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Ronald Nolette
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  • Hope you had a good time last week! We're headed to Myrtle Beach next Sunday.
    Ronald Nolette
    Ronald Nolette
    You will be in my neighborhood! I live in Little River which is just 20 miles north of Myrtle Beach. Would be great to get together and have a cup of coffee or something.
    That would be nice! I'll see if the wife can see her way to turn me loose or come along. Even if I can't manage it, the offer is more than kind. :D
    Hi @Ronald Nolette Interesting that 1 Cor. 10.32 speaks of 3 different groups: Jews, Gentiles and the church of God.
    Ronald Nolette
    Ronald Nolette
    Yes and how the allegorists get around that is a mystery!
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    Reactions: farouk
    Often it's not a case of trying to theorize and wax lyrical with hidden allusions, etc., but rather a case of just acknowledging what's directly on the line... :)
    Ronald Nolette
    Ronald Nolette
    yeah its a whole lot easier just to take God at His word!
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    Reactions: farouk
    @Ronald Nolette Good to know you are continuing to make progress. That family picture there of the grandchildren is so warm and touching; though I expect now they have grown taller!
    Ronald Nolette
    Ronald Nolette
    Absolutely! Before I had my heart surgery, I had a chancer to travel to see all 9 of my grandkids and all six of my kids (two live nearby.
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    Reactions: farouk
    The teen fashions come inexorably on those who seem so recently to have been little children...What a privilege to engage in the ministry of prayer for family members, right? :)
    Hi, Sir; good to see you back; I heard you had surgery; hoping you will be blessed and encouraged in the Scriptures as you get back your strength.
    What a great avatar photo there! :) I'm sure there's an invisible wall of protecting fire around them as intercession for them ascends to the Father...
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