A Testimony of Mine...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I am fairly new here and most of you folks havent really heard any of my stories (Testimoies!) I used to tell them a lot but then I re-read one of my Testimonies one time and it made me feel like I was bragging somehow? So I eased off of the Testimoies for awhile and that is why I havent posted any yet.

But I mentioned a good Testimoy that I have in a thread, but didn't go into it for brevity's sake. So maybe I should start there and tell that entire Testimony. Besides, I ran across Psalm 105 today and it says...

1 Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness.
Let the whole world know what he has done.../NLT

On that note here is what happend the day that I heard the audible voice of God. Jesus specifically.

It must've been 2011-2012? I was sitting at my computer checking my emails. I wasn't on any forums at the time. I wasn't praying. Nothng. I was about worldly bussiness of emails. Suddenly I felt the Lord Jesus walk into my room. I felt it before He spoke and it was like the atmosphere in the room became electrified with power and if felt so powerful that it was instantly knowable that, I was before God. He did not manifest Himseld so that I could see Him. I saw nothing. I felt it ompletely permeating my being. I had less than 2 seconds to take this in and then He spoke audibly to me.

Even as He began to speak, I knew that I know who is speaking. I recognized that voice! I was amazed that I recognized His voice because (as far as I can remember) I have never heard His voice before. But I very much recognized His voice.

Jesus spoke to me then:

"Pray for your Brother (we'll call him Bill for privacy. He needs help pray for him..."

It was then that In my opinion was the stupidest thing that I could have done. I said,

Why? What happened? Is he ok?... (That was a huge mistake!)

The Lord answered me, except His tone had changed. He did not chide me or condemn my stupid actions or anything, just changed His tone. And the tone struck Terror into me! He said:

He needs help now, Pray for him now...

The nearest I can describe the tone He used is similar to the tone that Parents of children sometimes use on their children that conveys the message that, I aint playing Do It! That kind of tone.

Due to my terror, I resonded instantly with: Yes Lord. And I went straight into prayer for the man that man that needs help. Lord send Bill some help he needs help please it is urgent.da da da. And when I said Amen, the Lord with His powerful presence left I felt the glory, goodness and love of God along with some terror! When iHe left, I was left sitting there not knowing what happened? I didn't even know why Bill needed help, or if he got help? I have never met Bill I met him on an online Christian forum and we were buddies. So I knew who it was that needed help, just not what happened. God didn't share any details with me so I went online to the forum and sent Bill a PM and told him what happened to me, and asked what happened to him and did he get help?

I sent the PM off and had to wait until he responded. A few hours later he did respond and he told me that he was in school in his adult classes and something went wrong with his blood sugar and he needed to get something sweet from the vending machine or else collapse and die I think? He said he felt it coming on so got up and left the class room but he didn't make it to the vending machines. He collapsed in the hallway. No one else was in the hlls, they were all in classes. This is some sort of very small school where everyone knows everyone. He said he laid in the hallway and then a stranger dressed in suit was there saying, I'm here to help Brother, what do you need? So Bill said OJ....And like a flash the guy was back with OJ and opened it for him. And he drank the OJ and when he looked up from drinking, the stranger was gone.

Bill told me that judging from the time stamp on my PM to him on the forum, I messaged him while it was all going on right then. And I messaged him right after Jesus left! So everything was absolutely confirmed for me. My prayer helped my Brother in Christ. And I was thinking it through...

God does not need me in order to help someone. What's this all about? Then I was humbled and felt privleged to have been allowed to particpate in the helping of a man who needed help. Praise the Lord for indeed! Then I remembered Zechariah and how he was struck dumb for questioning the Angel of the Lord and I thought (with my chin on the floor) I could have been struck down or struck dumb or something for questioning the Lord! So the very big lesson that I learned from the encounter is simple and deep.

If the Lord tells you to do something, the only correct answer is: Yes, Lord! (And obey Immediately)
After all, time may be of the essence for someone who needs help. I thanked God so much for not striking me dumb for being stupid! I still thank Him for it. Praise God that He loves me and so taught me with a tone instead of a greater malady!! Somehow I feel like that was a close call!

Brother Bill could have died from that condition if he didnt get help? Is that right? I know next to nothing about diabetes which is what I am guessing it is? Pretty sure it is a dangerous condition.

But, Wow, Brothers & Sisters. That was intense! It was the most powerful presence that I had ever felt before (Or Since!) Even if the Lord did not manifest Himself so that I could see Him, I sure did feel Him. And when Jesus walks into the room...everything else stops and His presence takes over. And you will know that it is Him!!!!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I am fairly new here and most of you folks havent really heard any of my stories (Testimoies!) I used to tell them a lot but then I re-read one of my Testimonies one time and it made me feel like I was bragging somehow? So I eased off of the Testimoies for awhile and that is why I havent posted any yet.

But I mentioned a good Testimoy that I have in a thread, but didn't go into it for brevity's sake. So maybe I should start there and tell that entire Testimony. Besides, I ran across Psalm 105 today and it says...

1 Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness.
Let the whole world know what he has done.../NLT

On that note here is what happend the day that I heard the audible voice of God. Jesus specifically.

It must've been 2011-2012? I was sitting at my computer checking my emails. I wasn't on any forums at the time. I wasn't praying. Nothng. I was about worldly bussiness of emails. Suddenly I felt the Lord Jesus walk into my room. I felt it before He spoke and it was like the atmosphere in the room became electrified with power and if felt so powerful that it was instantly knowable that, I was before God. He did not manifest Himseld so that I could see Him. I saw nothing. I felt it ompletely permeating my being. I had less than 2 seconds to take this in and then He spoke audibly to me.

Even as He began to speak, I knew that I know who is speaking. I recognized that voice! I was amazed that I recognized His voice because (as far as I can remember) I have never heard His voice before. But I very much recognized His voice.

Jesus spoke to me then:

"Pray for your Brother (we'll call him Bill for privacy. He needs help pray for him..."

It was then that In my opinion was the stupidest thing that I could have done. I said,

Why? What happened? Is he ok?... (That was a huge mistake!)

The Lord answered me, except His tone had changed. He did not chide me or condemn my stupid actions or anything, just changed His tone. And the tone struck Terror into me! He said:

He needs help now, Pray for him now...

The nearest I can describe the tone He used is similar to the tone that Parents of children sometimes use on their children that conveys the message that, I aint playing Do It! That kind of tone.

Due to my terror, I resonded instantly with: Yes Lord. And I went straight into prayer for the man that man that needs help. Lord send Bill some help he needs help please it is urgent.da da da. And when I said Amen, the Lord with His powerful presence left I felt the glory, goodness and love of God along with some terror! When iHe left, I was left sitting there not knowing what happened? I didn't even know why Bill needed help, or if he got help? I have never met Bill I met him on an online Christian forum and we were buddies. So I knew who it was that needed help, just not what happened. God didn't share any details with me so I went online to the forum and sent Bill a PM and told him what happened to me, and asked what happened to him and did he get help?

I sent the PM off and had to wait until he responded. A few hours later he did respond and he told me that he was in school in his adult classes and something went wrong with his blood sugar and he needed to get something sweet from the vending machine or else collapse and die I think? He said he felt it coming on so got up and left the class room but he didn't make it to the vending machines. He collapsed in the hallway. No one else was in the hlls, they were all in classes. This is some sort of very small school where everyone knows everyone. He said he laid in the hallway and then a stranger dressed in suit was there saying, I'm here to help Brother, what do you need? So Bill said OJ....And like a flash the guy was back with OJ and opened it for him. And he drank the OJ and when he looked up from drinking, the stranger was gone.

Bill told me that judging from the time stamp on my PM to him on the forum, I messaged him while it was all going on right then. And I messaged him right after Jesus left! So everything was absolutely confirmed for me. My prayer helped my Brother in Christ. And I was thinking it through...

God does not need me in order to help someone. What's this all about? Then I was humbled and felt privleged to have been allowed to particpate in the helping of a man who needed help. Praise the Lord for indeed! Then I remembered Zechariah and how he was struck dumb for questioning the Angel of the Lord and I thought (with my chin on the floor) I could have been struck down or struck dumb or something for questioning the Lord! So the very big lesson that I learned from the encounter is simple and deep.

If the Lord tells you to do something, the only correct answer is: Yes, Lord! (And obey Immediately)
After all, time may be of the essence for someone who needs help. I thanked God so much for not striking me dumb for being stupid! I still thank Him for it. Praise God that He loves me and so taught me with a tone instead of a greater malady!! Somehow I feel like that was a close call!

Brother Bill could have died from that condition if he didnt get help? Is that right? I know next to nothing about diabetes which is what I am guessing it is? Pretty sure it is a dangerous condition.

But, Wow, Brothers & Sisters. That was intense! It was the most powerful presence that I had ever felt before (Or Since!) Even if the Lord did not manifest Himself so that I could see Him, I sure did feel Him. And when Jesus walks into the room...everything else stops and His presence takes over. And you will know that it is Him!!!!
Oh wow @MA2444 What an amazing testimony. It is not boasting it is sharing God with people, telling how wonderful he is. I have had similar experiences but won't steal your thunder by sharing here, I'll just say How Great is Our God.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I am fairly new here and most of you folks havent really heard any of my stories (Testimoies!) I used to tell them a lot but then I re-read one of my Testimonies one time and it made me feel like I was bragging somehow? So I eased off of the Testimoies for awhile and that is why I havent posted any yet.

But I mentioned a good Testimoy that I have in a thread, but didn't go into it for brevity's sake. So maybe I should start there and tell that entire Testimony. Besides, I ran across Psalm 105 today and it says...

1 Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness.
Let the whole world know what he has done.../NLT

On that note here is what happend the day that I heard the audible voice of God. Jesus specifically.

It must've been 2011-2012? I was sitting at my computer checking my emails. I wasn't on any forums at the time. I wasn't praying. Nothng. I was about worldly bussiness of emails. Suddenly I felt the Lord Jesus walk into my room. I felt it before He spoke and it was like the atmosphere in the room became electrified with power and if felt so powerful that it was instantly knowable that, I was before God. He did not manifest Himseld so that I could see Him. I saw nothing. I felt it ompletely permeating my being. I had less than 2 seconds to take this in and then He spoke audibly to me.

Even as He began to speak, I knew that I know who is speaking. I recognized that voice! I was amazed that I recognized His voice because (as far as I can remember) I have never heard His voice before. But I very much recognized His voice.

Jesus spoke to me then:

"Pray for your Brother (we'll call him Bill for privacy. He needs help pray for him..."

It was then that In my opinion was the stupidest thing that I could have done. I said,

Why? What happened? Is he ok?... (That was a huge mistake!)

The Lord answered me, except His tone had changed. He did not chide me or condemn my stupid actions or anything, just changed His tone. And the tone struck Terror into me! He said:

He needs help now, Pray for him now...

The nearest I can describe the tone He used is similar to the tone that Parents of children sometimes use on their children that conveys the message that, I aint playing Do It! That kind of tone.

Due to my terror, I resonded instantly with: Yes Lord. And I went straight into prayer for the man that man that needs help. Lord send Bill some help he needs help please it is urgent.da da da. And when I said Amen, the Lord with His powerful presence left I felt the glory, goodness and love of God along with some terror! When iHe left, I was left sitting there not knowing what happened? I didn't even know why Bill needed help, or if he got help? I have never met Bill I met him on an online Christian forum and we were buddies. So I knew who it was that needed help, just not what happened. God didn't share any details with me so I went online to the forum and sent Bill a PM and told him what happened to me, and asked what happened to him and did he get help?

I sent the PM off and had to wait until he responded. A few hours later he did respond and he told me that he was in school in his adult classes and something went wrong with his blood sugar and he needed to get something sweet from the vending machine or else collapse and die I think? He said he felt it coming on so got up and left the class room but he didn't make it to the vending machines. He collapsed in the hallway. No one else was in the hlls, they were all in classes. This is some sort of very small school where everyone knows everyone. He said he laid in the hallway and then a stranger dressed in suit was there saying, I'm here to help Brother, what do you need? So Bill said OJ....And like a flash the guy was back with OJ and opened it for him. And he drank the OJ and when he looked up from drinking, the stranger was gone.

Bill told me that judging from the time stamp on my PM to him on the forum, I messaged him while it was all going on right then. And I messaged him right after Jesus left! So everything was absolutely confirmed for me. My prayer helped my Brother in Christ. And I was thinking it through...

God does not need me in order to help someone. What's this all about? Then I was humbled and felt privleged to have been allowed to particpate in the helping of a man who needed help. Praise the Lord for indeed! Then I remembered Zechariah and how he was struck dumb for questioning the Angel of the Lord and I thought (with my chin on the floor) I could have been struck down or struck dumb or something for questioning the Lord! So the very big lesson that I learned from the encounter is simple and deep.

If the Lord tells you to do something, the only correct answer is: Yes, Lord! (And obey Immediately)
After all, time may be of the essence for someone who needs help. I thanked God so much for not striking me dumb for being stupid! I still thank Him for it. Praise God that He loves me and so taught me with a tone instead of a greater malady!! Somehow I feel like that was a close call!

Brother Bill could have died from that condition if he didnt get help? Is that right? I know next to nothing about diabetes which is what I am guessing it is? Pretty sure it is a dangerous condition.

But, Wow, Brothers & Sisters. That was intense! It was the most powerful presence that I had ever felt before (Or Since!) Even if the Lord did not manifest Himself so that I could see Him, I sure did feel Him. And when Jesus walks into the room...everything else stops and His presence takes over. And you will know that it is Him!!!!
Give God the glory!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
God does get all the glory! telling more testimonies would giveGod even more glory. He has done some pretty big things for me! Maybe I should share more testimonies in tis thread. That way, it wouldnt take over the forum wall, lol. Because I do have a lot of them.

I was Catholic and I remember walking out in a field behind my grandmother's house when I was 10 years old [1953] and sincerely talking to God for a long time one afternoon. I knew really effectively nothing of the Bible except the little bit the priest read in those days. But, I did already know something about God although my words to express it may have been missing. God did not answer me for a very long time, but eventually He did answer me. Eventually He did draw me closer to Him... but it was about 22 years later [age 32] when my practicing Catholicism was gone.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I was Catholic and I remember walking out in a field behind my grandmother's house when I was 10 years old [1953] and sincerely talking to God for a long time one afternoon. I knew really effectively nothing of the Bible except the little bit the priest read in those days. But, I did already know something about God although my words to express it may have been missing. God did not answer me for a very long time, but eventually He did answer me. Eventually He did draw me closer to Him... but it was about 22 years later [age 32] when my practicing Catholicism was gone.

Yeah, and you just notice one day that it's gone and that you are becoming someone else entirely from the inside out. That is how it happened to me.

I taught myself how to be able to hear the still small voice of God almost by accident. By God's grace alone that is. Pray like normal in the morning but when I go out into the world for any reason or work I got used to inviting the Lord Jesus to go with me as I went. And knowing that He is a friend that is closer than a Brother I made effort to not ignore Him while I drove around. So I drove around praying a lot. . Prayer is not a monologue, it is a dialogue. A two way conversation. But it sounds like a childs game. Imagine you're talking to God and that it's real. Or that the floor is lava. It's a game. (You must become as little children to enter the Kingdom or something like that).

Except it's not a game. It's real. What I would do is ask my friend a question and then pause myself and listen for Him to respond to me. Something will pop into my head while I pause myself. It might be a scripture. might be a thought, might be a memory. But according to the rules of the communication game (sic) That was His answer to me and I accepted it as His answer and pondered how good an answer is it regarding my question?! And I compare that to reason. Does it make sense. Well, yes it does. and I kid you not Brothers & Sisters it turned into a very real conversation which got me real tuned in to hearing the voice of the Lord. I basically would talk to him all day long while driving around between jobs. I noticed over time that He does not speak like I speak (or think) I see a difference in how He speaks in His small voice so it gets even easier to identify His voice when He speaks to you.

Now it has stuck. I could not, not hear the voice of the Lord. If I went overseas He would be there. If I went to Sheol behold He is there too! You know it's real when the voices in your head (Lol) change the subject on you!
He has told me to do things that I did not want to do so I said no. I did do it eventually and moved from Colorful Colorado to small town outside Columbus...ohio. Who does that?! No one I ever met. But then the Lord told me again about Jonah...so here I am! in ohio.

The Lord does not always say what I want to hear but he always says thing in just the right way. Such a nice way of talking Sounds just like He does in scripture.

The Lord has been with me on a job where a furnace kept blowing low voltage fuses. Simple enough, find the short. Long story short I could not find the short or evidence of it anywhere. I tested every low voltage wire on the unit and no shorts. But another new fuse POP as soon as the power hit it.

I had spent several hours on it and knew nothing! I was going to admit defeat and I guess it is over my head, I'm sorry. So I packed up my tools into my toolbag and I put the cover back on to the furnace but I left the power off at the 110v service switch and I left one more new 24v fuse in place just in case there could have been a miracle. I felt like an idiot. I couldnt find the problem. But I know how to that is my job. I thought I could find it and get it going again pretty quick. I felt so bad at not being able to help this customer because I was the furnace man and he is cold! So I did pray and I said Lord this man needs heat. I have failed him and that should not be! Please help me here Lord!

I said amen and was packing up to go and the customer comes down the stairs and walks up to his furnace reaching for the switch to turn on the power and I had been turned I had no time to stop him from blowing up the last fuse that I was willing to use on that job! ...and the customer said you all done now? Does it work? and he flipped the switch on, and the fuse didn't blow. It fired up so nice and smooth! so he got heat which made me look good (as a Technician), which makes my Company look good, and the Customer is happy because he has heat, praised me to the Company. My boss Praised me for that and I Praised God for it all.

...and I still don't know where the short was!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Here's a real real good one! I call it Angel at my Garage Sale.

This is when I was still living in Colorado Springs CO, and I had a 4 BR house for 1000 a month. I've been self employed as a Mechanical Contractor (HVAC) since 1994. Back in the mid 90's I was doing great but the economy has been doing the big slide downhill and I found myself with less and less work, until I was 2 months behind in rent, plus, I had a utility shut off notice for Monday, for 300 dollars. This was Saturday. I had a 1-1/2 car detached garage and so was trying to make extra money by selling off all the household goods that a single man don't really care about having. But when my Wife left after 26 years...she took the gold & cash and good SUV and left. So I built two 4 X 8 tables out of plywood and set up in the garage for a garage sale. I had been doing this for a few weeks and on sunny weekends, I'd throw an ad on Craigslist and sit in the driveway on a couch, to sell the junk off, ya' know? Now you know how garage sales are...they don't pay the rent, lol. But it kept me fed sorta and in cigarettes, lol. Every little bit helps.

I lived in that house for several years and since I was self employed work was either feast or famine season. So I might be like $200 short on rent this month and catch it up after a bit. After a cold winter! But the economy continued to slide so I was falling behind to much. It got up to $2000 that I was behind. So sell off old stuff in a garage sale and maybe that will help.
One Saturday I'm out doing the garage sale thing, and my landlord pulls up. He had my walking papers. He said Bill, I like you but I have bills too so I have to get someone in here that can pay consistently. I had been behind before some here and there, but then catch it up when a nice job comes in. I guess 2 grand was his limit. He gave me my 3 day notice and said goodbye and left. I sunk back down into the couch very discouraged. I prayed to the Lord for some help. After praying it was about dusk so I went ahead and closed it up and went back into the house. As soon as I went downstairs to my family room where my computer is and sat down, the phone rang. A man said he seen my ad on CL but could he come by after he got off work in about an hour and a half to look at my garage sale? I of course said yes. And He showed up exactly on time.

We walked out to the garage and I opened it up, and as soon as I stepped inside, He said to me, How much do you need? Now I went (tilt) because that's an odd question, so I ignored it and went into salesman mode and began telling Him about the stuff. I walked to a table, picked something up and talked about it...He didn't even look at it. He said again, how much do you need? (Tilt!). I began talking about other things and didn't answer His question. (What do you say to something like that?!). I was expectig Him to begin looking at my merchandise, but He didn't seem really all that interested. I forget what I picked up but I did and said blah blah blah, and handed it to him for him to check it out, and he took it and gave it a quick sideways glance and set it down and said, how much do you need?

And I still wasn't putting two and two together! So I ignored the question and began talking about other stuff. I handed him a couple different things but he set them back down so fast that I didn't think he was interested in the type of stuff that I had. He said again, how much do you need? (Tilt). I looked at him...and didn't get it! So he says, well how about 1900 for everything on that table over there? ...(Tilt!)

Now that is not how a garage sale goes. They just don't. So I couldn't answer Him. My head was spinning at this point. I looked down at the floor...then He says, well how about 2400 then? (Now I knew This was a joke, and I did want to hear the punch line, so I looked at Him and said, sure, sounds fine.
and the punch line was...he pulled out a stack of 100 dollar bills big enough to choke a horse and counted me out 24 of them! Now I began thinking that maybe He was some kind of dealer, a flea market guy wanting to stock up or something? (I hadn't yet remembered that I had payed for help!). But He paid me easily more than double what it was worth. so I asked if He would like some help loading it up into his pickup. He said, yes thank you. So I got some cardboard boxes and we bagan boxing stuff up. Then He reaches over and takes somethng out of the box that I had just put into it, and says, oh you can keep that I wont need it..that too, this too...(Tilt!) He wound up leaving about 25% of the stuff on the table that He had just paid me for! Not just the cheapest junkiest stuff, just random stuff. Some of it nice, my Wife loved to spend money.

I took a real close look at him to see if he was the type with more cash than brains...or what? He was well groomed, fit, well spoken, and drove a nicer pickup truck. Nope, He wasn't that type. My head was spinning. We finished loading up, shook hands, he smiled real big, and then drove off...I closed up the garage and went back into the house and as I was going back down the basement stairs and was feeling the wad of cash in my pocket...I said, Praise the Lord!...and then it hit me...that was an Angel come to answer my prayer!

Then I thought about my bills...2400...2 grand for the back rent...300 for the utilities, and a hundred bucks extra for groceries! Bam! Within 2 hours of praying for help. Then it all made very perfect sense to me. I needed help and prayed, He came, why He kept asking me how much I needed, all of it. There is no other answer to explain what happened. Garage salers do not come talk the price up! They talk it down, right? Right. I sat down and lost it...I cried and thanked the Lord and thanked the Lord and praised Him...!!!

Then I felt stupid for not realizing it was an Angel come to help when He was here! Entertaining Angels unawares...the Grace of the Lord...you have not because ye ask not...I knew all that! Why couldn't I see it when He was there?! I had so many questions I could have asked Him, lol! That was absolutely awesome. Praise the Lord!

My land lord absolutely freaked to have me pay him up all at once! I know the Angel restrained me from being able to realize who he is until after he left. Prolly because he knew that I would ask a bunch of stupid questions. God must love stupid people, he made so many of them! This was a big miracle for me. Almight God of the universe gives a peopn like me 2400 bucks for a bunch of my wifes old houshold stuff. Wow. In less than 2 hours, cash in hand.

Praise the Lord! He really came through for me in a big way. I could'a been homeless! God comes at the last minute all the time I think. Last minute, never Late.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
About time for another one I think. I call this one the Lord hid me from a Police search.

So I wake up on Saturday morning to thumps, crashes and yelling in my house. My 2 kids had woken up and were in a knock down drag out fight. I could hear damage being done to my house, them boys are rough. So I got up and went out and break them up and they still trying to fight so I started yelling at them to stand down. My younger son is the spirited one and he turns on my and starts being very disrespectful to me. So...I decked him. I have little tolerance for disrespectful kids.

Well that set him off and he jumps up and threatens to call the police on Me! Have me arrested and taken out of my own home. Boom, he hit the floor again. Don't threaten me in my own house! So he jumps up and whips out his cell phone and calls the police. SO what? My house, my kids. SHould be no problem. When the cops showed up one took the 2 kids outsdie to get their story and one came in to hear mine.

Those kids, in the 10 minutes it took the cops to get there made friends again and double teamed me to the cops. Lied to the cops and said I got up and started a lot of hostility with them for no reason. I started it! Then they brought in the kids and we all talked some more and when my younger son came out with a mouthful of lies about me, I reflexively took an aggressive step towards him in response. Not the wisest choice in front of Police! They told me to sit down or be arrested. It was blah bllah blah for a few more minutes and since it was 2 against 1 with the kids teamed up against me, the cops took their side! They told me if they have to come back that I will be arrested. Ok, whatever. So the cops left.

Now my boy thinks he has won and now he has me over a barrel with the threat of jail. So after the cops pulled away he became emboldened towards me and starts running his mouth again to me. Very disrespectful and interlaced with threats of jail, haha!
So I decked him again and he didn't even try to fight me, he just got up and grabbed his phone to call in on me. So I, knowing the Colorado Springs Police do not give hollow warnings, headed for the door and began walking up the street. I didn't want to be there when the cops arrived. My old Dodge van needed a starter so I couldn't drive away. I couldn't walk far because I had had major back surgery about 6 months or so before then due to an auto accident so I knew I couldn't walk far.

So Istarted praying to the Lord as I walked. Lord, please dont let me be arrested today! I don't want to go to jail! I can't afford it. Please Lord!....and I hear this voice inside of me (not audible) but it was was very clear, Turn right! I catch on fast and this could be the Lord answering my prayer, so I did turn right. I get 1/2 block, turn left into the alley. SO I did.

The voice gave me directions turn here, turn there, sit down here and rest yourself in the sun (Son?!) Ok time to go, go left. make a right. go straight, now go left. And the Holy Spirit led me around in circles within about a 6 to 8 block radius from my house for about an hour. Several times when I was crossing an intersection I saw a cop car passing a few blocks up. They were searching for me to arrest me! Three cars were searching! I saw them lots of times. They never saw me. It's like I was hidden in the shadow of the Lord (Psalm 91).

This went on for an hour or so and then I hear, it's ok now. They've gone. You can go home now...And I thought, great now I get to face my obnoxious boy again. Lord, please send the Spirit of Peace to my house so no more strife! Lord please! PLEASE!! When I got home again, the two boys were totally apologetic and acting a total 180 degree reversal from their earlier behavior. I coudn't believe how nice my younger son was when I got home! Wow.

I would have went to jail that day if I had not asked the Lord for help. You have not if you ask not... Praise the Lord!!