Anyone interested in genealogy family trees and DNA?

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Genealogy is not for everyone and it is usually the women that get more into the activity. I asked the Lord about it myself and the Lord gave me 2 words I did look up.. "remember ancestors" well there is just one verse to me regarding it.

Lev 26:45 But I will for their sakes remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the heathen, that I might be their God: I am the Lord

So since that was from the Lord I continued my searching. I was amazed at it.. now the 2% ashkenazi didn't show up on me at ancestry.. they have changed and keep changing dna results I uploaded my ancestry file to familytreedna and it is there it showed up just as my brother had.

I don't agree how they do dna... the way it is done.. lets use Moses and Aaron... both same parents so 100% Jew they both were.. yet Aaron married another Jew and Moses married a priests daughter from Ethiopia .. their sons according to how dna is done.. Aarons sons would be 100% Jew and Moses sons only 50%.. I don't think God does it that way... both would have 100% on sons. So I did study some on dna.
The Semitic race is a part of the Tribe that came to God ? but Semitism has nothing to do with regard for the true God ?

Jesus was about bringing all people to God !

But how do people come to God ? well Holy Moses lead the way, because the people of God are not to be Slaves to this world in fact ! and Moses said of he to come and he did come and that is the issue in fact regardless = Faith !
No Faith = not worthy of Gods people regardless, who one thinks one is in fact !

The Fact that one is a Jew means nothing truly ! it's about Christ Jesus ! One must truly be born again in fact or you are nothing in regards Gods people ! They who know him, abide in him as he does in them in fact.

All this talk about how much Jewish blood are you is all BS ! I am maybe the most Jewish blood line on earth ? but that counts for nothing if you are not truly born again in fact !

If one abides in Christ Jesus that's the Key ! outside of that is just total nonsense !


Active Member
Nov 10, 2023
United States
The Semitic race is a part of the Tribe that came to God ? but Semitism has nothing to do with regard for the true God ?

Jesus was about bringing all people to God !

But how do people come to God ? well Holy Moses lead the way, because the people of God are not to be Slaves to this world in fact ! and Moses said of he to come and he did come and that is the issue in fact regardless = Faith !
No Faith = not worthy of Gods people regardless, who one thinks one is in fact !

The Fact that one is a Jew means nothing truly ! it's about Christ Jesus ! One must truly be born again in fact or you are nothing in regards Gods people ! They who know him, abide in him as he does in them in fact.

All this talk about how much Jewish blood are you is all BS ! I am maybe the most Jewish blood line on earth ? but that counts for nothing if you are not truly born again in fact !

If one abides in Christ Jesus that's the Key ! outside of that is just total nonsense !
I think it proves God is not a lier... and they keep changing their readings now not to show the 1 and 2% Jewish people. You can leave the discussion this is like God told me to remember my ancestors.. go play on other parts of the forum genealogy is not for you.

Jeremiah 33:22 I will make the descendants of David my servant and the Levites who minister before me as countless as the stars in the sky and as measureless as the sand on the seashore.’”

I believe God grafted in Gentiles..

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I think it proves God is not a lier... and they keep changing their readings now not to show the 1 and 2% Jewish people. You can leave the discussion this is like God told me to remember my ancestors.. go play on other parts of the forum genealogy is not for you.

Jeremiah 33:22 I will make the descendants of David my servant and the Levites who minister before me as countless as the stars in the sky and as measureless as the sand on the seashore.’”

I believe God grafted in Gentiles..
Most people on earth have a Jewish blood line in some way, this = as the sand on the seashore.

My ancestors ? regarding what ? God !
I do not look to my family tree for my relationship with Christ Jesus.

I respect the OT in regards the Bible, that's a key point that must be so and in regards all who have gone befor us all ? that we have inherit that blessing for such regards.

Yes you are right, it was the worthy Jews, who became the first Christians in fact ! but how did they recive the mesage ? from God in fact ! throught the Holy Spirit ! now who recives ? only them who are worthy in fact !

For remember only a handful of Jews were worthy ! the rest were not in fact ! for they were lead astray in fact !

So it's not Race bound at all in fact ! the gift is their for all ! it's free !

God does not give a rats who one thinks one is !

I could boast how much Jewish blood i have and that is more than most could claim. and i know of so called christians who know it only to well that i am Jewish. but they idolise the so called Jews 24/7 in fact but when it comes to me, such as they hate me ! even said or demanded that i am not a Christian but a Jew ?
As if a Jew can never become a Christian ? Talk about morons ! for they are all wrapped up in BS ! and only want to dictate over me and never listen to me. for they can not handle the Truth in fact, for they stop up their ears in fact and then get so angery ? that's clearly a point of they are possesed in fact, that they take off in a great huff ! but they would love to bash me up, but they know that i will easy deal with such as that. So they do not come to see me ever and do not want me around talking to them. because they only dictate to everyone, they want total control over everyone.

But i say that the Truth will set you free !

I am truly born again and they clearly are not ! but demand that they are ? they do the works of men, not God in fact. they are not humble in the Lord. The push a works ? yet say they don't ! but they do ! for that's what they point to, look what we are doing ? their is the proof ? but what does the God of the Bible say about such ?

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
show me the facts on that one...
He is being an idiot on that card !

Sure Moses went down to Ethiopia and many such Africans are of the blood line, that's not an issue disputed !

But to say all Americans of African decent are such, is pathetic stupidity ! and only a moron would peddle that line.

I am sure some are and great people in fact if they are Blessed by God.

The Africans who were stolen and sold in America was done by wealthy Jews who owned the Ships and they got Islamic people to hunt them Negros down and shiped them off !
But the wealthy Jews who were involved with such, who are they truly ? not the Jews of the Bible in regards God for sure. but they who Moses warned about and Jesus and not to mention all of Gods Prophets in fact, one can read about such so called Jews in the Bible in fact !
The Vinyard story for one points it out well.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
My sister was into ancestry because my aging mother did not know who her father was. She was born in Scotland in 1924. Her mother (obviously an unmarried mother) concocted a story and a name that never checked out. She claimed to be a widow, but no marriage certificate was ever found, nor was the name she gave to support her story. It was shameful to be an unmarried mother back then.

My sister tried for years to match our Mum to someone…and finally in her last year of life, we found him. She was overjoyed to know that the DNA doesn’t lie and that she had a Dad who had of course pre-deceased her, and some cousins in England and Scotland, where she was raised……they provided pictures so she had a photo and could see what he looked like and a bit of his history from living family members. It filled in all the missing pieces in her life….and she finally knew who she was.

All her life she had longed to know her father, and at the ripe old age of 98, she found him…..on her death certificate is his name…..she officially had a Dad. She died, finally at peace.….whole.


Active Member
Nov 10, 2023
United States
My sister was into ancestry because my aging mother did not know who her father was. She was born in Scotland in 1924. Her mother (obviously an unmarried mother) concocted a story and a name that never checked out. She claimed to be a widow, but no marriage certificate was ever found, nor was the name she gave to support her story. It was shameful to be an unmarried mother back then.

My sister tried for years to match our Mum to someone…and finally in her last year of life, we found him. She was overjoyed to know that the DNA doesn’t lie and that she had a Dad who had of course pre-deceased her, and some cousins in England and Scotland, where she was raised……they provided pictures so she had a photo and could see what he looked like and a bit of his history from living family members. It filled in all the missing pieces in her life….and she finally knew who she was.

All her life she had longed to know her father, and at the ripe old age of 98, she found him…..on her death certificate is his name…..she officially had a Dad. She died, finally at peace.….whole.
That is too cool!! Well for our sons I asked my husband to do YDNA, this several years ago.. my sons have no interest in genealogy but who knows in the next generations or so at least it is out there with even stories I was told. Ancestry does have info on family sir names.. now my maiden name said Ashkinazi yet with Swiss christian church records they were Christian way back to 1600's as far as I could go with records. So I think Judaism could go very very far back not showing Judaism. will probably be around for ages... they will also have free trials to search to get people hooked on it. So basically I do still have stories to tell.. I can write the genealogy within the grandchildren records too. My wikitree.. I was thanked for writing the story and telling that this family was Jewish on my husband's side.

I am stuck a bit on my great grandfather the one adopted... trying to search out that name yesterday ran into a list with that last name listing a bunch of slaves owned under wills and probate... have no clue if that is them though... so sometimes it takes a long time to solve puzzles.. with documentation, also found that name in Quaker meeting notes hahaha So you never know what you find... wonder if I will ever solve anything lol I was thankful to have the real last name. It truly is a puzzle...but needs documentation...dna helps that documentation.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
My sister was into ancestry because my aging mother did not know who her father was. She was born in Scotland in 1924. Her mother (obviously an unmarried mother) concocted a story and a name that never checked out. She claimed to be a widow, but no marriage certificate was ever found, nor was the name she gave to support her story. It was shameful to be an unmarried mother back then.

My sister tried for years to match our Mum to someone…and finally in her last year of life, we found him. She was overjoyed to know that the DNA doesn’t lie and that she had a Dad who had of course pre-deceased her, and some cousins in England and Scotland, where she was raised……they provided pictures so she had a photo and could see what he looked like and a bit of his history from living family members. It filled in all the missing pieces in her life….and she finally knew who she was.

All her life she had longed to know her father, and at the ripe old age of 98, she found him…..on her death certificate is his name…..she officially had a Dad. She died, finally at peace.….whole.
What a neat story Jane
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
How’s it going @Cyd ?
M daughter was looking into someone’s family history and the surname is ‘ Smith ‘ , but it was a chosen name as they came to England from Europe - it’s like trying to put a puzzle together with loads of pieces from all kinds of puzzles.
Thankfully through knowing a few of the original first names, after talking more to the lady concerned, about occupations ect she was able to order a birth certificate and it proved helpful. Although keep ordering certificate can work out a bit expensive !


Active Member
Nov 10, 2023
United States
I am pretty much at a standstill, I had already worked all the lines to 4th and 5th generations back to what countries they came from. For my dna, I had my brother do his ydna.. our dad's fathers side was all Switzerland and with church records was able to go back to 1590 there. So my tree is pretty much done am at a standstill but do try new searches on them just in case something new pops up. Because of scripture it was the paternal line I was most interested in, can't find records past 1590 church records.

Your daughter has a hard name wow the Smith's and the Jones's here are huge directory names.
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Active Member
Nov 10, 2023
United States
How is your daughter doing with the Smith research? They do on top of things computer updates on things especially at dna things with ancestry and familytreedna also. Anyway the link I had put they now had a new update on my husbands ydna connections.. so that has changed and he is listed on several things with saying "rare connection" which is new, but with that not sure how to read it. It looks like this but labeled marker tag of rare connection how would you read this? How would you understand this? the 1 in 362 being that out of the 1409? I don't know how to read this... and can't find an explanation. What are your thoughts? How would you understand this? Listed like this.

1 in 362
Only 1,409 customers are this closely related to The Jewish priesthood (Cohanim) lineage

Any thoughts would be appreciated for understanding this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Hi Cyd
I just spoke to my daughter, asked her about the smith search and all she said was ‘ I am fed up with smiths ‘ !!!!! Lol
She said that sometimes the American sites are different to ours, she has never had a ‘ rare connection ‘ come up but , like me, presumes it means it’s an unusual connection of some kind, my daughter said over here it might be if you were a distant link to our royal family, something like that perhaps.
Does it not give you any details about who he is rarely connected to !?
How intriguing though - hope you can find out more xx
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Active Member
Nov 10, 2023
United States
Hi Cyd
I just spoke to my daughter, asked her about the smith search and all she said was ‘ I am fed up with smiths ‘ !!!!! Lol
She said that sometimes the American sites are different to ours, she has never had a ‘ rare connection ‘ come up but , like me, presumes it means it’s an unusual connection of some kind, my daughter said over here it might be if you were a distant link to our royal family, something like that perhaps.
Does it not give you any details about who he is rarely connected to !?
How intriguing though - hope you can find out more xx
How funny with your daughter lol made me laugh.
Well the rare connection is via Ydna on him. All the ancient things changed on him also and marked many to be rare connection with a blue tab like look too. I believe with the research they were doing they did full testing of dna even if you didn't pay that high for it. His total number changed they of course tried to get you to pay for what they called snips to give you exact and I never payed for that yet he went from haplogroup JM267 to now being J-Z18271 still in the main J it is but more refined? All of his ancient things changed with the first 4 being labeled rare connection as well. They I think as the owner is Jewish also same J they are trying to find the related to Aaron and Moses ones is all I can figure. The labeling of rare I think they want to pull out all those maybe for more type research is my guess.

The thing is years ago I found when they switched to the mother being the house tribe they go by was going on at the time of Jesus not accepting the males who married outside the faith.. so they started using the woman bloodlines for Israelite's. I don't think God changed though it is still house of the father pedigrees are done with re scripture.

Will see if they have more changes to their programming with this new update.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
As we were developing a spatial data base for the company's infrastructure records, we came up with this understanding of what we were doing.

As we were prepared to establish our data's dependence and relationship with other data sets, we were able to establish the freedom of our data set and its independence from the destinies of the other data sets.

As we recorded and displayed the data set for the company's utility infrastructure, we found that the recording of the story of our dependency and relationship became the key in spatially displaying our data.

In knowing the stories of the respective data sets that have an influence over or with our data set, we were then able to represent those relationships more easily within the required level of artistic licence.

This is what people do when attempting to establish their particular "monkey" tree.

It is the use and interpretation of this collected data, whether complete or not, that then makes the constructed tree useful for us.


Active Member
Nov 10, 2023
United States
As we were developing a spatial data base for the company's infrastructure records, we came up with this understanding of what we were doing.

As we were prepared to establish our data's dependence and relationship with other data sets, we were able to establish the freedom of our data set and its independence from the destinies of the other data sets.

As we recorded and displayed the data set for the company's utility infrastructure, we found that the recording of the story of our dependency and relationship became the key in spatially displaying our data.

In knowing the stories of the respective data sets that have an influence over or with our data set, we were then able to represent those relationships more easily within the required level of artistic licence.

This is what people do when attempting to establish their particular "monkey" tree.

It is the use and interpretation of this collected data, whether complete or not, that then makes the constructed tree useful for us.
You sound like a programmer hired to do a job lol I don't like you calling it a monkey tree when the Lord calls it a pedigree in scriptures. It is like you calling Christs genealogy a monkey tree... do you see what saying that does? Genealogy is in scriptures and God used it to divide the tribes and am sure He will use it again to divide as seen in the book of Revelations. What the new programming and change to my husband did is set the year closer most were at 17000 BCE now they are most distant at 3350 BCE and some at 700 BCE with the computer update and number changed on haplogroup. I don't think we go back that far anyway, that is doing science not biblical to me, now he has been placed within the biblical years of 6000 years to me. So that might have been things they wanted to see. Science vs two trees one vs the other.


Active Member
Nov 10, 2023
United States
Does it not give you any details about who he is rarely connected to !?
How intriguing though - hope you can find out more xx
Yes they are called something but are probably ancient mummies or other ydna people connected. His full ancient connections changed from what they were.. if you click the link of ancient on the first 4 he is said to be a rare connection yes scrolling down reading ... each one you click on has a write up about it.
Welcome to FamilyTreeDNA Discover

On notable connection it is all the same except the order now is different and closeness first 2 are listed as rare.
Welcome to FamilyTreeDNA Discover

Science vs biblical? Might be... a need maybe to further break out main categories is my guess.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
You have managed to go so far back, thats so interesting. Not sure how many generations my daughter has managed yet, but i think it’s only to the 1800’s
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I was not sure where to put this re genealogy and dna however it is an interest and activity I did pursue mainly to see if I could prove passed down family stories. It work and has been a fun adventure into bloodlines. Helped answer where I came from what parts of the world, and of course pursuing things on stories of both my husband and myself. Does anyone else do or have these type interests?

That's a good idea I think. Whatwas the promise to Abraham? The Father of many nations and multitudes of offspring? Nombered like the sans of the sea shore? Wow, so how many of us could have our DNA traced back to Abraham? I bet more of us than not!

The stories I have heard about my ancestry would be cool to confirm. I was told that we immigrated over here from Ireland and went and founfef the city of Ireland Indiana. Plus I heard that my Mom's great grandfather was a full blooded Cherokee indian.

Is it so? I dunno and I never been to Ireland Indiana so, ??
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Active Member
Nov 10, 2023
United States
That's a good idea I think. Whatwas the promise to Abraham? The Father of many nations and multitudes of offspring? Nombered like the sans of the sea shore? Wow, so how many of us could have our DNA traced back to Abraham? I bet more of us than not!

The stories I have heard about my ancestry would be cool to confirm. I was told that we immigrated over here from Ireland and went and founfef the city of Ireland Indiana. Plus I heard that my Mom's great grandfather was a full blooded Cherokee indian.

Is it so? I dunno and I never been to Ireland Indiana so, ??
It is fun finding history and family connections... I looked up Ireland, IN haha I was born in IN. So you are related to this John Stewart? Interesting and says war hero..
The Irish war hero and pioneer who founded Ireland, Indiana

Even the small towns have a history which is fun!!!
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