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  • I know you said you were booted off carm.org, but the site is being reconstructed and I think you can safely re-register like I just did. The site has attracted better educated fundamentalists. but more Catholics are needed to address anti-Catholic ignorance and bigotry. Let me know if and when you rejoin and I will start relevant threads and join in discussions of Catholic distinctives.
    CARM is being re-constructed? Does that mean Matt Slick and his minions won't delete Catholic posts that embarrass them???
    hey BoL, went to an "Antiochian Orthodox" congregation today...did you know that Roman Catholic is a splinter group? narf, huh?
    Actually - the East/West split is not about "splinters" - if you know your history. which you obviously don't.
    BoL: "Actually - the East/West split is not about "splinters"" not sure why i can see this in your recents but not here? Im on an ipad, they do weird things here
    anyway, tomato~tomatoe prolly, but looks to me like you prolly deleted that for a good reason lol!
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