnostics, who refer to humans who have not gone all new age incorporeal, as the women of pollution, to be despised by them - which can be found as referenced in a lot of rock and metal as such. ) Clinton who married Hillary Rodham, because her father Hugh Rodham was so hooked up in the Chicago Mob, that when Al Capone died, Hugh Rodham inherited all of his Chicago territory. And then the Clintons ran a vast crime kingdom of their own in Arkansas. They were like the villain's in a Burt Reynolds Gator, or some similar movie.

Then in the White House, were so criminal, that they stole thru their Travel Gate, and WH Post Office Gate, etc.., They were one criminal
enterprise, right after another, and even created their criminal Clinton Global Initiative once they left, scamming and ripping off Haiti, amongst others.

It was Carter that gave us the Community Reinvestment Act, so illegals could get free housiong etc.., but it was Clinton with his AG, who reinvented that act to make it much worse, and with Cloward and Piven, behind him, signed it into law to make it illegal to not give housing loans to blacks who could not afford it, and eventually Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac were created as a result to create the planned for eventual collapse - because it was the Cloward and Piven strategy to destroy America, by bankrupting us. And ACORN was created to harass the banks to maker sure it happened.

And Clinton
repealed the Glass–Steagall Law to remove all barriers between what kind of business that commercial and private banks can engage in, to further bring about this future USA Collapse.

And that lying P.O.S. Elizabeth Warren comes by after the collapse the DemonKrats pretended they did not cause on purpose, to pretend to fix the problem with weaker fake solution legislation, after the fire they created to burn the house down. The Dems are the Arsonists, who merely pretend they are the Firemen.

And Clinton in 1994 with Russia and Ukraine convince Ukraine to give all their Nukes back to Russia, so they could begin the long process leading to the current War the Deep State has been pushing for, to try and Instigate Nuclear War between Russia and the West - So that China xould take over what was left of the world. This is also why Clinton gave China MFNS ( most favored nation status, ) and got China into the WTO - to begin the climb of China on the world stage.

And Clinton who was guilty of 14 Felonies, was only impeached on one charge alone, to try and reign him in, and the lying Dems while denying the 14 felonies he was guilty of, lied, and whined and cried, and lied and complained, falsely how Republicans merely weaponized impeachment against him.

The next time I want Lying
Propaganda from Lying DemonKrats I'll let you know!

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Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
As much as I hate the Demonic RINO Bush Family, ever since I was the Bush POTUS #41 - 1,000 points of light and "The New World Order Is Here" Luciferian/Satanic Speech, and I knew the entire Bush Family was Demonic from then on, and only lied, and only played the good-cop, for the GOP Base, I knew I myself thoroughly hated them.

However, no matter how much I despise the entire demonic lying Bush Dynasty, there is one area in which they told the truth. The Financial Cloward And Piven Financial Future Financial Destruction planned for America, as a result of what Clinton did, and which was planned thru the real purpose of the creation of Freddie Mac & Fannie, because for the Cloward and Piven strategy to Financially Destroy America, by POTUS Clinton upgrading the community reinvestment act, to make it Racist to not make housing loans to Blacks who could not afford it -

The GWB Admin testified before Congress no less than 17 Times, asking for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to be regulated, and the Bush Adm was shouted down by Congress as Racist, every single time.

I despise the Entire Bush Family, but in this case the GWB Admin went before Congress 17 Times to try and get Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae regulated, before their collapse, and were shouted down as Racist by the Dems on those Congressional
Committees, each and every single time.

The next time I want the Opinion of a Lying DemonKrat, I'll ask them first. Only don't hold your breath Lying DemonKrats that I will actually ever ask you for your lying opinions
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
The Founders of the US established this Nation on Biblical Standards and Principles, signed their oath in the year of our Lord, and made cautionary warnings about Muslims.
Two strikes on Obama...he was raised in the Muslim culture and religion and was not Constitutionally qualified to be seated in the American People’s house or office....BTW neither is Kamila Harris Constitutionally qualified to be seated as VP.

Issue with Democrats.....YES. They participate in the US Republic Government as if the US Government is a Democracy....it’s not.

A Republic is a government By, For, Of...ALL the People.
A Democracy is a government of MOB (majority) RULE, to hell with the minority.
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States

They say “rule of law”. They say “Liberal Democrat”...what they mean is...

“Color of law” and “Marxist communist”.

They say “peace, safety, no pollution, no hunger, no crimes”
....while also saying....”95% of the world’s population is too many people.”

Anyone figured out how they intend to solve their dilemma of too many people? Anyone amazed at the people scampering to be first in line to help their population reduction plan? :rolleyes:
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Nov 16, 2022
United States
A Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner.

A Constitutional Republic is a well armed lamb disputing that vote.

When the Muslim "Sleeper Cell" Obama said while campaigning to become president of the USA, he said he visited 57 States, with one to go - Watch even the ending of the video where it shows the OIC Organization ( Organization of Islamic Conference ) has 57 member states, and two honorary states. So why did Obama say he visited 57 States, and he thinks he has 1 to go? Because as the video shows, Obama meant the USA which he want to surrender to Islam.

And as many know, in this video Louis Farrakhan calls Obama "Clean," meaning a Muslim Sleeper, because Dr. Khalid Al Mansour, a Black Supremacist Muslim, who teaches the Real Israel of today, are Black Muslims, and not the Israel we think is Israel today.

And Dr. Khalid Al Mansour has close personal ties to the Saudi Royal Family, and while he wants to lead a Black Muslim World of tomorrow, he uses his ties to a Saudi Royal Prince, to fashion Obama / manufacture the Muslim Obama as an "African American." so Obama, still a faithful Muslim, can help them takeover - That Dr. Al Mansour got the Saudi's to donate $20 million dollars to Harvard, to get Harvard to appoint then student Obama as the student head of the Harvard Law Review, where Obama's paper so published as such, was on Islamic Studies.

Not to mention those music directors, and such, at Jeremiah Wright's church who were murdered to cover up Obama's homosexual activities, such as are known, with such examples as Larry Sinclair, etc..,

And Obama is not even his real name. I have said it before, that Obama has been trying to Scare people for a long time now, that he is the Antichrist. And to scare people that he is,

He adopted his new name Barack Obama, from two Hebrew words, meaning "Lightning," and "From The Heights" to allegedly claim he has been cast down from heaven as with lightning from the heights. Obama is extremely evil, which is nothing new, for modern democrats.

Again, I am not saying Obama is this Final Antichrist. Too much prophetically has to occur for Obama to be the Final Antichrist. I used to argue on SodaHead, when it still existed, on how Obama can not be the Final Antichrist - However Obama is trying to convince people he is, to try and scare them, and to try and make them loose their faith, and reinforce the evil faith in Satan, in these end times. And while I do not believe in all of the conclusions of this article, it does indeed show I am not the 1st person to know the real meaning of Obama's name.

Obama's famous chant "Yes we can," backwards says "Thank You Satan," Here is a video that places Obama's chant into some DAW software, and isolates it, and in the end plays the segment first forwards, and then backwards for you to hear.

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Nov 16, 2022
United States
While many Republicans have been, and many still are, demonic RINO, Antichrists, I no longer believe it is even possible for modern DemonKrats to even be Christians, because they are so obviously pure evil, and nothing but evil. I have no faith whatsoever, that it is possible any longer for these modern DemonKrats of today, to be Christian.

****You must go to the lower right of the video to turn up the volume. I can not get it to allow me to post a version which loads here, where the volume is switched on?

In spite of his mocking dismissal, Barack and Hillary are indeed clearly demon possessed. Evil people are nothing but evil, end of discussion. And since when did a Democracy, again which we are not, become God? - Why is that a hypothetical threat to an alleged Democracy, if one calls out a clearly demonic person as such?

And Obama again mocks and dismisses and takes the Bible out of context. And the Bible does not in fact promote Chattel Slavery at all. If Israel engaged in, and won a war, which in due course, as war was costly to a nation's population, only then were they allowed to take prisoners. And on top of that, they were only allowed to keep them for seven years, after which they had to set them free, unless they chose to stay, in which case they had to pierce an ear with an awl, to mark they agreed to remain. But if they wanted to be free, the individuals of Israel had to let them go free.

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Feb 6, 2018
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United States

It is true, a lot of people do not read the Bible.
It is true, a lot of people do not understand the Word of God.
It is true, a lot of people do not read the US Constitution.
It is true, a lot of people do not understand the Constitution.

It is true, in early decades of the US establishment:
The People established Schools, for Their Children.
The People dictated the Curriculum, for Their Children.
The People selected the Text Books, for Their Children.
The People governed the Schools, for Their Children.
The People whose children attended the School, paid for the expenses.
* Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, Math, Discovery Science, Scripture, Government, History were usual Subjects.

For decades, bit by bit, little by little, the Schools, the Curriculum, the Text, the Governing, has been confiscated and dictated by a corrupt Government.
And the expense, paid by the working class, using the facility or Not, funneled in the circle jerk fashion, as is the fashion of operation of a corrupt Government.

The Bible is Banned. Mention of God, Jesus Christ, Banned. The established Government operation, is skimmed. The Constitution is but a mention. Reading is homework without guidance. Writing is Plagiarism. Vocabulary is slang, changing the meaning of words into opposites. Math is marrying numbers. Discovery Science is fact void of testing. Scripture is an unmentionable, Government is Master, People are subjects of the Master. Liberty is dictated Limits. Cheating is rampant, expected, overlooked and in some aspects promoted, traded for favors.

New World Order has been in effect for Decades. Of recent years, it’s on steroids and renamed to the Great Re-Set. Jump on board, Be the First on the Agenda. Did you forget the Agendas? 2030, 2040, Population reduction. 2050 Utopia...And the remaining people completely Unprepared for Gods Agenda.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
We have abandoned God, and so God has abandoned this nation. There is but a remnant of believers here, but the vast many of us have abandoned God, and we are under judgement because of that. These modern DemonKrats of today are the very judgement of God upon us. We as a nation may repent and seek God more, again, because people are seeing the judgement of God thru these heathen and godless DemonKrats. They themselves do not repent, but others are beginning to see them for who they are, and are beginning to open up to God to save them. So some are repenting and seeking God, but most are not. As a nation it appears we're done, but for the remnant we can hope.