Tribulation Outtakes

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Rev 1:1 . .The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his
servants-- things which must shortly take place. And he sent and signified it
by His angel etc, etc.

The Greek word translated "shortly" tells us that the events depicted in the
book of Revelation will be completed within a relatively brief space of time.

The Greek word translated "signified" basically refers to indications: in this
case, I'd say they can be safely understood as a series of red flags. In other
words: nobody knows the exact day nor hour of Jesus' return to rule the
world, but the events depicted in the book of Revelation will serve as early
warnings to alert folks that the time has come-- sort of like the act-by-act
synopses used by folks interested in operas like La Bohème, Hamlet, Madam
Butterfly, Porgy and Bess, South Pacific, and Don Giovanni.

If folks stuck in the tribulation era use Revelation like that; they'll have a
pretty good idea when to expect Jesus' arrival; and begin preparing
themselves for it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Rev 1:1 . .The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his
servants-- things which must shortly take place. And he sent and signified it
by His angel etc, etc.

The Greek word translated "shortly" tells us that the events depicted in the
book of Revelation will be completed within a relatively brief space of time.

No, it does not. No where does it imply all of Rev will happen in a short amount of time. It only says "things" but not "all things". Some things took place a long time ago, some of the things in Rev were of the past so those obviously are not part of soon to happen things, and some, in fact most things have not yet happened.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Rev 6:5 . . And when He broke the third seal, I heard the third living
creature saying: Come! And I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who
sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.

Scales (a.k.a. balances) were mechanical devices used in the application of
commercial weights and measures. Modern electronic scales are quite a bit
more sophisticated.

The black horse in this case indicates hunger. (compare the pale horse's
assignment in Rev 6:8)

Rev 6:6a . . And I heard as it were a voice in the center of the four living
creatures saying: A measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of
of barley for a denarius;

The Greek word translated "measure" is roughly equal to 1.09 liters or 2.3
US pints. The denarius is widely assumed to have been equivalent to a day's
pay for soldiers and/or laborers.

It's a pretty good guess that what we're looking at is hand-to-mouth
existence due to inflationary pricing caused by the simple fact that there just
won't be enough to go around; for example:

"When I cut off your supply of bread, ten women will be able to bake your
bread in one oven, and they will dole out the bread by weight. You will eat,
but you will not be satisfied." (Lev 26:26)

Rev 6:6b . . do not damage the oil and the wine!

Oil made from olives was common in just about everybody's kitchen and
served as a shortening. (cf. 1Kngs 17:8-12) Wine was a common first aid
treatment, likely due to its alcohol content (e.g. Luke 10:34) and also useful
as a sedative (Prov 31:6-7)

NOTE: The oil used in Luke 10:34 was likely an essential oil rather than
olive, e.g. Myrrh, Clove, and/or Frankincense.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Jesus's return is anyday anytime!!!Are you ready???
Jesus will not return until AFTER the Antichrist is revealed = Daniel ch9, ch12 , Matt ch24 and 2 Thessalonians ch2 & 1 John ch2

However, any one of us can die anyday and at anytime = Are you ready?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Rev 6:7-8 . .When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of
the fourth living creature say: Come!

. . . I looked, and there before me was a pale horse. Its rider was named
Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power
over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the
wild beasts of the earth.

* The lethal sources listed are common throughout the world today; but
never have they harvested so many souls as they will in the future. For

The current global population is roughly +/- 7,961,147,206 souls. By the
time Mr. Death finished his work, something like +/- 1.998 billion of those
people would be rubbed out by war, hunger, disease, and the animal
kingdom; which consists of a fair number of poisonous species along with
toxic critters like vampire bats and mosquitoes.

* In perspective: 1.998 billion people adds up to nearly 6x the USA's current

We don't usually notice someone's passing unless they're famous or one of
our friends, associates, and relatives. Well; when Mr. Death goes to work,
the dead will be all around and impossible to overlook. I rather suspect
funeral homes will be overwhelmed; if open for business at all.

And ER? Well, it's Mr. Death's intention that people die rather than survive,
so I should think that any and all medical attention the hospitals are able to
provide will be quite ineffective, viz: they'll likely serve as morgues instead
of treatment centers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Rev 6:12 . . I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great
earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the
whole moon turned blood red

Astronomically, that depicts a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse
simultaneously; which nature by itself cannot produce due to specific
alignment requirements.

Rev 6:13 . . and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a
fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.

Those will likely be shooting stars (a.k.a. meteors) and possibly asteroids
too, rather than solar bodies like Polaris, Sirius, Betelgeuse, and/or Rigel
which would cause impacts that the Earth simply cannot accommodate due
to its Lilliputian size compared to the mass of those kinds of celestial
objects. Many of the stars seen in the sky are quite a bit larger than the
Sun; whose diameter is 109x, and its volume 1,300,000x, the Earth's.

Rev 6:14a . .The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up

Whether that pertains to the entire cosmos or limited to the Earth's
atmosphere is uncertain, although it does seem a preview of Rev 20:11.

Rev 6:14b . . and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

No doubt previous centuries of theologians were curious about that
prediction, but thanks to the relatively new science of plate tectonics, we
now know that the movement of mountains and islands has been occurring
all along; just not as noticeable as the shuffle depicted by Rev 16:14b.

Anyway, those events will quite naturally cause a world-wide panic.

Rev 6:15-17 . . .Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the
rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and
among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the
rocks: Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne
and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come,
and who can stand?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Astronomically, that depicts a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse
simultaneously; which nature by itself cannot produce due to specific
alignment requirements.
So; what will happen when Jesus opens the Sixth Seal, will not be an eclipse.
But there is a natural cause which would produce the effects described. That would be a Coronal Mass Ejection, an explosion on the suns surface.
CME's happen regularly and usually cause radio interference and auroras. There have been a few which have badly affected the earth and the CME that is Prophesied to happen, will be one of unprecedented magnitude. Joel 2::2b

A big CME is the only thing that will literally fulfil all the graphically prophesied details of the Lord's Day of vengeance and wrath.
Wait for the Day! Zephaniah 3:8


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Rev 8:7 . .The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and
fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the earth. A third of the
earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green
grass was burned up.

There's quite a bit of destruction depicted in that verse; and I suspect it's all
aimed at agriculture.

First a portion of the soil's organic material is destroyed which will greatly
impact its fertility.

Next a portion of the trees are destroyed so that foods derived from trees--
e.g. nuts, and fruits-- will become in short supply.

And finally all the green grass; which is translated from words that suggest
crops will be just starting to mature and produce grain, e.g. corn, beans,
wheat, spelt, barley, oats, and rice; et al.

* Rice is a staple food for over ½ of the world's human population,
particularly in Asia and Africa.

NOTE: Although crops will be burned, they'll bounce back. (Rev 9:1-4)

Anyway, when the availability of food stuffs is limited; demand exceeds
supply; and with that prices go up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Rev 13:4 . . And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the
Beast: and they worshipped the Beast, saying: Who is like unto the Beast?
Who is able to make war with him?

* The Dragon is identified at Rev 12:9 as the Serpent, the Devil, and Satan;
so there can be no doubt who this creature really is. (cf. Rev 20:2)

It's quite possible that the people of that day will honestly believe the Beast
is empowered by a divine being; and unaware they are actually giving glory
to a demonic being instead. For example:

2Thess 2:9-12 . . .This evil man will come to do the work of Satan with
counterfeit power and signs and miracles. He will use every kind of wicked
deception to fool those who are on their way to destruction because they
refuse to believe the truth that would save them. So God will send great
deception upon them, and they will believe all these lies.

Worship of the Beast will be universal, mandatory, and strictly enforced
regardless of age, race, gender, and/or ethnic identity-- a one-world mega
religion that blows all others out of the water, e.g. Islam, Mormonism,
Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Baha'i, Buddhism, etc.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Worship of the Beast will be universal, mandatory, and strictly enforced
But the Bible Prophets tell us how the Christian peoples will gather and live in all of the holy land soon after all that area is cleared and cleansed. Deuteronomy 32:34-43 We Christians will not be part of the One World Govt., in our own nation of Beulah; Isaiah 62:1-5

Isaiah 52:1-14 Awake; Awake, Zion, put on your strength! Jerusalem, holy city, put on your splendid garments, for the heathen and the ungodly will never again enter you. Arise, captive city – shake off the dust and undo your bonds, you captive daughter of Zion.

The Lord says: You were sold, but no price was paid and without payment you will be redeemed. My people were captives in Egypt, then in Assyria, but now what do I find? My people in exile and My Name reviled constantly. But on the Day that I save My people, they will know My Name and know that it is the Lord who speaks. Here I am!

Deliverance is announced, as the Lord bares His holy arm and makes His power seen by the whole world. The watchmen of Zion shout for joy amid the ruins of Jerusalem, for the Lord has comforted His people.

Go out, leave Babylon behind, keep pure, you that keep the sacraments of the Lord. But you will not flee in urgent haste or leave like fugitives, for the Lord will go before you and your rearguard will be Israel’s God. My servant will achieve success; He will be honoured and exalted. The time was when many despised My people, just as My servant is despised and rejected, but now they will see what they had never understood and their minds will be filled with things unheard of before. Ref: REB. Abridged.

‘My people – in Assyria’, This refers to the ten Northern tribes of Israel, now the Western, Christian Nations. But specifically: the Lord’s people are now every faithful Christian, from every race, nation and language. Revelation 5:9-10

‘The Lord bares His holy arm – His power seen by the whole world’, This will be the next action of the Lord on earth. It is the many prophesied Great Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath, a terrible judgement/punishment of fire, earthquakes, storms and tsunamis that will devastate and depopulate the entire Middle East, Ezekiel 30:1-5, and will severely affect all the world.

‘My servant’, The Lord Jesus Christ. It is Jesus who instigates this disaster, as we are told in Luke 3:17. He will not be seen on that Day, Psalms 18:11, Habakkuk 3:3-6, and from the many graphic descriptions of this event, He will cause a Coronal Mass Ejection, an explosion of the suns surface of an unprecedented magnitude that will cause all the prophesied effects. Isaiah 30:25-30

‘The Lord saves His people’, Those faithful Christians, born again in Jesus, who keep His commandments, who trust in Him for their salvation and who heed the warnings to take shelter, will be protected on that Day. Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21

‘Go out of Babylon, but not as fugitives’, Babylon: a metaphor for the ungodly nations. The Lord’s people have wonderful promises of how they will be transported back into all of the holy Land, where they will live in peace and security. Psalms 107

‘What they never understood’, The Lord’s plans are impossible to know by any atheist or false religion follower, but also those who study God’s Word in the Bible, if they have failed to properly discern the prophetic scriptures and allowed themselves to be swayed by false doctrines and teachings.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Rev 13:5a . . And there was given unto the Beast a mouth speaking great

That's pretty much describes the rhetoric of most every politician, viz:
promises of a better world under the auspices of their own administrative

Rev 13:5b . . and blasphemies

In this scenario, the Beast is God's political opponent, no doubt scoffing at
the notion of Christ's return to rule the world.

Well political opponents in today's world make it their mission in life to
destroy the other guy's reputation and call into question his motives. I
suspect the Beast's tactics will be no different because it's to his advantage
to emphasize the old God's perceived faults and failures and show how
himself as the new God can do a much better job managing the world's

"He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is
worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to
be God." (2Thess 2:3-4)

NOTE: I would imagine that a first order of business for the Beast will be to
come up with a plausible explanation for the world-wide extraction described
by 1Thess 4:13-18 wherein nigh unto 2,000 years of deceased Christians will
appear out of thin air all over the globe and join those alive to go up and
rendezvous with Christ in the clouds.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
I would imagine that a first order of business for the Beast will be to
come up with a plausible explanation for the world-wide extraction described
by 1Thess 4:13-18 wherein nigh unto 2,000 years of deceased Christians will
appear out of thin air all over the globe and join those alive to go up and
rendezvous with Christ in the clouds.
This is wrong.
The dead do not rise until the GWT Judgment, after the Millennium. The exception is only the GT martyrs, whose souls Jesus will bring with Hm and they will be brought back to mortal life. Revelation 20:4


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
This is wrong.
The dead do not rise until the GWT Judgment, after the Millennium. The exception is only the GT martyrs, whose souls Jesus will bring with Hm and they will be brought back to mortal life. Revelation 20:4

The GWT is when "the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished" That's the last of the dead proving there was a group of the dead that rose BEFORE the GWT. This proves your claim "The dead do not rise until the GWT Judgment" to be wrong and you prove it wrong with the admitted exception anyways.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
This is wrong.

I learned the hard way that it's best not to tell people they're wrong on
internet forums lest the hapless day arrive when you're forced to eat your
words; and that in front of the whole world wide web. Very humiliating; and
it will likely cost you some credibility too.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Rev 13:5c . . and power was given unto him to continue forty and two

Prophetic months aren't the same as calendar months. Prophetic months are
thirty days each; so that forty-two such months add up to 1,260 days, i.e.
3½ prophetic years, e.g. Rev 11:2 & Rev 12:6

Prophetic months are sort of like a baker's dozen. Though a baker's dozen
isn't a dozen of twelve; it's nonetheless a dozen in its own right: the same
with mean solar time vs sidereal time, and true north vs magnetic north.

* Scripture introduces prophetic months in Genesis relative to the Flood
where a period of five months adds up to exactly 150 days.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Rev 13:7-8 . . And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and
to overcome them; and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues,
and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose
names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world.

Because we're talking about all kindreds, and tongues, and nations; then I
think we may safely assume that the "saints" in this case are possibly
anyone and everybody that can be counted as loyal to God; both Jew and
Gentile. This may or may not refer to armed conflict but for sure it's related
to oppression; and it's going to be very effective if we reckon these saints to
be the innumerable crowd depicted at Rev 7:9-17.

The Beast's management practices are extreme, but not all that unusual.
Take for example modern communist China. It's very dangerous to be
openly religious in that country, and/or hold values that differ with the
regime's, where they harvest the organs of Falun Gong adherents without
their consent. The situation in North Korea is little better where God is
second place to Kim Jong-Un.

* The Lamb slain "from the foundation of the world" reveals that Jesus
wasn't a stand-by paramedic sent to an unexpected train wreck, rather; he
was designated, and scheduled, to die on a cross for the sins of the world
prior to God creating even a single atom for the current cosmos. In other
words: the cross was anticipated. (cf. 1Pet 1:18-21)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Rev 13:8 . . All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast— all whose
names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that
was slain from the world.

Everything is a foregone conclusion with God; nothing surprises Him. God
foresaw the forbidden fruit incident, He foresaw Cain and Abel, He foresaw
the Flood, He foresaw the Tower of Babel, He foresaw Sodom and Gomorrah,
He foresaw the Exodus, He foresaw the Holocaust, He foresaw all the folks
who won't bow to the Beast, and He has seen the Lake of Fire and the end of
the world as we know it.

There are no new believers to God. He's already foreseen every one of them
back at the very beginning just as He's seen everything else ahead of time
before it comes to pass. Ergo: if somebody's name isn't already in the lamb's
book of life, then their name will never be in there because the book is
closed; it's finished.

Eph 1:3-5 . . Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who
has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
For He chose us in him before the creation of the world . . . in love He
predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in
accordance with His pleasure and will.