(Pro-Palestine Antisemitics occupying campuses) The Canary in the Coal Mine': Netanyahu Warns US Antisemitism Signals Impending Global Inferno

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Feb 24, 2020
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IT’S SPREADING! HUNDREDS OF STUDENTS at Ole Miss Gather Around Pro-Hamas Encampment and Sing the National Anthem – Chant “We Want Trump!” (VIDEO)​



Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States

IT’S SPREADING! HUNDREDS OF STUDENTS at Ole Miss Gather Around Pro-Hamas Encampment and Sing the National Anthem – Chant “We Want Trump!” (VIDEO)​

That's great!!! Glad some young people have good character as well as brains.

Meanwhile, take a look at the work of the pro-Hamas Palestinian protesters...



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
That's great!!! Glad some young people have good character as well as brains.

Meanwhile, take a look at the work of the pro-Hamas Palestinian protesters...

Remember in Texas years ago? A bunch of illegals who were students at a highschool tried to take down the American and Texas flag on the campus and raise a Mexico one.

That didn't turn out like they expected. Boys, y'all be in Texas! Not Tijuana!
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Aug 22, 2023
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Does this really surprise us?
Students are being radicalized. The Democratic National Convention will be held on a campus this August.


Clues: US Campus Protests Fueled by Major Foreign Funding; Backed by Iran, Hamas

5/2/2024 12:35:25 AM Chris Mitchell
JERUSALEM, Israel – Within just a few weeks, anti-Israel protests have expanded to occupy U.S. campuses coast to coast.
Given the overall coordination, officials are questioning whether these demonstrations go beyond a spontaneous student movement to a more well-funded outside operation.
Jack Landstein described what it's becoming like to be a Jewish student on one campus.

"Being a Jewish student at the University of Michigan right now, it's definitely a scary and uncomfortable time. There's a lot of antisemitism on our campus and it's extremely unsettling," he admitted.
Landstein described some of what he's witnessed.

"So it's a lot of chants, 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,' 'intifada, intifada'; bullhorns going through the school of business, go through the undergraduate library, making it very challenging for students to do work and focus. I sometimes worry about wearing my Star of David outside of my shirt," he explained.

Landstein is not alone.
Dr. Jay Greene, a senior research fellow and an educational policy expert at the Heritage Foundation, told CBN News the protesters have an unmistakable goal. "What they're clearly doing is they're very clearly signaling to Jewish students that they're not welcome on campus, that they're not being protected by the university leaders in a way that they would protect any other group on campus," Greene stated.

He sees clues pointing to a more professional, organized effort behind these protests.
"We only get little hints of it, and the hints are that the funders include the Soros Open Society Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. And there are also some links to foreign organizations as well," Greene noted. "We've seen that people linked to foreign organizations have been involved in training and that there are shared talking points and documents as well. So it's pretty clear that this is an externally funded and organized effort."

Greene also finds similar strategies recurring across the various campuses.

"Among the common signs are that they're determined to set up camps so that it's more difficult to remove them, but they never have to leave them. That's one sign. A second sign is that they're setting up in the middle of public spaces within the university so that it is difficult for people to get to and from work to and from classes without having to go through these protests," he said. "So they're effectively shutting down the normal operations of these universities. And third, they're on locations that are often where commencements will be held in a few weeks."

That’s also intentional as those upcoming ceremonies put a lot of pressure on the universities. Greene’s detected a strong Middle East connection..

He noted, "We've seen people from the Middle East come and provide trainings to them. So, and the biggest connection that we might identify between the Middle East and these protests is the very large number of Middle East students who are involved."

He also adds that the element presents a financial dilemma for many of the schools.

One reason universities are reluctant to crack down on the protests by arresting students or suspending them is out of fear of jeopardizing the students' foreign visas.

"And so if they were to be suspended from school or arrested, they might have to be deported. And the universities are very wary of doing that, in part because these foreign student revenue streams are an important source of revenue for them. There are very large donors overseas that they're wishing to keep happy," Greene observed.

While polls show most Americans don't support the demonstrations, protesters are getting positive reinforcement elsewhere.

Iran's Foreign Ministry condemns reports of protesters being arrested, although the Islamic regime has traditionally arrested, imprisoned, and even killed student protesters within its borders.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani declared, "The Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign ministry in no way accepts violent and militarized response to students and their demands in America's universities. It rejects this approach and deems it concerning. It's necessary that the international community takes notice of this issue."

On social media, Hamas has praised the protests while warning the Biden administration.

Hamas Political Bureau member Izzat al-Rishq posted on Telegram, "Today's students are the leaders of tomorrow. The consequence of today's repression will be a heavy electoral price that the Biden administration will pay sooner or later."

As this movement is expected to continue, Greene expects protests will likely disrupt commencement ceremonies and believes many protesters will expand beyond college campuses to gather in Chicago at the August Democratic National Convention.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Met a 30 something fool today with her 2 kids in tow who is for Palestine.
I asked if she supported HAMAS on October 7th .
She asked, what's October 7th? I don't remember every date in the world.

So I told her.

She said that doesn't justify Israel bombing hospitals and children.

I asked,what do you think 2000 rockets struck in Israel?

She ignored me.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Met a 30 something fool today with her 2 kids in tow who is for Palestine.
I asked if she supported HAMAS on October 7th .
She asked, what's October 7th? I don't remember every date in the world.

So I told her.

She said that doesn't justify Israel bombing hospitals and children.

I asked,what do you think 2000 rockets struck in Israel?

She ignored me.
They brought this all on themselves in fact, because they attacked Israel !
Don't they understand that fact !

If they did not attack Israel they would be fine in fact ! Not a problem in fact !

But they did attack Israel, in a outright gutless mongrel low life way in fact !

Now how is it that i knew that when Joe Biden played out his outright dirty stupid pathetic moronic game play in leaving Afganistan ! That i my self knew directly that this was a Criminal Act ! that was going to lead to an attack on Israel in fact ! No one could be so stupid to walk out and leave all such weapons behind for such trash people. who totaly hate Israel, period ! We know that !
So where are the weapons going to go ? I knew !

But within all this Game play is the Socialist in fact ! Number one issue is The Socialist ! This is the key issue in regards of this War in fact !

The Jews are not of one ilk ? but they have Socialist within ! and it was this Socialist organisation who let this War take place in fact, for they knew what was coming in fact and it was them who let it happen in fact !
But one has to ask why ? Question as to why they would do such ? Well it's because they want to get rid of the Government ! and that has been the caser for some time now, as they have worked every dirty trick to kick the PM out of Israel !
Look at the Media peddling such total rubbish one sided storys 24/7 !
It's all a one way show ! and who is the evil one ? The one who was attacked by a moronic Terrorist act and it is this Mob who are still the threat in fact, for they have not backed down at all ! So why should Israel back down at all ! Biden can go shove it ! because he created all this in fact ! and should be outright against all such who attacked Israel ! Stop them ! and Israel can stop ! for why the hell should Israel stop when they clearly face such an enemy that is outright criminaly insane and evil in fact !
80 % of them openly clearly say that they all want Israel gone ! They will never stop !

Then as to regards a 2 State solutuion ? It can never work !

Howabout a 2 State soultion in any Country ? such is stupid ! Only a Socialist would push for such a stupid brain dead deal as a 2 State Solution and this is what the Socialist want ! Such a thing, Israel will not exist in fact ! because under Socialism they do not have God ! but gods in fact that only idiots and fools suport !

The Key to real Jews who are worthy of the OT will be undermined, for Islam ! That's the real issue here ! It's a work of the Devil in fact !
Real worthy Jews of OT God in Israel will have to leave ?
The Socialist Jews in the State could not give a rats about God ! and are typical Socialist Traitors and trash. for they let this War happen for their own ends in fact !
Just as Joe Biden and his Socialist Mob created the idiot Wars in Israel and Ukraine in fact !
It was all their doing and a one sided Media peddling !
The Blood is on their Hands in fact and all that such morons can do is work to incorage so as too escalate esclate in fact !

So if Joe Biden wanted to, he could of easy stopped this Islamic Attack and the on going attackes on Israel ! but he has only worked truly to incorage this War so as to go on ! as he does Ukraine War and such is insane not to mention stupid pathetic War, that could of never existed, if East Ukraine was given the right to Vote in fact ! but 80% wanted to join to become part of Russia !

The Two Wars could never got off the ground without the help of Joe Biden and the one sided Media Whore ! who support Nazis in fact, just remember that fact !

Mention them Nazis to the Media or Joe Biden ? they will not answer or dismiss any such ! for they think we have no rights to know ? They feed us as if we were Mushrooms ! That's Typical of a Nazi or any Communist Government but that's Socialism for ya ! you are all owned by such a Government, as you have all become equal too mushrooms ! For such as Governments do not like to be challanged by what they demand are just their mushrooms ! The Schooling system has been pushing for such for years endoctrination of children just as went on in Nazi and Communist Nations in fact and not promoting a true education, so people can think for themselves !


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
Met a 30 something fool today with her 2 kids in tow who is for Palestine.
I asked if she supported HAMAS on October 7th .
She asked, what's October 7th? I don't remember every date in the world.

So I told her.

She said that doesn't justify Israel bombing hospitals and children.

I asked,what do you think 2000 rockets struck in Israel?

She ignored me.
That's funny she didn't know Hamas started the whole thing on Oct 7.

She probably doesn't know either that Hamas use women and children as human shields....also they build their headquarters under hospitals, etc.

How did you get onto the subject with her? Just curious.

P.S. Next time ask about the Israeli hostages.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
That's funny she didn't know Hamas started the whole thing on Oct 7.

She probably doesn't know either that Hamas use women and children as human shields....also they build their headquarters under hospitals, etc.

How did you get onto the subject with her? Just curious.

P.S. Next time ask about the Israeli hostages.
That's funny she didn't know Hamas started the whole thing on Oct 7.

She probably doesn't know either that Hamas use women and children as human shields....also they build their headquarters under hospitals, etc.

How did you get onto the subject with her? Just curious.

P.S. Next time ask about the Israeli hostages.
I was at the checkout. Someone in front had said something about the politics of today and how the world is upside down.

So I chimed in, "have you read about the pro-Palestine domestic terrorists currently occupying campuses around the country?" And that other woman I already mentioned said, "I support Palestine."

I said,what a shame. Do you also support what Hamas did on October 7th?" And it went from there.

She supports Palestine, thinks Israel is evil,and the bombings Israel has done would be like bombing a Walmart.
Whatever that meant.
Though I wondered if she'd want to be in that Walmart at the time.

She exhibited the same attitude as the Lefties in the news. Clueless.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I was at the checkout. Someone in front had said something about the politics of today and how the world is upside down.

So I chimed in, "have you read about the pro-Palestine domestic terrorists currently occupying campuses around the country?" And that other woman I already mentioned said, "I support Palestine."

I said,what a shame. Do you also support what Hamas did on October 7th?" And it went from there.

She supports Palestine, thinks Israel is evil,and the bombings Israel has done would be like bombing a Walmart.
Whatever that meant.
Though I wondered if she'd want to be in that Walmart at the time.

She exhibited the same attitude as the Lefties in the news. Clueless.
Yes ! your correct.

Who attacked Israel ? that's question number one ?

Question number 2, who is still attacking Israel in fact, or one may say ! if such Arabs would stop and give up attacking Israel and holding such Jews hostage ! but they are not in fact ! and that 80% of Arabs in that land openly say adn support the Attack on Israel and have and still are in fact !

Question number 3 is that it's they who brought this all on themselves ! For they are total morons ! so why suport such idiot Terrorist ! let them learn the hard way and they may think twice befor attacking Israel again !

Stop such as them in their tracks ! anything other is feeding criminal intents. for they are feeding Terrorist in fact !

Not to mention such Terrorist will be on your door next ! so No ! too hell with the likes of them ! wake up world Terrorism is totaly Evil ! do not feed it at all, just condem all such totaly !
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
Yes ! your correct.

Who attacked Israel ? that's question number one ?

Question number 2, who is still attacking Israel in fact, or one may say ! if such Arabs would stop and give up attacking Israel and holding such Jews hostage ! but they are not in fact ! and that 80% of Arabs in that land openly say adn support the Attack on Israel and have and still are in fact !

Question number 3 is that it's they who brought this all on themselves ! For they are total morons ! so why suport such idiot Terrorist ! let them learn the hard way and they may think twice befor attacking Israel again !

Stop such as them in their tracks ! anything other is feeding criminal intents. for they are feeding Terrorist in fact !

Not to mention such Terrorist will be on your door next ! so No ! too hell with the likes of them ! wake up world Terrorism is totaly Evil ! do not feed it at all, just condem all such totaly !
Yes, do you notice we don't hear anything now about the hostages taken by Hamas. And it was Hamas who started this war.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Yes, do you notice we don't hear anything now about the hostages taken by Hamas. And it was Hamas who started this war.
Our Media is just like it was in Nazi Germany and every Communist Nation in fact ! full of total one sided load of BS !
Sadly most people just swallow everything that the MSM peddle ! without questioning or having a thought process thinking into what is being dished up ! Most are so shallow minded in fact !

Every 2 weeks i come to a group of men who sit about in their 70's + and i get the feed back from them all. what do they think ?
some are very wealthy and some poor. but they fear to speak their mind openly. but will work to undermine me or stand over me, as if i was 16yo ? like what would i know ? well i ran my own buisness totaly so i had to deal with every aspect of such a life involves, so i delt with all of the wolves ? and most of them never had such responciblitys other than what a 16yo would fact their whole lifes. so they do not know jack !

So i got turned away from by a wealthy dude, who once worked for a very wealthy person who looked after him very well, as he was pointing to his life, as he has said to me before, but i pointed out another issue of much the same deal that was as his life ? regarding others i know ? but because he did not like the owner of the Company in this regard ? and i said that this bloke was a very smart man ! He did not want to hear it ?
I said no one could truly think that this dude that i was talking about was an idiot ! but the Media make out that he is a moron 24/7 !
So i was going to say prove it ! Prove that he is an idiot ! you can't can you ! because one would be a fool to even try in fact !
But most people will not listen to what one may put forward, because they do not want to hear it !
Why is that, well because the Media have created a picture of the man ! and anyone who points out anything other is too much for their shallow brain to deal with.

The Media can make anything or anyone look good, even if they are rotten to the core and work to make any thing or anyone look bad in fact. Why ! well it's because the majority of people are not educated in regards what the foundations of Media are truly is all about nowadays.
They think that the Media is their Salvation ! their eyes and ears ? Justice !
The Media is all about making money and who gives them most of their money, the Government ! in adds etc. look at all the TV adds that Gov has. that's a huge chash cow ! who can give such as that cash cow away in buisness !
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
These Pro-Palestine domestic terrorists who,in one report held janitors hostage are violating the federal law described by U.S Code, 18 USC § 2331(5).

Then of course there's always been the NDAA , National Defense Authorization Act.

The question is,why haven't government officials invoked these laws to quell these occupations? And punish the terrorists?

More evidence that Obama is our shadow president?
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