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Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
As I've started looking in to this more I'm seeing a lot of preachers says that all our future sins are already forgiven.

If this is true, then it does not sound like anybody that believes in Jesus is going to be held accountable for any immoral choices made in this life at all since all sins are already forgiven.

If future sins being already forgiven wasn't true then why are so many preachers out there teaching this?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Hello Dan,
Welcome to the forum!

40 years ago, when I was 18, I attended a southern Baptist church. I was saved, baptised, and then went on about my life as id nothing changed.
I never drank alchohol, but I did smoke weed and I still smoke cigarettes.

Some people say it's about the outward appearance. How you look, what you eat, what day you go to church, etc etc.

Getting saved isn't a religion, it's a change of who you are inside. It's a desire to be better than you were before.
More patient, more kind, more tolerant, more understanding...
But the bottom line is this, Getting to know Jesus and what he wants from us.

It's not about your pastor, or your co-worker, or your girlfriend, or your best friend.
It's about what Jesus is telling you in your heart and in your mind.

Throughout the years I walked some good paths and some bad paths. I lost touch with the Lord for a few years here and a few years there.
But I always got drawn back, to wanting to learn more, and to be a better person than I was before.

This aint no cake walk, its not a one time thing. It's a lifelong change that you have to be willing to make in yourself.
Jesus aint a book you put on the shelf and pick up when you feel like it.
Once your saved he's watching and walking with you every step you take.
And there will come a time when you won't want to keep doing what your doing, because your conscience will start working on you and saying, I need to stop that or I need to walk away from this.
But it don't happen overnight.

Thing is, you have to want to get to know who it is that died for you that gave you that salvation that you walked in front the crowd and accepted as your own.

Your looking for excuses as to, if I sin Im still saved or not, is irrelevant.
Just know, that everything you do is on His monitor and your the focus point. And He loves you and wants you to be healthy, happy, and caring about other people.

You've entered into a relationship, not a religion. It's not about the outside but rather the inside.
Once the inside gets cleaned up then you won't want to do those outward things that you know He don't approve of.

Ofcourse the more someone tells you you have to stop, the more your going to do it. That's human nature.
So what has to happen, and it will over time, if you let it, you'll begin to tell yourself you have to stop.
You'll find your language cleans up, your attitude cleans up, and eventually your lifestyle will fall into place.

It's the inside that matters.. first clean the inside of the cup, and the rest will follow.

But don't use excuses because they don't work. And if after time there are no changes in you, then I would ask myself,
was I sincere when I asked Jesus to save me? Or was I just doing what I thought other people thought I should do.
There is a difference. And you have to answer that one yourself.
You can't pull the wool over Jesus' eyes the same way you can people.
Just sayin.

Hope to see you around the Forum.
Come on over to Ziggy's Barista located in the Forum for some good music and coffee or whatever.
Chill out, post some music.. we all love music :D

I do anyways..

Here's a cup on the house

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Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
and I still smoke cigarettes.

So the Lord is OK with smoking cigarettes and this is not a sin?

Many claim it's a sin since it's proven to damage the body.

If this is true and smoking cigarettes is actually a sin, then isn't that willful sin?

I've heard some people say willful sin is not forgiven because we would be doing wrong and know we are doing wrong and have decided to do it anyway.

if I sin I'm still saved or not, is irrelevant.

Good to know. This is how the pastor explained it to me that regardless of how one lives they are still saved as long as they believe Jesus paid for their sins.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
So the Lord is OK with smoking cigarettes and this is not a sin?

Many claim it's a sin since it's proven to damage the body.

If this is true and smoking cigarettes is actually a sin, then isn't that willful sin?

I've heard some people say willful sin is not forgiven because we would be doing wrong and know we are doing wrong and have decided to do it anyway.

Good to know. This is how the pastor explained it to me that regardless of how one lives they are still saved as long as they believe Jesus paid for their sins.
Some people say eating pork is a sin, but most people like spareribs right?

This is what Jesus says:

Mat 15:17
Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?
Mat 15:18
But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
Mat 15:19
For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:
Mat 15:20
These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.

If you go about your life and your not having any changes on the inside first, then there's a problem.
So you say, oh I can just keep doing whatever I want with no consequences, no it don't work that way.
If you truly accepted the Lord as your savior and was sincere, He's gonna clean you up.
And you can either do it the easy way, which is willingly participate. Or he will put you in circumstances where you got no choice.

So you say, hey, i drink and smoke weed no big deal. But someday you may end u in the hospital where smoking and drinking aint allowed.
Or you get some sickness that makes you stop drinking and smoking..
see where I'm going?

You can't say, oh look I accepted Christ as my savior, and believe you won't be held accountable for what you say.
Cause you will.

For me smoking is becoming an inconvience. I been smoking since I was 10. That's 48 years now.
And I'm not ready to quit.
But it's not easy to maintain either.
I smoke in my room only, since my dad came to live with me last april.
My car don't run so good, so I hesitate going to the store to buy tobacco.
Caughing is getting a bit out of hand.
And I know I'm going to have to quit, or he'll make it impossible for me to keep smoking.
The choice is mine.
But it's not going to change my salvation status.
God don't judge your flesh, he judges your heart.
The flesh is gonna judge the flesh, by either being healthy or sick.

You want to change, he'll give you the strength to do it. I quit once before a long time ago,
I prayed and stopped smoking for about 3 months, but then I gave in and I been smoking ever since.
Stubborness is definately not a virtue when it comes to changing bad habits.

You know what the ultimate sin is?
Believing there aint no God that's going to hold you accountable.
You get psoriasis of the liver or end up in a car accident because you too high and your reaction is too slow,
you got no one to blame but yourself. But that won't keep you from being saved spiritually.
The only thing that will keep you from being saved is the belief that there is no God.
And you'll probably die a lot sooner than what God had planned for you. And you'll probably go through a lot of pain and suffering for a short time high.

And you'll cry Lord I believed in you why didnt you fix this?
And he'll say,you had the power to fix it yourself and you chose not to.
I'm dealing with that right now.
So I get it.
But Jesus is more interested in your heart than he is your body. Your flesh is in your own control.
Your spirit however, once you hand it over to God.... don't abuse it.
Don't be mean, don't be nasty, don't be judgmental, don't be argumentative.
Soften up, care more, love more...
and drink more coffee :D



Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
As I've started looking in to this more I'm seeing a lot of preachers says that all our future sins are already forgiven.

If this is true, then it does not sound like anybody that believes in Jesus is going to be held accountable for any immoral choices made in this life at all since all sins are already forgiven.

If future sins being already forgiven wasn't true then why are so many preachers out there teaching this?
Still wondering if this isn't a put-on job. But that's cool; it's an interesting subject that needs to be discussed.

What does it mean to forgive someone? And a related concept from another thread, what does "reconciliation" mean?

These are relationship terms. Yeah, we're going to talk about relationships. "Reconciliation" is the reestablishment of a busted relationship. "Forgiveness" in this context means the offense that broke the relationship is no longer a barrier to reestablishing the relationship. God and sinners reconciled. 'Tis the season for reconciliation.

The relationship between God and the believer, between God and His people, is often modeled by the relationship between a Father and His child. (Which is a problem for those whose relationships with their earthly fathers was not so good, but I digress.) I think that in this context, "Forgiveness" means the offense will not break the relationship, i.e. the Father is not going to throw a misbehaving child out on the street. It DOES NOT mean that actions don't have consequences, because in a healthy parent/child relationship, they do.

It also doesn't mean a child can't decide to leave home and never come back.

We can talk about it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
I'm wanting to kinda get to the bottom of all this and see what it's all about. My coworker is telling me there is more to getting saved than praying a sinners prayer and believing God raised Jesus from the dead.

I thought it may be best to hear from other Christians
I didn't read the entire thread so others probably covered this already.

But when you prayed for forgiveness of your sins, were you truly sincere about it? Or was it just words you said? Were you truly sorry for your sins?

When I prayed for forgiveness (1972), I also asked the Lord to come into my heart/life. And then I read the Bible often so that I could grow spiritually.

There is the doctrine of justification which means "just as if I never sinned."

But there is also the doctrine of sanctification....this is a process throughout our lives where we are becoming more like Christ.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2023
United States
Not to give my whole life story here but I'm a young person (20s) that got saved at a Baptist church a few years back by going down front at a church service when the pastor invited those to come forward that want to get saved. I repeated the sinners prayer and the pastor said I was saved no matter what anybody says because God said I was saved!

I thought that was all these was to it since the pastor said all I had to do is believe and that salvation in Jesus was by faith alone and my lifestyle cannot change the fact that I'm saved. This all happened about 3 years ago.

So, there's this guy at work that is telling me he doesn't think I'm saved. I found out he was a Christian and we talk sometimes when we are on break. We get 3 breaks during the day for about 20 minutes so we're been talking about religious stuff.

His big problem seems to be my hot girlfriend spending the night at my house sometimes and yes we have sex and we also smoke weed sometimes which shouldn't be a big deal since Jesus got drunk on wine with those people I heard about. It's not like I'm a criminal and I don't treat others bad or anything.

This guy at work is telling me in order to be saved I'm supposed to quit doing what he says is sinful behavior but it's not what the pastor told me when I got saved. Now this guy is sending me all these bible verses by email and some of these are kinda scary and sounds like I might not be saved anymore. I can share some of the stuff he sent if anybody is wanting to comment about the claims he is making

I'm wanting to kinda get to the bottom of all this and see what it's all about. My coworker is telling me there is more to getting saved than praying a sinners prayer and believing God raised Jesus from the dead.

I thought it may be best to hear from other Christians rather than talking to the pastor since he's always busy anyway. His church is really big so you have to make like an appointment to get in to talk to him which takes a while.
All I can say is it sounds like a big self-control problem. If you just smoked weed occasionally, or had an occasional social drink, it probably wouldn't be a big deal. You not only do both, but you're also having non-marital sex with your girlfriend.

Mabey you think you don't treat others badly but that's probably just your opinion. Proverbs 16:2 says, "All a man’s ways are pure in his own eyes, but his motives are weighed by the LORD." The Lord's standard of what it means to treat someone badly aren't the same as human standards. You're still young; but if you don't acquire some self-control, I can guarantee you will have nowhere to go but down.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Not to give my whole life story here but I'm a young person (20s) that got saved at a Baptist church a few years back by going down front at a church service when the pastor invited those to come forward that want to get saved. I repeated the sinners prayer and the pastor said I was saved no matter what anybody says because God said I was saved!

I thought that was all these was to it since the pastor said all I had to do is believe and that salvation in Jesus was by faith alone and my lifestyle cannot change the fact that I'm saved. This all happened about 3 years ago.

So, there's this guy at work that is telling me he doesn't think I'm saved. I found out he was a Christian and we talk sometimes when we are on break. We get 3 breaks during the day for about 20 minutes so we're been talking about religious stuff.

His big problem seems to be my hot girlfriend spending the night at my house sometimes and yes we have sex and we also smoke weed sometimes which shouldn't be a big deal since Jesus got drunk on wine with those people I heard about. It's not like I'm a criminal and I don't treat others bad or anything.

This guy at work is telling me in order to be saved I'm supposed to quit doing what he says is sinful behavior but it's not what the pastor told me when I got saved. Now this guy is sending me all these bible verses by email and some of these are kinda scary and sounds like I might not be saved anymore. I can share some of the stuff he sent if anybody is wanting to comment about the claims he is making

I'm wanting to kinda get to the bottom of all this and see what it's all about. My coworker is telling me there is more to getting saved than praying a sinners prayer and believing God raised Jesus from the dead.

I thought it may be best to hear from other Christians rather than talking to the pastor since he's always busy anyway. His church is really big so you have to make like an appointment to get in to talk to him which takes a while.

Hi Dan~
Welcome to the forum.
God Bless you,



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2023
United States
So, there's this guy at work that is telling me he doesn't think I'm saved. I found out he was a Christian and we talk sometimes when we are on break. We get 3 breaks during the day for about 20 minutes so we're been talking about religious stuff.
As for this guy at work, I'd put some distance between you an him. I'm not so sure he has your best interest at heart.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
And now I want to change perspectives....

There will come a time when you realize down deep that God really does love you, and that Jesus Christ really was willing to die so that you could live. Then the question is no longer, "Am I really saved? Can I lose my salvation?" It becomes, "I am loved. What would be an appropriate response to the One who loved me? How can I love Him back?"
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Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
If you go about your life and your not having any changes on the inside first, then there's a problem.
So you say, oh I can just keep doing whatever I want with no consequences, no it don't work that way.
If you truly accepted the Lord as your savior and was sincere, He's gonna clean you up.

So when is He going to clean me up?

Is this something he does and I just go about my life as normal and then one day He cleans me up?

So you say, hey, i drink and smoke weed no big deal. But someday you may end u in the hospital where smoking and drinking aint allowed.
Or you get some sickness that makes you stop drinking and smoking..
see where I'm going?

You make it sound like the Lord is a mob boss and He's going to put a hit out on me or something?

For me smoking is becoming an inconvience. I been smoking since I was 10. That's 48 years now.
And I'm not ready to quit.

OK so if smoking is a sin as a lot of people claim doesn't this mean you are doing wrong on purpose?

I think that in this context, "Forgiveness" means the offense will not break the relationship, i.e. the Father is not going to throw a misbehaving child out on the street.

Sounds like it a moot point if we live in sin or not because we still get to go to Heaven even if we decide to live in sin, right?

I keep hearing there's nothing we can possibly do that causes us to lose our salvation so that seems to be the bottom line with all this.

There is the doctrine of justification which means "just as if I never sinned."

They claim all our sins are forgiven past, present, and future so it sounds like it's all good regardless of how we live.

All I can say is it sounds like a big self-control problem. If you just smoked weed occasionally, or had an occasional social drink, it probably wouldn't be a big deal. You not only do both, but you're also having non-marital sex with your girlfriend.

It's a good thing all our future sins are already forgiven right?

As for this guy at work, I'd put some distance between you an him. I'm not so sure he has your best interest at heart.

He has a bunch of verses from the bible that he says are true, verses that preachers don't want to talk about.

Some of the stuff he's emailed to me I haven't read it all yet so you think I should not look at his bible verses at all?

There will come a time when you realize down deep that God really does love you, and that Jesus Christ really was willing to die so that you could live. Then the question is no longer, "Am I really saved? Can I lose my salvation?" It becomes, "I am loved. What would be an appropriate response to the One who loved me? How can I love Him back?"

Isn't the right response is to believe? And salvation is by faith alone and what we do doesn't matter it's just whether we believe or not?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I had a whole post that I wrote to you, and when I hit 'post reply', it somehow disappeared! :(
Well, I've written half a dozen, and deleted every one, I don't think this is real.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
You make it sound like the Lord is a mob boss and He's going to put a hit out on me or something?
You make it sound like you don't care about what you do, or if you are pleasing to the one whom you call Lord. So you call Jesus Lord, but what does that mean to you?

Much love!
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Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
Here's a quote I just got by private message:

See! It doesn't matter if we do sinful things or not because Jesus covers all out sins and we cannot ever lose out salvation!

Bottom line is:
* IF…you BELIEVE in your HEART IN God, IN Jesus, that God SENT Jesus….
you ARE Saved Period.

Dan Clarkston

Active Member
Dec 16, 2023
Denver Colorado
United States
You make it sound like you don't care about what you do, or if you are pleasing to the one whom you call Lord. So you call Jesus Lord, but what does that mean to you?

I'm hearing a lot of people say all our future sins have already been forgiven?

Is this true or not? What bible passages say this anyway?