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  • Cant pm you mate - I didn't want to embarrass you or me in your thread about making a stand. Sorry.
    There's nothing wrong with my PM. Say what you got to say here.
    No, there is literally no option to PM you with - have you set it to private/silent or something?
    I have not done anything to it, nor can I find any place that shows to set it to private/silent, etc. I've checked. The administrators control those features.
    we're getting off topic on that thread I cannot pm you so... but could you please summarize what you were talking about
    my memory is not working well even though I'm still young compare to most of the active users
    A few of us former Calvinists on CARM ( largest online forum ) are tired of the censorship we are receiving there and decided to start a forum . I would love to have your participation there if you feel led brother !

    Home | Berean-Apologetics
    We'll see. You of course realize I'm not a Calvinist? And I don't agree with ideas of a Dual-Gospel that use the Berean label for their movement. So would I truly be welcome?
    Nor am I a Calvinist. Nor do I agree with the Berean organization that pushes a dual-Gospel idea from Hyper-Dispensationalism based on Darby's, from men like C.R. Stam, et al. There's only one Gospel of Jesus Christ per God's Word, and that's what I agree to.
    You believe in post trib rapture...so the scorpion attack is against all...except the 144k Jews who have been sealed.
    Does that make sense for God to get flying scorpions to attack his own ppl?
    You didn't read Revelation 9 close enough. It says the scorpions are only allowed to sting those NOT sealed with God's seal. And per Revelation 7, it's not just the 144,000 that are sealed with God's seal. The "great multitude" is sealed also.
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