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  1. Behold

    Imputed Righteousness.

    Only God can provide you with Righteousness, as Righteousness only comes from God Himself. Adam had it, and lost it. We start without it and God gives it to us when we Take His SON as our FAITH. See that? WELCOME TO SALVATION. This Righteousness that is imputed to us, that we BECOME..... was...
  2. Behold

    Rest in God's Salvation

    - Reader, are you born again? THEN... IF you are a good disciple or if you are not a good disciple you are still and always a disciple, because being BORN AGAIN is not caused by your good behavior, nor is it ended by your bad behavior. Salvation is a GIFT from God. = never earned and never...
  3. Behold

    How did sin enter the world ?

    SIN" didnt enter the world or the human race by Satan. Most think it did. But it didn't. Lucifer now Satan entered the world, however, sin didnt.......yet. So, where did sin enter? Sin entered the world by MAN........ Isnt that interesting? As most think of sin and the devil as being...
  4. Behold

    God the Savior : is Jesus the Lord. (more on the Trinity)

    Here is another way to understand the : Trinity. Genesis says.. 'Let US create man, in OUR image".. So, >Us and OUR<, can't be singular, no matter what devil led scholarship tells you otherwise. So, when you read where Jesus said....>"when you've seen me, you've seen the Father", and "I and...
  5. Behold

    Having God's eyes : is the KEY

    = When a person is born again, they enter eternal spiritual union with Christ, and they become dead to the law, for Christ is the end of the law to/for everyone who is born again. Are you born again and not just water baptized and religious? Then im talking to you. The born again become dead...
  6. Behold

    Being set : FREE

    - So many... literally millions upon millions of born again Believers, try to stop sinning and it gets WORSE. The harder they try to stop the worse it gets. The more they strive to be good, the more they think about sinning. The more they try to not commit that same sin again, the more they...
  7. Behold

    Getting out of the : "sin confessing and repenting" trap.

    - If you are sinning and confessing and repenting for years, and especially if you have been doing this since you were saved 15-40 yrs ago, then you are in a carnal mess and don't understand what is happening and has happened to you. So, i'll show you, and you can get out of that "flesh...
  8. Behold

    How to deny the Cross

    - I was just reading where a member recently posted that "theology is the devil's handbook", and it inspired me to talk about that a bit. I'll keep it short. A Cross denier is someone who does not believe that the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, keeps you saved. They will deny that...
  9. Behold

    Christ..........or self. ?

    - Lets find out if you are trusting in Christ or trusting in self, falsely believing you are trusting in Christ. Listen... God said...... If you take Jesus, I'll take you. That's the Gospel. Now....The technical part, the theology of it all, can sometimes get in the way of the simple truth...
  10. Behold

    "leaving the Faith", while you are born again.

    - "leaving the faith"... is not losing Salvation, as if you gave God your faith, one time, then God gave you His Salvation, that is eternal. And God now has the responsibility of your Salvation... To complete it. Philippians 1:6 Salvation predestines you to be conformed into the image of...
  11. Behold

    The Shepherd and the little boy

    - And it came to pass in the late spring of a certain year in Israel that a very young shepherd boy was looking for a lost sheep that had become separated from his family's flock. And while searching near the base of Mt Tabor near lower Galilee, he found a Holy Man kneeling and praying alone...
  12. Behold

    How to become : Bewitched.

    - Here is how a born again believer becomes : '"""bewitched."""" Here is the verse.. Paul teaching..... Galatians 3:3 ""How foolish can you be? After starting your new lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?"""" """"How can you be so stupid...
  13. Behold

    The Righteousness you have become.

    - If you have gone to the Cross, trusting in Christ TO = forgive your sin and give you Salvation..."Save you",,,, Then God accepted your faith the day you BELIEVED, and He did something that is really beyond description for you. I can use the NT language, the semantics, and explain it...
  14. Behold

    The Mind of Correct Discipleship

    - Being "in Christ" : is to be "One with God and Christ", which is to be born again INTO God's Spirit by God's Holy Spirit. Now, in that Spiritual place is the Kingdom of God found where all the born again exist. And in that Spirituality we find "the mind of Christ" as our proper mind that we...
  15. Behold

    How to never "depart" from God

    - Reader, To show you how to never depart from God... I first have to lay the theological groundwork for you, so that you can see what a certain verse is actually teaching. "depart from me i never KNEW You". Here we go... 1.) To be in Christ, is to >have become< the Bride of Christ...
  16. Behold

    Discipleship : Arrival

    - Let me show you where your discipleship is supposed to ARRIVE. Paul Teaching.. 1.) "As many as be perfect"...(in UNDERSTANDING) See that? That is the arrival place. 2.)"the fullness of the stature of Christ"..... See that, that is the arrival place. 3.) "Having the same mind"....... =...
  17. Behold

    The Devil's Ministers

    - What heretic's call "easy believism" is the devil's invention. Understand.....its the devil who is the author of self righteousness and self saving theology, or "a false gospel". Its the devil who blinds the mind and creates an alternative to Grace = as "logical". Heretics read the bible...
  18. Behold

    Religious Jews vs Jesus

    - Here is why the Jews dont believe in Jesus as Their Messiah 1.) "for they stumbled at the Stumbling Stone". 2.) "having a form of godliness, but rejecting the POWER< thereof". 3.) "and going about to establish their OWN Righteousness" they have not submitted to the Righteousness of God"...
  19. Behold

    Salvation : God's ETERNAL Responsibility.

    - Reader, Whose responsibility is it.....to save you, keep you saved, and get you to heaven? Whose? A.) Its not yours. Its not your responsibility. How do you know? Its because there is noting you can do to pay for your sin, save yourself, or to cause yourself to go to heaven. So, if you...
  20. Behold

    My Brother's Testimony : #2

    - I hope you were able to read the short story i wrote regarding my older Brother, William..... in a similar Thread. As i stated in that previous Thread, He was a wild cat. He was into the world and chased it pedal to the metal, full throttle. He was a classic Hedonist. He loved Lust...