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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Thanks Bro Marks.


How did Jesus spoil Satan's plan. ?

""""And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it."""

The answer is....>>"Triumphing over them in it".

And what is that exactly?

Its this...... "And for the Joy set before Him, Jesus endured the Cross, the shame", all of it.

And that JOY, is these, and much more........but here are a few Highlights of His Open Triumph.

1.) What Jesus "finished" on the Cross, that he said is "finished".... and then rose from the Dead to prove it was completed.... is literally THE "Triumph" over all the Devil's works and plans., which Jesus has produced for us all by His death, burial, and Resurrection.

See, when Jesus died for the sin of the world.... and said..>"it is finished".......Then that was the "triumph", as now all humans have the God given means to forever escape not only their bondage to sin, and eternal judgement due them, but they are allowed to rejoin God the Father In Heaven, which means the Devil loses a son or daughter, every time a person is born again.
Reader that is a Holy Triumph over "principalities and powers". and "darkness".
See, every time a person is born again, Hell just lost a potential occupant, and The devil just lost another family member.
And that is a " open triumph" over the Devil, over the minions of the devil, over the "power" which is spiritual wickedness in "high places" that was leading us all to "Your father the Devil" = Hell.

In Genesis, we read that Satan's head will be Crushed, and the Cross of Christ is the boot heel, and the resurrection of Jesus is the STOMP.......that has crushed the devil's plan, the devil's dark hopes, and the devil's selfish ambition.

Reader, until Jesus took back what Adam lost..... The Devil was unstoppable down here, as his legitimate authority over man came from a man, and so 2nd Adam came to eternally undo the Devil's authority, and did.
That is such a Open Triumph over the wicked one.

2.) "principalities and powers" refers to the Kingdom of Darkness, and the god of this world.

Satan still has authority and capacity, to temp, deceive, make you rich, make you sick, and lead you to hell, if you are an unsaved unbeliever, but he can't cause you to go to hell if you are born again.

He's Mastered all of this "work".. His ministry.....long before you showed up.
He is so good at being a cunning liar, a deceiver, that Jesus Himself didn't have a conversation with the Devil when He was taken by Him and shown all that The Devil could give Him. Instead, The Son of Man answered the Devil with the Bible.....with the word of God.

Jesus quoted verses to the Devil, to deny him, as the word of God is always THE Final ANSWER..
"spiritual warfare" that you are to fight.... uses believing prayer and the word of God..... which is literally "the authority of the believer".
And some of you who dont respect the word of God, the 'HOLY Bible"... and play with the "greek" and live and breath inside commentaries.... need to reconsider that Jesus does love the BIBLE., as He is the Word..made flesh., and the bible is the word of God as a book.
Everything that you ever needed to know about health, hope, facing fears, , living a long life, financial freedom, how to find your life mate, how to be delivered from sin, how to exist in peace of mind and heart, how to understand spirituality and spiritual gifts, start a ministry, .... how to protect yourself and your family from the DEVIL, and of course, how to go to Heaven, is all answered for you in the HOLY BIBLE.

3.) How else did Jesus Triumph over the devil? ?

Its by being given "all power in Heaven, and on Earth".
And that is literally the return of the authority and dominion over the universe, and all of creation.... that was given away by Adam to the Devil.....This has been restored to JESUS., and the born again are "in Christ".
See, Adam lost all his authority, including Dominion over all of creation.
When Adam decided to rebel, He gave away his RULE, = when he bowed the knee of worship before the Devil.

That is what He did when He chose to rebel against God. And that is why Satan has the title "god of this world".
Adam literally gave away the entire kingdom that was his dominion, and do you see what the Devil has done to us all and to this earth, once He gained Control, became its Head?
Jesus now has this dominion back, that initially started when Abraham "believed God", as this allowed the beginning of what was to be the now in process Total redemption of mankind and all of creation, that is everlastingly established with the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of the Great Lord and Eternal King, .. Yeshua.

4.) And another....... "Triumph".

"grave where is your victory, death where is your sting".

Remember, the "sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the LAW".

Reader, because of Adam, "all have sinned" and because we are born into it, God provided a rule book...The Law and Commandments".
These were given because of the fall of Adam, and the problem is..... what is Holy, = The Law and Commandments, define you and me as a "sinner".
This is the "curse of the Law".

Well, another Triumph of Jesus THE Christ, over the Devil, is that when Satan accuses you before God, of some work of the flesh, some repeated carnal deed..... and says...>"God, your law and commandments say they should DIE for that sin"...."they should be judged for that".

Triumph?? = Right here.....= JESUS who is now in heaven, having completed our "Gift of Salvation" and "Gift of Righteousness" on The Cross, says.....

"Father, i am their Eternal Advocate.......I have shed my Blood for their sin for all Eternity, and all their sin is Forgiven".. "as I AM their Forgiveness".

God says...>"Yes i know, i sent you to the Cross to be that for them".

And what does that mean?
It means that "Christ has redeemed the born again from the CURSE OF THE LAW".
Its means that "Jesus is the END OF THE LAW, for Righteousness, to everyone who believes".
It means that "God hath made Jesus to be sin for us".
It means that eternal judgment for all your sin, due you and me..... has taken place already, on the Cross of Christ.
This means that every time the Devil says to God..>"but your law says about them".....God says..>"but they are not the law, they are under my GRACE".

This means that the devil who is the "accuser of the Brethren", = The born again, is unable to make a legal heavenly court case against you and me.
He is a muted prosecutor.
The Devil is a castrated tyrant. A mouse with a megaphone. All noice and chaos, and empty accusations.
The Blood of Jesus, has thrown the devil out of Heaven's court forever and ever, amen.

And Saint that is such a ETERNAL Triumph that Jesus has accomplished for you and me.

5.) And one more Triumph.

When Jesus rose from the Dead, He didnt come out of the grave as the "suffering messiah", the "lamb of God". "the meek and lowly Jesus".
Jesus rose from the DEAD as the KING OF GLORY, the LION OF JUDAH, and the DEVIL saw this happen, as Jesus did it openly and Triumphantly right in front of Him..... and the demons and every other part of the Host of Hell. (Powers and Principalities). (Prince of the Power of the Air).

= Thank you Jesus.
= Praise you Lord.

So there are a are few of the= "Triumph's that Jesus has performed openly, in front of God, and over the World, and over The Devil..... 2000 yrs ago.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Thanks Bro Marks.


How did Jesus spoil Satan's plan. ?

""""And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it."""

The answer is....>>"Triumphing over them in it".

And what is that exactly?

Its this...... "And for the Joy set before Him, Jesus endured the Cross, the shame", all of it.

And that JOY, is these, and much more........but here are a few Highlights of His Open Triumph.

1.) What Jesus "finished" on the Cross, that he said is "finished".... and then rose from the Dead to prove it was completed.... is literally THE "Triumph" over all the Devil's works and plans., which Jesus has produced for us all by His death, burial, and Resurrection.

See, when Jesus died for the sin of the world.... and said..>"it is finished".......Then that was the "triumph", as now all humans have the God given means to forever escape not only their bondage to sin, and eternal judgement due them, but they are allowed to rejoin God the Father In Heaven, which means the Devil loses a son or daughter, every time a person is born again.
Reader that is a Holy Triumph over "principalities and powers". and "darkness".
See, every time a person is born again, Hell just lost a potential occupant, and The devil just lost another family member.
And that is a " open triumph" over the Devil, over the minions of the devil, over the "power" which is spiritual wickedness in "high places" that was leading us all to "Your father the Devil" = Hell.

In Genesis, we read that Satan's head will be Crushed, and the Cross of Christ is the boot heel, and the resurrection of Jesus is the STOMP.......that has crushed the devil's plan, the devil's dark hopes, and the devil's selfish ambition.

Reader, until Jesus took back what Adam lost..... The Devil was unstoppable down here, as his legitimate authority over man came from a man, and so 2nd Adam came to eternally undo the Devil's authority, and did.
That is such a Open Triumph over the wicked one.

2.) "principalities and powers" refers to the Kingdom of Darkness, and the god of this world.

Satan still has authority and capacity, to temp, deceive, make you rich, make you sick, and lead you to hell, if you are an unsaved unbeliever, but he can't cause you to go to hell if you are born again.

He's Mastered all of this "work".. His ministry.....long before you showed up.
He is so good at being a cunning liar, a deceiver, that Jesus Himself didn't have a conversation with the Devil when He was taken by Him and shown all that The Devil could give Him. Instead, The Son of Man answered the Devil with the Bible.....with the word of God.

Jesus quoted verses to the Devil, to deny him, as the word of God is always THE Final ANSWER..
"spiritual warfare" that you are to fight.... uses believing prayer and the word of God..... which is literally "the authority of the believer".
And some of you who dont respect the word of God, the 'HOLY Bible"... and play with the "greek" and live and breath inside commentaries.... need to reconsider that Jesus does love the BIBLE., as He is the Word..made flesh., and the bible is the word of God as a book.
Everything that you ever needed to know about health, hope, facing fears, , living a long life, financial freedom, how to find your life mate, how to be delivered from sin, how to exist in peace of mind and heart, how to understand spirituality and spiritual gifts, start a ministry, .... how to protect yourself and your family from the DEVIL, and of course, how to go to Heaven, is all answered for you in the HOLY BIBLE.

3.) How else did Jesus Triumph over the devil? ?

Its by being given "all power in Heaven, and on Earth".
And that is literally the return of the authority and dominion over the universe, and all of creation.... that was given away by Adam to the Devil.....This has been restored to JESUS., and the born again are "in Christ".
See, Adam lost all his authority, including Dominion over all of creation.
When Adam decided to rebel, He gave away his RULE, = when he bowed the knee of worship before the Devil.

That is what He did when He chose to rebel against God. And that is why Satan has the title "god of this world".
Adam literally gave away the entire kingdom that was his dominion, and do you see what the Devil has done to us all and to this earth, once He gained Control, became its Head?
Jesus now has this dominion back, that initially started when Abraham "believed God", as this allowed the beginning of what was to be the now in process Total redemption of mankind and all of creation, that is everlastingly established with the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of the Great Lord and Eternal King, .. Yeshua.

4.) And another....... "Triumph".

"grave where is your victory, death where is your sting".

Remember, the "sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the LAW".

Reader, because of Adam, "all have sinned" and because we are born into it, God provided a rule book...The Law and Commandments".
These were given because of the fall of Adam, and the problem is..... what is Holy, = The Law and Commandments, define you and me as a "sinner".
This is the "curse of the Law".

Well, another Triumph of Jesus THE Christ, over the Devil, is that when Satan accuses you before God, of some work of the flesh, some repeated carnal deed..... and says...>"God, your law and commandments say they should DIE for that sin"...."they should be judged for that".

Triumph?? = Right here.....= JESUS who is now in heaven, having completed our "Gift of Salvation" and "Gift of Righteousness" on The Cross, says.....

"Father, i am their Eternal Advocate.......I have shed my Blood for their sin for all Eternity, and all their sin is Forgiven".. "as I AM their Forgiveness".

God says...>"Yes i know, i sent you to the Cross to be that for them".

And what does that mean?
It means that "Christ has redeemed the born again from the CURSE OF THE LAW".
Its means that "Jesus is the END OF THE LAW, for Righteousness, to everyone who believes".
It means that "God hath made Jesus to be sin for us".
It means that eternal judgment for all your sin, due you and me..... has taken place already, on the Cross of Christ.
This means that every time the Devil says to God..>"but your law says about them".....God says..>"but they are not the law, they are under my GRACE".

This means that the devil who is the "accuser of the Brethren", = The born again, is unable to make a legal heavenly court case against you and me.
He is a muted prosecutor.
The Devil is a castrated tyrant. A mouse with a megaphone. All noice and chaos, and empty accusations.
The Blood of Jesus, has thrown the devil out of Heaven's court forever and ever, amen.

And Saint that is such a ETERNAL Triumph that Jesus has accomplished for you and me.

5.) And one more Triumph.

When Jesus rose from the Dead, He didnt come out of the grave as the "suffering messiah", the "lamb of God". "the meek and lowly Jesus".
Jesus rose from the DEAD as the KING OF GLORY, the LION OF JUDAH, and the DEVIL saw this happen, as Jesus did it openly and Triumphantly right in front of Him..... and the demons and every other part of the Host of Hell. (Powers and Principalities). (Prince of the Power of the Air).

= Thank you Jesus.
= Praise you Lord.

So there are few of the "Triumph's that Jesus has performed openly, in front of God, and over the World, and over The Devil..... 2000 yrs ago.
Well said.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
5.) And one more Triumph.

When Jesus rose from the Dead, He didnt come out of the grave as the "suffering messiah", the "lamb of God". "the meek and lowly Jesus".
Jesus rose from the DEAD as the KING OF GLORY, the LION OF JUDAH, and the DEVIL saw this happen, as Jesus did it openly and Triumphantly right in front of Him..... and the demons and every other part of the Host of Hell. (Powers and Principalities). (Prince of the Power of the Air).

= Thank you Jesus.
= Praise you Lord.
Reading through this again . . . the open show of triumph is seen in our victory over sin and death, our liberty, and power over flesh and evil ones, openly, to those who are able to see . . . Given to us by Christ through His death and resurrection, that being the defeat of His openly hostile enemies. Do I have the sense of what you are saying?

I appreciate the work you put into this!

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Reading through this again . . . the open show of triumph is seen in our victory over sin and death, our liberty, and power over flesh and evil ones, openly, to those who are able to see . . . Given to us by Christ through His death and resurrection, that being the defeat of His openly hostile enemies. Do I have the sense of what you are saying?

I appreciate the work you put into this!

Much love!
Reminds me of this portion of Scripture-

Heb 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Laying aside (apothemenoi). Second aorist-middle (indirect, from ourselves)

participle of apotithēmi, old verb as in Col_3:8 (laying off old clothes). The runners ran in the stadium nearly naked.

Every weight (ogkon panta). Old word (kin to enegkein, pherō) like phortos, baros. Here every encumbrance that handicaps like doubt, pride, sloth, anything. No trailing garment to hinder or trip one.

The sin which doth so easily beset us (tēn euperistaton hamartian). “The easily besetting sin.” There are a dozen possible renderings of this double compound verbal from eu, well, and periistēmi, to place around or to stand around (intransitive).

The Vulgate has circumstans nos peccatum (the sin standing around us). Probably this is the true idea here, “the easily encompassing (or surrounding) sin.” In this case apostasy from Christ was that sin.

In our cases it may be some other sin. The verbal adjective reminds one of the ring of wild beasts in the jungle that encircle the camp-fire at night each ready to pounce upon a careless victim.

Let us run (trechōmen). Present active volitive subjunctive of trechō, “let us keep on running.”

With patience (di' hupomonēs). Not with impatience, doubt, or despair.
The race that is set before us (ton prokeimenon hēmin agōna). Note the article and the present middle participle of prokeimai, old compound (already in Heb_6:18, and also in Heb_12:2). Dative case (hēmin) of personal interest.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Reading through this again . . . the open show of triumph is seen in our victory over sin and death, our liberty, and power over flesh and evil ones, openly, to those who are able to see . . . Given to us by Christ through His death and resurrection, that being the defeat of His openly hostile enemies. Do I have the sense of what you are saying?

I appreciate the work you put into this!

Much love!

Everything we have become is "in Christ"...= "through Christ".
And that just means that Jesus is the reason for it all and we have become a part of Him, so, as He is, so are we, and in His Triumph, we are found.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
the open show of triumph is seen in our victory over sin and death, our liberty, and power over flesh and evil ones, openly,
In Christ-in Him, who did it alone, so that we, in union with our risen Lord-might be partakers with Him and the indwelling Holy Spirit-and be overcomers in our daily struggles and victories.
Our flesh is not reborn as I'm sure you are aware of that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
In Christ-in Him, who did it alone, so that we, in union with our risen Lord-might be partakers with Him and the indwelling Holy Spirit-and be overcomers in our daily struggles and victories.
Our flesh is not reborn as I'm sure you are aware of that.

Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God.""

"the body is dead because of sin", and the Born again are "seated in heavenly places in Christ".

"the old man of sin is crucified with Christ"

"if you walk in the Spirit, You...shall.......not.... fulfill the lusts of the Flesh"

"Christ ALWAYS... gives me the Victory"...over the flesh, the world and the devil.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God.""

"the body is dead because of sin", and the Born again are "seated in heavenly places in Christ".

"the old man of sin is crucified with Christ"

"if you walk in the Spirit, You...shall.......not.... fulfill the lusts of the Flesh"

"Christ ALWAYS... gives me the Victory"...over the flesh, the world and the devil.
Maybe you should start a thread on HOW to walk in the Spirit?