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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Yes, we do make choices for others. Men aren't allowed to murder one another, steal from one another, etc--and the moment homosexuality was accepted a countdown to them coming after kids started--so why should we let them sodomize one another?

No, it shouldn't be permitted.

America is an experiment in self govt--if we hold to tenets that seem to be upending self govt, we're free to amend the Constitution, so that the experiment can get put back online.

Freedom of religion threatens self govt, bc ungodly people have no self rule, so they, for instance, collude with power hungry businessmen to run this country for their aims, not those of The People. They create a country of lawlessness.
The Constitution should be amended, and only Christians should be able to influence culture and state, but the rest have no voting right, no right to make art, write a book, etc, they can only work manual labor jobs--must not be mistreated, as that is not Christian, but, also, must not have a voice in society.
So you believe that writing a law in a lawless world is going to make a difference?
We got murderers being let out without bail on the streets to do it again.
We got treasonous demons running the country. I don't see them passing any laws for our liking.

No, you have to reach the heart. How you going to do that? Beat them over a head with a book?
They need to understand they been used, abused, and discarded.
And the only one that pick up those pieces and put them in the right order is the Lord God Almighty.

We can show them, but we can't make them see.
Only God can do that.

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
How many gays have you ever known who are willing to live celibate?
Not that I, a man, struggle with attraction to men, but I have freely chosen celibacy all my life since being saved.

It's not difficult, and Paul says "I say this not to restrict you, but to promote what is appropriate, so you can have undivided attention on the Lord"--celibacy is "not burdensome", or "restriction", it's freedom.

Paul says it's the best choice a person can make concerning romantic relationships.

So, actually, if someone who is claiming to be Christian is being told they should be celibate, they're being told to eat high on the hog. They're not being restricted.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
So you believe that writing a law in a lawless world is going to make a difference?
We got murderers being let out without bail on the streets to do it again.
We got treasonous demons running the country. I don't see them passing any laws for our liking.

No, you have to reach the heart. How you going to do that? Beat them over a head with a book?
They need to understand they been used, abused, and discarded.
And the only one that pick up those pieces and put them in the right order is the Lord God Almighty.

We can show them, but we can't make them see.
Only God can do that.

We don't agree apparently.
Yes, a law.

If unbelievers couldn't influence society, Soros couldn't have the DAs who let murderers back on the streets.
That's literally my point.

Ecclesiastes 8:11 "Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, the heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil"--eg, where there are more guns in law abiding hands, there's less crime, bc the penalty for stepping out of line will come swiftly--so when we have laws, and penalties come quickly, it deters certain behaviors, of course.

We can't ensure they're loving God--it's not a perfect world--but we can inflict punishment on the symptoms of their idolatry (eg, sodomy). All crime, or 99% of it (maybe stealing to feed your family might not count), is idolatry. We need to fix the idolatry problem--by making the US explicitly Christian.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
We don't agree apparently.
Yes, a law.

If unbelievers couldn't influence society, Soros couldn't have the DAs who let murderers back on the streets.
That's literally my point.

Ecclesiastes 8:11 "Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, the heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil"--eg, where there are more guns in law abiding hands, there's less crime, bc the penalty for stepping out of line will come swiftly--so when we have laws, and penalties come quickly, it deters certain behaviors, of course.
I hear you,
I just don't see that happening under this administration that is pushing DEI legislation.
We're still fighting over Roe v Wade for crying out loud.
One battle at a time.

But this LGBTQ thing... it goes a lot deeper than a physical procedure.
My ex-brother-in-law is Trans. He likes to wear dresses and make up and be called by a girl's name.
But he still dates women. So what is that?
I don't think trans is about sexual attraction like Gay and Lesbian. It's internal. And I don't claim to understand it. because truly it's beyond me.
There's a separation there between the body and the mind. And my first intuition is all the drugs they pump into these kids from the age of 6. Then there is the agenda and the peer pressure. It's a web thats for sure. And they don't realize their caught in it.
They think we are the bad guys. Because that's what they've been taught.

I don't want to shoot them. I just want them to see the truth and seek God for help.
That is my prayer.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
So you believe that writing a law in a lawless world is going to make a difference?
We got murderers being let out without bail on the streets to do it again.
We got treasonous demons running the country. I don't see them passing any laws for our liking.

No, you have to reach the heart. How you going to do that? Beat them over a head with a book?
They need to understand they been used, abused, and discarded.
And the only one that pick up those pieces and put them in the right order is the Lord God Almighty.

We can show them, but we can't make them see.
Only God can do that.

I want to remind you that all "freedom" that is not explicitly Christian is explicitly satanic--"Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

No one is meant to be "free" in that way--the God of heaven, "Our Creator", doesn't grant men such "rights", they don't exist.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I want to remind you that all "freedom" that is not explicitly Christian is explicitly satanic--"Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

No one is meant to be "free" in that way--the God of heaven doesn't grant me such "rights", they don't exist.
That's because we follow the Spirit of Liberty that only comes from God and not from man.
We abide by the spirit of the law, and we still submit ourselves to the laws of the land.

Are you angry with me because I speak of mercy and grace for a whole generation that have been destroyed and not of their own choosing?
I'm not saying that I am ging to go out and join an LGBTQ group and support them. I don't.
I don't support the movement, the agenda, or the people behind it.
I do however find empathy for those who are suffering inside their own minds and bodies.
We should be casting out demons, not condemning the souls they control.

Dang I feel like Jonah and Nineveh.
I want to run away and let judgment come crashing on their heads. But God is merciful and I know he will find a way.

I don't have any answers except, God.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
That's because we follow the Spirit of Liberty that only comes from God and not from man.
We abide by the spirit of the law, and we still submit ourselves to the laws of the land.

Are you angry with me because I speak of mercy and grace for a whole generation that have been destroyed and not of their own choosing?
I'm not saying that I am ging to go out and join an LGBTQ group and support them. I don't.
I don't support the movement, the agenda, or the people behind it.
I do however find empathy for those who are suffering inside their own minds and bodies.
We should be casting out demons, not condemning the souls they control.

Dang I feel like Jonah and Nineveh.
I want to run away and let judgment come crashing on their heads. But God is merciful and I know he will find a way.

I don't have any answers except, God.
You can do both--change the Law back to the way it was when America was right, to curb evil, and reach out with the Gospel, to save individual hearts from the grip of evil.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
It's the Globalists and the Corporations. That is the "Their" in their agenda.
I don't know you. I don't know if or where you fall along the spectrum or if your just a hetero watching on the sidelines.
I don't care. It's your life you figure it out.

But I'm letting you know. They been using these communities for their (Globalist and Corporate) own benefit.
And those who have fallen victim to this melevolent vicious people who sit in high places playing god with our emotions and our lives,
have to wake up and smell the coffee.
Isn't it ironic that LGBT+ people feel exactly the same way about fundamentalist Christians.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
Yes, we do make choices for others. Men aren't allowed to murder one another, steal from one another, etc--and the moment homosexuality was accepted a countdown to them coming after kids started--so why should we let them sodomize one another?

No, it shouldn't be permitted.

America is an experiment in self govt--if we hold to tenets that seem to be upending self govt, we're free to amend the Constitution, so that the experiment can get put back online.

Freedom of religion threatens self govt, bc ungodly people have no self rule, so they, for instance, collude with power hungry businessmen to run this country for their aims, not those of The People. They create a country of lawlessness.
The Constitution should be amended, and only Christians should be able to influence culture and state, but the rest have no voting right, no right to make art, write a book, etc, they can only work manual labor jobs--must not be mistreated, as that is not Christian, but, also, must not have a voice in society.
There is no way to amend the Constitution to get the sort of fascist cult state you are dreaming of, you would have to get rid of America all together.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Isn't it ironic that LGBT+ people feel exactly the same way about fundamentalist Christians.
They been messing with all of us since the beginning of time.
Their agenda is division. Always has been always will be.
Unless we find a way to stop it.
And I don't think we can.
Something big is coming and I don't think either one of us will have any say in the matter.
Question is, when it comes will we put our carnal differences aside and stand together?
Or have they divided us so strongly that we will delight to see the other fall?

I suppose we'll have to wait and see. But the wait won't be that long.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
There is no dealing with pro abortion Liberals. Those who murder babies will certainly murder Christians! It's interesting how liberals pretend to be Christians, kind of like Rinos pretend to be Republicans, LGBT's and Satan pretend to be Christians. Satan is busy. He knows his time is short!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
There is no dealing with pro abortion Liberals. Those who murder babies will certainly murder Christians! It's interesting how liberals pretend to be Christians, kind of like Rinos pretend to be Republicans, LGBT's and Satan pretend to be Christians. Satan is busy. He knows his time is short!
What's even scarier isn't those that actually have the abortion, but those that promote it and take joy in lobbying for it. And persuading young women it's the only way to go.
These are the ones that teach it and preach it. And they glory in it.
I remember a couple years ago watching a pro-choice march in Washington DC. And they had a group of speakers that came up saying how they were so proud to have had an abortion so they could have a career.
It wasn't because anything was wrong with the baby or any medical issues. Not because they were raped or incest. Nope, they just got pregnant and it was in their way. It was in their way. And some of them it wasn't one or two or three, it was multiple abortions.
There should be a law against how many times you can get one.
One is too many for me. But I understand medical complications.
I don't put the blame on the child in cases of rape or incest. I understand the "trauma" of someone having to go through that and still carry a child. But still, it's not the child's fault. There is always adoption.
But this planned parenthood has nothing to do with healthcare. It's a body laundering business that makes billions off of babies body parts.
The evil behind these establishments is astounding.
But, but, they do mamograms and blah blah and blah blah. So doesn't your local clininc. But their not in the business of selling bady parts like planned parenthood. Sounds so innocent doesn't it? Planned Parenthood. There aint no planning about it except for the one to make money off it.
If your a manogomous lesbian or gay, you don't have to worry about abortions. If your trans, that could get complicated.
I have no idea what Queer is. I know what it used to mean, strange, odd, even gay.
And then you have the +++ .
Right now social media is the most dangerous place for kids to go to. Tik Tok, Instagram. I never been to these but I see videos.
And they are looking for people to agree with their uncomfortableness with their puberty. And then people that don't have their best interest in mind, coddle them and befriend them and walk them right off a cliff.

And if the parents of these children speak out too loud, then children services will claim your causing child abuse and have them removed.
Every governmental program that was created to protect children or any people, has been twisted on it's head and has now become a weapon against them. This we can fix. We just remove them from the government. Don't subsidise them. Don't give them any legal authority, they have to recommend law enforcement and the courts. Ah.. that don't work either because the courts are in the pockets of the donors.

I don't know. All I know is I don't have to be like them. I don't have to believe like them. Only I can make that decision in my own self.
I can protest, I can boycott, and I can vote. Those the weapons I have.
And think about it..
Free Speech, free commerce (or what you buy or don't buy with your own money) and free elections, have all gone down the toilet.
If you speek they censor you or try to shame you, now you can get sued billions of dollars for defending your position.
They take your taxes and spend them however they choose. And all elections are rigged for their own benefit and who they choose to put in.

So, what do we have?

Faith and Trust in God, which is more powerful than anything in the world.
They're coming for that too. But they would have to kill my body, because my Spirit already belongs to the Lord
We have a suit of armour. And we should get comfortable wearing it 24/7/365.



Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
What's even scarier isn't those that actually have the abortion, but those that promote it and take joy in lobbying for it. And persuading young women it's the only way to go.
These are the ones that teach it and preach it. And they glory in it.
I remember a couple years ago watching a pro-choice march in Washington DC. And they had a group of speakers that came up saying how they were so proud to have had an abortion so they could have a career.
It wasn't because anything was wrong with the baby or any medical issues. Not because they were raped or incest. Nope, they just got pregnant and it was in their way. It was in their way. And some of them it wasn't one or two or three, it was multiple abortions.
There should be a law against how many times you can get one.
One is too many for me. But I understand medical complications.
I don't put the blame on the child in cases of rape or incest. I understand the "trauma" of someone having to go through that and still carry a child. But still, it's not the child's fault. There is always adoption.
But this planned parenthood has nothing to do with healthcare. It's a body laundering business that makes billions off of babies body parts.
The evil behind these establishments is astounding.
But, but, they do mamograms and blah blah and blah blah. So doesn't your local clininc. But their not in the business of selling bady parts like planned parenthood. Sounds so innocent doesn't it? Planned Parenthood. There aint no planning about it except for the one to make money off it.
If your a manogomous lesbian or gay, you don't have to worry about abortions. If your trans, that could get complicated.
I have no idea what Queer is. I know what it used to mean, strange, odd, even gay.
And then you have the +++ .
Right now social media is the most dangerous place for kids to go to. Tik Tok, Instagram. I never been to these but I see videos.
And they are looking for people to agree with their uncomfortableness with their puberty. And then people that don't have their best interest in mind, coddle them and befriend them and walk them right off a cliff.

And if the parents of these children speak out too loud, then children services will claim your causing child abuse and have them removed.
Every governmental program that was created to protect children or any people, has been twisted on it's head and has now become a weapon against them. This we can fix. We just remove them from the government. Don't subsidise them. Don't give them any legal authority, they have to recommend law enforcement and the courts. Ah.. that don't work either because the courts are in the pockets of the donors.

I don't know. All I know is I don't have to be like them. I don't have to believe like them. Only I can make that decision in my own self.
I can protest, I can boycott, and I can vote. Those the weapons I have.
And think about it..
Free Speech, free commerce (or what you buy or don't buy with your own money) and free elections, have all gone down the toilet.
If you speek they censor you or try to shame you, now you can get sued billions of dollars for defending your position.
They take your taxes and spend them however they choose. And all elections are rigged for their own benefit and who they choose to put in.

So, what do we have?

Faith and Trust in God, which is more powerful than anything in the world.
They're coming for that too. But they would have to kill my body, because my Spirit already belongs to the Lord
We have a suit of armour. And we should get comfortable wearing it 24/7/365.

Only a Satanic MONSTER would demand the 'right' to murder this:

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Only a Satanic MONSTER would demand the 'right' to murder this:

You don't have to show me. I know. I've carried one myself for 9 months.
The experience is incredible.
I wish I could of had more, it just wasn't meant to be.
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Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
They been messing with all of us since the beginning of time.
I don't have any issues against the Gay and Lesbian communities.
Their agenda is division. Always has been always will be.
Unless we find a way to stop it.
And I don't think we can.
I don't have any issues against the Gay and Lesbian communities.
Something big is coming and I don't think either one of us will have any say in the matter.
Question is, when it comes will we put our carnal differences aside and stand together?
Or have they divided us so strongly that we will delight to see the other fall?
I don't have any issues against the Gay and Lesbian communities.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I don't. Your not reading my posts. Your just picking and choosing.

Look, most gays and lesbians live in relationships that don't include third parties.
They are monogomous. 2 people same sex one relationship.
That relationship has nothing to do with kids.
Neither couple can bare children because they both are the same sex.
How they choose to live their lives is between them and God.
They will have to answer for themselves. I don't judge them.

I don't agree that gay or lesbian couples should raise children. That's my right to disagree.

The Trans community isn't about monogomous relationships. It's about themselves.
They are in a seperate catagory. They are neither gay nor lesbian.
I don't agree with bisexuals either. You should pick a partner and stick with that one partner. Not jump back and forth.
Because this causes a lot of sexually transmitted diseases between themselves and their partners.
Just because you like both doesn't mean you should have both. You should stick with a monogomous relationship.

Transgenders isn't about partners. It's about their own body and how they relate to the body according to what they believe their gender should or shouldn't be. It's totally different.

There have always been gays and there have always been lesbians, and even bisexuals isn't a new thing.
But this transgender movement are telling our children that they should mutilate their bodies for the sake of how they feeel about their gender. Children shouldn't be mutilating their bodies and adults shouldn't be telling them it's ok to do so.

A gay guy knows he's a guy. He isn't looking to remove body parts.
A lesbian woman knows she's a woman. She isn't looking to add body parts.

Trangenders on the other hand live in a world of confusion. They don't know themselves what they are or what they want to be.
Something is definately wrong here. And I believe it is caused by chemical imbalances due to drugs and pharmeceuticals and pressure from the education system.

Now you can repeat all you want what I've said and I will stick by that.
You as an adult want to have relations with the same sex adult, that's between them.
That's not who I am. I am a heterosexual woman and that is how I live my life.
Widowed and celibate. And I'm happy with myself.



Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
I don't. Your not reading my posts. Your just picking and choosing.

Look, most gays and lesbians live in relationships that don't include third parties.
They are monogomous. 2 people same sex one relationship.
That relationship has nothing to do with kids.
Neither couple can bare children because they both are the same sex.
How they choose to live their lives is between them and God.
They will have to answer for themselves. I don't judge them.

I don't agree that gay or lesbian couples should raise children. That's my right to disagree.

The Trans community isn't about monogomous relationships. It's about themselves.
They are in a seperate catagory. They are neither gay nor lesbian.
I don't agree with bisexuals either. You should pick a partner and stick with that one partner. Not jump back and forth.
Because this causes a lot of sexually transmitted diseases between themselves and their partners.
Just because you like both doesn't mean you should have both. You should stick with a monogomous relationship.

Transgenders isn't about partners. It's about their own body and how they relate to the body according to what they believe their gender should or shouldn't be. It's totally different.

There have always been gays and there have always been lesbians, and even bisexuals isn't a new thing.
But this transgender movement are telling our children that they should mutilate their bodies for the sake of how they feeel about their gender. Children shouldn't be mutilating their bodies and adults shouldn't be telling them it's ok to do so.

A gay guy knows he's a guy. He isn't looking to remove body parts.
A lesbian woman knows she's a woman. She isn't looking to add body parts.

Trangenders on the other hand live in a world of confusion. They don't know themselves what they are or what they want to be.
Something is definately wrong here. And I believe it is caused by chemical imbalances due to drugs and pharmeceuticals and pressure from the education system.

Now you can repeat all you want what I've said and I will stick by that.
You as an adult want to have relations with the same sex adult, that's between them.
That's not who I am. I am a heterosexual woman and that is how I live my life.
Widowed and celibate. And I'm happy with myself.

I blocked them bc they're not looking for an honest conversation on the facts, just interested in false accusation in order to spread globo homo.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Liberty comes from God.
Gods ORDER and WAY “was” the Example, the Model, for Establishing the Nation of America AND for Establishing It’s Citizens and its Servants OF it’s Citizens.

Gods ORDER and WAY…
Began with TEN fixed OBJECTIVES.
Continued with 600+ Laws. (Clear and Concise applicable language)
Began with Multiple PRECEPTS (regulations of sorts) for Acceptable Behaviors between and among the citizenry.
Acceptable Curse, Punishments, Penal, Separating, sentences.
Jesus Fulfilled THE LAWS…and GAVE Two COMMANDS…
* Love the Lord God above ALL.
* Love All of manKIND.

Yes…there IS a problem.
America Has a SET FIXED Objective.
It’ is called the Constitution.
* Men Swear by an Oral Oath of their Word,
AND their Signature, IN THE YEAR OF “OUR” Lord; they WILL SERVE the Citizens of America, “BY” Protecting AND Defending the Constitution….and they DO NEITHER.
* What they (many) DO in Contrast, IS: Defend and Protect, (By dubious means), their Personal Position, TO expand and maintain their Own Greed and Control.
* Fixed Objective, Constitution, (approx. 9 8x10 pages.)
* FIFTY + Volumes OF LAWS!!! (Of Non-clear, Non-concise applicable language)
* Approx 600 new Laws added YEARLY!!!
* Tens of Thousands of pages of regulations.
* Hundreds of “Executive ORDERS” yearly, UNCONSTITUTIONALLY Treated AS LAWS.
* A bogus Supreme Court, whose sworn DUTY is to RULE According to the FIXED Objective, BUT RATHER, OFTEN Rule According to “prior cases and personal feelings”…. AND?
IS Proved all day long, when they REVEAL THEIR “NON-AGREEING” OPINION!
* WHEN the ENTIRE Court is NOT in agreement, (but they do that BY a majority VOTE) the LAW IN QUESTION is to BE, Nullified, and Congress’ JOB, is to REMOVE ALL effects of that Law from their ridiculous 50+ Volumes of Laws. (which on rare occasions they do)

In America…Lying is NOT a Crime for the “SERVANT”, nor a Crime for the Citizenry. But IS a crime for the Citizenry to LIE to a Servant.

In America … Cheating / Bribery is A Crime, YET is WIDELY expected, and “excepted Among the Servants”, and Often applauded and rewarded.

In America…Theft is a Crime.
YET is WIDELY expected, accepted, among the citizenry and ALONG with “the Servants being excepted” from accountability.

THEFT has become SO acceptable as Cleverly FUNNY, they have MADE TV programs, games, encouraging the honing such skills.

And the Punishments? Repeated Feather-taps.

The Servants JOB is to Defend and Protect the Liberty God has Given manKIND, AND the VERY FEW things according to THE Fixed Constitutional Objective.

The Citizenry’s JOB is to KNOW the Servants JOB, and boot him out when he oversteps his boundaries.

WHOMEVER is a mans Provider and Caretaker for one’s “NEEDS”…
“HE” is their “MASTER”….

Be that MASTER, (God or a servant of men), REMEMBER thIs:
What a MASTER “gives you for your NEEDS”(be it God or a servant of men), He can TAKE AWAY “your needs”.

Inanutshelll, God, recognized by a man, as that mans MASTER, “has promised to take care of mans Needs”…
Man Depending on Servants to become a lifestyle of the Servants taking care of ones needs….is what God calls being worse than an infidel.
(1 Tim 5:8)

Yes, America has a Problem.
Choosing to BELIEVE in God, in WHAT God…
Is every persons RIGHT.

An American Public Education SYSTEM, teaching young impressionable Children 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 180+ days a year, for 13 -19+. Years….and promoting ANTI-Godly ideas and rewards for adopting ANTI-Godly ideas and ways……IS / HAS created a Nation with a huge population of ANTI-God citizenry, including an INVITED Invasion of foreigners with the same ANTI-God perspective.

Glory to God,
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Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
I don't. Your not reading my posts. Your just picking and choosing.
Can't pick and choose without reading the whole thing.
Look, most gays and lesbians live in relationships that don't include third parties.
They are monogomous. 2 people same sex one relationship.
That relationship has nothing to do with kids.
Except for the huge number that are raising children.
Neither couple can bare children because they both are the same sex.
How they choose to live their lives is between them and God.
They will have to answer for themselves. I don't judge them.
See above
I don't agree that gay or lesbian couples should raise children. That's my right to disagree.
but you don't judge.
The Trans community isn't about monogomous relationships. It's about themselves.
They are in a seperate catagory. They are neither gay nor lesbian.
False trans individuals are heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual just the same as everyone else.
I don't agree with bisexuals either. You should pick a partner and stick with that one partner. Not jump back and forth.
Who says they don't have monogamous relationships?
Because this causes a lot of sexually transmitted diseases between themselves and their partners.
Just because you like both doesn't mean you should have both. You should stick with a monogomous relationship.
Who says they don't?
Transgenders isn't about partners. It's about their own body and how they relate to the body according to what they believe their gender should or shouldn't be. It's totally different.
You should try and actually talk to people before making pronouncements like that.
There have always been gays and there have always been lesbians, and even bisexuals isn't a new thing.
But this transgender movement are telling our children that they should mutilate their bodies for the sake of how they feeel about their gender. Children shouldn't be mutilating their bodies and adults shouldn't be telling them it's ok to do so.
And you shouldn't by lying about the transgendered like this.
A gay guy knows he's a guy. He isn't looking to remove body parts.
A lesbian woman knows she's a woman. She isn't looking to add body parts.

Trangenders on the other hand live in a world of confusion. They don't know themselves what they are or what they want to be.
Something is definately wrong here.
Yes, what you are saying is wrong
And I believe it is caused by chemical imbalances due to drugs and pharmeceuticals and pressure from the education system.
There are people who believe the earth is flat. their belief doesn't' change reality
Now you can repeat all you want what I've said and I will stick by that.
You as an adult want to have relations with the same sex adult, that's between them.
That's not who I am. I am a heterosexual woman and that is how I live my life.
Widowed and celibate. And I'm happy with myself.

I happily confront Antisemitism and racism when i see it. I also defend left handed people. Do you think that makes me a black left-handed Jew?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Can't pick and choose without reading the whole thing.

Except for the huge number that are raising children.

See above

but you don't judge.

False trans individuals are heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual just the same as everyone else.

Who says they don't have monogamous relationships?

Who says they don't?

You should try and actually talk to people before making pronouncements like that.


And you shouldn't by lying about the transgendered like this.

Yes, what you are saying is wrong

There are people who believe the earth is flat. their belief doesn't' change reality

I happily confront Antisemitism and racism when i see it. I also defend left handed people. Do you think that makes me a black left-handed Jew?
Tell me about yourself.
Are you LGBTQ?
You say I should try actually talking to people before making my own observations. And the only trans I know of is my brother-in-law and his lifestyle.
So if you are LGBTQ then let's talk so I can hear your point of view.

Who are you? I have already shown you who I am.
  • Haha
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