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  • They are hidden….if you tap the three dots on the the third lot of options in the task bar, it will take you to the emojis. :Happy::I know::Oh no:hmmx1::pfite::jest::watching and waiting::Thumbsup::crossword:coffee::dusted::Ohpleze::Agreed::My2c::hmhehm:no reply::goodj::Zzzzz::waves::ummm:

    There are some good ones….
    Looking forward to “the REAL life.”
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    Reactions: MatthewG
    What is the REAL life, Thehc? :)
    Hey @MatthewG , sorry I missed your post….
    “The real life” is mentioned at 1 Timothy 6:19.
    From what I’ve been taught, the real life results from having a good relationship with our Creator, Jehovah; only possible by our faith in & obedience to His Son, Jesus. - John 15:14,17; John 13:34,35
    Take care, my cousin.
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