~ Mustard Seed Sized Faith. ~

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
( I never quite know where to post things! :) )

We all know that ‘all we need’ is a mustard seed size of faith.
5,000 mustard seeds in one ounce!

Romans 12: 3 " ...think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.”

So, we all have The measure of faith that God has placed in every single person.

As we go through life it seems obvious that some have greater faith… the disciples wanted more than they had…for we read that they said to Jesus - “Lord increase our faith…”

I heard a good illustration …a man went on his first plane flight.
He was scared …next to him , near the window was a woman who clutched the armrests and sat rigidly full of fear …he thought to himself, 'I am fearful , but I’m not that bad ..the last seat was filled with a man who took his book of out his brief case and settled down comfortably to enjoy the journey .
When the plane landed safely …the man thought ..'we may have all had different levels of this journey ..but we all arrived at the destination same time!
The lady seems to have had mustard seed sized faith ( she was at least on the plane) I have about potato sized faith, and this gentleman has water melon sized faith …but we all arrive at the destination. Yet the journey was not the same for all of us.
The greater the faith we have , the more enjoyable the journey is ..so the water melon size faith that the other man has , does have the greater advantage and a much more pleasant journey.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
As we go through life it seems obvious that some have greater faith… the disciples wanted more than they had…for we read that they said to Jesus - “Lord increase our faith…”

2 Thessalonians 1:3 "We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth;"

I echo the same prayer, Lord, increase my faith!

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
( I never quite know where to post things! :) )

We all know that ‘all we need’ is a mustard seed size of faith.
5,000 mustard seeds in one ounce!

Romans 12: 3 " ...think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.”

So, we all have The measure of faith that God has placed in every single person.

As we go through life it seems obvious that some have greater faith… the disciples wanted more than they had…for we read that they said to Jesus - “Lord increase our faith…”

I heard a good illustration …a man went on his first plane flight.
He was scared …next to him , near the window was a woman who clutched the armrests and sat rigidly full of fear …he thought to himself, 'I am fearful , but I’m not that bad ..the last seat was filled with a man who took his book of out his brief case and settled down comfortably to enjoy the journey .
When the plane landed safely …the man thought ..'we may have all had different levels of this journey ..but we all arrived at the destination same time!
The lady seems to have had mustard seed sized faith ( she was at least on the plane) I have about potato sized faith, and this gentleman has water melon sized faith …but we all arrive at the destination. Yet the journey was not the same for all of us.
The greater the faith we have , the more enjoyable the journey is ..so the water melon size faith that the other man has , does have the greater advantage and a much more pleasant journey.
@Helen I think that for faith it's really the principle of the thing, whether it's there at all; Hebrews 11 says, over and over: 'by faith', 'by faith', 'by faith', ...


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
( I never quite know where to post things! :) )

We all know that ‘all we need’ is a mustard seed size of faith.
5,000 mustard seeds in one ounce!

Romans 12: 3 " ...think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.”

So, we all have The measure of faith that God has placed in every single person.

As we go through life it seems obvious that some have greater faith… the disciples wanted more than they had…for we read that they said to Jesus - “Lord increase our faith…”

I heard a good illustration …a man went on his first plane flight.
He was scared …next to him , near the window was a woman who clutched the armrests and sat rigidly full of fear …he thought to himself, 'I am fearful , but I’m not that bad ..the last seat was filled with a man who took his book of out his brief case and settled down comfortably to enjoy the journey .
When the plane landed safely …the man thought ..'we may have all had different levels of this journey ..but we all arrived at the destination same time!
The lady seems to have had mustard seed sized faith ( she was at least on the plane) I have about potato sized faith, and this gentleman has water melon sized faith …but we all arrive at the destination. Yet the journey was not the same for all of us.
The greater the faith we have , the more enjoyable the journey is ..so the water melon size faith that the other man has , does have the greater advantage and a much more pleasant journey.

This would make a good add for an airline company. But it has nothing to do with the kingdom of God. The kind of faith that Jesus is speaking of is His kind of faith...not a human faith or belief. Even the smallest amount of the faith OF Jesus puts us on God's radar...and makes everything possible.

But the control of men and the false doctrine that has been promoted in the churches has made that kind of precious faith even more rare. And this to the point that Jesus may not find any faith of that kind before His return. Such is the efficiency of the devil and his way of deceiving mankind. Man-made ideologies and dogmatisms based on a religious book report style perusal of the bible is what passes these days for doctrine. People HATE sound doctrine now. But there is no power in what men can do. Who is following God in Spirit and truth? Well that would be very unpopular.

The truth is too fantastical sounding for modern ears. What? The power to walk as Jesus walked? A resurrection life IN the perfected humanity of Christ? Unbelievable! But men walking on the moon? Totally believable, no problem. We are 21st century schizoids.o_O
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I never quite know where to post things!
"Debate" is a good venue, since everyone wants to debate everything.:cool:

When Jesus spoke about 'mustard seed" faith, what He was saying is the no Christian needs to have some kind of gigantic faith. Faith is simply believing and trusting God and Christ. That is similar to child-like faith, where little children simply believe and trust their parents.

However Christians need to understand that (1) there is saving faith, (2) there is the spiritual gift of faith (not the same), and (3) there is the spiritual fruit of faith (again not the same as the other two). And then there is the "measure of faith" given to each one in connection with their spiritual gifts.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
( I never quite know where to post things! :) )

We all know that ‘all we need’ is a mustard seed size of faith.
5,000 mustard seeds in one ounce!

Romans 12: 3 " ...think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.”

So, we all have The measure of faith that God has placed in every single person.

As we go through life it seems obvious that some have greater faith… the disciples wanted more than they had…for we read that they said to Jesus - “Lord increase our faith…”

I heard a good illustration …a man went on his first plane flight.
He was scared …next to him , near the window was a woman who clutched the armrests and sat rigidly full of fear …he thought to himself, 'I am fearful , but I’m not that bad ..the last seat was filled with a man who took his book of out his brief case and settled down comfortably to enjoy the journey .
When the plane landed safely …the man thought ..'we may have all had different levels of this journey ..but we all arrived at the destination same time!
The lady seems to have had mustard seed sized faith ( she was at least on the plane) I have about potato sized faith, and this gentleman has water melon sized faith …but we all arrive at the destination. Yet the journey was not the same for all of us.
The greater the faith we have , the more enjoyable the journey is ..so the water melon size faith that the other man has , does have the greater advantage and a much more pleasant journey.
Is it a 'pleasant' journey we're expecting?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
This would make a good add for an airline company. But it has nothing to do with the kingdom of God. The kind of faith that Jesus is speaking of is His kind of faith...not a human faith or belief. Even the smallest amount of the faith OF Jesus puts us on God's radar...and makes everything possible.

But the control of men and the false doctrine that has been promoted in the churches has made that kind of precious faith even more rare. And this to the point that Jesus may not find any faith of that kind before His return. Such is the efficiency of the devil and his way of deceiving mankind. Man-made ideologies and dogmatisms based on a religious book report style perusal of the bible is what passes these days for doctrine. People HATE sound doctrine now. But there is no power in what men can do. Who is following God in Spirit and truth? Well that would be very unpopular.

The truth is too fantastical sounding for modern ears. What? The power to walk as Jesus walked? A resurrection life IN the perfected humanity of Christ? Unbelievable! But men walking on the moon? Totally believable, no problem. We are 21st century schizoids.
IN that you teach "this kind of faith" to "walk as Jesus walked", keeping in mind what you actually mean by that, but just the same . . . seeing you teach that "this kind of faith" is given you by God, and is not your own, Then why do you castigate others for not, in your mind, having this faith?

You're saying . . . only God may give you this faith,


Shame on you for not having this faith.

This does seem a little schizoid!

However, if we understand that God has given us all we need for life And godliness, and that we already have the faith of Christ in us, and all we need do is trust that what Jesus did on the cross is Enough, that we don't add to it, or take from it, if we can get ahold of these things, we can find the harmony in these truths, that we can now in faith stand in His grace, the grace to live the life of Christ in me.

And then we can walk as He walked, and love as He loved, in harmony.

Much love!
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
However, if we understand that God has given us all we need for life And godliness, and that we already have the faith of Christ in us, and all we need do is trust that what Jesus did on the cross is Enough, that we don't add to it, or take from it, if we can get a hold of these things, we can find the harmony in these truths, that we can now in faith stand in His grace, the grace to live the life of Christ in me.

Did not God tell Abraham to walk in the earth that He would show him as recorded in Gen 12:1?

For Abraham, he had to decide to have faith in God to begin that walk. It took him possibly around 23 years, according to the Book of Jasher, for him to leave his kin and his father's household to begin his journey walking with God in His earth.

Did Abraham trust God in all things on his journey while walking in God's earth? No, he did not, and because he did not, he created problems for himself and his descendants right down to this present time where the Egyptians have hated the descendants of Eber because of what Abraham brought on them through his lie about his wife Sarah. The same is also true with the Philistines some 23 or so years later when he aske Sarah to lie about their relationship with each other.

God's request to Abraham was for him and his descendants after him to walk the length and width of the His earth, and if they did walk the length and width that He would give this earth to Abraham and his descendants.

This same request is God's expectation of "Christians," today. We have to chose to walk in His earth that He will show us. Yes we are in a better place to understand God's requirements a little better than the Jews of Christ's days. The earth that God required Abraham to walk in was God's Kingdom as we know it today. It is our choice to make as to whether or not we will walk in God's Heavenly Earth/Kingdom and it requires us to have faith in the Promises of God for all of Mankind that Chose to live within God's Kingdom. As we walk the length and width of God's Kingdom that is within us at this present time, God has also promised us that in our near future, that He will establish his Kingdom on the earth such that it is a visible entity for us to live in.

At present, as we walk in God's Kingdom within us, God grows us and our faith as we renew our minds and embrace the deeds that have been prepared for us to do to be a blessing to all of the people around us and that time of bless all of the people around us extends into the Millennium Age. As such we cannot expect to be miraculously whisked during the time of turmoil that is to come in our near future and then to miraculously return and to lord it over the people who remain after this time of turmoil on the earth.

God wants us to like servants, who will tend the fields, scatter the seeds, bring blessing to the ground and subsequently the seeds through our praise so that the ground is watered and the harvest becomes plentiful throughout the whole earth. These "works"/"deeds" must flow naturally out of our desire to only worship God. When God establishes His everlasting Kingdom here on the earth, He will crush the armies that oppose Him, grinding them into dust such that the wind will carry them away and the foundational rock that will come down from Heaven will become the highest mountain/Religion on the earth during the first 1,000 years of the Millennium.

After that time we that are alive at that time will be tested again and by our testimony of the Blood of Christ we will be able to overcome the evil intent of Satan and his willing workers. In the end their destiny is the Lake of Fire which is the second death for all who oppose God and His purposes.

As we walk in God's earth/kingdom we are to renew our minds and to put on the refurbished/renewed covering/bodies that God has prepared for us to become since the beginning of time.

God goes on our journey with us as we walk with Him through this life of ours and He empowers us as we grow in faith to be able to do mighty deeds in His Name.

God as He walks with us, draws us further into His purposes for this earth and our lives.


PS: - The meeting of Christ in the air will happen as God has told us, when Christ returns at the end of the Millennium Age, when those who are Christs will be gathered to Him to enter into God's renewed earth. As we walk with God/Christ, so we are tried and strengthened and grow in our faith even unto death. We will be refined as silver and gold are refined in the furnace of living God's life for us.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
( I never quite know where to post things! :) )

We all know that ‘all we need’ is a mustard seed size of faith.
5,000 mustard seeds in one ounce!

Romans 12: 3 " ...think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.”

So, we all have The measure of faith that God has placed in every single person.

As we go through life it seems obvious that some have greater faith… the disciples wanted more than they had…for we read that they said to Jesus - “Lord increase our faith…”

I heard a good illustration …a man went on his first plane flight.
He was scared …next to him , near the window was a woman who clutched the armrests and sat rigidly full of fear …he thought to himself, 'I am fearful , but I’m not that bad ..the last seat was filled with a man who took his book of out his brief case and settled down comfortably to enjoy the journey .
When the plane landed safely …the man thought ..'we may have all had different levels of this journey ..but we all arrived at the destination same time!
The lady seems to have had mustard seed sized faith ( she was at least on the plane) I have about potato sized faith, and this gentleman has water melon sized faith …but we all arrive at the destination. Yet the journey was not the same for all of us.
The greater the faith we have , the more enjoyable the journey is ..so the water melon size faith that the other man has , does have the greater advantage and a much more pleasant journey.

Nice @Helen...did not see this until just now :rolleyes: Isn't it funny how such a small amount of faith can be strengthened and grown just like a muscle...if we do not use our faith to believe what God has to say, and to live it...it will just be stagnant...mine is about an orange in my own estimation yet...His peace is always with me and, the mustard seed is growing more and more :)
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