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  1. Rapture and End Times

    Going Up: The Time is Near!

    Is the Tribulation near? A review of the latest world news is alarming. What is our hope as Christians? What is the timing of the Rapture? Let's explore the pretribulational view. Going Up: The Time is Near!
  2. G

    Could Jesus, be left behind? (faith?)

    Hi there, So, listen, I will be upfront with you, my faith has wavered a lot and I still have a taste for the controversial, and sometimes I dream something up, that I think I know that it will get a reaction. Here's something like that: I really don't know what to say up front, I would prefer...
  3. Rapture and End Times

    The Great Dying and the Three Raptures

    There will be three Raptures. After the first Rapture, the Lord removes His protection that has safeguarded the world from the worst of calamities. Then, the Cosmos takes it’s natural course. Very shortly, the entire world will go through the Great Dying. The Great Dying and the Three Raptures
  4. G

    After the Rapture, comes revival of the Rapture (think?)

    Hi there, So I feel like this is a simple point to make, but perhaps there is more to it: after the Rapture, comes revivals of the Rapture. This is something even a child (who has come to maturity) could understand. The purpose of the Rapture is not to come and go and never come again. Rather...
  5. G

    The anti-Christ will be beguiled, by the Devil's guilt: that he (the Devil) has no further accusation, for those who take the mark - it can't be true!

    Hi there, So just to be clear, there is almost no time left. The world awaits the coming of the anti-Christ. The Devil is ready to feign worship of the anti-Christ. But there is a problem: no matter how much the Devil worships the anti-Christ, there is no way for him (the Devil) to stop...
  6. Rapture and End Times

    Islamic AI: Enforcing the Mark of the Beast

    Generative Artificial Intelligence is poised to be the next great gift to authoritarians. AI is one of the greatest risks to the future of civilization. It will be used by the Beasts' system to deceive and control the masses during the Tribulation period. Islamic AI: Enforcing the Mark of the Beast
  7. G

    You guys have to start praying for two things: the rapture of the faith (that it be great) and deliverance from the tribulation (that it not spread)

    Hi there, So I am concerned for lost souls here; there are two types of soul: believing and earthly. For each of these there is a destiny, the believing soul heads to Heaven and the earthly soul tries to stand on Earth. Neither of these things is right or wrong, but as the Lord wills, so is...
  8. Behold

    Biden : re-defines marriage.

    (USA) - Public Law No: 117-228 (12/13/2022) Respect for Marriage Act """"This act provides statutory authority for same-sex and interracial marriages. Specifically, the act replaces provisions that define, for purposes of federal law, marriage as between a man and a woman and spouse as a...
  9. G

    Pray for those facing the guillotine (in Israel), assuredly you will have your reward.

    Hi there, So this is just being mindful of the End. The body of Christ in Israel, needs your prayer: the guillotine is coming (still decades away now, but it will come quick) and the peace that surpasses all understanding should be everyone's. We need to pray that peace will come, at the...
  10. G

    Prayer concerning the death of the flesh (the flesh is divided, between the rapture and the tribulation)

    Hi there! So I have lately come to be very vexed by the falling away of dead flesh (in the world). The world has moved away from God and its flesh has started to die, and we need someone like the Holy Spirit to stand in the breach, in some way. I am not sure what such a person would have to do...
  11. G

    Lucifer got out of the pit, by allowing intrigue at the cross to flourish (last millenium); Beelzebub also gets out. Discuss.

    Hi there, So the pattern in Revelation, is a window of time, for all time. Specifically regarding Satan, it points to his being chained and then let out for a season. What the Holy Spirit is able to make clear is that, at various times, other evil entities have also had their time in the pit...
  12. G

    The tribulation is overcome, when Christian conduct yields to God (foreshortening the days). Discuss.

    Hi there, EDIT: SUMMARY, The three gifts of the Holy Spirit on Earth - hardiness, character, patience - come from trust, prayer, waiting. These three things deliver from tribulation on Earth. So caveat: I am not sure this is in the right forum. What I want to discuss, is how we approach the...
  13. Rapture and End Times

    Breaking News: The Day of the Lord

    The “day of the Lord” usually identifies events that take place at the end of history. It is a reference to a period of judgment called the 7 year Tribulation. The midway point is called the Great Tribulation. Are we close to the start of that day now? Breaking News: The Day of the Lord
  14. G

    Pray for the elect, the fold of Israel and the faith throughout the Earth (peace)

    Hi there, So there are three things we need to pray for, as we head into the tribulation: the elect (both in Heaven and in Hell), the fold of Israel (particularly "word" for Israel) and faith throughout the Earth (that the world might be saved). The Lord is coming quickly, we must be ready. If...
  15. G

    You regret that you sinned, now get angry; you identify that learning from your sin was bad teaching, now get bitter (selah)

    Hi there, So something that has helped me tremendously in my walk with Christ, has been identifying where I need to do an about face. An about face is where you acknowledge that you have been heading in the wrong direction (down the wide road to destruction), and you hold still and turn around...
  16. G

    The Devil will be tempted, with the mark (of the anti-Christ) - but if we resist him, he will not receive it

    Hi there, So this is just a short message about the power of resisting the Devil: though he is tempted with the mark (of the anti-Christ), yet if we resist him (to the end) he will not take it. This is why it is important that those who are chosen, take a stand against the mark (of the...
  17. G

    Can God not save souls, before, during and after the Tribulation?

    Hi there! Just a simple thought for you: can God not save souls, before, during and after the Tribulation? My reasoning is simple, God did not create Creation, just to destroy it (but to transition it, from unbelief to faith); therefore, there will be times when Creation experiences...
  18. Rapture and End Times

    The Year 2030: Utopia or Urban Nightmare?

    What will the world look like in 2030? Will technology free the human race and solve the age-old problems of the world? Or will it lead to chaos and misery? Utopia or Urban Nightmare – what’s it going to be? The Year 2030: Utopia or Urban Nightmare?
  19. Rapture and End Times

    The Year 2030: Utopia or Urban Nightmare?

    What will the world look like in 2030? Will technology free the human race and solve the age-old problems of the world? Or will it lead to chaos and misery? Utopia or Urban Nightmare – what’s it going to be? The Year 2030: Utopia or Urban Nightmare?
  20. Rapture and End Times

    Rapture 2022: Shine like Stars

    The wise children of God are compared to stars, shining against the blackness of evil. They shine so bright because they resist the unrighteousness of “a crooked and perverted generation”. Are we in that generation now? Rapture 2022: Shine like Stars