Pentecostalism: The Glorification of the Flesh

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Robert Pate

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2023
United States
Pentecost was a Jewish holiday; it was not a Christian holiday. People came from everywhere to celebrate Pentecost. What happened on the day of Pentecost was a onetime event. Nothing had ever happened like that before the day of Pentecost and nothing has ever happened like that since. Pentecostals have used the name Pentecost to describe their religion.

What happened on the day of Pentecost is what gave birth to the New Testament church. The question is what did happen of the day of Pentecost? Many believe that Pentecost was about the Holy Spirit coming into the world. What it was really about was the Gospel coming into the world in the power of the Holy Spirit. What was all of the tongues about? (Which was foreign languages) It was about, "The wonderful works of God" Acts 2:11. The wonderful works of God is the Gospel. It is about how Jesus had defeated sin, death and the devil and in doing so reconciled us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19.

It was the Gospel that gave birth to the New Testament church. The Holy Spirit was there on the day of Pentecost to convict the Jewish people of their need for Jesus Christ and to reveal the Gospel to the apostles. All that heard Peter's Gospel and believed Peter's Gospel were born again by the Holy Spirit. This was the purpose of the Holy Spirit. "Then they that gladly received (Peter's Gospel) were baptized: and the same day there was added unto them (the church) about 3,000 souls" Acts 2:41. The next day, "Those that heard and believed were about 5,000" Acts 4:4. For a total of about 8,000.

After Pentecost the apostles went everywhere preaching Jesus Christ and his Gospel. There is no mention after Pentecost of the mighty wind or the cloven tongues of fire, The message was Jesus Christ and his Gospel and not their subjective experience. The purpose of the tongues was to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. People that were there on the day of Pentecost heard the Gospel message in their own tongue, Acts 2:6. Paul wrote, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (which is the Gospel) Romans 10:17.

The Miracles that the apostles performed were done to confirm that the Gospel message that they were preaching was of God. They would do a miracle and when a crowd gathered, they would preach the Gospel to them. This was the purpose of miracles. Same thing with tongues. Tongues were used to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. People heard the Gospel message in their own tongue. Tongues are of no use today because the Bible is available to everyone in many different languages. Same way with miracles. There are no miracles today because there are no apostles today. The Gospel can easily be found in the Bible or through other Christians.

Pentecostalism much like Catholicism is a religion of the flesh. God does not want to take away from the greatest miracle that has ever happened in the work and the person of Jesus Christ. Miracles, tongues, revelations are a distraction and a diversion away from Christ and his Gospel.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Pentecost was a Jewish holiday; it was not a Christian holiday. People came from everywhere to celebrate Pentecost. What happened on the day of Pentecost was a onetime event. Nothing had ever happened like that before the day of Pentecost and nothing has ever happened like that since. Pentecostals have used the name Pentecost to describe their religion.

What happened on the day of Pentecost is what gave birth to the New Testament church. The question is what did happen of the day of Pentecost? Many believe that Pentecost was about the Holy Spirit coming into the world. What it was really about was the Gospel coming into the world in the power of the Holy Spirit. What was all of the tongues about? (Which was foreign languages) It was about, "The wonderful works of God" Acts 2:11. The wonderful works of God is the Gospel. It is about how Jesus had defeated sin, death and the devil and in doing so reconciled us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19.

It was the Gospel that gave birth to the New Testament church. The Holy Spirit was there on the day of Pentecost to convict the Jewish people of their need for Jesus Christ and to reveal the Gospel to the apostles. All that heard Peter's Gospel and believed Peter's Gospel were born again by the Holy Spirit. This was the purpose of the Holy Spirit. "Then they that gladly received (Peter's Gospel) were baptized: and the same day there was added unto them (the church) about 3,000 souls" Acts 2:41. The next day, "Those that heard and believed were about 5,000" Acts 4:4. For a total of about 8,000.

After Pentecost the apostles went everywhere preaching Jesus Christ and his Gospel. There is no mention after Pentecost of the mighty wind or the cloven tongues of fire, The message was Jesus Christ and his Gospel and not their subjective experience. The purpose of the tongues was to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. People that were there on the day of Pentecost heard the Gospel message in their own tongue, Acts 2:6. Paul wrote, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (which is the Gospel) Romans 10:17.

The Miracles that the apostles performed were done to confirm that the Gospel message that they were preaching was of God. They would do a miracle and when a crowd gathered, they would preach the Gospel to them. This was the purpose of miracles. Same thing with tongues. Tongues were used to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. People heard the Gospel message in their own tongue. Tongues are of no use today because the Bible is available to everyone in many different languages. Same way with miracles. There are no miracles today because there are no apostles today. The Gospel can easily be found in the Bible or through other Christians.

Pentecostalism much like Catholicism is a religion of the flesh. God does not want to take away from the greatest miracle that has ever happened in the work and the person of Jesus Christ. Miracles, tongues, revelations are a distraction and a diversion away from Christ and his Gospel.
Of all the Jewish holidays do you know why the New Covenant started on the feast of Pentecost?

Robert Pate

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2023
United States
Of all the Jewish holidays do you know why the New Covenant started on the feast of Pentecost?
The New Covenant did not start on the day of Pentecost. The New Covenant went into effect when Jesus died on the cross and God tore the veil that covered the "Holy of Holies" from the top to the bottom, Matthew 27:51


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
The New Covenant did not start on the day of Pentecost. The New Covenant went into effect when Jesus died on the cross and God tore the veil that covered the "Holy of Holies" from the top to the bottom, Matthew 27:51

The New Covenant has to do with the Spirit. It could only start after Jesus left for the last time. And then from heaven what He sent back to earth. The Spirit of Christ.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
The New Covenant has to do with the Spirit. It could only start after Jesus left for the last time. And then from heaven what He sent back to earth. The Spirit of Christ.

@Robert Pate
Indeed, until the Spirit was poured out on all who would enter in... who could?

Jesus opened the Way [tearing of veil], but without the Holy Spirit who was able to enter in?

Ac 2:1And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
Ac 2:2And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
Ac 2:3And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
Ac 2:4And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Prior to that where the Life available to all?

2co 3:5Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;
2co 3:6Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

Those not clothed with the Life of the Holy Spirit were not allowed:

Mt 22:11And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:
Mt 22:12And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.
Mt 22:13Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Mt 22:14For many are called, but few are chosen.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Pentecost was a Jewish holiday; it was not a Christian holiday. People came from everywhere to celebrate Pentecost. What happened on the day of Pentecost was a onetime event. Nothing had ever happened like that before the day of Pentecost and nothing has ever happened like that since. Pentecostals have used the name Pentecost to describe their religion.

What happened on the day of Pentecost is what gave birth to the New Testament church. The question is what did happen of the day of Pentecost? Many believe that Pentecost was about the Holy Spirit coming into the world. What it was really about was the Gospel coming into the world in the power of the Holy Spirit. What was all of the tongues about? (Which was foreign languages) It was about, "The wonderful works of God" Acts 2:11. The wonderful works of God is the Gospel. It is about how Jesus had defeated sin, death and the devil and in doing so reconciled us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19.

It was the Gospel that gave birth to the New Testament church. The Holy Spirit was there on the day of Pentecost to convict the Jewish people of their need for Jesus Christ and to reveal the Gospel to the apostles. All that heard Peter's Gospel and believed Peter's Gospel were born again by the Holy Spirit. This was the purpose of the Holy Spirit. "Then they that gladly received (Peter's Gospel) were baptized: and the same day there was added unto them (the church) about 3,000 souls" Acts 2:41. The next day, "Those that heard and believed were about 5,000" Acts 4:4. For a total of about 8,000.

After Pentecost the apostles went everywhere preaching Jesus Christ and his Gospel. There is no mention after Pentecost of the mighty wind or the cloven tongues of fire, The message was Jesus Christ and his Gospel and not their subjective experience. The purpose of the tongues was to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. People that were there on the day of Pentecost heard the Gospel message in their own tongue, Acts 2:6. Paul wrote, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (which is the Gospel) Romans 10:17.

The Miracles that the apostles performed were done to confirm that the Gospel message that they were preaching was of God. They would do a miracle and when a crowd gathered, they would preach the Gospel to them. This was the purpose of miracles. Same thing with tongues. Tongues were used to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. People heard the Gospel message in their own tongue. Tongues are of no use today because the Bible is available to everyone in many different languages. Same way with miracles. There are no miracles today because there are no apostles today. The Gospel can easily be found in the Bible or through other Christians.

Pentecostalism much like Catholicism is a religion of the flesh. God does not want to take away from the greatest miracle that has ever happened in the work and the person of Jesus Christ. Miracles, tongues, revelations are a distraction and a diversion away from Christ and his Gospel.
Sorry bro, but scripture records people being baptized in the Spirit long after Pentecost. And John was in the spirit on the Lord's day, decades later, receiving guess what? A revelation and vision! And it was written in scripture that tongues is a sign for the unbeliever.....after Pentecost. People still experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit and miracles, signs, visions, revelations, tongues, hearing His voice, etc, over 2000 years after Pentecost. You are using reasoning rather than scripture. I agree that denominationalism of any kind is of the flesh though.

The devil always discredits the true things of God by bringing in the false, and unfortunately the flesh often causes people to go off track and overboard with these things. But don't let that discourage you.....Jesus is alive and still working through His Body today.

Robert Pate

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2023
United States
Sorry bro, but scripture records people being baptized in the Spirit long after Pentecost. And John was in the spirit on the Lord's day, decades later, receiving guess what? A revelation and vision! And it was written in scripture that tongues is a sign for the unbeliever.....after Pentecost. People still experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit and miracles, signs, visions, revelations, tongues, hearing His voice, etc, over 2000 years after Pentecost. You are using reasoning rather than scripture. I agree that denominationalism of any kind is of the flesh though.

The devil always discredits the true things of God by bringing in the false, and unfortunately the flesh often causes people to go off track and overboard with these things. But don't let that discourage you.....Jesus is alive and still working through His Body today.
People receive the Holy Spirit today, the same way as they did on the day of Pentecost, by hearing and believing the Gospel, Galatians 3:2.

Robert Pate

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2023
United States
@Robert Pate
Indeed, until the Spirit was poured out on all who would enter in... who could?

Jesus opened the Way [tearing of veil], but without the Holy Spirit who was able to enter in?

Ac 2:1And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
Ac 2:2And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
Ac 2:3And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
Ac 2:4And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Prior to that where the Life available to all?

2co 3:5Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;
2co 3:6Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

Those not clothed with the Life of the Holy Spirit were not allowed:

Mt 22:11And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:
Mt 22:12And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.
Mt 22:13Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Mt 22:14For many are called, but few are chosen.
People have always been saved the same way, by grace through faith. The Old Testament people were saved by faith in God's promise of a savior. Nothing has changed. We are saved by faith in Jesus Christ and his Gospel.


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Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
No one can be born again without faith in Christ and his Gospel, Galatians 3:2.
We are Born Again like the wind ..we must believe in Jesus first ( even then God brings us to believe in his Son....Faith is a gift from God, human faith in God, is no faith at all, I’m is a manifestation of the Spirit..
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
People receive the Holy Spirit today, the same way as they did on the day of Pentecost, by hearing and believing the Gospel, Galatians 3:2.
After His resurrection, Jesus breathed on His disciples and said, "Receive ye the Holy Spirit." That is when they were born again I believe and received faith not of their own, as we do when we come to faith and receive Him. However, He still told them they needed to await the promised outpouring of the Spirit. These are two different events for the believer.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
People receive the Holy Spirit today, the same way as they did on the day of Pentecost, by hearing and believing the Gospel, Galatians 3:2.
People receive God’s Spirit, just like Mary received the seed of God,of course we must hear the Gospel/ belief in Jesus, before we become Born Again....
And, we don’t receive the Spirit as you have just posted.

We receive it just as God says we receive the wind, we are Born Again of imperishable seed?

Robert Pate

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2023
United States
After His resurrection, Jesus breathed on His disciples and said, "Receive ye the Holy Spirit." That is when they were born again I believe and received faith not of their own, as we do when we come to faith and receive Him. However, He still told them they needed to await the promised outpouring of the Spirit. These are two different events for the believer.
Right. We are not apostles. We are believers. The apostles were being prepared to die for their faith in Christ and his Gospel. They all died violent deaths, except for the apostle John. They were very strong witnesses for Christ and his Gospel. The Spirit given on the day of Pentecost was a new manifestation of the Holy Spirit that no one had received before.

Speaking in tongues is not evidence of the Holy Spirit. There are cults that also speak in tongues.
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Dec 31, 2010
United States
I am 100% Pentecostal. In the words of RW Schambach every hair on my head is Pentecostal... Or I would yank it out! The Pentecostal Holiness church I am a member of has its roots in the old Methodist revival. And in metaphor of John Bunyan's old Pilgrims Progress...

Wicket Gate - Salvation is as easy as confessing Jesus as Lord (Romans 10:9)
Interpreters House - Along with a wash in the waters of Sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3)
Porters House - Along with this comes the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22)

As far as speaking in tongues the Bible sums it up by saying... "Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues." - 1 Corinthians 14:39... Forbid not... As to say don't disallow it. But on the same breath... "Let all things be done decently and in order."" - 1 Corinthians 14:40

Salvation in the old Pentecostal Holiness way. If they could not sense Christ in the experience they would tell you to come back tomorrow night! And smile a little as they said it. The Old Merrimac Pentecostal Holiness church... What would I give to sit again among the saints of old! They would have church many nights a week, many revivals in a year, and were a busy and a constructive people!


Robert Pate

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2023
United States
I am 100% Pentecostal. In the words of RW Schambach every hair on my head is Pentecostal... Or I would yank it out! The Pentecostal Holiness church I am a member of has its roots in the old Methodist revival. And in metaphor of John Bunyan's old Pilgrims Progress...

Wicket Gate - Salvation is as easy as confessing Jesus as Lord (Romans 10:9)
Interpreters House - Along with a wash in the waters of Sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3)
Porters House - Along with this comes the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22)

As far as speaking in tongues the Bible sums it up by saying... "Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues." - 1 Corinthians 14:39... Forbid not... As to say don't disallow it. But on the same breath... "Let all things be done decently and in order."" - 1 Corinthians 14:40

Salvation in the old Pentecostal Holiness way. If they could not sense Christ in the experience they would tell you to come back tomorrow night! And smile a little as they said it. The Old Merrimac Pentecostal Holiness church... What would I give to sit again among the saints of old! They would have church many nights a week, many revivals in a year, and were a busy and a constructive people!

I know that you love your Pentecostal religion because it is all about you. Your Pentecostal religion is your Jesus. My mother was a Pentecostal, so I know all about it. You need to come out of it. It is not really of the Spirit like you think that it is. The Holy Spirit is about Jesus Christ, not you who is a sinner. The Holy Spirit is about Jesus Christ who fulfilled the law for you, and delivered you from the curse, Galatians 3:10. The Holy Spirit is about Jesus Christ who atoned for your sins and the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. The Holy Spirit is about Jesus Christ who lived and died in your place so that you can be saved. "He who knew no sin became sin for us" 2 Corinthians 5:21. The Holy Spirit is about Jesus Christ who reconciled us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19. The Holy Spirit is about Jesus Christ who is in heaven interceding for us.

All religions have one thing in common. They all divert one away from the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ into themselves who is a sinner. Pentecostalism is one of the most subjective religions that there is. Catholicism is the next most subjective. Don't be surprised If you hear in the judgment, "Lord, Lord, didn't I do many wonderful things in your name?" Matthew 7:21-23. Only to hear back, "Depart from me I never knew you".


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2010
United States
I know that you love your Pentecostal religion because it is all about you. Your Pentecostal religion is your Jesus. My mother was a Pentecostal, so I know all about it. You need to come out of it. It is not really of the Spirit like you think that it is. The Holy Spirit is about Jesus Christ, not you who is a sinner. The Holy Spirit is about Jesus Christ who fulfilled the law for you, and delivered you from the curse, Galatians 3:10. The Holy Spirit is about Jesus Christ who atoned for your sins and the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2. The Holy Spirit is about Jesus Christ who lived and died in your place so that you can be saved. "He who knew no sin became sin for us" 2 Corinthians 5:21. The Holy Spirit is about Jesus Christ who reconciled us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19. The Holy Spirit is about Jesus Christ who is in heaven interceding for us.

All religions have one thing in common. They all divert one away from the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ into themselves who is a sinner. Pentecostalism is one of the most subjective religions that there is. Catholicism is the next most subjective. Don't be surprised If you hear in the judgment, "Lord, Lord, didn't I do many wonderful things in your name?" Matthew 7:21-23. Only to hear back, "Depart from me I never knew you".
A full and a wonderful shouting Methodist type worship service from my old and wonderful Merrimac Pentecostal Holiness Church...
1. 00:00 - 02:30 I'll Fly Away
2. 02:30 - 05:00 Soon and Very Soon
3. 05:00 - 08:30 I'll Fly Away - Instrumental
4. 08:30 - 12:00 Joy Unspeakable
5. 12:00 - 13:00 Testimony of a man healed of cancer
6. 13:00 - 48:00 Sermon on Psalms 23
7. 48:00 - 59:30 Altar service - Everyone comes up for prayer

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Robert Pate

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2023
United States
A full and a wonderful shouting Methodist type worship service from my old and wonderful Merrimac Pentecostal Holiness Church...
1. 00:00 - 02:30 I'll Fly Away
2. 02:30 - 05:00 Soon and Very Soon
3. 05:00 - 08:30 I'll Fly Away - Instrumental
4. 08:30 - 12:00 Joy Unspeakable
5. 12:00 - 13:00 Testimony of a man healed of cancer
6. 13:00 - 48:00 Sermon on Psalms 23
7. 48:00 - 59:30 Altar service - Everyone comes up for prayer

I, I, I, Me, me, me, It is very obvious that you believe that you can save yourself. Paul said, "For we don't preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus sake" 2 Corinthians 4:5.
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